Plaform Development Kit (PDK) Introduction


  1. Introduction
  2. Licensing
  3. Documentation
  4. Trainings


The Texas Instruments Platform Development Kit (PDK) is a single scalable software driver package that offers streamlined development across different TI Processors. The PDK package contains Device Abstraction Layer libraries and peripheral/board level sample/demo examples that demonstrate the capabilities of the peripherals on TI platform for development, deployment and execution of applications.


Refer to PDK manifest [HTML].

J784S4 Documentation

PDK J784S4 User Guide User Guide, Release Notes, FAQ, How to Guides [HTML]
PDK J784S4 API Guide API Guide [HTML]
PDK J784S4 Binaries Tested Binaries Tested [Bin List]


PDK Getting Started PDK Overview, Directory Structure [PPTX]
UDMA Overview UDMA HW and SW Overview, API Sequence [PPTX]
EDMA to UDMA Migration Migrating Applications from EDMA to UDMA using TI-RTOS Drivers [PDF]
Time Sync Overview Time Sync Design Overview [PPTX]
Ethernet LLD Introduction Introduction to the Ethernet LLD (Enet LLD) [PDF]

Copyright 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated