Secure Debug User Guide


This document is only applicable to High Security(HS) devices.


On K3 High Security - Security Enforced (HS-SE) devices, the JTAG port is closed by default. The below table shows the default state of the JTAG on various device types.

Table 3 JTAG Default state on various device types
Device Type Variant M3 JTAG State Other cores JTAG State
General Purpose (GP) NA Open Open
High Security (HS) Field Securable (FS) Closed Open
High Security (HS) Security Enforced (SE) Closed Closed

The JTAG port for M3 core running System Firmware always remains closed on HS-FS or HS-SE devices. Software cannot open the JTAG port for the M3 core. If required, the user can open the JTAG port and debug the remaining cores on the device. Opening the JTAG port when System Firmware is running requires

  1. A signed X509 certificate authorizing the debug. - This is a distinct certificate from the X509 certificates used for secure boot.
  2. Sending the debug certificate to System Firmware to process and open the debug ports.

This document describes both these steps. It also describes how the debug can be controlled via board configuration.


Please note that all steps in this document require JTAG connectivity to be enabled in efuses. Otherwise the steps in this document do not have any effect.

Creating a debug certificate

Certificate validation done by System Firmware

System Firmware expects a certificate signed with the active customer key to unlock the debug access to the non-M3 cores. The active customer key is

  1. SMPK if key revision is set to 1 in the efuses
  2. BMPK if key revision is set to 2 in the efuses

The signature of the certificate is verified and the hash of the public key in the certificate is compared against the hash of the public key in the efuses. System Firmware proceeds to the next steps only if the signature is verified and the public key hashes match.

System Firmware next looks for the System Firmware Debug Extension in the X509 certificate. If this X509 extension is not present, further processing does not happen.

System Firmware reads the certificate revision from the System Firmware Software Revision Extension. If this extension is not present in the certificate, further processing does not happen.

System Firmware ignores the remaining X509 extensions when processing the debug certificate.

System Firmware validates the information passed in the System Firmware Debug Extension.

  1. The UID passed in the debug extension is checked against the SOC UID. The UID’s must match unless otherwise specified in the board configuration. See the field allow_wildcard_unlock in Secure Debug Unlock.
  2. The certificate revision of the debug certificate must be equal to or higher than the value specified by min_cert_rev field in Secure Debug Unlock.
  3. System Firmware verifies that the values specified for debug_priv_level is valid.
  4. System Firmware verifies that the processor ID’s specified in the fields coreDbgEn and coreDbgSecEn are valid. coreDbgSecEn lists which cores need to have secure level debug enabled. coreDbgEn lists which cores need to have non-secure level debug enabled. It also verifies that cores specified in coreDbgSecEn actually support secure debug.

Once these checks pass, System Firmware performs the actual debug unlock operation.

Populating the fields in the certificate

The X509 certificate format is described in Introduction.

System Firmware expects two X509 extensions in the debug unlock certificate.

  1. System Firmware Debug Extension - Mandatory
  2. System Firmware Software Revision Extension - Mandatory

Below are the steps to populate the X509 extensions.

Debug Certificate Revision

If you have specified a non-zero debug certificate revision in the Secure Debug Unlock, you must populate the System Firmware Software Revision Extension in the certificate. Choose a version number equal to or higher than minimum specified version.

Debug Extension

  1. Populate the SOC UID in the extension. SOC UID can be obtained in mutliple ways.

    If the board configuration allows a wild card jtag unlock i.e. skipping the SOC UID match, you can set the SOC UID to a 256 bit all zeros string. See example below.

    debugUID = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  2. The debugType field is a combination field. It contains both the level of debug to be allowed at SOC level and a reserved field. Both fields are 16 bits wide.

    • Select debug privilege level for the table Debug Levels. Encode this as a 16 bit integer.

    • Set the reserved field as zero. Encode also as a 16 bit integer.

      Combine both of them as follows.

      debugType = INTEGER:0xPPPPQQQQ

      where PPPP is the reserved field and QQQQ is the debug privilege level.

    As an example, enabling full debug i.e. DEBUG_FULL in Debug Levels

    debugType = INTEGER:0x00000004
  3. The coreDbgEn lists the ID’s of processors for which non-secure debug is enabled. The processor ID’s can be obtained from the SOC specific information in this documentation. Processor ID’s are encoded as a string of hexadecimal values. Each processor ID takes a byte.

