The Vectored Interrupt Manager (VIM) aggregates interrupts to a CPU. It is intended for use with a Cortex R5 from ARM in either split or lockstep configuration. The VIM has up to 1024 interrupt inputs per CPU, which may be either level or pulse. Each interrupt has a programmable priority (0-highest through 15-lowest). Each interrupt may also be mapped as anIRQ or FIQ (FIQ is also often denoted as Non-Maskable Interrupt, or NMI).
The file source/sdl/r5/v0/sdl_interrupt.c demonstrates using these APIs in a baremetal environment for interrupt-related functionality.
Safety diagnostics are provided for VIMDED module through API’s
This is function to be called when an Double bit ECC error happens on the VIM RAM. NOTE: That the regular vector load will be replaced with this registered function.
Set the DED interrupt vector address
Get the DED interrupt vector address