TI Deep Learning Library User Guide
Steps to Import Pre-Trained CNN Models

TIDL Importer

TIDL Translation (Import) tool can a accept a pre-trained floating point model trained using caffe-jacinto ,BVLC-caffe or tensorflow or models exported to ONNX format. The import step also generate output using the range collection tool. This output would be very similar to final expected output in the inference library. Validate the import step by comparing the output with expected result before trying the imported model on inference library

TIDL Import Tool Design

The tool available in "ti_dl/utils/tidlModelImport/out" can be used to import user trained models with below command

< Import tool > < Configuration file >
./out/tidl_model_import.out ../../test/testvecs/config/import/tidl_import_j11.txt

Note : Run the Import tool from the "ti_dl/utils/tidlModelImport" directory only. We recommend to use the file path as mentioned in example import configuration file. If you face any issues in any file path, try with absolute paths

Model Format-Versions

  • Proto file from below version are used for validating pre-trained models. In most cases new version models also shall work since the basic operations like convolution, Pooling etc don't change. Find more information on migrating to latest version if required in TIDL Import Tool Design
    • Caffe - 0.17 (caffe-jacinto in gitHub)
    • Tensorflow - 1.12
    • ONNX - 1.3.0
    • TFLite - Tensorflow 2.0-Alpha
  • Since the tensor flow 2.0 is dropping the support for frozen buffer, we recommend to users to migrate to TFlite model format for Tensorflow 1.x.x as well. TFLite model format is supported in both TF 1.x.x and TF 2.x

The List of Import Configuration Parameters - Model Translation

These parameters are important for model translation/import.

Parameter Default Description
modelType 0: Caffe 0: Caffe, 1: TensorFlow, 2: ONNX, 3: tfLite
inputNetFile MUST SET Net definition from Training frames work. Example "deploy.prototxt" from caffe or frozen binary protobuf with parameters from tensorflow
inputParamsFile Binary file for Model Parameters caffemodel from caffe. Not applicable for Tensorflow and ONNX
outputNetFile MUST SET Output TIDL model with Net and Parameters
outputParamsFile MUST SET Input and output buffer descriptor file for TIDL ivision interface
numParamBits 8bit Bit depth for model parameters like Kernel, Bias etc. Max supported is 16. Any value > 8 is experimental in the current release.
numFeatureBits 8bit Bit depth for Layer activation; Max supported is 16. Any value > 8 is experimental in the current release.
quantizationStyle 2: TIDL_QuantStyleNP2Fixed Quantization method. 2: Linear Mode. 3: Power of 2 scales(EXPERIMENT)
inQuantFactor 1.0 List: Scale factor of input feature, if the input range used in training is 0 to 1 and the same is passed as tensor range of 0 - 255 to TIDL then this parameters shall be 255. This can be ignored when inDataNorm is 1
inElementType 1: 8bit Signed List: Format for each input feature, 0 : 8bit Unsigned, 1 : 8bit Signed.
inWidth List: each input tensors width. If set, this value will overwrite the input size. If not set, the import tool will use the original size of input net file. This value will pass on to Range Collection.
inHeight List: each input tensors Height. If set, this value will overwrite the input size. If not set, the import tool will use the original size of input net file. This value will pass on to Range Collection.
inNumChannels List: each input tensors Number of channels. If set, this value will overwrite the input size. If not set, the import tool will use the original size of input net file. This value will pass on to Range Collection.
foldBnInConv2D 1: Enable Merge batch Norm layer weight and scale in previous convolution layer if possible. This will improve performance if set.
metaArchType -1: Not used Meta Architecture used by the network TIDL_metaArchCaffeJacinto = 0, TIDL_metaArchTFSSD = 1. If metaArch is not used, please leave it default.
metaLayersNamesList Configuration files describing the details of Meta Arch, Example pipeline.config for TF SSD. Set this value if metaArchType == 0 or 1.
inDataNamesList List of input tensor names in network to be imported(use space/comma/tab to split). Will be useful to import portion of network. If not set, import tool will search the input net file for default inputs.
outDataNamesList List of output tensor names in network to be imported(use space/comma/tab to split). Will be useful to import portion of network. If not set, import tool will search the input net file for default outputs.

