Vision Apps Release Notes

Version: 08.01.00


  1. Introduction
  2. Licensing
  3. Getting Started
  4. Documentation
  5. What's New
  6. Upgrade and Compatibility Information
  7. Device Support
  8. Validation Information
  9. Fixed Issues
  10. Open Defects
  11. Known Issues
  12. Change Requests
  13. Technical Support
  14. Package Versioning


The Vision Apps package consists of ADAS, vision, deep learning, perception demos/applications for Jacinto 7 platform

To run the demos in vision apps, the companion Processor SDK Linux for Jacinto 7 also needs to be downloaded separately.


Refer to Processor SDK RTOS manifest at top level [HTML]

Getting Started

The Vision Apps User Guide [HTML] provides the documentation and references necessary to begin development on TI's platforms using Vision Apps.


Refer to following documentation for further details:

Vision Apps User Guide Build instructions, API Guide [HTML]
Surround View Manual Calibration Tool Instructions for Generating Calibration Binaries [PDF]
Release Notes Archive Previous release notes [FOLDER]

What's New

New features in this release are highlighted in bold

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Not applicable. Early adopter release.

Device Support

Refer Processor SDK RTOS release notes [HTML]

Validation Information

The tools used to validate this package are listed in top level user guide [HTML]

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
ADASVISION-5069 hex number to show registered sensor drivers
ADASVISION-5068 Duplicate log in single cam app in PSDKR v8.0
ADASVISION-5044 Multi cam app error with enable_error_detection flag
ADASVISION-5028 appSplitVpacDcc() is incorrectly checking for allocated buffers
ADASVISION-5014 IPC resource table should use RPMSG_VRING_ADDR_ANY
ADASVISION-4992 Remote Device: RPMessage heap is sized wrong and is causing heap corruption of Rx messages
ADASVISION-4980 IPC Utils: RPMessage heap is sized wrong and is causing heap corruption of Rx messages
ADASVISION-4927 CPU Load values in free RTOS is inconsistent
ADASVISION-4926 QNX: Ipc Init fail when invoking twice appCommonInit() in a process
ADASVISION-4911 C7x L2RAM heap size incorrect
ADASVISION-4906 Python tool for updating memory map does not generate free RTOS files
ADASVISION-4777 DOF app output differs between release vs debug on PC mode
ADASVISION-4776 SFM apps output differs for each run on PC mode

Open Defects

ID Summary
ADASVISION-5100 Peak DDR BW numbers seem too high for some demos
ADASVISION-5060 Long duration run of vision apps tidl object detection demo hangs at high usage of A72
ADASVISION-5039 TIDL preemption test fails when TIDL logs are used
ADASVISION-4925 Bandwidth performance values in certain applications are incorrect
ADASVISION-4923 Frozen frame running OpenVX graphs back to back
ADASVISION-4876 Performance degradation observed on some vision apps demos
ADASVISION-4874 8-camera use case fails with FreeRTOS
ADASVISION-4873 [IMGPreProcNode]: BT601 limited range CSC coefficients causes clipping
ADASVISION-4864 Instability in heterogeneous camera
ADASVISION-4799 QNX: SRV Broadcast Mode Unreliable
ADASVISION-4422 PTK SFM/Valet parking demo throw rpmsg error when terminated by Ctrl+C
ADASVISION-4412 Performance measurement incorrect for display node
ADASVISION-4411 Performance measurement incorrect for capture node
ADASVISION-4386 QNX SBL debug binaries not working on R5F
ADASVISION-4199 HDMI Display error with ethernet firmware
ADASVISION-4198 Partial failure observed for IPC test when MCU1_0 is enabled due to secure mode boot
ADASVISION-4196 SRV crash occasionally observed
ADASVISION-4080 QNX: SRV File I/O failing
ADASVISION-4039 Frame drops in 8 camera, 30 fps demo

Known Issues

ID Summary Workaround
ADASVISION-4345 SteamFIFO overflow observed in long run > 6hrs when using D3 IMX390 CM cameras Upgrade to D3 IMX390 RCM cameras

Change Requests

ID Headline Original Fix Version New Fix Version
JACINTOREQ-1540 J7ES Flex connect scope change 08.00.00 08.01.00
JACINTOREQ-1465 Descope Windows build/installer for J7ES RTOS SDK 08.00.00 Descoped
JACINTOREQ-1444 Vision apps firmware inclusion in yocto build 08.00.00 Descoped
JACINTOREQ-1244 Descope RTOS-Based Codecs and OpenVX codec nodes 08.00.00 Descoped

Technical Support

For technical support and additional assistance, contact local TI Field Application Engineer

Package Versioning

Each package version is composed of 4 period-delimited numbers - represented here by the letters M, m, p and b [M.m.p.b]. The table below provides a descriptive reference regarding package version numbering.

Digit Meaning Description
1 (M=Major) Major revision Incremented when the new version is substantially different from the previous For example, a new module added or an existing module's algorithm significantly altered.
2 (m=minor) Minor revision Incremented when the new version has changed but not in a major way. For example, some minor changes in the API or feature set.
3 (p=patch) Patch number Incremented for all other source code changes. This include any packaging support code.
4 (b=build) Build number Incremented for each release delivery to CM. Reset for any change to M, m or p

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