6.2. J721S2 SBL

6.2.1. Introduction

The Secondary Bootloader (SBL) for J721S2 initializes the execution environment for multi-core applications and this can be used to demonstrate a real world product experience. This section covers additional details including execution sequence, tools and additional flashing instructions.

The SBL is essentially a baremetal application, and it uses many components from the Processor SDK

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/build : For build infrastructure

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/csl : For initialization and SoC addresses

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/board : For board and usecase specific initialization

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/drv/spi : For reading applications from OSPI flash

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/drv/udma : For reading data from boot media using DMA

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/drv/mmcsd : For reading applications from MMC/SD/eMMC

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/fs/fatfs : For reading files from MMC/SD/eMMC

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient : For communicating with DMSC sub-system

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/drv/uart : For log messages

  • <PDK>/packages/ti/osal : Primitives required by ti/drv components

The SBL is in turn used by the board framework to load and start diagnostics

Bootloader Execution Sequence

  • Power On Reset

  • ROM Bootloader (RBL)

    • Software pre-programmed in J721S2 ROM memory starts executing

    • The RBL performs platform configuration and initialization.

    • It then checks sysboot pins and chooses booting device

    • The RBL then configures PLL and clock settings for R5, and boot media like eMMC, SD/MMC, OSPI, UART, PCIe, Ethernet etc for reliable boot.

    • If no valid bootloader found on booting device, the RBL checks for next booting device, based on sysboot pins

    • It then gets image size and load address by checking the X.509 certificate that is part of the bootloader image.

    • The RBL then verifies, optionally decrypts and loads the binary to internal memory at the load address specified in the X.509 certificate.

    • Finally it resets the R5 and passes control to Secondary Bootloader(SBL) running on the R5.

  • Secondary bootloader(SBL)

    • User level secondary bootloader(SBL) begins execution from internal memory. It enables ATCM, starts PMU timers for profiling, initializes the MCU, and sets up the stack, heap and globals. It then jumps to main().

    • Board Initialization is done by calls to Board_init() API.For additional details refer Processor SDK Board Support.

    • The RAT is setup. Pin MUX and UART console are setup by calling Board_init() API. The system firmware (SYSFW or TIFS) is then loaded from the boot media into the DMSC subsystem.

    • Once the system firmware is up and running, the rest of the initialization can be done.

    • This includes optionally using Board_init() to configure PLLs, LPSCs and DDR.

    • The SBL then loads the application from the boot media. If the image is signed, the application will be copied into a user specified reserved memory, and the SBL will attempt to verify the image by calling system firmware APIs. On HS devices, the boot proceeds only if image verification passes.

    • The SBL parses application image(s) for each of the core(s) from boot media and scatter loads it to memory.

    • Once the application is loaded, the SBL communicates with the system firmware to setup the clocks for the core(s) and release it from reset.

    • The core then starts executing from application entry point.

  • Variants of SBL

SBL Configuration

Boot Media

Boot Type

Sample Application





Multicore Boot Test

Boots the target using an SD card containing bootloader, sysfw and application image

HSM boot

Boots HSM core along with the application image

BootApp RTOS

Tertiary boot loader which boots main domain cores in stages from SD card

BootApp Linux

Tertiary boot loader which boots main domain cores and Linux Kernel in stages from SD card

BootApp QNX

Tertiary boot loader which boots main domain cores and QNX in stages from SD card




Multicore Boot Test

Boots the target using bootloader, sysfw and application image which are flashed at a particular offset in OSPI NOR

HSM boot

Boots HSM core along with the application image

BootApp RTOS

Tertiary boot loader which boots main domain cores in stages from OSPI

BootApp Linux

Tertiary boot loader which boots main domain cores and Linux Kernel in stages from OSPI

BootApp QNX

Tertiary boot loader which boots main domain cores and QNX in stages from OSPI




Multicore Boot Test

A Serial connection is used for transferring the bootloader binary from PC to target board through XMODEM protocol. The bootloader on execution prompts for application image to transfer through XMODEM.




HSM boot

Boots HSM core along with the application image




Multicore Boot Test

Flavor of OSPI SBL with custom flags. With this SBL, user can control the following things

  • DDR initialization

  • Initialization of PLLs

  • Initialization of clocks

  • Skipping MCU Reset




Multicore Boot Test

Boots the target using bootloader, sysfw and application images which are flashed at a particular offset in OSPI NAND

HSM boot

Boots HSM core along with the application image

SBL eMMC Boot0

eMMC Boot0


Multicore Boot Test

Boots the target using bootloader, sysfw and application images which are flashed to a particular offset to eMMC Boot0 partition




Multicore Boot Test

Boots the target using bootloader, sysfw and application images which are copied to eMMC UDA partition

SBL Boot Perf CUST



Boot Perf Test

Flavor of OSPI SBL with custom flags.

  • Skips DDR initialization

  • Uses OCMC RAM as SBL scratch memory

  • Intializes only MCU domain to save boot time


Early CAN Response

Flavor of OSPI SBL with custom flags.

  • Skips DDR initialization

  • Uses OCMC RAM as SBL scratch memory

  • Intializes only MCU domain to save boot time

  • User needs to enable SBL_SKIP_PINMUX_ENABLE in sbl_component.mk to save pim muxing time as well

SBL MMCSD Combined



Multicore Boot Test

Boots the target using an SD card containing bootloader( which contains sysfw as well) and application image

SBL OSPI Combined



Multicore Boot Test

Boots the target using bootloader(which contains sysfw as well) and application image flashed at a particulat offset in OSPI NOR

SBL Combined Boot Perf CUST



Boot Perf Test

Flavor of Combined OSPI SBL with custom flags.

  • Skips DDR initialization

  • Uses OCMC RAM as SBL scratch memory

  • Intializes only MCU domain to save boot time

SBL XIP 133/166



XIP Boot Test

Different OSPI Configurations





Boots high level OS Linux using an SD card containing bootloader, sysfw and HLOS application image


Boots high level OS U-Boot using an SD card containing bootloader, sysfw and HLOS application image





Boots high level OS Linux using bootloader, sysfw and HLOS application image which are flashed to a particular offset in OSPI NOR


Boots high level OS U-Boot using bootloader, sysfw and HLOS application image which are flashed to a particular offset in OSPI NOR


  • RBL requires boot loader (SBL) to be in a special format with the binary image appended to a X.509 certificate. The certificate contains the load address, size and SHA of the bootloader image.

  • For a detailed description of ROM bootloader and more information on the image format expected by the RBL refer the initialization chapter in the J721S2 Technical Reference Manual

  • In addition to the bootloader and application, the DMSC firmware binary is also needed for the SoC to complete the system boot flow.

  • If building the combined ROM boot image, the DMSC firmware binary is part of the bootloader image itself and is not flashed separately.

  • The first 256 bytes of the ATCM are reserved by SBL for its use. The SBL initializes the ATCM with 0xFF before it uses it.

  • If the multicore application image is signed using the TI Dummy Key, instead of a degenerate key (default setting) the same binary can be used on GP and HS devices. For information on the application’s X.509 certificate format, please refer Security X509 Certificate Documentation

  • When the R5 is released from reset, it will always fetch and execute the first intruction from address 0x0.

