Jacinto 7 TIDL Release Notes

Version: 02.00.00


  1. Introduction
  2. Licensing
  3. What's New
  4. Documentation
  5. Upgrade and Compatibility Information
  6. Device Support
  7. Validation Information
  8. Fixed Issues
  9. Known Issues
  10. Technical Support
  11. Package Versioning


The package consists of the Texas Instruments J7 TIDL Software


The licensing information of this library, as well as any third-party components included which are made available under a number of other open-source licenses are enumerated as part of the manifest. Note : Below Links would work only after installing the package


1 User's Guide [HTML]
3 Software Manifest [HTML]

What's New

Here are a few of the new features supported in this release:

  1. Added ONNX Runtime support
  2. Mixed Precision Quantization (parameters/activations in 16bit) for user selected layers

Upgrade and Compatibility Information


Device Support

Target SoC Target Plaform Build environment (OS) Target environment (OS)
J721E EVM x86_64 Linux PC x86_64 (Linux) NA
J721E EVM x86_64 Windows PC x86_64 Windows NA

Validation Information

This release was built and validated using the following tools:

Dependencies (included in Processor SDK RTOS Automotive):

Dependencies (NOT included in Processor SDK RTOS Automotive):

Refer user guide for instructions to install and setup above dependencies.

Fixed Issues

ID Description Module Affected Versions Affected Platforms
TIDL-1211 Detection output import is failing with 7 prior boxes TOOL 01.03.00 J721E
TIDL-1258 Tensorflow Argmax operator not supported TOOL 01.03.00 J721E
TIDL-1271 CSL files to be removed from TIDL PACKAGE 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1302 TFlite dilaton factor is not read correctly TOOL 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1323 Leaky Relu Layer output scale is coming as large value COMPUTE 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1324 Sigmoid layer output mismatch on EVM COMPUTE 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1326 Sum of softmax output don't equal to 1 COMPUTE 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1327 Deconvolution layer output mismatching between EVM and PC emulation COMPUTE 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1328 Pad amount is not calculated correctly for pooling layer COMPUTE 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1330 Onnx opset 11 pad layer parameters not read correctly TOOL 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1331 Logistic function sigmoid bug in tidl_j7_01_04_01_01 COMPUTE 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1332 In 16-bit Leaky relu the output is not correct for negative input values COMPUTE 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1334 Custom Layer : Build and Integration documentation missing DOCUMENTATION 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1337 TDA4: MaxPool layer outputs all zeros during execution on EVM COMPUTE 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1339 Nearest neighbor resize not supported in tflite runtime TOOL 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1340 Issue with EfficientDet-Lite4 performance simulation TOOL 01.04.00 J721E
TIDL-1341 Tflite runtime : Add support for tflite tensor type int8 in rt_invoke TOOL 01.04.00 J721E

Known Issues

ID Description Module Reported in Release Affected Platforms Occurrence Workaround in this release
TIDL-1333 ONNX Opset 11 with "sizes" as input tensor is not working TOOL 01.04.00 J721E Rare Instead of "sizes" use "scales" as input tensor
TIDL-1338 TDA4VM: GobalAvgPool layer is returning error for customer model COMPUTE 01.04.00 J721E Rare NA
TIDL-864 Concat trace dump mismatch between REF & CN/CI COMPUTE 01.02.00 J721E Rare NA
TIDL-1197 Model execution order for a branch is not optimal COMPUTE 01.02.00 J721E Rare No fucntional issue, Only Performance drop would be obsrved
TIDL-1269 TF maxpool avgpool functionality mismatch for k=3,s=2 COMPUTE 01.03.00 J721E Rare NA
TIDL-1208 ERR_MMEORY_INSERTION in customer model TOOL 01.02.00 J721E Rare NA
TIDL-705 Max Pooling Output is not correct with signed input COMPUTE 01.00.01 J721E Rare NA

Technical Support

For technical support, please post your questions on TI E2E Forum for Automotive ADAS SoCs.

For additional assistance, contact local TI Field Application Engineer

Package Versioning

Each package version is composed of 4 period-delimited numbers - represented here by the letters M, m, p and b [M.m.p.b]. The table below provides a descriptive reference regarding package version numbering.

Digit Meaning Description
1 (M=Major) Major revision Incremented when the new version is substantially different from the previous For example, a new module added or an existing module's algorithm significantly altered.
2 (m=minor) Minor revision Incremented when the new version has changed but not in a major way. For example, some minor changes in the API or feature set.
3 (p=patch) Patch number Incremented for all other source code changes. This include any packaging support code.
4 (b=build) Build number Incremented for each release delivery to CM. Reset for any change to M, m or p

Copyright 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated