Product Release Notes

Table of Contents


This is the release notes for MCUSW_J7_10.01.00 release, produced on 2024-11-18.

The MCUSW package consists of MCAL Driver & Demos/Applications for J721E/J7200/J721S2/J784S4/J742S2 family of devices. The MCAL modules are compliant to AUTOSAR specification versioned 4.3.1 .


Refer to Processor SDK Automotive manifest at top level and MCUSW Manifest for MCUSW Manifest.

Getting Started

The MCUSW User Guide provides the documentation and references necessary to begin development on TI’s platforms using MCUSW.

Note : This release does not update CSP for MCAL package. CSP was updated for safety release and it's packaged as part of Configurator. Refer to Dependencies section below


  1. MCUSW User Guide:
  2. This document details Supported driver, Installation, Dependencies, Build instructions, Steps to run example applications, Module Specific User Guides, API Guide, Test Reports, Design Document and others.

    MCUSW User Guide Top

  3. MCUSW Configurator User Guide:
  4. Refer this before attempting to reconfigure MCAL modules. This include steps to Install Configurator (EB), Configurator Licensing, Generation of MCAL Configurations and others.

    MCUSW Configurator User Guide


NOT Included in MCUSW Package:

MCUSW MCAL Configurator lists the steps required to get access to Configurator.

Configurator package name is MCUSW_10_01_00_03_CONFIG-windows-installer.exe, and contains following items:

  1. MCAL Configurator Plugins (${EB_INSTALL_DIR}/mcal_drv/mcal_config)
  2. MCAL Compliance Support Package with Safety Collateral. Please note: MCUSW_J7_03.00.00 Release (SDK8.6) is Safety Certified.

What’s New

New features supported in this release:

  1. Several Fixed Defects.
  2. Flash specific configuration is moved to EB Tresos. Please refer MCAL FLS user guide for more details


IMPORTANT NOTE: User should ensure to use below modules version for MCUSW_J7_10.01.00 release. User should take care to not mis-match or mix-and-match the versions with various MCUSW releases. Bundle Version of all plugins is 10.1.0.

Module Previous Module Verson Current Module Version Remarks
ADC 9.1.0 9.1.0 None
CAN 10.0.0 10.0.0 None
CDD IPC 11.0.0 11.0.0 None
DIO 10.1.0 10.1.0 None
GPT 9.0.1 9.0.1 None
ICU 9.0.1 9.0.1 None
PWM/EPWM 10.0.0 10.0.0 None
MCU 10.0.0 10.0.0 None
SPI 9.0.1 9.0.1 None
FLS 10.1.0 11.0.0 Plugins restructured. Refer to Fls User Guide
WDG 9.1.0 9.1.0 None
ETH 10.0.0 10.1.0 Bug fixes and cache related performance improvements.
Refer to Fixed Defects
ETH TRCV 10.0.0 10.1.0 Minor version Update
OS 9.0.1 9.0.1 None
EcuM 9.0.0 9.0.0 None
DEM 9.0.0 9.0.0 None

Device Support

Supported SoCs: J721E & J721S2 & J7200 & J784S4 & J742S2


This release was built and validated using the following tools.

Build Tools (included in Processor SDK)

  1. ti-cgt-armllvm_3.2.2.LTS

Fixed Defects

ID Summary
MCAL-12660 PWM Example: Proper PIN information not known to probe for generated waves.
MCAL-24141 CAN PROFILE APP : Hang is observed while running on j7200 mcu2_1 core
MCAL-25215 CAN App and CAN profile App are not transmitting data as expected in J784S4
MCAL-24649 Dem Error STD_ON/OFF should be added in all template
MCAL-24799 Deviation from expected values in GPT Example application.
MCAL-25369 ADC init() overwriting the default register value of ADC_STEPCONFIG_j register
MCAL-25826 Redefinition of macros sector size,page size etc ... in MCAL FLS driver
MCAL-25830 SPI logging feature not usable with Vector Microsar OS
MCAL-25978 ETH: Checksum not computed even though offload enabled on J784s4 for Virtual MAC driver
MCAL-12893 MCAL CSL_armR5CacheWb API not updated based on PDK-12218
MCAL-25927 Eth: CddIpc recommended configuration outdated or missing

Open Defects

ID Summary
MCAL-25321 SPI failing in interrupt + dma mode
MCAL-22591 CDD IPC: TI generated code + assembler results in crash

Known Limitations

Module Remarks Workaround
CDD IPC CDD IPC Profile App not supported in this release User should use CDD IPC App for reference.


For technical support and additional assistance, visit E2E or contact local TI Field Application Engineer.