6.2.2. Block Diagram


6.2.3. Memory Map


6.2.4. Directory structure

├── board
│   └── k3
│       └── sbl_main.c                                        <= define main() for SBL, board specific init
├── build
│   ├── makefile                                              <= makefile for the SBL component
│   ├── boot_app.mk                                           <= makefile to build BootApp examples
│   ├── sbl_boot_test.mk                                      <= Builds SBL single core tests
│   ├── sbl_multicore_boot_test.mk                            <= Builds SBL multicore boot test which uses single core tests to create multicore image
│   ├── sbl_smp_test.mk                                       <= Builds example app for using SBL lib
│   ├── sbl_mcu0_boot_perf_test.mk                            <= Builds example app for SBL performance tuning
│   ├── sbl_mcu0_boot_xip_entry.mk                            <= Builds example trampoline app to demonstrate transitioning to a XIP app from SBL
│   ├── sbl_mcu0_boot_xip_test.mk                             <= Builds example app to demonstrate XIP execution from XIP capable boot media
│   ├── sbl_img.mk                                            <= builds SBL image that is loaded and executed by ROM code
│   ├── sbl_lib.mk                                            <= Builds sbl library that other apps can link into
│   └── sbl_multicore_smp.mk                                  <= Builds multi-core image from SBL lib eg. test to demonstrate symmetric multiprocessor boot (SMP)
├── example
│   ├── k3MulticoreApp
│   |   ├── binary
│   │   │   └── [soc]
│   │   │       ├── sbl_boot_test_<board_name>_allcoresTestApp_release.appimage                         <= SBL loadable board specific sample apps for testing SBL boot flow on GP devices
│   │   │       ├── sbl_boot_test_<board_name>_allcoresTestApp_release.appimage.signed                  <= SBL loadable board specific signed sample apps for testing SBL boot flow on HS-SE devices
│   │   │       ├── sbl_boot_test_<board_name>_allcoresTestApp_release.appimage.hs_fs                   <= SBL loadable board specific signed sample apps for testing SBL boot flow on HS-FS devices
│   │   │       └── sbl_baremetal_boot_xip_test_<board_name>_mcu1_0TestApp_release.xer5f.bin            <= Binary image that can be eXecuted In Place on XIP capable boot media
|   │   ├── [soc]
│   │   │   ├── mcuAmplinker.lds                            <= Linker command file when TI CGT is used for Asym. Multiproc. boot
│   │   │   ├── mpuAmplinker.lds                            <= GCC linker command file (for Cortex Axx cores) for Asym. Multiproc. boot
│   │   │   ├── mcuXiplinker.lds                            <= Linker command file for XIP trampoline app
│   │   │   └── xip_entry.lds                               <= Linker command file for XIP test case
|   │   ├── mcuBootPerfLinker_small.lds                     <= TI CGT Linker command file for SBL performance tuning example (for boot with MCU domain only)
│   │   ├── mcu[core#]LockStepLinker.lds                    <= Linker command file when TI CGT is used for R5 lock-step boot
│   │   ├── mpuSmplinker.lds                                <= GCC linker command file (for Cortex Axx cores) for SMP boot
│   │   ├── xip_entry.asm                                   <= Entry point of XIP trampoline app
│   │   ├── xip_stub.c                                      <= Simple SBL test app that demonstrates transitioning to a XIP app
│   │   ├── sbl_amp_multicore.c                             <= Simple SBL test that displays UART message
│   │   ├── sbl_amp_multicore_sections.h                    <= Allows same source to be loaded to different sections for different cores.
│   │   ├── sbl_mcu_0_boot_perf_benchmark.c                 <= SBL Test to tune boot performance.
│   │   ├── sbl_multicore_a53.asm                           <= Test case entry point  for Cortex-Axx cores
│   │   ├── sbl_multicore_r5.asm                            <= Test case entry point for Cortex-R5 cores
│   │   ├── sbl_multicore_r5_sections.inc                   <= Allows same source to be loaded to different sections for different MCUs.
│   │   ├── sbl_printf.c                                    <= Lightweight UART printf function for SBL testing
│   │   ├── sbl_smp_multicore.c                             <= Simple SBL SMP test that uses SBL lib to reset MPUs
│   │   └── sbl_smp_r5.asm                                  <= Provides dummy override function for __mpu_init for SMP testcase.
│   ├── boot_app
│   │     ├── binary
│   │     │      └── [board]
│   │     │             └── [bootmedia]
│   │     │                     ├── sbl_boot_app_<bootmedia>_<*(hs)>_<board_name>_mcu1_0_freertos_TestApp_relese.appimage.*           <= BootApp image which boots main domain cores in stages
│   │     │                     ├── sbl_boot_app_<bootmedia>_linux_<*(hs)>_<board_name>_mcu1_0_freertos_TestApp_relese.appimage.*     <= BootApp image which boots main domain cores and Linux on A72 core
│   │     │                     └── sbl_boot_app_<bootmedia>_qnx_<*(hs)>_<board_name>_mcu1_0_freertos_TestApp_relese.appimage.*       <= BootApp image which boots main domain cores and QNX on A72 core
│   │     ├── boot_app_main.c
│   │     ├── boot_app_mmcsd.c
│   │     ├── boot_app_mmcsd.h
│   │     ├── boot_app_ospi.c
│   │     ├── boot_app_ospi.h
│   │     ├── boot_app_priv.h
│   │     ├── linker_r5_freertos.lds      <= linker file to build BootApp
│   │     ├── r5_mpu_freertos.c           <= MPU configurations for BootApp
│   │     ├── soc
│   │     │    └── [board]
│   │     │            ├── boot_core_defs.c
│   │     │            └── boot_core_defs.h
│   │     ├── scripts
│   │     │      └── generate_latepps.sh  <= script to generate lateapp images which are multicore images generated from sbl boot test
│   │     └── multicore_images
│   │             └── [board]
│   │                    ├── multicore_*stage1.appimage*  <= lateapp1, multicore image which boots main R5 cores in stage1
│   │                    ├── multicore_*stage2.appimage*  <= lateapp2, multicore image which boots DSP cores in stage2
│   │                    └── multicore_*stage3.appimage*  <= lateapp3, multicore image which boots A72 core in stage3
│   └── eeprom_test
│        ├── sbl_eeprom_test.c  <= Simple baremetal application which checks whether EEPROM content is properly copied to DDR or not
│        └── makefile           <= makefile to build sbl_eeprom_test
├── binary                                                        <= ROM bootable SBL images for each board/boot media
│   ├── [board]
│       └── [bootmedia]
│           └── bin
│               └── sbl_[bootmedia]_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage
├── lib                                                           <= SBL lib for each boot media/board supported
│   ├── [bootmedia]
│   │   └── [board]
│   │       └── r5f
│   │           └── release
│   │               └── sbl_lib_[bootmedia].aer5f
│   └── cust
│       └── [board]
│           └── r5f
│               └── release
│                   └── sbl_lib_cust.aer5f
├── soc                                 <= SOC specific SBL code
│   └── k3
│       ├── [soc]
|       |   └── linker.cmd              <= Linker file used for generating ROM loadable SBL image.
│       ├── sbl_err_trap.h              <= Error loops for SBL
│       ├── sbl_init.asm                <= SBL Entry point
│       ├── sbl_misc.asm                <= SBL Assembly utility functions
│       ├── sbl_log.h                   <= SBL logging framework
│       ├── sbl_sci_client.c            <= Calls system firmware on DMSC
│       ├── sbl_sci_client.h
│       ├── sbl_slave_core_boot.c       <= Code that contains the sequence to release a core from reset
│       ├── sbl_slave_core_boot.h
│       ├── sbl_soc.c                   <= Cache Ops, PMU init, image verfication, etc & SoC specific code like RAT Init..
│       ├── sbl_soc_cfg.h               <= Abstraction layer for hiding SoC level changes from SBL
│       └── sbl_profile.h               <= SBL profiling framework
├── src                                 <= Common drivers used across SOCs
│   ├── mmcsd
│   ├── emmc
│   ├── hyperflash
│   ├── ospi
│   ├── qspi
│   ├── uart
│   ├── rprc                            <= RPRC image parser used by SBL
│   └── spi
└── tools
    ├── btoccs
    ├── byteswap
    ├── ccsutil
    ├── combined_appimage               <= Creates a "combined_*" .appimage file for booting HLOS images (e.g., ATF,U-boot,Linux)
    │   ├── bin
    │   │   └── [board]
    │   │       ├── base-board.dtb          <= Default (example) Linux DTB per platform - to be replaced with desired DTB
    │   │       ├── bl31.bin                <= Checked-in ATF image from LCPD installers of latest release
    │   │       ├── bl32.bin                <= Checked-in OPTEE image from LCPD installers of latest release
    │   │       ├── Image                   <= Checked-in Kernel image from LCPD installers of latest release
    │   │       ├── u-boot.img              <= Checked-in u-boot image from LCPD installers of latest release
    │   │       ├── u-boot-spl.bin          <= Checked-in A72 SPL image from LCPD installers of latest release
    │   │       ├── combined_opt.appimage   <= Checked-in image which boots Linux from SBL
    │   │       └── combined_dev.appimage   <= Checked-in image which boots U-Boot from SBL
    │   ├── config.mk                       <= Configuration make include file. Use this to specify images to include in combined.appimage
    │   └── makefile                        <= combined_*.appimage Makefile
    ├── BootApp_binaries
    │   ├── linux                           <= These images are used to boot Linux from BootApp
    │   │   └── [board]
    │   │       ├── atf_optee.appimage            <= Checked-in ATF OPTEE appimage
    │   │       ├── tidtb_linux.appimage          <= Checked-in dtb appimage
    │   │       └── tikernelimage_linux.appimage  <= Checked-in Linux kernel appimage
    │   └── qnx                            <= These images are used to boot QNX from BootApp
    │       └── [board]
    │            ├── atf_optee.appimage    <= Checked-in ATF OPTEE appimage
    │            └── ifs_qnx.appimage      <= Checked-in QNX appimage
    ├── multicoreImageGen                 <= Stitches multiple RPRC images for different cores into a single image
    ├── out2rprc                          <= Converts .out into .rprc files, so that SBL can load non-continuous memory sections
    ├── scripts                           <= Scripts used by .out  generated by CCS projects into SBL loadable images
    │   ├── K3ImageGen.bat
    │   └── K3ImageGen.sh
    └── tiImageGen                        <= Unused for AM65xx/J721E. Image generation is handled by PDK build framework (<sdk_install_path>/pdk_*/packages/ti/build/)

6.2.5. Image Formats

SBL format:

To generate a bootable image, the SBL build uses the x509CertificateGen script to sign the sbl binary with so that the ROM Boot Loader (RBL) can parse it. The image format expected by the RBL has been described in detail in the Image Format Section of the J721S2 Technical Reference Manual


For HS devices, the SBL and system firmware have to be signed with the MPK. Processor SDK sign SBL and system firmware with a TI Dummy Key on HS device. Use sbl_<bootmode>_img to boot on GP devices and sbl_<bootmode>_img_hs to boot on HS devices. The build system invokes the script <PDK>/packages/ti/build/makerules/x509CertificateGen* which inturn calls OpenSSL to create the X509 certificate.


For compatibility, all signed certificates must include a software revision extension with a minimum value of 1 as ROM will use this to enforce the revision programmed into the device efuses for anti-rollback protection. This default value of 1 is set into the SDK scripts but must be incremented during the lifecycle of the device if or when the efuse value is incremented. See https://software-dl.ti.com/tisci/esd/latest/6_topic_user_guides/otp_revision.html for more details.


