This project is based on the pinInterrupt sample application in the TI-RTOS installer.

File import

In order to have the training as non-destructive as possible, most files are imported to the workspace, that is, copied from a location on disk to wherever the Code Composer Studio workspace directory is.

This means that if you change a source file, the changes to the file will not be reflected in the directory the SimpleLink Academy files are installed in, but the directory you select as workspace directory when Code Composer Studio starts up.

File Description
Board.c Peripheral module objects and initial PIN configuration
Board.h PIN and other RTOS drivers' friendly name assignment
lab1-main.c Main application, starting point for lab assignment
lab1-main-solution.c Solution for the assignment.
flash_debug.cfg TI-RTOS configuration file, some debug options enabled.

Note that when the TI-RTOS configuration file is in the workspace, the generated output from XDC-tools (TI-RTOS kernel configration etc) will also be placed in the workspace.

Note also that other files in the projects are linked from the file system directly. These have the following icon with a tiny arrow:

Any changes done to these files are reflected in all projects that use these files.