Adc_Cfg.h File Reference


This file contains generated pre compile configuration file for ADC MCAL driver.

Go to the source code of this file.


 ADC Build Variant. Build variants.(i.e Pre Compile,Post Build) More...
 Pre Compile config macro name. More...
 Enable/disable ADC group log. More...
#define ADC_MAX_GROUP_LOG   (100U)
 Maximum group log entries when logging is ON. More...
 Enable/disable ADC FIFO error log. More...
#define ADC_MAX_FIFO_ERR_LOG   (100U)
 Maximum FIFO error log entries when logging is ON. More...
 Enable/disable ADC get version info API. More...
 Read group API. More...
 Enable/disable ADC enable/disable group notify API. More...
 Enable/disable ADC start/stop group notify API. More...
 Enable/disable ADC deinit API. More...
 Enable/disable Internal Diagnostic Debug Mode API. More...
 Determines whether a priority mechanism is available for prioritization of the conversion requests and if available, the type of prioritization mechanism. More...
 Determines, if the queuing mechanism is active in case of priority mechanism disabled. More...
 Alignment of ADC raw results in ADC result buffer (left/right alignment) More...
#define ADC_MAX_GROUP   ((uint8)2U)
 Maximum group across all hwunit. More...
#define ADC_MAX_HW_UNIT   ((uint8)2U)
 Maximum HW unit - This should match the sum for the below units ISR which are ON. More...
#define ADC_INSTANCE_0
#define ADC_INSTANCE_1
 ISR type. More...
#define ADC_OS_COUNTER_ID   ((CounterType)0U)
 Counter ID for counter used to count wait ticks. More...
#define ADC_TIMEOUT_DURATION   (15000U)
 ADC timeout - used in ADC AFE busy wait and FSM busy wait. More...
 Enable/disable ADC register read back API. More...
 Enable/disable ADC differential input support. More...
Adc Group Id names

Defines for symbolic names for the AdcGroupId

#define AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_0_AdcGroup_AdcGroup_0   (0U)
#define ADC_GROUP_ID_0   AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_0_AdcGroup_AdcGroup_0
#define AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_1_AdcGroup_AdcGroup_0   (1U)
#define ADC_GROUP_ID_1   AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_1_AdcGroup_AdcGroup_0
Adc Hw Unit Id names

Defines for symbolic names for the AdcHwUnitId

#define AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_0   (ADC_UNIT_0)
#define ADC_HW_UNIT_ID_0   AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_0
#define AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_1   (ADC_UNIT_1)
#define ADC_HW_UNIT_ID_1   AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_1
Adc Group Channel Id names

Defines for symbolic names for the Adc Group Channel Id

#define AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_0_AdcGroup_AdcGroup_0_AdcChannel_AdcChannel_0   (0U)
 Channel Ids for each group. More...
#define ADC_HW_UNIT_ID_ADCHWUNIT_0_GROUP_ID_CHANNEL_ID_ADCCHANNEL_0   AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_0_AdcGroup_AdcGroup_0_AdcChannel_AdcChannel_0
#define AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_1_AdcGroup_AdcGroup_0_AdcChannel_AdcChannel_0   (0U)
#define ADC_HW_UNIT_ID_ADCHWUNIT_1_GROUP_ID_CHANNEL_ID_ADCCHANNEL_0   AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_1_AdcGroup_AdcGroup_0_AdcChannel_AdcChannel_0
Adc Channel Id names

Defines for symbolic names for the Adc Channel Id

#define AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_0_AdcChannel_AdcChannel_0   (0U)
 Channel Ids for all channels. More...
#define ADC_HW_UNIT_ID_ADCHWUNIT_0_CHANNEL_ID_ADCCHANNEL_0   AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_0_AdcChannel_AdcChannel_0
#define AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_1_AdcChannel_AdcChannel_0   (0U)
#define ADC_HW_UNIT_ID_ADCHWUNIT_1_CHANNEL_ID_ADCCHANNEL_0   AdcConf_AdcHwUnit_AdcHwUnit_1_AdcChannel_AdcChannel_0
ADC DEM Error codes to report

Pre-compile switches for enabling/disabling DEM events

#define DemConf_DemEventParameter_ADC_DEM_NO_EVENT   (0xFFFFU)
#define ADC_DEM_NO_EVENT   DemConf_DemEventParameter_ADC_DEM_NO_EVENT
#define ADC_E_HARDWARE_ERROR   (DemConf_DemEventParameter_ADC_E_HARDWARE_ERROR)
 Hardware failed. More...
ADC HW unit Info
#define ADC_UNIT_0   ((Adc_HWUnitType) 0U)
 ADC1 instance. More...
#define ADC_UNIT_1   ((Adc_HWUnitType) 1U)
 ADC2 instance. More...
#define ADC_HW_UNIT_CNT   (2U)
 Total HW units - used for array allocation. This should be +1 of the max unit number. More...


void Adc_IrqUnit0 (void)
void Adc_IrqUnit1 (void)


const struct Adc_ConfigType_s AdcConfigSet
 ADC Configuration struct declaration. More...