For the combined ROM boot image, SBL and system firmware are embedded in a boot image with a single x509 certificate. ROM utilizes the x509 extension ext_boot_info to support this format. The components of this format has been described in detail in the Image Format Section of the J721S2 Technical Reference Manual


The TI Dummy Key(s) MUST be replaced by customers during production with their own Private Keys. If the TI Dummy Keys are used in a production system, the system will be open to security attacks. The path of the default (dummy) key used by the signing script for HS devices is <PDK>/packages/ti/build/makerules/k3_dev_mpk.pem


While SBL and system firmware images signed with the TI Dummy Keys will work on both GP and HS devices, the boot time will be significantly impacted on GP devices. Using SBL signed by TI Dummy Keys on GP devices is only recommended during the prototyping phase - when porting code developed on GP to HS devices.

Application image format:

Two utilities - out2rprc and multicoreImageGen are used to convert an application elf image(s) into an image loadable by the SBL. The structure of a multicore application image is provided below:

../_images/multicore_image_format.png ../_images/rprc_file_format.png

RPRC File Header Format


Binary value


Magic String(43525052)


Entry Point (Location)




Number of Sections



RPRC Section Header Format


Binary value


Load Address









Multicore boot image format

Meta Header Start


Binary value


Magic String (0x5254534D)


Number of Files


Device ID


App Image Version

Meta Header per Core


Binary value


Core ID


Image Offset

Meta Header Core End


Binary value




Magic String End (0x444E454D)

Signed application image format:

To convert the multicore application image into a format that can be verified, the build flow uses the x509CertificateGen script to create a x509 certificate for the app image. Images that have a x509 certificate are called signed images. Signed applications images are mandatory for HS devices, but will work also work on GP devices.

Signed images are automatically detected by the SBL and loaded into a scratch memory area specified during SBL build. The scratch memory area used by default is specified in sbl_lib.mk via the flags SBL_SCRATCH_MEM_START and SBL_SCRATCH_MEM_SIZE. The SBL_SCRATCH_MEM* options can also be specified for custom builds to override the defaults.

The SBL scratch memory is unavailable to applications during app load time, as the SBL is still active. Once the SBL transfers control to the application, this memory is available for app use - in other words SBL_SCRATCH_MEM* is available during app runtime.

For information on the application’s X.509 certificate format, please refer Security X509 Certificate Documentation

6.2.6. Building the SBL and its components

This section will cover compiling SBL for GP and HS devices. It will also show how to compile a loadable appimage file from an example application, which can be used as a reference to compile your own custom application. Pre-requisites to Building

  • Set your environment using pdksetupenv.bat or pdksetupenv.sh located in <PDK>/packages directory. Refer to Processor SDK RTOS Building for information on setting up your build environment


  • SBL needs openssl to build. To check if openssl is present, type the following at the linux or windows prompt.

openssl version
  • To build on Linux, you need to have mono installed.

  • Refer Build Dependencies for instructions on how to install these tools, if they are not already present on your system. Compiling SBL for GP (General Purpose) Device

Compiling the SBL

To build all the SBL components:

cd <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/build
gmake clean all (for windows)
make clean all  (for Linux)
  • SBL image files are be located at: <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/

  • SBL examples are located at <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/examples/k3MulticoreApp/binary

  • SBL lib are located at <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/lib/

Compile time options for the SBL

The SBL supports several compile time options to tweak the SBL to satisfy requirements of ease of use, boot time and size. These can be enabled or disabled by editing sbl/sbl_component.mk

  • SBL_LOG_LEVEL : Controls amount of SBL logs (on the MCU UART) and system firmware logs(on WAKEUP UART). Varies from 0(no logs) to 3 (all logs)

  • SBL_USE_DMA : Valid values are 0 (use CPU to access boot media) or 1 (use DMA to access boot media).

  • SBL_DISPLAY_PROFILE_INFO : At the end of the boot process, displays a log of timestamps at which different SBL profile points are hit. This is useful to see how much time the SBL spends in different functions. SBL_LOG_LEVEL can significantly affect performance numbers.

  • SBL_ENABLE_PLL : Dials up all the PLLs calling Board_init(). Makes it easier for applications as they no longer have to initialize the PLLs. However, enabling this significantly increases boot time and power consumption. Requires system firmware to be loaded.

  • SBL_ENABLE_CLOCKS : Enables all the module clocks by calling Board_init(). Makes it easier for applications as they no longer have to enable clocks.

  • SBL_ENABLE_DDR : Initializes the DDR. At the cost of boot time, this enables applications to run from and use DDR. SBL_ENABLE_CLOCKS and SBL_ENABLE_PLL must also be enabed for this to work. Enabling this option increases the boot time.

  • SBL_SKIP_MCU_RESET : Jumps to the MCU0 application entry point without resetting the core. Enables faster boot time. Will not change the MCU’s mode (lock-step/split). Application also inherits the MCU state as the SBL left it in.

  • SBL_ENABLE_DEV_GRP_MCU : Will cause the system firmware to only use MCU domain resources during system firmware initialization. This can be done either to support boot when the main power domain is off, or to save boot time.

  • SBL_ENABLE_HLOS_BOOT: SBL will take some extra steps to prepare certain peripherals and resources to be handed over for HLOS (e.g., Linux) control from the Cortex-A cores.

  • SBL_HLOS_OWNS_FLASH : Ensures the SBL will leave the OSPI flash in single SPI mode, so that the MAIN domain Cortex-A code (e.g., HLOS) can reset the flash and take control of it, if needed.

  • SBL_SKIP_PINMUX_ENABLE : SBL will skip any PINMUX init being done in the bootloader and expect that it will be handled by a subsequent application.

  • SBL_SKIP_LATE_INIT : SBL will skip calling the SoC Late Init functions, normally contained in SBL_SocLateInit()

  • SBL_USE_MCU_DOMAIN_ONLY : SBL will configure & boot MCU domain cores ONLY. Saves boot time when configuring & using MCU domain only (especially when testing MCU-only boot or measuring Early CAN response).

The SBL also supports a “custom” build, in addition to standard out-of-box builds. A custom build is a useful way of testing out the effect of different build options - like when optimizing for boot time, or enabling custom usecases like eXecute In Place (XIP) to reduce memory usage.

For an example of how to use such custom builds, please refer to sbl/sbl_component.mk. It shows how to specify a select list of build options while building SBL images and libs.

ROM Combined Image boot

Certain devices (J7200, J721S2, J784S4 and J742S2) support a combined boot image flow. In this flow, a boot binary blob has both Secondary bootloader (SBL) and System Firmware (SYS-FW) embedded in the boot image with a single X509 certificate. ROM employs a new X509 extension called ext_boot_info. It supports multiple boot components with a single certificate as described in the “Extended Boot Info Extension” of the J721S2 Technical Reference Manual and below:


To create the combined boot image, simply build an alternate SBL bootloader target with “_combined” (GP device) or “_combined_hs” (HS device) appended to the build target name (only for MMCSD or OSPI boot modes).

SBL Build Target Examples for ROM Combined image boot:

  • GP device : To boot from SD card, use the “sbl_mmcsd_img_combined” build target. For OSPI boot mode, use “sbl_ospi_img_combined”.

  • HS device : To boot from SD card, use the “sbl_mmcsd_img_combined_hs” build target. For OSPI boot mode, use “sbl_ospi_img_combined_hs”.

Note :

  • To create the combined board configurations utilized in the boot image, use make target “sciclient_boardcfg_combined”

  • The combined boot image flow defaults to using the J7200 ES2.0 TIFS version for J7200 HS variants

  • ROM does not support the combined boot image flow for J721E

  • For HS-SE non prime devices, an additional component in ext_boot_info (SYS-FW Inner certificate) is added to the boot image

HLOS boot

The SBL now also supports booting ARM Trusted Firmware (ATF) along with either U-boot or HLOS images (e.g., Linux + DTB) on the Cortex-A cores of the device, when used together with the “combined_appimage” make facility in the SBL tools dir.

To boot the combined.appimage that is produced, simply build an alternate SBL bootloader target with “_hlos” (GP device) or “_hlos_hs” (HS device) appended to the build target name (only for MMCSD or OSPI boot modes).

SBL Build Target Examples for HLOS Boot:

  • GP device : To boot from SD card, use the “sbl_mmcsd_img_hlos” build target. For OSPI boot mode, use “sbl_ospi_img_hlos”.

  • HS device : To boot from SD card, use the “sbl_mmcsd_img_hlos_hs” build target. For OSPI boot mode, use “sbl_ospi_img_hlos_hs”.

Note :

  • base-board.dtb needs to be modified to ensure that SD card filesystem (‘rootfs’) is specified for the Linux filesystem in each case.

  • For J721E SBL initializes the SERDES and hence the same should be disabled in device tree.

  • To disable serdes : Add ‘status = “disabled”;’ for serdes0, serdes1, serdes2

SBL Startup

The SBL can specify the R5 configuration (lockstep or split) that ROM needs to use when it starts up the SBL. This info is passed to ROM as a field in the X509 certificate. The value in this field can be controlled by editing the build flag R5_STARTUP_MODE in sbl/build/sbl_img.mk

  • EFUSE_DEFAULT : SBL will run with the same R5 configuration the boot rom ran in.

