Docker Setup for ROS 2

In the ROS 2 Docker images both for TDA4 and Ubuntu PC, following two popular DDS implementations are installed:

  • eProsima Fast DDS (default DDS for ROS 2 Foxy)

  • Eclipse Cyclone DDS (additionally installed)

To make the out-of-box demos run smooth, the following DDS selection are made in the ROS 2 Docker containers by default on each platform.

Platform DDS Choice Note
TDA4 target Eclipse Cyclone DDS Provides better performance, especially with "rosbag play"
Visualization PC eProsima Fast DDS Provides better Ctrl+C response

By setting an environment variable RMW_IMPLEMENTATION you can switch the DDS implementation in each launch session. For example,

To use eProsima Fast DDS,

RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp ros2 ...

To use Eclipse Cyclone DDS,

RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp ros2 ...

1. Set Up Docker Environment on the TDA4

In ROS 2 Docker container environment, ROS Foxy and necessary libraries and tools are installed.

  1. To generate the scripts for building and running a Docker image for ROS 2 Foxy:

    root@tda4vm-sk:~/j7ros_home$ make scripts ROS_VER=2

    Please make sure that two bash scripts, and, are generated.

  2. To build the Docker image:

    root@tda4vm-sk:~/j7ros_home$ ./

    This step will take several minutes depending on the network speed, and once “docker build” is completed, you can check the resulting Docker image with docker images.

  3. To start/run the Docker container:

    root@tda4vm-sk:~/j7ros_home$ ./

    It is important to use script to start a Docker container, since the script includes all the necessary settings to leverage all the cores and hardware accelerators of the TDA4 device.

  4. To build the ROS applications, inside the Docker container:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ colcon build --base-paths /opt/robotics_sdk/ros2 --executor sequential
    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ source install/setup.bash
  5. The ROSBAG data downloaded is in ROS 1 specific format and the format and storage mechanism has changed in ROS 2. For converting the ROS 1 bag data to ROS 2 format, use rosbags-convert <ros1_bag_name.bag>. This will create a directory <ros_bag_name> and contains the data under this directory. To convert the downloaded ROSBAG file, run the following inside the ROS 2 Docker container.

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home$ rosbags-convert $WORK_DIR/data/ros_bag/zed1_2020-11-09-18-01-08.bag

2. Set Up Docker Environment on the Remote PC for Visualization

You can choose any folder, but script sets up ${HOME}/j7ros_home as the working directory.

  1. To generate bash scripts for building and running a Docker image for ROS 2 Foxy:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home$ make scripts ROS_VER=2

    If the Ubuntu PC uses a Nvidia GPU driver, please add one more argument GPUS=y:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home$ make scripts ROS_VER=2 GPUS=y

    Make sure that two bash scripts, and, are generated.

  2. To build the ROS 2 Docker image:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home$ ./

    It will take several minutes to build the Docker image. The Docker image built can be listed with docker images.

  3. Run the ROS 2 Docker container:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home$ ./
  4. Build the ROS nodes for visualization:

    root@pc-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ colcon build --base-paths src/robotics_sdk/ros2
    root@pc-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ source install/setup.bash

3. Run Demo Applications

Table below summarizes the launch commands that you can use in the Docker container for each demo, on the TDA4/J7, and on the remote visualization PC. For more details, see the following subsections.

Demo (Input Source) Launch command on TDA4 Launch command on Remote Visualization PC
Stereo Vision (ZED camera) ros2 launch ti_sde ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes
Stereo Vision with point-cloud (ZED camera) ros2 launch ti_sde ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes
Semantic Segmentation CNN (ZED camera) ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes
Semantic Segmentation CNN (Mono camera) ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn same as above
Object Detection CNN (ZED camera) ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes
Object Detection CNN (Mono camera) ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn same as above
3D Obstacle Detection (ZED camera) ros2 launch ti_estop ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes

Running Demos with ROSBAG

It is recommended to launch demos in two terminals on the TDA4 target, and launch ros2 bag play in a separate terminal as shown in the following table.

Demo ROSBAG launch command on TDA4 (Terminal 1) Demo launch command on TDA4 (Terminal 2) Launch command on Remote Visualization PC
Stereo Vision ros2 launch ti_sde ros2 launch ti_sde ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes
Stereo Vision with point-cloud ros2 launch ti_sde ros2 launch ti_sde ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes
Semantic Segmentation CNN ros2 launch ti_sde ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes
Object Detection CNN ros2 launch ti_sde ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes
3D Obstacle Detection ros2 launch ti_sde ros2 launch ti_estop ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes

You can use TMUX inside the ROS Docker container to split the current terminal window into multiple panes. Below are some of useful basic keys in using TMUX. Full list of keys can be found, e.g., in this link.

  • tmux: start a tmux session

  • Ctrl + b, followed by ": split pane vertically

  • Ctrl + b, followed by or : switch to pane to the direction

  • Ctrl + b, followed by x: close the current pane

In the following, [TDA4] and [PC] indicate where the step(s) should be launched: either on the TDA4 target, or on the PC.

3.1. Run Stereo Vision Application

  1. [TDA4] To launch ti_sde node with a ZED stereo camera, run the following launch command inside the ROS 2 container:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_sde

    Alternatively, you can run the following directly on the TDA4 host Linux:

    root@tda4vm-sk:~/j7ros_home$ ./ ros2 launch ti_sde
  2. [PC] For visualization, in the ROS 2 container on the PC:

    root@pc-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes

3.2. Run Stereo Vision Application with Point-Cloud Enabled

  1. [TDA4] To launch ti_sde node with point-cloud enabled on a ZED camera, run the following launch command inside the ROS 2 container:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_sde

    Alternatively, you can run the following directly on the TDA4 host Linux:

    root@tda4vm-sk:~/j7ros_home$ ./ ros2 launch ti_sde
  2. [PC] For visualization, in the ROS 2 container on the PC:

    root@pc-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes

3.3. Run Semantic Segmentation CNN Application

  1. [TDA4] To launch semantic segmentation demo with a ZED stereo camera, run the following launch command inside the ROS 2 container:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn

    Alternatively, you can run the following directly on the TDA4 host Linux:

    root@tda4vm-sk:~/j7ros_home$ ./ ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn

    To process the image stream from a USB mono camera, replace the launch file with in the above.

  2. [PC] For visualization, in the ROS 2 container on the PC:

    root@pc-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes

3.4. Run Object Detection CNN Application

  1. [TDA4] To launch object detection demo with a ZED stereo camera, run the following launch command inside the ROS 2 container:

    root@tda4vm-sk:~/j7ros_home$ ./ ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn

    Alternatively, you can run the following directly on the TDA4 host Linux:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_vision_cnn

    To process the image stream from a USB mono camera, replace the launch file with in the above.

  2. [PC] For visualization, in the ROS 2 container on the PC:

    root@pc-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes

3.5. Run 3D Obstacle Detection Application

  1. [TDA4] To launch ti_estop node with a ZED stereo camera, run the following launch command inside the ROS 2 container:

    root@tda4vm-sk:~/j7ros_home$ ./ ros2 launch ti_estop

    Alternatively, you can run the following directly on the TDA4 host Linux:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_estop
  2. [PC] For visualization, in the ROS 2 container on the PC:

    root@pc-docker:~/j7ros_home/ros_ws$ ros2 launch ti_viz_nodes