USB Mono Camera ROS Node

This is a camera ROS node for USB mono cameras (Webcam), based on OpenCV VideoCapture API. The ROS node publishes raw image and its camera_info.

NOTE: This ROS node currently is tested only with Logitech C920 and C270 webcams in ‘YUYV’ (YUYV 4:2:2) mode. ‘MJPG’ (Motion-JPEG) mode is not yet enabled and tested. To use the camera in ‘MJPG’ mode, it is recommended to use ‘gscam’/’gscam2’ ROS package instead.


  1. Camera Calibration: A Python tool for camera calibration is provided: scripts/ This calibration tool takes a set of checkerboard images captured with the target USB camera, and generates camera_info.yaml. Example calibration images are provided. While setting up the Docker environment, the calibration images are downloaded under $HOME/j7ros_home/data/calib_images. Below is the usage of the camera calibration tool, and for examples, please see scripts/

    usage: [-h] [-p PATH] [-e EXT] [-r PTS_ROWS] [-c PTS_COLUMNS] [-s SQUARE_SIZE] [-v VISUALIZE] [-f SCALING_FACTOR] [-o OUT_FNAME] [-n CAMERA_NAME]
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -p PATH, --path PATH  Path to the directory storing images for calibration
    -e EXT, --ext EXT     Extension of the files
    -r PTS_ROWS, --pts_rows PTS_ROWS
                            Number of inner corners per row
    -c PTS_COLUMNS, --pts_columns PTS_COLUMNS
                            Number of inner corners per column
    -s SQUARE_SIZE, --square_size SQUARE_SIZE
                            Size of a square (the edge, by mm) of the checker board
    -v VISUALIZE, --visualize VISUALIZE
                            Visualize the checker board or not
    -f SCALING_FACTOR, --scaling_factor SCALING_FACTOR
                            scaling factor after reading images
    -o OUT_FNAME, --out_fname OUT_FNAME
                            Path to the output file to store result (in YAML format)
    -n CAMERA_NAME, --camera_name CAMERA_NAME
                            Camera name
  2. Rectification Map Generation: A Python tool for generating rectification map is provided: scripts/ This tool takes the camera_info YAML file, and generates a binary file for undistortion & rectification look-up-table (LUT) which is required in offloading the undistortion/rectification on J7 VPAC/LDC hardware accelerator. Below is the usage of the tool, and for examples, please see scripts/

    usage: [-h] [--input INPUT] [--name NAME]
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                            YAML file name for camera_info. The file should be stored under ../config folder
    --name NAME, -n NAME  Camera name
  3. Build the USB mono camera ROS node

    cd $ROS_WS
    # ROS1
    catkin_make --source /opt/robotics_sdk/ros1
    source devel/setup.bash
    # ROS2
    colcon build --base-paths /opt/robotics_sdk/ros2
    source install/setup.bash
  4. Launch the mono camera node

    # ROS1
    roslaunch mono_capture mono_capture.launch
    # ROS2
    ros2 launch mono_capture

Launch File Parameters

Parameter Description Value
model_str Camera model string string
device_name camera device name. Typically /dev/video1 on the target with TI Edge AI string
camera_mode Camera mode 'FHD' (1920x1080)
_ _ 'HD' (1280x720)
_ _ 'VGA' (640x480)
frame_rate Frame rate at which raw images are published int
encoding image encoding 'yuv422' (default) or 'bgr8'
topic_ns topic namespace 'camera' (default)

NOTE: When encoding is set to ‘yuv422’, the pixel format YUV422::YUYV from the webcam is converted to YUV422::UYVY format considering the compatibility with LDC hardware accelerator.