  • SPLIT_MODE : ROM will switch the R5 to split mode before starting the SBL (default).

Enabling/Disabling JTAG on secure devices

JTAG access is controlled using a field in the X509 certificate.

By default, for an easy out of box experience, the Processor SDK enables debug via JTAG on High Secure devices. Leaving JTAG enabled, while making it easy for software development, creates a major security hole in production devices.

To disable/change the level of JTAG access on HS devices, update the value of the debugType field in the signing scripts build/makerules/x509template.txt (when building from windows) and build/makerules/x509CertificateGen.sh (when building from linux).

Valid values are:

  • 0 : Disable all JTAG access (most secure and most restrictive)

  • 1 : Use device defaults (most secure and most restrictive)

  • 2 : Allow debug of non-secure code, when the CPU is running in secure mode, JTAG connectivity will be lost

  • 4 : Allow debug of both secure and non-secure code (least secure and least restrictive). This is the default.

Copying EEPROM Content

  • SBL copies EEPROM content to DDR

  • By default SBL copies to 0x90000000, user can also specifies to which address EEPROM content should be copied by passing EEPROM_DATA_DDR_ADDRESS=<address> while building SBL Compiling SBL for HS (High Security) Device

This section should be skipped if you are using a GP device.

Compile Non-encrypted SBL for HS Device

The steps to build HS SBL and HS Uniflash Programmer are as below:

cd <PDK>/packages/ti/build
make -s sbl_<bootmode>_img_hs BOARD=$BOARD

where boot mode is mmcsd, ospi, hyperflash, uart and $BOARD is j721e_evm or another valid board which can be listed using **make -s help**
This generates HS SBL images under <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/<$BOARD>_hs folder


  • Make sure build environment is set up using pdksetupenv if you have not done so when compiling for GP device.

  • If the make does not succeed, try setting DISABLE_RECURSE_DEPS=no like so: make -s sbl_<bootmode>_img_hs BOARD=$BOARD DISABLE_RECURSE_DEPS=no.

Building HS Uniflash programmer is similar to SBL. Instead provide the make target as “board_utils_uart_flash_programmer_hs”. This generates HS uniflash programmer image under <PDK>/packages/ti/board/utils/uniflash/target/bin/<$BOARD>_hs folder

Compile Encrypted SBL for HS Device

A few additional steps on top of compiling non-encrypted SBL for HS device is necessary when compiling an encrypted SBL.

  1. Open the file <PDK>/packages/ti/build/makerules/x509CertificateGen.sh or x509CertificateGen.ps1 if on Windows.

  2. Edit line 119 of x509CertificateGen to ENC_BIN=$BIN"-ENC-"$CERT_SIGN instead of ENC_BIN=$CERT_SIGN"-ENC-"$BIN

  3. Open <PDK>/packages/ti/build/makerules/common.mk

  4. Edit line 638 of common.mk that starts with $(SBL_CERT_GEN) -b $(SBL_BIN_PATH) … by adding the flags -e $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/build/makerules/k3_dev_mek.txt -y ENCRYPT

  5. Compile encrypted SBL for HS device using the same command used for non-encrypted SBL for HS device

This generates encrypted HS SBL images under <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/<$BOARD>_hs folder with the same name as non-encrypted HS SBL image. Compiling appimage that can be loaded by SBL

In this section we will demonstrate how you can create a SBL loadable appimage from an existing ELF file.

Memory Map Considerations

Applications that the SBL loads must comply generally with the sbl-memory-usage. In the application’s linker command file, care must be taken to not use the first 0x100 bytes of the MCU R5’s ATCM memory, as well as the SBL reserved memory from 0x41C00100 to 0x41C80000, for J7xx devices. If the applications are signed, no loadable sections must be placed in the SBL scratch memory area. The scratch memory can be used at application runtime for stacks, heaps, etc.

Also, the SCISERVER now needs to be started on MCU1_0, as part of the MCU1_0 application. The board configuration space for SBL to leave behind for the SCISERVER in MCU SRAM should be left as reserved, at least until Sciclient_init() has executed on MCU1_0 - it is from 0x41C80000 to 0x41C82000. Similarly, the common header location from 0x41CFFB00 to 0x41D00000 should also be left untouched until Sciclient_init() has finished execution.


  • The local address 0x0 of the MPU is not accessible from the MCU, so any MPU linker command file must not specify any loadable sections in that memory region. The SBL will not be able to access that memory to load code or data.

Compile SBL loadable image from ELF executables

Depending on the usecase, an ELF application executable can be converted into an image that can be loaded by SBL in many ways.

  • Using CCS: Any project created using the pdkProjectCreate scripts will automatically generate a SBL loadable app, as part of a post-build step.

  • Using makefiles: Add the following lines to the component’s .mk file

app_name_SBL_APPIMAGEGEN = yes
export app_name_SBL_APPIMAGEGEN
  • Existing ELF executable: By calling the K3ImageGen script.

Linux Syntax: ./K3ImageGen.sh <CoreID> <.out>

cd  <sdk_install_path>/pdk_*/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/scripts/
./K3ImageGen.sh 4 sbl_baremetal_boot_test_<board>_mcu1_0TestApp_release.xer5f
Windows Syntax: K3ImageGen.bat "<CoreID> <.out>"

cd  <sdk_install_path>\pdk_*\packages\ti\boot\sbl\tools\scripts\
K3ImageGen.bat "4 sbl_baremetal_boot_test_<board>_mcu1_0TestApp_release.xer5f"
  • Multicore Images: Multicore images, as the name suggests, allows the SBL to load applications for multiple cores from a single image. Creating such images involves three steps.

  1. Generate the ELF application executables for individual cores

  2. Convert the ELF executables into intermediate .rprc images

  3. Combine the .rprc images of individual cores to create a single multicore image

To covert any .out into the intermediate .rprc format, execute the following commands

For Linux:
mono <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/out2rprc/bin/out2rprc.exe input.out output.rprc
For Windows:
<PDK>\packages\ti\boot\sbl\tools\out2rprc\bin\out2rprc.exe input.out output.rprc

To stitch multiple .rprc images into a multicore image, execute the following command

For Linux:
<PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/multicoreImageGen/bin/MulticoreImageGen LE 55 output.appimage  <core_id_1> core_1.rprc <core_id_2> core_2.rprc
For Windows:
<PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/multicoreImageGen/bin/MulticoreImageGen.exe LE 55 output.appimage  <core_id_1> core_1.rprc <core_id_2> core_2.rprc


  • The linux host environment needs to have mono installed.

  • The values used for the Core ID and Device ID can be found in sbl/soc/k3/ sbl_slave_core_boot.h

  • To simply load an ELF without executing it, use CoreID value ONLY_LOAD_ID

  • If an image for MCU_1 core is provided, the SBL will attempt to switch to split mode.

  • If only an image for MCU_0 is provided, the SBL will not change the mode of the MCU subsystem.

  • To enable SMP on the MPU, ie, to get multiple MPUs execute from a single binary from the same address, use one of the following core_ids

    • MPU1_SMP_ID: The same app binary runs on both cores in MPU cluster 1

    • MPU2_SMP_ID: The same app binary runs on both cores in MPU cluster 2

    • MPU_SMP_ID: The same app binary runs all the MPUs

Boot a HLOS+RTOS appimage using the combined_appimage tooling

Creating a combined.appimage file including all images necessary to boot U-boot or HLOS on the SoC’s Cortex-A cores, as well as booting RTOS images on the other remote cores can be done with the following 4 steps:

  1. Modify the sbl/tools/combined_appimage/config.mk file HLOS_BIN_PATH var to point to the desired HLOS images to be booted

  2. Modify the HLOS_BOOT var in the same file to select “development” option (boots to SPL/U-boot) or “optimized” option (boots ATF/OPTEE/Linux)

  3. Modify the RTOS_BIN_PATH var there to point to your RTOS binaries and then list the cores & binaries to be loaded in the vars: IMG1, IMG2, …

  4. Make the combined.appimage output app using the following make command:

make BOARD=<board> GCC_LINUX_ARM_PATH=<path>

cd  <sdk_install_path>/pdk_*/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/combined_appimage
make BOARD=<board> GCC_LINUX_ARM_PATH=<sdk_install_path>/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-elf
cd bin/<board>
ls *.appimage

Converting ELF executables to executable binary images

Sometimes, for extremely constrained and specialized usecases like ultra-low-latency boot or DDR-less systems, an ELF application executable can be converted into a binary image that can executed directly from the boot media, without loading into internal memory.

As internal memory is always accessible, this mode of execution allows some otherwise mandatory steps steps like DDR initlization or clock initialization to be done later or skipped altogether.

Working with such highly contrained systems require some special steps..

  • Make sure that the boot media supports eXecuting In Place (XIP).

  • Use the custom SBL build to select the build options to build a SBL that meets the usecase requirements.

  • In the linker command file for the application, make sure that all the data sections, stacks, heaps and globals are in internal read/write memory

  • In the linker command file for the application, make sure that there are no holes in the loadable sections. Such non-contiguous sections can drastically blow up the binary image size, when compared to the ELF executable size.