The List of Import Configuration Parameters - Input Pre-Processing

In most cases the input to network would be processed using some image transform functions. Example, Mean subtraction, Scaling or Standard deviation, cropping etc. The below parameters are embed in TIDL model file, so it can be used during inference.

Parameter Default Description
inDataNorm 0: Disable Enable / Disable Normalization on input tensor. Scale and mean values are applicable only if this is enabled
inMean List: Mean value needs to be subtracted for each channel of all input tensors
inScale List: Scale value needs to be multiplied after means subtract for each channel of all input tensors
inDataFormat 1: RGB planar List: Input tensor color format. 0: BGR planar, 1: RGB planar. Refer TIDL API guide for supported formats list
inResizeType 0: Normal Image resize type . 0: normal resize, 1: keep aspect & ratio. Refer TIDL API guide for supported formats list
resizeWidth Image cropping is performed if resizeWidth > imWidth. If not set, resize is disabled. Import tool will use inWidth & inHeight.
resizeHeight Image cropping is performed if resizeHeight > inHeight. If not set, resize is disabled. Import tool will use inWidth & inHeight.

The List of Import Configuration Parameters - Performance Simulation

Parameter Default Description
perfSimTool ../../utils/perfsim/ti_cnnperfsim.out(.exe) Network Compiler executable file path. If not specified, uses from default location
perfSimConfig ../../test/testvecs/config/import/perfsim_base.cfg Network Compiler Configuration file. Refer Network Compiler guide for configuration parameters
graphVizTool ../../utils/tidlModelGraphviz/out/tidl_graphVisualiser.out(.exe) Graphic visualize tool executable file path. If not specified, uses from default location

The List of Import Configuration Parameters - Range Collection

Parameter Default Description
tidlStatsTool ../../test/tidl_quant_stats_tool.out(.exe) TIDL PC Reference executable file path for range collection. If not specified, uses from default location
inData Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
inFileFormat Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
numFrames Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
postProcType Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
postProcDataId Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
quantRangeUpdateFactor Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc


Configuration files used for validation of models are provided in the "ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/import/" folder for reference. Below are few example configuration file

Caffe Trained SSD Based Object Detection Net

  • [modelType] This is a caffe model(prototxt + caffemodel).
  • [inDataFormat] Input data format is BGR planar. The input size will get from original prototxt(no overwrite). By default, import tool will load image file using OpenCV and resize it and convert it to BGR planar as input.
  • [inData] Images for range collection are listed in "detection_list.txt" text file. By default, the list contains JPEG/PNG compressed file list.
  • [postProcType] The result is bounding box list, post process is to draw bounding box on original image.
modelType = 0
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/jdetNet512x512/deploy.prototxt"
inputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/jdetNet512x512/voc0712_ssdJacintoNetV2_iter_106000.caffemodel"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_jdetNet_512x512.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_io_jdetNet_512x512_"
inDataFormat = 0
inData = "../../test/testvecs/config/detection_list.txt"
postProcType = 2

Caffe Trained Squeeze Net

  • [modelType] This is a caffe model(prototxt + caffemodel).
  • [inDataNorm] Input data need to be normalized, since the model is trained based on a specified range.
  • [inMean & inScale] The import tool should use following value for input data normalization.
  • [inDataFormat] Input data format is BGR planar. The input size will be set to resize width & height. By default, import tool will load image file using OpenCV, resize it and convert it to BGR planar as input.
  • [inData] Images for range collection are listed in "detection_list.txt" text file. By default, the list contains JPEG/PNG compressed file list.
  • [postProcType] The result is classification. The post process is to tell me the top-1 class name(by default, ImageNet is used).
modelType = 0
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/squeezeNet1.1/deploy.prototxt"
inputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/squeezeNet1.1/squeezenet_v1.1.caffemodel"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_suqeezenet_1_1.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_io_suqeezenet_1_1_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 104 117 123
inScale = 1 1 1
inDataFormat = 0
resizeWidth = 256
resizeHeight = 256
inData = ../../test/testvecs/config/imageNet_sample_val.txt
postProcType = 1

