Adc.h File Reference


This file contains interface header for ADC MCAL driver.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Adc_ChannelConfigType
 Structure containing parameters for ADC MCAL channel configuration. In term of ADC hardware, this represents the step configuration. There are ADC_NUM_CHANNEL steps in the ADC hardware and each step could be mapped to an actual hardware input channel. More...
struct  Adc_GroupConfigType
 ADC Group configuration structure. More...
struct  Adc_HwUnitConfigType
 ADC Hardware unit configuration structure. More...
struct  Adc_ConfigType
 ADC config structure. More...
struct  Adc_RegisterReadbackType
 ADC register readback structure. More...


#define ADC_DEF_CHANNEL_RESOLUTION   ((uint8) 12U)
 The default channel resolution supported by the current ADC hardware. No other value is supported by the hardware. More...
#define ADC_NUM_CHANNEL   (10U)
 Number of MCAL channels - in terms of ADC HW, this represents the number of hardware steps. Note: In terms of ADC IP number of steps is 16. Due to AUTOSAR specification, the channel ID's should be unique i.e each channel Id and actual HW channel should have one to one mapping. So ADC_NUM_CHANNEL is fixed to 9 as number of actual HW channels available is also 9. More...
#define ADC_MIN_CHANNEL_ID   (0U)
 Minimum value of channel ID. More...
 Maximum value of channel ID. More...
#define ADC_NUM_HW_CHANNEL   (10U)
 Number of actual HW channels - in terms of ADC HW, this represents the actual channel input to the ADC module. Note: This is a fixed value as per the ADC module and can't be changed. More...
#define ADC_MIN_HW_CHANNEL_ID   (0U)
 Minimum value of HW channel ID. More...
 Maximum value of HW channel ID. More...
#define ADC_MIN_OPEN_DELAY   (0x00U)
 Minimum value of open delay. More...
 Maximum value of open delay. More...
#define ADC_MIN_SAMPLE_DELAY   (0x00U)
 Minimum value of sample delay. More...
 Maximum value of sample delay. More...
#define ADC_MIN_RANGE   (0x00U)
 Minimum value of range. More...
#define ADC_MAX_RANGE   (0xFFFU)
 Maximum value of range. More...
ADC Driver Module SW Version Info

Defines for ADC Driver version used for compatibility checks

 Driver Implementation Major Version. More...
 Driver Implementation Minor Version. More...
 Driver Implementation Patch Version. More...
ADC Driver Module AUTOSAR Version Info

Defines for ADC Driver AUTOSAR version used for compatibility checks

 AUTOSAR Major version specification implemented by ADC Driver. More...
 AUTOSAR Minor version specification implemented by ADC Driver. More...
 AUTOSAR Patch version specification implemented by ADC Driver. More...
ADC Driver ID Info
#define ADC_VENDOR_ID   ((uint16) 44U)
 Texas Instruments Vendor ID. More...
#define ADC_MODULE_ID   ((uint16) 123U)
 ADC Driver Module ID. More...
#define ADC_INSTANCE_ID   ((uint8) 0U)
 ADC Driver Instance ID. More...
ADC Error Codes

Error codes returned by ADC functions

#define ADC_E_UNINIT   ((uint8) 0x0AU)
 API service used without module initiali-zation. More...
#define ADC_E_BUSY   ((uint8) 0x0BU)
 API service called during ongoing process. More...
#define ADC_E_IDLE   ((uint8) 0x0CU)
 API service called while no conversion is ongoing. More...
#define ADC_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED   ((uint8) 0x0DU)
 API Adc_Init service called while the ADC driver has already been initialized. More...
#define ADC_E_PARAM_CONFIG   ((uint8) 0x0EU)
 API service called with incorrect configuration parameter. More...
#define ADC_E_PARAM_POINTER   ((uint8) 0x14U)
 API servcie called with invalid data buffer pointer. More...
#define ADC_E_PARAM_GROUP   ((uint8) 0x15U)
 API servcie called with invalid group ID. More...
#define ADC_E_WRONG_CONV_MODE   ((uint8) 0x16U)
 API servcie called on a group with conversion mode configured as continuous. More...
#define ADC_E_WRONG_TRIGG_SRC   ((uint8) 0x17U)
 API servcie called for group with wrong trigger source. More...
#define ADC_E_NOTIF_CAPABILITY   ((uint8) 0x18U)
 Enable/disable notification function for a group whose configuration set has no notification available. More...
#define ADC_E_BUFFER_UNINIT   ((uint8) 0x19U)
 Conversion started and result buffer pointer is not initialized. More...
#define ADC_E_NOT_DISENGAGED   ((uint8) 0x1AU)
 One or more ADC group/channel not in IDLE state. More...
#define ADC_E_POWER_STATE_NOT_SUPPORTED   ((uint8) 0x1BU)
 Unsupported power state request. More...
#define ADC_E_TRANSITION_NOT_POSSIBLE   ((uint8) 0x1CU)
 Requested power state can not be reached directly. More...
#define ADC_E_PERIPHERAL_NOT_PREPARED   ((uint8) 0x1DU)
 ADC not prepared for target power state. More...
ADC Service Ids