  • To generate an executable binary image from the applications ELF file, add the following lines to the component’s .mk file

app_name_SBL_APP_BINIMAGEGEN = yes
export app_name_SBL_APP_BINIMAGEGEN

Compile encrypted SBL loadable image for HS device from ELF executables

An edit to our appimage generation script is necessary to generate encrypted appimage:

  1. Open <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/scripts/K3ImageGen.sh for Linux or K3ImageGen.bat for Windows

  2. Edit line 88 that starts with “$PDK_INSTALL_PATH/ti/build/makerules/x509… by adding the flags: -e $PDK_INSTALL_PATH/ti/build/makerules/k3_dev_mek.txt -y ENCRYPT

Now the K3ImageGen script generates encrypted appimage instead of non-encrypted appimage. It can still be used like so:

cd  <sdk_install_path>/pdk_*/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/scripts
./K3ImageGen.sh 4 <path_to_ELF_file>/sbl_baremetal_boot_test_<board>_mcu1_0TestApp_release.xer5f

The generated appimage should be in <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/examples/k3MulticoreApp/binary/<board>/ directory which also has some ELF files that you can use to test the script.

6.2.7. Testing the SBL

SBL provides test applications to demonstrate booting the A53/A72 and R5 cores in both symmetric/lock step & asymmetric/split-mode and other features. The multicore sample application prints a message on the UART for each core. The functionality the different tests exercises are listed below.

  • sbl_*_boot_test_*_all_coresTestApp_release: A single multicore boot test case that boots each core in the SoC with a separate app. Also tests DDR loading

  • sbl_*_boot_test_*_xxxx_xTestApp_release.appimage: A simple testcase for booting core xxxx_x (eg. MCU1_0, MPU2_0 etc.)

  • sbl_*_smp_test_*_all_coresTestApp_release.appimage: A single SMP boot test case that boots MCUs in lock step. The MCU app then uses the SBL lib to boot all the MPUs in SMP mode, ie, all the MPUs execute a single binary from the same address.

  • sbl_baremetal_boot_perf_*_mcu1_0TestApp_release.appimage: A single MCU1_0 test case that can be used to measure the effect of enabling/disabling the perf. tuning knobs in the SBL for OSPI boot. The size of the test case can be easily modified by changing the values of .space directives in sbl/example/k3MulticoreApp/ sbl_boot_perf_r5.asm to profile for different app image sizes.

  • sbl_baremetal_boot_xip_test_*_mcu1_0TestApp_release.xer5f.bin: A testcase demonstrating booting an XIP application from OSPI flash. Please refer to sbl/build/ sbl_mcu0_boot_xip_test.mk and the related linker command file, under sbl/example/k3MulticoreApp/j721s2/mcuXiplinker.lds, to see how to convert an existing application into an XIP application. The sbl_*_xip_entry_*.appimage works in tandem with sbl_*xip_test_*.xer5f.bin to transition the system from non-xip to xip boot, as the ROM, by default, does not support XIP from boot media. After programming the sbl and syfw, to program both sbl_*_xip_entry_*.appimage and sbl_*xip_test_*.xer5f.bin into OSPI flash, use the following uniflash commands

For Windows:
.\dslite.bat --mode processors -c COM9 -f <PDK>\packages\ti\boot\sbl\example\k3MulticoreApp\binary\<soc>\sbl_baremetal_boot_xip_entry_<board>_mcu1_0TestApp_release.appimage -d 3 -o 100000
.\dslite.bat --mode processors -c COM9 -f <PDK>\packages\ti\boot\sbl\example\k3MulticoreApp\binary\<soc>\sbl_baremetal_boot_xip_test_<board>_mcu1_0TestApp_release.xer5f.bin -d 3 -o 1C0000
For Linux:
sudo ./dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB1 -f <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/example/k3MulticoreApp/binary/<soc>/sbl_baremetal_boot_xip_entry_<board>_mcu1_0TestApp_release.appimage -d 3 -o 100000
sudo ./dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB1 -f <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/example/k3MulticoreApp/binary/<soc>/sbl_baremetal_boot_xip_test_<board>_mcu1_0TestApp_release.xer5f.bin -d 3 -o 1C0000

An example test log for sbl_*_boot_test_*_all_coresTestApp_release is

SBL Revision: xx.xx.xx.xx (MMM  DD YYYY - HH:MM:SS)
TIFS(or SYSFW)  ver xx.x.x-v20xx.xx (xxx xxx)

MPU1_0 running
MPU1_1 running
MPU2_0 running
MPU2_1 running
MCU1_1 running
MCU1_0 running
MCU1_0 reports: All tests have passed

An example log for sbl_*_smp_test_*_all_coresTestApp_release.appimage is

SBL Revision: xx.xx.xx.xx (MMM  DD YYYY - HH:MM:SS)
TIFS(or SYSFW)  ver xx.x.x-v20xx.xx (xxx xxx)

MPU SMP boot test
Cores 0 & 1 will boot from 0x801007a0
Cores 6 & 7 will boot in lockstep from 0x70050000
Resetting all ARM cores now...
No of Cortex-A core(s) running: 1
No of Cortex-A core(s) running: 2
No of Cortex-R core(s) running: 3
All tests have passed

An example log for sbl_baremetal_boot_perf_*_mcu1_0TestApp_release.appimage, when the best boot time is reached is

Time elapsed since start of SBL:      8579us
fxn:boot_perf_test_main     cycles:   8579974

Attempting board config ...BOARD_INIT_PLL_MAIN ...passed

Analyzing run results ....
Boot time is now optimized....
All tests have passed

Profiling info ....
MCU @ 1000000000Hz.
cycles per usec  = 1000
fxn:                            main        line:2013079    cycle:    566224        timestamp:       566us
fxn:                            main        line: 261       cycle:    566325        timestamp:       566us
fxn:               SBL_SciClientInit        line: 461       cycle:    601168        timestamp:       601us
fxn:               SBL_SciClientInit        line: 474       cycle:    651983        timestamp:       651us
fxn:               SBL_SciClientInit        line: 489       cycle:   7464480        timestamp:      7464us
fxn:               SBL_SciClientInit        line: 505       cycle:  10628628        timestamp:     10628us
fxn:               SBL_SciClientInit        line: 510       cycle:  12529805        timestamp:     12529us
**fxn:         SBL_SciclientBoardCfgPm      line: 204       cycle:        90        timestamp:         0us
fxn:               SBL_SciClientInit        line: 515       cycle:    390529        timestamp:       390us
fxn:               SBL_SciClientInit        line: 522       cycle:    916525        timestamp:       916us
fxn:                            main        line: 345       cycle:   1554351        timestamp:      1554us
fxn:                            main        line: 355       cycle:   2821071        timestamp:      2821us
fxn:                            main        line: 372       cycle:   4353571        timestamp:      4353us
fxn:               SBL_OSPIBootImage        line: 732       cycle:   5007323        timestamp:      5007us
fxn:               SBL_OSPIBootImage        line: 739       cycle:   5148927        timestamp:      5148us
fxn:                            main        line: 412       cycle:   7894632        timestamp:      7894us
fxn:                            main        line: 439       cycle:   7894801        timestamp:      7894us

NOTE : Below numbers will be corrupted if SBL_ADD_PROFILE_POINT is added anywhere

         ------- SBL Boot Performance Info overview -------

RBL Execution time                                      : 8.052ms
SBL : SBL_SciClientInit: ReadSysfwImage                 : 0.050ms
Load/Start SYSFW                                        : 6.813ms
Sciclient_init                                          : 3.164ms
Board Config                                            : 1.901ms
PM Config                                               : 0.390ms
Security Config                                         : 0.526ms
RM Config                                               : 0.638ms
SBL: Board_init (pinmux)                                : 1.267ms
SBL: Board_init (PLL)                                   : 1.532ms
SBL: Board_init (CLOCKS)                                : 0.654ms
SBL: OSPI init                                          : 0.141ms
SBL: Parsing appimage and copy to MCU SRAM & Jump to App: 2.746ms
Misc                                                    : 0.035ms
Time taken to boot CAN application from SBL main : 27.909ms
Boot Performance test has passed

The test log for sbl_*_xip_test_*.xer5f.bin is

MCU1_0 running

6.2.8. Boot Modes

The SBL supports MMCSD, OSPI, and UART Boot modes. The different boot modes supported for J721S2 is tabulated below.









J721S2 EVM









Boot Switch Settings


eMMC Boot0





No Boot

J7200 EVM

  • SW8: 1000 0010

  • SW9: 0000 0000

  • SW3: 0XXX XXXX

  • SW8: 1000 0000

  • SW9: 0100 0000

  • SW3: 0XXX XXXX

  • SW8: 1000 0000

  • SW9: 0000 0000

  • SW3: 0XXX XXXX

  • SW8: 0000 0000

  • SW9: 0111 0000

  • SW3: 0XXX XXXX

  • SW8: 0000 1010

  • SW9: 0110 0000

  • SW3: 0XXX XXXX

  • SW8: 0000 1010

  • SW9: 0110 0000

  • SW3: 1XXX XXXX

  • SW8: 1000 1000

  • SW9: 0111 0000

  • SW3: 0XXX XXXX Booting Via SD Card

  1. Preparing the SD card.

  2. Booting the testcase from SD card.

Preparing the SD card

  1. To boot the target the SD card should be bootable. Follow the steps to Creating bootable SD card in Linux.

  2. To update the SBL with a newer version, copy the sbl image (sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage) to the SD card. Rename it to tiboot3.bin

  3. Copy the generated application image(*.appimage or *.appimage.signed) to the SD card. Rename it to app

  4. Update the TIFS with a newer version, copy the TIFS system firmware image binary (or, for HS device, use the encrypted TIFS system firmware binary, “tifs-hs-enc.bin”) found in <PDK>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V1 to the SD card as tifs.bin.