    E.g. For AM65x, the processor ID’s are listed in AM65x Processor Descriptions. If non-secure debug needs to be enabled for the following four cores on AM65x,

    Processor ID Processor Name Location in SoC
    0x20 A53_CL0_C0 COMPUTE_CLUSTER_MSMC0: (Cluster 0 Processor 0)
    0x21 A53_CL0_C1 COMPUTE_CLUSTER_MSMC0: (Cluster 0 Processor 1)
    0x01 R5_CL0_C0 MCU_SEC_MMR0: (Cluster 0 Processor 0)
    0x02 R5_CL0_C1 MCU_SEC_MMR0: (Cluster 0 Processor 1)

    the coreDbgEn field is populated by concatenating the processor ID’s.

    coreDbgEn = INTEGER:0x20210102
  4. The coreDbgSecEn lists the ID’s of processors for which secure debug is enabled. The processor ID’s can be obtained from the SOC specific information in this documentation. Processor ID’s are encoded as a string of hexadecimal values. Each processor ID takes a byte.

    E.g. For AM65x, the processor ID’s are listed in AM65x Processor Descriptions If secure debug needs to be enabled for the following two cores on AM65x,

    Processor ID Processor Name Location in SoC
    0x22 A53_CL1_C0 COMPUTE_CLUSTER_MSMC0: (Cluster 1 Processor 0)
    0x23 A53_CL1_C1 COMPUTE_CLUSTER_MSMC0: (Cluster 1 Processor 1)

    the coreSecDbgEn field is populated by concatenating the processor ID’s.

    coreDbgSecEn = INTEGER:0x2223

Example certificate configuration

Below code block shows an X509 signing configuration showing the extensions required for debug unlock certificate.


The data in the req_distinguished_name section is random to indicates

  1. System Firmware does not process the information in the section.
  2. This needs to be updated by the user to reflect his information.
[ req ]
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_ca
prompt = no

dirstring_type = nobmp

# This information will be filled by the end user.
# The current data is only a place holder.
# System firmware does not make decisions based
# on the contents of this distinguished name block.
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C = oR
ST = rx
L = gQE843yQV0sag
O = dqhGYAQ2Y4gFfCq0t1yABCYxex9eAxt71f
OU = a87RB35W
CN = x0FSqGTPWbGpuiV
emailAddress =

[ v3_ca ]
basicConstraints = CA:true

[ swrv ]
swrv = INTEGER:0

[ debug ]
debugUID = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
debugType = INTEGER:0x00000004
coreDbgEn = INTEGER:0x20210102
coreDbgSecEn = INTEGER:0x2223

The certificate can be signed with the below command.

$ openssl req -new -x509 -key custMpk.pem -nodes -outform der -out debug_unlock_cert.der -config signing_config.txt -sha512

Sending debug certificate to System Firmware


The debug unlock certificate can be supplied to System Firmware via the TISCI_MSG_OPEN_DEBUG_FWLS - Open Debug Firewalls message. The debug unlock certificate must first be placed in memory. The physical address of the certificate is passed as a part of the TISCI message. System Firmware validates the certificate and its contents. If the checks pass, System Firmware performs debug unlock.

This procedure can be used when if JTAG debugger is unable to supply the unlock certificate over the JTAG interface.

Over the JTAG interface

The debug unlock certificate can be provided to System Firmware over the JTAG interface. Even though the JTAG access to the cores on the device is locked, the host PC can read write to the Secure Access Point (Sec-AP) via the JTAG interface. The debug unlock certificate must be supplied to System Firmware via Sec-AP for processing. System Firmware processes the certificate, unlocks the JTAG and reports the JTAG unlock status. At this point, the host PC can debug the unlocked cores in the same manner as a GP device.

The protocol for communication via the Sec-AP is described in Secure AP Command Interface. This data transfer protocol is also supported in TI Code Composer Studio(CCS). We will describe how to use CCS to unlock the JTAG. The required CCS version is CCS 9.3 or later. Normally it would suffice to have a version of CCS that supports the device you are using.

  1. Create a target configuration file for the HS EVM in CCS and launch the target configuration file. This will create a file ccBoard0.dat which we will use in later steps. You will not be able to connect to any cores on the device in this step.

  2. The file ccBoard0.dat is typically found in the following directories.

    • on Linux, ~/.ti/<ccs_version>/0/0/BrdDat/ccBoard0.dat
    • on Windows, C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Texas Instruments\CCS\<ccs_version>\0\0\BrdDat\ccBoard0.dat
  3. Find the “uscif” folder in CCS installation. This is typically in the following path <ccs install>/ccs/ccs_base/common/uscif. This folder will contain the dbgauth executable (dbgauth.exe on windows).