The Service Id is one of the argument to Det_ReportError function and is used to identify the source of the error

#define ADC_SID_INIT   ((uint8) 0x00U)
 Adc_Init() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_DEINIT   ((uint8) 0x01U)
 Adc_DeInit() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_START_GROUP_CONVERSION   ((uint8) 0x02U)
 Adc_StartGroupConversion() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_STOP_GROUP_CONVERSION   ((uint8) 0x03U)
 Adc_StopGroupConversion() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_READ_GROUP   ((uint8) 0x04U)
 Adc_ReadGroup() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_ENABLE_HARDWARE_TRIGGER   ((uint8) 0x05U)
 Adc_EnableHardwareTrigger() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_DISABLE_HARDWARE_TRIGGER   ((uint8) 0x06U)
 Adc_DisableHardwareTrigger() API Service ID. More...
 Adc_EnableGroupNotification() API Service ID. More...
 Adc_DisableGroupNotification() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_GET_GROUP_STATUS   ((uint8) 0x09U)
 Adc_GetGroupStatus() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_GET_VERSION_INFO   ((uint8) 0x0AU)
 Adc_GetVersionInfo() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_GET_STREAM_LAST_POINTER   ((uint8) 0x0BU)
 Adc_GetStreamLastPointer() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_SETUP_RESULT_BUFFER   ((uint8) 0x0CU)
 Adc_SetupResultBuffer() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_SET_POWER_STATE   ((uint8) 0x10U)
 Adc_SetPowerState() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_GET_CURRENT_POWER_STATE   ((uint8) 0x11U)
 Adc_GetCurrentPowerState() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_GET_TARGET_POWER_STATE   ((uint8) 0x12U)
 Adc_GetTargetPowerState() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_PREPARE_POWER_STATE   ((uint8) 0x13U)
 Adc_PreparePowerState() API Service ID. More...
 Adc_Main_PowerTransitionManager() API Service ID. More...
#define ADC_SID_IOHWAB_NOTIFICATION   ((uint8) 0x20U)
 IoHwAb_AdcNotification() API Service ID. More...
 IoHwAb_Adc_NotifyReadyForPowerState() API Service ID. More...


typedef uint8 Adc_ChannelType
 Numeric ID of an ADC channel. More...
typedef uint8 Adc_GroupType
 Numeric ID of an ADC channel group. More...
typedef uint32 Adc_ValueGroupType
 Type for reading the converted values of a channel group (raw, without further scaling, right aligned). More...
typedef uint32 Adc_PrescaleType
 Type of clock prescaler factor. More...
typedef uint16 Adc_ConversionTimeType
 Type of conversion time, i.e. the time during which the sampled analogue value is converted into digital representation. More...
typedef uint16 Adc_SamplingTimeType
 Type of sampling time, i.e. the time during which the value is sampled (in clockcycles). More...
typedef uint8 Adc_ResolutionType
 Type of channel resolution in number of bits. More...
typedef uint8 Adc_GroupPriorityType
 Priority level of the channel. Lowest priority is 0. More...
typedef uint32 Adc_GroupDefType
 Type of assignment of channels to a channel group. More...
typedef uint16 Adc_StreamNumSampleType
 Type for configuring the number of group conversions in streaming access mode (in single access mode, parameter is 1). More...
typedef uint8 Adc_HwTriggerTimerType
 Type for the value of the ADC module embedded timer. More...
typedef uint8 Adc_HWUnitType
 Specifies the identification (ID) for a ADC Hardware microcontroller peripheral (unit) More...
typedef uint8 Adc_RefSelType
 Specifies the Reference select for functional internal diagnostic debug mode. More...
typedef void(* Adc_GroupEndNotifyType) (void)
 Typedef for group end notification function pointer. More...