Tensorflow Trained InceptionNet V1

  • [modelType] This is a tensorflow pb file.
  • [inDataNorm] Input data need to be normalized, since the model is trained based on specified range.
  • [inMean & inScale] The import tool should use following value for input data normalization.
  • [resize] By default, input data format is RGB planar. The input size will be set to inWidth & inHeight. By default, import tool will load image file using OpenCV, resize it, crop it and convert it to RGB planar as input.
  • [inData] Images for range collection are listed in "detection_list.txt" text file. By default, the list contains JPEG/PNG compressed file list.
  • [postProcType] The result is classification. The post process is to tell me the top-1 class name(by default, ImageNet is used).
modelType = 1
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/tensorflow/inceptionNetv1/inception_v1_fbn.pb"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tensorflow/tidl_net_inception_v1.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tensorflow/tidl_io_inception_v1_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 128 128 128
inScale = 0.0078125 0.0078125 0.0078125
resizeWidth = 256
resizeHeight = 256
inWidth = 224
inHeight = 224
inNumChannels = 3
inData = ../../test/testvecs/config/imageNet_sample_val_bg.txt
postProcType = 1

ONNX Squeeze Net

  • [modelType] This is a ONNX file.
  • [inDataNorm] Input data need to be normalized, since the model is trained based on specified range.
  • [inMean & inScale] The import tool should use following value for input data normalization.
  • [resize] By default, input data format is RGB planar. The input size will be set to inWidth & inHeight. By default, import tool will load image file using OpenCV, resize it, crop it and convert it to RGB planar as input.
  • [inData] Images for range collection are listed in "detection_list.txt" text file. By default, the list contains JPEG/PNG compressed file list.
  • [postProcType] The result is classification. The post process is to tell me the top-1 class name(by default, ImageNet is used).
modelType = 2
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/onnx/squeezenet1.1.onnx"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/onnx/tidl_net_squeezenet1.1.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/onnx/tidl_io_squeezenet1.1_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 123.675 116.28 103.53
inScale = 0.017125 0.017507 0.017429
resizeWidth = 256
resizeHeight = 256
inWidth = 224
inHeight = 224
inNumChannels = 3
inData = ../../test/testvecs/config/imageNet_sample_val.txt
postProcType = 1

ONNX with metaArch Import Example

  • [metaLayersNamesList] add SSD metaArch to the backbone.
modelType = 2
numParamBits = 8
numFeatureBits = 8
quantizationStyle = 2
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/internal/onnx/tiad_ssd/softmax/ssd_lite_mobilenet_v1_tiod_epoch_6.onnx"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/onnx/tidl_net_tiad_ssd.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/onnx/tidl_io_tiad_ssd_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 104 117 123
inScale = 1 1 1
inDataFormat = 1
inWidth = 768
inHeight = 384
inNumChannels = 3
metaArchType = 3
numFrames = 3
metaLayersNamesList = ../../test/testvecs/models/internal/onnx/tiad_ssd/softmax/tidl_meta_arch.prototxt
inData = "../../test/testvecs/config/tiad_bmp_list.txt"
postProcType = 2
perfSimConfig = ../../test/testvecs/config/import/perfsim_base.cfg

tfLite Import Example

modelType = 3
numParamBits = 15
quantizationStyle = 2
inputNetFile = ../../test/testvecs/models/public/tflite/mobilenet_v1_1.0_224.tflite
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tflite/tidl_net_tflite_mobilenet_v1_1.0_224.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tflite/tidl_io_tflite_mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 128 128 128
inScale = 0.0078125 0.0078125 0.0078125
resizeWidth = 256
resizeHeight = 256
inWidth = 224
inHeight = 224
inNumChannels = 3
inData = ../../test/testvecs/config/imageNet_sample_val_bg.txt
postProcType = 1