  4. Verify K3 support by running

    $ ./dbgauth --help
        --mode 3 = SUPPORTED TARGETS: All Keystone 3 devices

    The output must include the above description for “mode 3”. Older versions of EMUPACK included AM65x as the supported targets for mode 3.

Performing JTAG unlock

To unlock the JTAG, use the unlock command of dbgauth tool. We are assuming that ccs version is ccs1010.

$ cd /opt/ti/ccs1010/ccs/ccs_base/common/uscif || exit 1

$ ./dbgauth -c ~/.ti/ccs1010/0/0/BrdDat/ccBoard0.dat \
        -x xds110 \
        -s cs_dap_0 \
        -o unlock \
        -m 3 \
        -f ~/debug_unlock_cert.der
Using board config file:
Successfully opened certificate file /home/user/debug_unlock_cert.der
Read 1509 bytes from certificate file /home/user/debug_unlock_cert.der
The target device is unlocked.

Please read the help of dbgauth for command line options.

  1. The argument to -x flag depends on the debugger used.

  2. The argument to -s flag depends on the board. This can be determined from the ccBoard0.dat file. Open with a text editor and look for similar line in the file. The identifier at the start of the line e.g. cs_dap_0 indicates the name to be used as argument.

    @ cs_dap_0 family=cs_dap irbits=4 drbits=1 subpaths=15 identify=0 revision=Power-AP systemresetwhileconnected=1

Retrieveing SOC UID

Retrieving the SOC UID over JTAG

To retrieve the SOC UID, use the getuid command of dbgauth tool. We are assuming that ccs version is ccs1010.


The commands below are shown for Linux. They need to be modified according to path name conventions of other operating systems.

$ cd /opt/ti/ccs1010/ccs/ccs_base/common/uscif || exit 1

$ ./dbgauth -c ~/.ti/ccs1010/0/0/BrdDat/ccBoard0.dat \
        -x xds110 \
        -s cs_dap_0 \
        -o getuid \
        -m 3
Using board config file:
UID read succesful:
UID[0] = 0x7ab1b240
UID[1] = 0xd5757a1f
UID[2] = 0xb2f32fdf
UID[3] = 0x6b39376e
UID[4] = 0xe7fd2e93
UID[5] = 0xea4b1a7b
UID[6] = 0xe24bbc52
UID[7] = 0x926de2c6

The retrieved UID can be populated into the debug certificate in the below manner.

debugUID = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:07ab1b2400d5757a1f0b2f32fdf06b39376e0e7fd2e930ea4b1a7b0e24bbc520926de2c6

Retrieving the SOC UID over UART

When the device is in UART boot mode, ROM prints the SOC information including the SOC ID on the boot UART. The last 32 bytes i.e. 64 characters before the start of the UART boot character ‘CC’ contain the SOC ID.


The above shows the UART output formatted to 32 characters per line. The characters corresponding to SOC data are


Please note that the data is formatted in little endian fashion and bytes inside individual words need to be reordered before populating the debugUID field in the certificate.

Controlling Debug via Board Configuration

Security board configuration allows the user to control the JTAG unlock process. See Secure Debug Unlock for the data structure definition.

  1. By setting allow_jtag_unlock to 0, runtime JTAG unlock through System Firmware can be prevented. The JTAG cannot be unlocked using the TISCI API or through the Sec-AP once System Firmware is running.


    Please note that JTAG connection for R5 can still be unlocked by including the ROM debug X509 extension in the R5 boot loader X509 certificate.


    The rest of this section only applies in allow_jtag_unlock is set to 0x5A.

  2. Setting allow_wildcard_unlock skips matching the UID in the debug unlock certificate with the SOC UID. All the remaining checks should pass. This option allows using a single debug unlock certificate across multiple devices sharing the same root of trust keys (SMPK/BMPK).


    While wildcard unlock is convenient during development, it must not used during production. Please avoid creating a wildcard debug unlock certificate with production keys.

  3. Use min_cert_rev to prevent older debug unlock certificates from being used. Set this to 0 in development and increment it before production.

  4. While System Firmware allows debug unlock to be performed by one of the hosts on the device through a TISCI message, this path can be disabled as well. Set the jtag_unlock_hosts array to all zeroes to prevent jtag unlock using the TISCI message. Alternatively you can limit the hosts that can unlock debug to a specific hosts. Any host can be allowed to unlock the jtag port by using a special host id. Please refer to Secure Debug Unlock.