Booting via SD card in Lazy Boot flavour

MMCSD SBL by default can boot only one appimage, namely, the app, across power-cycles. This maybe tedious in situations where there are multiple applications that need to be run, and the user gets caught up in preparing the SD card again and again with the applications that need to be run. For such situations, Lazy Boot is an ideal boot flow. Lazy boot has the ability to boot different applications, across power-cycle, and is not restricted to boot only app. Below are the steps to boot lazily:

  1. Make the SD card bootable, as mentioned in Preparing the SD card.

  2. Copy the TIFS and the MMCSD boot loader to the SD card as mentioned in Preparing the SD card.

  3. Create a file named metafile in the SD card. Refer Metafile structure below for details on the contents of metafile.

    • If the metafile` is not present in the SD card, SBL will continue in the normal MMCSD boot flow, and boot the ‘app’.

  4. Copy all the application appimages into the SD card, and name them as app1, app2, …, appN. Max value of N being 9999.

  5. Insert the SD card into the target in MMCSD boot mode, and power on the target.

  6. With every power-cycle, the Lazy bootloader will now load app1, app2, …, appN respectively, and wrap-around to app1.

Metafile structure

Metafile contains 8 Bytes of ASCII encoded information. Each byte is an ASCII coded decimal digit. The first 4 digits denote the id of the first application that needs to be booted, first digit being the MSB, and fourth being the LSB. An id of X, denotes that appX needs to be booted first. The next 4 digits denote the number of application appimages that are there on the SD card, first digit being the MSB, and fourth being the LSB. Below demonstrates the contents of the metafile.


The number formed by digits A, B, C, D is ABCD and denotes the first application that will be booted. The number formed by digits E, F, G, H is EFGH and denotes the number of applications in the SD card.

For example, lets say that the metafile has the following content: 00010015. Then when the board is power cycled

  1. for the first time with the SBL, SBL will boot ‘app1’.

  2. for the second time with the SBL, SBL will boot ‘app2’.

  3. for the fifteenth time with the SBL, SBL will boot ‘app15’.

  4. for the sixteenth time, SBL will wrap around and boot ‘app1’ again.

Booting the testcase from SD card

  1. Insert SD card into the SD card slot of the board.

  2. Refer to the Boot Modes section in the J721S2 EVM Hardware Users Guide to setup the EVM to boot from MMCSD.

  3. Open a serial communication terminal like TeraTerm, MiniCom on host PC and connect to the MCU UART console port

  4. Power cycle the board to boot the application from the SD card.

  5. The test logs will be displayed on the MCU UART Booting Via eMMC UDA partition

  1. Preparing eMMC.

  2. Booting the testcase from eMMC.

Preparing eMMC

  1. Boot the target with the linux SDK. You can find the latest linux here.

  2. Prepare the SD Card with Linux Images. Follow the procedure here.

  3. Copy mksdboot.sh from <Linux_SDK_Install_Directory>/bin to /media/$USER/rootfs/home/root

  4. Change boot mode setting to SD boot mode: SW8: 1000 0010 SW9: 0000 0000

  5. Boot the board

  6. login as root

  7. Run the mksdboot.sh script: ./mksdboot.sh –device /dev/mmcblk0

  8. run fdisk -l to check if the /dev/mmcblk0 is partitioned

Booting the testcase from eMMC

  1. To update the SBL with a newer version, copy the sbl image (sbl_emmc_uda_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage) to /media/$USER/rootfs/home/root in the SD card. Rename it to tiboot3.bin

  2. Copy the generated application image(*.appimage or *.appimage.signed) to /media/$USER/rootfs/home/root in the SD card. Rename it to app

  3. Update the TIFS with a newer version, copy the TIFS system firmware image binary (or, for HS device, use the encrypted TIFS system firmware binary, “tifs-hs-enc.bin”) found in <PDK>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V* to /media/$USER/rootfs/home/root in the SD card as tifs.bin.

  4. Put the SD Card back to board and boot in SD boot mode: SW8: 1000 0010 SW9: 0000 0000

  5. Copy the images to eMMC partition

    • mkdir eMMC

    • mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 eMMC

    • cp tiboot3.bin eMMC

    • cp tifs.bin eMMC

    • cp app eMMC

  6. Change boot mode to eMMC UDA partition and boot the board: SW8: 1000 0000 SW9: 0000 0000 Booting Via eMMC BOOT0 partition

  1. Flashing images to eMMC.

  2. Booting the testcase from eMMC.

  3. Limitations

Flashing images to eMMC

  1. Create a folder named SBL in boot partition of SD card which is flashed with the linux images. You can find how to flash linux images to SD card in prepare eMMC section under Booting Via eMMC UDA partition.

  2. Copy the sbl image (sbl_emmc_boot0_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage) to the boot partition of SD card in SBL folder.

  3. Copy the generated application image(*.appimage or *.appimage.signed) to the boot partition of SD card in SBL folder.

  4. Copy the TIFS system firmware image binary (or, for HS device, use the encrypted TIFS system firmware binary, “tifs-hs-enc.bin”) boot partition of SD card in SBL folder.

  5. Insert the SD card into the evm. Boot the evm in SD bootmode: SW8: 1000_0010 SW9: 0000_0000

  6. Halt in uboot and Enter the following commands to download the images from an SD card and write them to the eMMC boot0 partition at respective addresses.

    • Selecting device 0 (eMMC) and partition 1 (BOOT0)

      • mmc dev 0 1

    • Erasing 0x2000 sectors from 0x0. Each sector is of 512 Bytes

      • mmc erase 0x0 0x2000

    • Load SBL image to DDR from MMCSD

      • fatload mmc 1 ${loadaddr} SBL/sbl_emmc_boot0_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage

    • Write <size_of_sbl_in_sectors> to 0x0 from DDR

      • mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x0 size_of_sbl_in_sectors

    • Load tifs.bin to DDR from MMCSD

      • fatload mmc 1 ${loadaddr} SBL/tifs.bin

    • Write <size_of_tifs_in_sectors> to 0x400 from DDR

      • mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x400 size_of_tifs_in_sectors

    • Load application image to DDR from MMCSD

      • fatload mmc 1 ${loadaddr} SBL/application_image

    • Write <size_of_app_in_sectors> to 0x1400 from DDR

      • mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x1400 size_of_app_in_sectors

    • Enable Booting from BOOT0 partition of eMMC

      • mmc partconf 0 1 1 1

    • Selecting bus width

      • mmc bootbus 0 2 0 0

  7. Note : To calculate size of an image in sectors see below example

    • For example size of image = 409600 Bytes

    • eMMC sector size = 512 Bytes

    • Number of sectors = (409600/512)+1 => (0x64000/0x200)+1

    • size of image in sectors = 0x321

Booting the testcase from eMMC

  1. Change the boot mode to eMMC boot via BOOT0 partition: SW8: 1000 0000 SW9: 0100 0000.

  2. Open a serial communication terminal like TeraTerm, MiniCom on host PC and connect to the MCU UART console port

  3. Power cycle the board to boot the application from the eMMC boot.

  4. The test logs will be displayed on the MCU UART.


  1. It can boot the application with the max size of 512000 bytes. If the size of application is more than that you need to pass MAX_APP_SIZE_EMMC=<size_of_image> while building image.

  2. size_of_image can be calculated in the following manner.

    • For example size of .appimage = 712000 bytes.


  3. Last point in Flashig images to eMMC should be mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x1400 <size_of_image> where size_of_image can be calculated as follows.

    • For example size of .appimage = 712000 bytes.

    • eMMC sector size = 512 bytes

    • Number of sectors = (712000/512) + 1 => (0xADD40/0x200) + 1

    • size_of_image = 0x56F Booting Via OSPI flash

  1. Programming the OSPI flash

  2. Flash addresses for Images

  3. Booting the testcase from OSPI flash

Flash addresses for Images

  1. tiboot3.bin (SBL) is flashed to address 0x0

  2. <system_firmware_name>.bin (TIFS or SYSFW) is flashed to address 0x80000

  3. <app_name>.appimage (APP) is flashed to address 0x100000

  4. Optional: <xip_app>.bin (XIP.bin) is flashed to 0x1C0000

  5. OSPI PHY tuning data binary must also be flashed to the start of the last flash sector (e.g., usually a 512kB or 256kB size sector)

Note: The file <system_firmware_name>.bin will be tifs.bin for a J7xx device (for HS device, use the encrypted firmware binary, tifs-hs-enc.bin).

Booting the testcase from OSPI flash

  1. Refer to the Boot Modes section in the J721S2 EVM Hardware Users Guide to setup the EVM to boot from OSPI.

  2. Open a serial communication terminal like TeraTerm, MiniCom on host PC and connect to the MCU UART console port

  3. Power cycle the board to boot the application from the OSPI flash.

  4. The test logs will be displayed on the MCU UART Booting via UART

  1. Refer to the Boot Modes section in the J721S2 EVM Hardware Users Guide to setup the EVM to boot from UART.

  2. Open a serial communication terminal like TeraTerm, MiniCom on host PC and connect to the MCU UART console port

  3. Power cycle the board, the console should show a sequence of CCC being printed

  4. Choose the X-Modem interface and send the SBL that was built for UART. After the transfer is completed, repeat the same steps for the system firmware and the application. You will see notifications to perform these actions.

