Product Release Notes

Table of Contents


This is the release notes for MCUSW 02.00.00 release, produced on 2022-12-09.

The MCUSW package consists of MCAL Driver & Demos/Applications for J721S2/J721E/J7200 family of devices . The MCAL modules are compliant to AUTOSAR specification versioned 4.3.1 .


Refer to Processor SDK Automotive manifest at top level and MCUSW Manifest for MCUSW Manifest.

Getting Started

The MCUSW User Guide provides the documentation and references necessary to begin development on TI’s platforms using MCUSW


Data Sheet information is NOT included on public release and is available in the ADDON package for Processor SDK RTOS Automotive SDK for J7200/J721E.Once the ADDON package is installed, the datasheet can be found here ${PSDKRA_ADDON_PATH}/mcusw/mcal_drv/docs/datasheet/index.html


  1. MCUSW User Guide:

This document details Supported driver, Installation, Dependencies, Build instructions, Steps to run example applications, Module Specific User Guides, API Guide, Test Reports, Design Document and others.

MCUSW User Guide Top

  1. MCUSW Configurator User Guide:

Refer this before attempting to reconfigure MCAL modules. This include steps to Install Configurator (EB), Configurator Licensing, Generation of MCAL Configurations and others.

MCUSW Configurator User Guide


NOT Included in MCUSW Package:

MCUSW MCAL Configurator Lists the steps required to get the same

Configurator package name is MCUSW_02_00_00_06_CONFIG-windows-installer.exe, contains following items

  1. EB Installer (${EB_INSTALL_DIR}/mcal_drv/mcal_config/Elektrobit/installer)
  2. EB License Administrator (${EB_INSTALL_DIR}/mcal_drv/mcal_config/Elektrobit/installer)
  3. EB Documentation (${EB_INSTALL_DIR}/mcal_drv/mcal_config/Elektrobit/docs)

What’s New

New features supported in this release:

  1. Supported SoCs: J721E & J721S2 & J7200
  2. AUTOSAR Specification Version: 4.3.1
  3. MCAL is abstracted to separate the SoC specific integration and core MCAL driver implementation. In this way the core MCAL modules can be re-used and/or expanded for future devices. The existing CSL-R and CSL-FL for the hardware IP modules that will be used by the MCAL drivers will be reused from SDK as applicable for the software to interface with the hardware. It will be included in the MCAL software package itself and will be renamed in order to avoid conflicts with the existing CSL code and usage. MCAL is architected such that new SoC variant support can be added without disturbing the existing support. Some point to note about MCAL architecture: · The core driver code (along with the HW IP source code) has been implemented in way that is SoC agnostic. This means that this code would not need any modification when new SoC support is added (given that HW IP stays the same). · All the SoC specific code is moved to the configuration plugins for each driver modules. When a new SoC is added, the new plugin source created will accommodate the SoC level changed required (ex. instance numbers). · Each SoC will have its individual configuration plugin per driver module. User will have to choose based on SoC of interest.
  4. We have officially de-scoped the use of SYS/Bios for the demos.


  1. None different than last release.

Device Support

SoC HOST (OS) Target (OS) Test Platform
J721E Windows / Linux, EB configurator only on Windows NO OS or TI RTOS J721E EVM
J7200 Windows / Linux, EB configurator only on Windows NO OS or TI RTOS J7200 EVM
J721S2 Windows / Linux, EB configurator only on Windows NO OS or TI RTOS J721S2 EVM


This release was built and validated using the following tools. Please refer Validation Notes Main Page

Build Tools (included in Processor SDK)

  1. ti-cgt-armllvm_1.3.0.LTS
  2. Free RTOS:
  3. GCC: 9.2-2019.12

Known Limitations

ID Description Workaround Comments
MCAL-9230 CDD IPC communication with A72 None The CDD IPC driver configuration is missing the CDD_IPC_CORE_MPU1_0 option. This will be enabled in future release along with Linux communicatin support.
MCAL-9224 ePwm Example App is hungs with PWM_NOTIFICATION_SUPPORTED. Run in Polling Mode Build pwm_app_epwm on mcu2_1 core flash it on board it will hungs in the middle because of improper interrupt routing.
MCAL-8519 WDG example MCU_SAFETY_ERRORn pin not driven low None EThe MCU_SAFETY_ERRORn pin is not driven low on the WDG example for J7AEP.
MCAL-7960 FLS example on J7AEP and J7200 with interrupt mode fail. Run FLS in polling mode. The FLS example for J7200 mcu2_1 uses a different interrupt that J721E. This causes DET error and prevents it from finishing.
N/A Demo Application (mcusw_demos) are not supported for J7AEP device. None None


For technical support and additional assistance, visit E2E or contact local TI Field Application Engineer.


Each package version is composed of 4 period-delimited numbers - represented here by the letters M, m, p and b [M.m.p.b]. The table below provides a descriptive reference regarding package version numbering.

Digit Meaning Description
1 (M=Major) Major revision Incremented when the new version is substantially different from the previous For example, a new module added or an existing module’s algorithm significantly altered.
2 (m=minor) Minor revision Incremented when the new version has changed but not in a major way. For example, some minor changes in the API or feature set.
3 (p=patch) Patch number Incremented for all other source code changes. This include any packaging support code.
4 (b=build) Build number Incremented for each release delivery to CM. Reset for any change to M, m or p

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