Vision Apps User Guide
Vision Apps Introduction


"Vision Apps" integrates different components within Processor SDK RTOS (PSDK RTOS) like Free RTOS, PDK, OpenVX, Algorithms to realize system applications for vision processing like surround view, auto park assist.

"Vision Apps" is a component within Processor SDK RTOS as shown in below figure

Processor SDK RTOS Block Diagram

Directory structure

The main modules in Vision Apps are listed below

Vision Apps Modules Description
platform/${SOC}/rtos Application demo executables for Free RTOS on DSP's and R5F's
platform/${SOC}/linux Linux-specific library for common app init functionality
platform/${SOC}/qnx QNX-specific library for common app init functionality
apps/basic_demos/ Application demo executables for different demos on Linux A72
kernels/ OpenVX kernels/node used to make various applications
utils Additional utility functions used on the SoC
tools Additional utility tools and scripts used on PC (x86_64) side
concerto Makefile build infrastructure
docs User documentation
out Build generated files and executables