Note: The system firmware binary will be tifs.bin for a J7xx device (for HS device, use the encrypted firmware binary, tifs-hs-enc.bin).


If the system firmware binary is not present in the boot media, the boot will fail without displaying any logs on the MCU UART. SBL enables UART logging only after successfully starting the system firmware image. If the system firmware load fails, the RBL will eventually reset the system.

6.2.9. HSM Boot

This SOC has two M4 cores in wakeup domain i.e M4F_0 and M4F_1. TIFS (TI foundational security) runs on M4F_0. If user wants to run a firmware on secure core, can run on M4F_1 (HSM).

HSM Core Boot from SBL

  • ROM Bootloader (RBL) loads and authenticates Secondary Bootloader (SBL). If authentication passes, RBL boots SBL.

  • Once SBL starts executing, SBL sends a message containing TIFS address to RBL.

  • RBL loads and authenticates tifs.bin. If authentication passes, TIFS core is booted and SBL execution continues else execution stops

  • SBL loads and authenticate application image using “Sciclient_procBootAuthAndStart()” API

  • If authentication passes, SBL parses the application appimage(which contains HSM binary) and loads the sections into specified addresses


HSM Core Boot in Secure Boot

  • ROM Bootloader (RBL) loads and authenticates Secondary Bootloader (SBL). If authentication passes, RBL boots SBL.

  • Once SBL starts executing, SBL sends a message containing TIFS address to RBL.

  • RBL loads and authenticates tifs.bin. If authentication passes, TIFS core is booted and SBL execution continues else execution stops

  • SBL now calls “Sciclient_procBootAuthAndStart()” API to load and authenticate hsm.bin. If authentication passes, TIFS boots hsm core else execution continues

  • SBL then parse the application appimage and load the sections into specified addresses

  • Note :

    • If Boot Media is OSPI NOR then pointer to hsm.bin address in OSPI flash address can be directly given to Sciclient_procBootAuthAndStart() API

    • If Boot Media is OSPI NAND or MMCSD or UART, first hsm.bin should be copied to OCMC memory and then pointer to OCMC address should be given to Sciclient_procBootAuthAndStart() API


Keys Used for Signing

  • SBL should be signed customer MPK key (SMPK)

  • TIFS should be encrypted with TI MEK and signed with TI MPK for inner certificate and then signed with customer MPK (SMPK) for outer certificate

  • hsm.bin should be signed with customer MPK (SMPK)

  • appimage should be signed with customer MPK (SMPK)


  • Size of hsm.bin should be strictly less than 256 KB. Since hsm.bin is flashed to 0xC0000 offset in OSPI flash memory if size

    of hsm.bin exceeds 256 KB it overwrites appimage which is flashed at 0x100000 offset.

6.2.10. EVM Setup for testing SBL

For information on board specific requirements like power supply, UART console port connections refer the Hardware User guide of the respective boards.

The configurations needed to setup UART console through a serial terminal application on host PC are listed in the next section.

UART Console Setup

PDK SBL prints messages on the UART Serial Console running on the host. Hence, a serial terminal application (like Tera Term/HyperTerminal/minicom) should be running on the host.

  • The host serial port must be configured at 115200 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control.

  • Please ensure that the local echo setting for the terminal is turned off.

  • All SBL prints are routed to the MCU UART

  • To verify setup is correct, setup the EVM to boot from UART as the Primary Boot Device (refer to J721S2 EVM Hardware Users Guide ) Power cycle the EVM, and look for the string CCCCCCC on the UART.

6.2.11. How to Guides Generate Multicore Appimage

  1. Multicore appimage is a combination of rprc files of each core and a multicore header attached to it. Refer Image formats section mentioned above in the same page for more details.

  2. Compiler generates executable which has an extension of .xer5f for R5 cores, .xa72fg for A72 cores, .xe66 for c66x cores and .xe71 for c7x cores.

  3. Generate .rprc files using the executables with the below command:

    • $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/boot/sbl/tools/out2rprc/bin/out2rprc.exe $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/binary/<application_name>/bin/<board_name>/<exercutable_name>.xer5f $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/binary/<application_name>/bin/<board_name>/<rprc_file_name>.rprc

  4. Generate multicore image using .rprc files with the below command:

    • $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/boot/sbl/tools/multicoreImageGen/bin/MulticoreImageGen LE <device_ID> <path to generate mulicore image>multicore_image.appimage <CORE_ID1> <rprc_file for CORE_ID1> <CORE_ID2> <rprc_file for CORE_ID2> ….

  5. NOTE:

    • device_ID is 55 for all jacinto devices

    • Find the CORE_ID’s in $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/build/makerules/platform.mk file

    • Any application which is running on a core other than mcu1_0 needs to run sciserver_test_app on mcu1_0 to serve the sciclient calls Sign Appimage

  1. For HS devices SBL authenticates the appimage before booting the appimage.

  2. Appimage should be signed with cust mpk key to boot from HS-SE devices and singed with rom degenarate key to boot from HS-FS devices.

  3. Use below command to sign the appimage to boot from HS-SE devices

    • $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/build/makerules/x509CertificateGen.sh -b $(appimage_path).<appimage_name>.appimage -o $(appimage_path).<appimage_name>.appimage.signed -c R5 -l 0x41C00100 -k $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/build/makerules/k3_dev_mpk.pem

  4. Use below command to sign the appimage to boot from HS-FS devices

    • $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/build/makerules/x509CertificateGen.sh -b $(appimage_path).<appimage_name>.appimage -o $(appimage_path).<appimage_name>.appimage.hs_fs -c R5 -l 0x41C00100 -k $(PDK_INSTALL_PATH)/ti/build/makerules/rom_degenerateKey.pem

  5. Options while signing appimage

    • -b : bin file that needs to be signed

    • -o : name of the final output file

    • -c : cert_type(target core on which image would be running)

    • -l : load address of the bin file

    • -k : signing key file with given key value Boot from GP device

  1. To boot from GP device, three images are needed i.e

    • SBL image which is signed with rom degenerate key

    • system firmware image (tifs) which is neither encrypted nor signed

    • application image (.appimage) which is not signed

  2. Build SBL image based on the boot media

    • To boot from OSPI, use below command to build SBL image

      • make sbl_ospi_img SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

    • To boot from MMCSD, use below command to build SBL image

      • make sbl_mmcsd_img SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

    • Use image with .tiimage extenstion to boot

  3. Use tifs.bin present in the specified folder

    • For J721E, find tifs.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V1/

    • For J7200, find tifs.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V2/

    • For J721S2, find tifs.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V4/

    • For J784S4/J742S2, find tifs.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V6/

  4. Build application to run. Use below command to build udma_memcpy application

    • make udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

    • Use image with .appimage extension to boot from GP device

  5. Refer Boot from OSPI section in this page to boot form OSPI

  6. Refer Boot from MMCSD section in this page to boot from MMCSD

  7. Note : hsm.bin shouldn’t present in the boot media while booting, Otherwise it leads to boot hang Boot from HS-SE device

  1. To boot from HS-SE device, three images are needed i.e

    • SBL image which is signed with customer(dummy) MPK key

    • system firmware image (tifs) which is encrypted with TI MEK and signed with TI MPK and then again signed with customer(dummy) MPK key

    • application image (.appimage) which is signed with customer(dummy) MPK key

  2. Build SBL image based on the boot media

    • To boot from OSPI, use below command to build SBL image

      • make sbl_ospi_img_hs SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

    • To boot from MMCSD, use below command to build SBL image

      • make sbl_mmcsd_img_hs SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

    • Use image with .tiimage extenstion to boot

  3. Use tifs.bin present in the specified folder

    • For J721E, find tifs-hs-enc.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V1/

    • For J7200, find tifs-hs-enc.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V2/

    • For J721S2, find tifs-hs-enc.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V4/

    • For J784S4/J742S2, find tifs-hs-enc.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V6/

    • Note : For different revisions of sillicon if keys changed then name of tifs will get changed

  4. Build application to run. Use below command to build udma_memcpy application

    • make udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

    • Use image with .appimage.signed extension to boot from HS-SE device

  5. Refer Boot from OSPI section in this page to boot form OSPI

  6. Refer Boot from MMCSD section in this page to boot from MMCSD Boot from HS-FS device

  1. To boot from HS-FS device, three images are needed i.e

    • SBL image which is signed with rom degenerate key

    • system firmware image (tifs) which is encrypted with TI MEK and signed with TI MPK

    • application image (.appimage) which is signed with rom degenerate key

  2. Build SBL image based on the boot media

    • To boot from OSPI, use below command to build SBL image

      • make sbl_ospi_img SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

    • To boot from MMCSD, use below command to build SBL image

      • make sbl_mmcsd_img SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

    • Use image with .tiimage extenstion to boot

  3. Use tifs.bin present in the specified folder

    • For J721E, find tifs-hs-fs-enc.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V1/

    • For J7200, find tifs-hs-fs-enc.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V2/

    • For J721S2, find tifs-hs-fs-enc.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V4/