 Current status of the conversion of the requested ADC Channel group. More...
enum  Adc_TriggerSourceType { ADC_TRIGG_SRC_SW, ADC_TRIGG_SRC_HW }
 Type for configuring the trigger source for an ADC Channel group. More...
 Type for configuring the conversion mode of an ADC Channel group. More...
 Type for configuring the streaming access mode buffer type. More...
 Type for configuring the access mode to group conversion results. More...
 Type for configuring on which edge of the hardware trigger signal the driver should react, i.e. start the conversion. More...
enum  Adc_PriorityImplementationType { ADC_PRIORITY_NONE, ADC_PRIORITY_HW, ADC_PRIORITY_HW_SW }
 Type for configuring the prioritization mechanism. More...
 Replacement mechanism, which is used on ADC group level, if a group conversion is interrupted by a group which has a higher priority. More...
enum  Adc_ChannelRangeSelectType {
 In case of active limit checking: defines which conversion values are taken into account related to the boardes defined with AdcChannelLowLimit and AdcChannelHighLimit. More...
enum  Adc_ResultAlignmentType { ADC_ALIGN_LEFT, ADC_ALIGN_RIGHT }
 Type for alignment of ADC raw results in ADC result buffer (left/right alignment). More...
enum  Adc_PowerStateType { ADC_FULL_POWER, ADC_ZERO_POWER }
 Power state currently active or set as target power state. More...
enum  Adc_PowerStateRequestResultType {
 Result of the requests related to power state transitions. More...
enum  Adc_AveragingMode {
 Enum to number of samplings to average. ADC allows user to program the number of samplings to average. More...


void Adc_Init (const Adc_ConfigType *CfgPtr)
 Service for ADC initialization. More...
void Adc_DeInit (void)
 This service sets all ADC HW Units to a state comparable to their power on reset state. More...
Std_ReturnType Adc_SetupResultBuffer (Adc_GroupType Group, const Adc_ValueGroupType *DataBufferPtr)
 This service initializes ADC driver with the group specific result buffer start address where the conversion results will be stored. More...
Adc_StatusType Adc_GetGroupStatus (Adc_GroupType Group)
 Returns the conversion status of the requested ADC Channel group. More...
Adc_StreamNumSampleType Adc_GetStreamLastPointer (Adc_GroupType Group, Adc_ValueGroupType **PtrToSamplePtr)
 Returns the number of valid samples per channel, stored in the result buffer. More...
void Adc_StartGroupConversion (Adc_GroupType Group)
 Starts the conversion of all channels of the requested ADC Channel group. More...
void Adc_StopGroupConversion (Adc_GroupType Group)
 Stops the conversion of the requested ADC Channel group. More...
Std_ReturnType Adc_ReadGroup (Adc_GroupType Group, Adc_ValueGroupType *DataBufferPtr)
 Reads the group conversion result of the last completed conversion round of the requested group and stores the channel values starting at the DataBufferPtr address. More...
void Adc_EnableGroupNotification (Adc_GroupType Group)
 Enables the notification mechanism for the requested ADC Channel group. More...
void Adc_DisableGroupNotification (Adc_GroupType Group)
 Disables the notification mechanism for the requested ADC Channel group. More...
void Adc_GetVersionInfo (Std_VersionInfoType *versioninfo)
 This service returns the version information of this module. More...
Std_ReturnType Adc_RegisterReadback (Adc_HWUnitType HWUnit, Adc_RegisterReadbackType *RegRbPtr)
 This function reads the important registers of the hardware unit and returns the value in the structure. More...
Std_ReturnType Adc_EnableInternalDiagnostic (Adc_GroupType Group, Adc_RefSelType RefSelect)
 This function enables the Functional Internal Diagnostic Debug mode and selects a known voltage source(REFP or VMID) that connects to the AFE. More...
Std_ReturnType Adc_DisableInternalDiagnostic (Adc_GroupType Group)
 This function disables the Functional Internal Diagnostic Debug mode. More...