    • For J784S4/J742S2, find tifs-hs-fs-enc.bin at <pdk install path>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V6/

    • Note : For different revisions of sillicon if keys changed then name tifs will get changed

  4. Build application to run. Use below command to build udma_memcpy application

    • make udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

    • Use image with .appimage.hs_fs extension to boot from HS-FS device

  5. Refer Boot from OSPI section in this page to boot form OSPI

  6. Refer Boot from MMCSD section in this page to boot from MMCSD Boot from OSPI

  1. Depends on which device you are using, refer Boot from GP/HS-SE/HS-FS section present in this page to build the reqired images

  2. Download uniflash tool from here

  3. Change the boot mode to UART boot mode

    • SW8:00000000

    • SW9:01110000

    • SW3:0XXXXXXX

  4. Flash uniflash image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <uniflash install path>/processors/FlashWriter/<board_name>/uart_<board_name>_flash_programmer_release.tiimage -i 0

  5. Flash SBL image at 0x0 using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/<board_name>/ospi/bin/sbl_ospi_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage -d 3 -o 0

  6. Flash tifs.bin at 0x80000 using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V*/tifs.bin -d 3 -o 80000

  7. Flash application image at 0x100000 using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/binary/udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos/bin/<board_name>/udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos_mcu1_0_release.appimage -d 3 -o 100000

  8. Change boot mode to OSPI NAND and power cycle the board

    • SW8:00001010

    • SW9:01100000

    • SW3:0XXXXXXX Boot from MMCSD

  1. Depends on which device you are using, refer Boot from GP/HS-SE/HS-FS section present in this page to build the required images

  2. Partition SD card to get boot and rootfs partitions. Follow the below instructions to partition SD card

    • Donwnload and install the latest linux from here.

    • Run the below commands to partition the SD card

      • cd <linux sdk install path>/bin/

      • ./mksdboot –device /dev/sd* (/dev/sd* can be /dev/sda or /dev/sdb… it represents SD card)

  3. Copy SBL image as tiboot3.bin to the boot partition of SD card

  4. Copy tifs.bin/tifs-hs-enc.bin/tifs-hs-fs-enc.bin as tifs.bin to the boot partition of SD card

  5. Copy application image with .appimage/.appimage.signed/.appimage.hs_fs image as app to the boot partition of SD card Fall back mechanism if copy failed from OSPI flash

  1. This section talks about how to copy from OSPI with phy disabled if SBL fails to copy from OSPI flash when phy is enabled

  2. There are two places in SBL where copy is happening from OSPI flash i.e

    • Copying tifs from flash memory to SMS memory

    • Copying different sections in appimage from flash memory to differnt memories based on the application

    Copying tifs from flash memory to SMS memory

    • For J721E, SBL first copies tifs from OSPI flash to OCMC memory. And then SBL gives pointer to OCMC memory to DMSC ROM. Then DMSC ROM copies tifs to SMS memory

    • For J7200, J721S2, J784S4 and J742S2, SBL directly gives pointer to flash memory. Then DMSC ROM copies tifs from flash to SMS memory

    • PHY is not enabled while copying tifs to SMS memory so fall back mechanism is not needed

    Copying application from flash memory to SOC memory

    • If PHY is enabled, SBL uses Board_flashRead() API to copy from flash memory to SOC memory.

    • If Board_flashRead() API returns failure due to PHY tuning then do the following steps to continue the copying wiht PHY disabled

      • Call Board_flashClose()

      • Reconfigure ospi_cfg with desired parameters i.e .phyEnable = false, .dtrEnable=false, .funcClk=25MHz, .baudRareDiv=4

      • Call OSPI_socSetInitCfg()

      • Call Board_flashOpen()

      • Now call again Board_flashRead() : which copies from flash memory with disabled PHY Boot from OSPI NAND

  1. Build required binaries

  2. Flash binaries to OSPI NAND

Build required binaries

  1. Checkout to <PDK install path>/pdk/packages/ti/build and build sbl_ospi_nand_img using below commands

    • make sbl_ospi_nand_img SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

  2. Build any application. Use below command to build udma_memcpy application

    • make udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

Flash binaries to OSPI NAND

  1. Change boot mode to UART boot mode i.e

    • SW8:00000000

    • SW9:01110000

    • SW3:1XXXXXXX

  2. Flash uniflash image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <uniflash install path>/processors/FlashWriter/<board_name>/uart_<board_name>_flash_programmer_release.tiimage -i 0

  3. Flash SBL image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721s2_evm/ospi_nand/bin/sbl_ospi_nand_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage -d 0 -o 0

  4. Flash tifs.bin using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V*/tifs.bin -d 0 -o 80000

  5. Flash application image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/binary/udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos/bin/j721s2_evm/udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos_mcu1_0_release.appimage -d 0 -o 100000

  6. Change boot mode to OSPI NAND and power cycle the board

    • SW8:00000000

    • SW9:01010000

    • SW3:1XXXXXXX

  7. Note : Serial NAND flash support has been added in uniflash 8.3.0 release onwards Secure HSM Boot from OSPI NAND on HS-SE device

  1. Build required binaries

  2. Flash binaries to OSPI NAND

Build required binaries

  1. Checkout to <PDK install path>/pdk/packages/ti/build and build sbl_ospi_nand_img_hs using below commands

    • make sbl_ospi_nand_img_hs SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

  2. Build any application. Use below command to build udma_memcpy application

    • make udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

Flash binaries to OSPI NAND

  1. Change boot mode to UART boot mode i.e

    • SW8:00000000

    • SW9:01110000

    • SW3:1XXXXXXX

  2. Flash uniflash image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <uniflash install path>/processors/FlashWriter/<board_name>_hs/uart_<board_name>_flash_programmer_release.tiimage -i 0

  3. Flash SBL image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/<board_name>_hs/ospi_nand/bin/sbl_ospi_nand_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage -d 0 -o 0

  4. Flash tifs.bin using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V*/tifs-hs-enc.bin -d 0 -o 80000

  5. Flash hsm.bin using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/hsm_bin/hsm.bin -d 0 -o C0000

  6. Flash application image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/binary/udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos/bin/j721s2_evm/udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos_mcu1_0_release.appimage.signed -d 0 -o 100000

  7. Flash PHY pattern (one time per board)

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/board/src/flash/nor/ospi/nor_spi_patterns.bin -d 3 -o 3FC0000

  8. Change boot mode to OSPI NAND and power cycle the board

    • SW8:00000000

    • SW9:01010000

    • SW3:1XXXXXXX

  9. Note : Serial NAND flash support has been added in uniflash 8.3.0 release onwards Secure HSM Boot from OSPI NOR on HS-SE device

  1. Build required binaries

  2. Flash binaries to OSPI NOR

Build required binaries

  1. Checkout to <PDK install path>/pdk/packages/ti/build and build sbl_ospi_img_hs using below commands

    • make sbl_ospi_img_hs SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

  2. Build any application. Use below command to build udma_memcpy application

    • make udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

Flash binaries to OSPI NOR

  1. Change boot mode to UART boot mode i.e

    • SW8:00000000

    • SW9:01110000

    • SW3:0XXXXXXX

  2. Flash uniflash image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <uniflash install path>/processors/FlashWriter/<board_name>_hs/uart_<board_name>_flash_programmer_release.tiimage -i 0

  3. Flash SBL image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/<board_name>_hs/ospi/bin/sbl_ospi_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage -d 3 -o 0

  4. Flash tifs.bin using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V*/tifs-hs-enc.bin -d 3 -o 80000

  5. Flash hsm.bin using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/hsm_bin/hsm.bin -d 3 -o C0000

  6. Flash application image using the below command

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/binary/udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos/bin/<board_name>/udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos_mcu1_0_release.appimage.signed -d 3 -o 100000

  7. Flash PHY pattern (one time per board)

    • sudo <uniflash install path>/dslite.sh --mode processors -c /dev/ttyUSB* -f <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/board/src/flash/nor/ospi/nor_spi_patterns.bin -d 3 -o 3FC0000

  8. Change boot mode to OSPI NAND and power cycle the board

    • SW8:00001010

    • SW9:01100000

    • SW3:0XXXXXXX Secure HSM Boot from MMCSD on HS-SE device

  1. Build required binaries

  2. Copy binaries to boot partition of SD card

Build required binaries

  1. Checkout to <PDK install path>/pdk/packages/ti/build and build sbl_mmcsd_img_hs using below commands

    • make sbl_hsm_boot_mmcsd_img_hs SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

  2. Build any application. Use below command to build udma_memcpy application

    • make udma_memcpy_testapp_freertos SOC=<soc_name> BOARD=<board_name> CORE=mcu1_0 -sj

Copy binaries to SD Card

  1. Partition SD card to get boot and rootfs partitions. Follow the below instructions to partition SD card

    • cd <pdk install path>/ti/boot/sbl/tools/emmc_flash

    • sudo ./partition.sh –device /dev/sda (This is basically your SD card)

  2. Copy <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/<board_name>_hs/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage as tiboot3.bin to the boot partition of SD card

  3. Copy <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V*/tifs-hs-enc.bin as tifs.bin to the boot partition of SD card

  4. Copy <pdk install path>/pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/hsm_bin/hsm.bin to the boot partiton of SD card

  5. Copy application image with .appimage.signed extension as app to the boot partition of SD card