TI Deep Learning Product User Guide
TIDL-RT Importer


TIDL-RT Import (translation) tool can accept a pre-trained floating/fixed point model trained using BVLC-caffe,caffe-jacinto, TensorFlow, TFLite or models exported to ONNX format. Internally it performs various processing and at the end provides model to be inferred on TIDL-RT inference engine.

Below figure shows key processing blocks of this tool and their flow

Functional Blocks of TIDL-RT Importer

The tool is available in "ti_dl/utils/tidlModelImport/out" and can be used to import user trained models with below command:

< Import tool > < Configuration file > < options >
./out/tidl_model_import.out ../../test/testvecs/config/import/tidl_import_jacintonet11v2.txt --resizeWidth 512 --resizeHeight 512

Note : Run the Import tool from the "ti_dl/utils/tidlModelImport" directory only. We recommend to use the file path as mentioned in example import configuration file. If you face any issues in file path(s), try with absolute paths.

Note : The trailing options are used to override the parameters in the import configuration file. In above example, the parameters resizeWidth and resizeHeight may have been 128 and 128, respectively in the configuration file (tidl_import_jacintonet11v2.txt), but with override options, import tool will run with the values mentioned in command.

Supported versions of Model Format and OSRT

TIDL supports proto file and OSRT version mentioned at supported OSRT and Model Format versions for validating pre-trained models. Find more information on migrating to latest version if required in TIDL-RT Importer Design

Since the Tensorflow 2.0 is planning to drop support for frozen buffer, we recommend to users to migrate to TFlite model format for Tensorflow 1.x.x as well. TFLite model format is supported in both TF 1.x.x and TF 2.x
Fixed-point models are only supported for TFLite, and still needs calibration images as input

TIDL-RT Import Configuration Parameters

TIDL-RT importer accepts multiple configuration parameters and all of these can be supplied via a configuration file, see examples in same page. Most of the parameters are optional and applicable for advanced users. This section explains the purpose of each of this parameter in logically grouped section, however the importer accepts all of these parameters via a single file.

Basic Configuration Parameters

Parameter Default Description
modelType 0: Caffe This parameter accepts an integer (0, 1, 2 or 3) indicating which model type is being imported. Following types are currently supported
0 : Caffe (.caffemodel and .prototxt files)
1 : TensorFlow (.pb files)
2 : ONNX (.onnx files)
3 : TFLite (.tflite files)
inputNetFile MUST SET Path to neural network file from training frameworks. Example "deploy.prototxt" from caffe or frozen binary protobuf with parameters from TensorFlow
inputParamsFile MUST SET if Caffe model Path to neural network parameter file (caffemodel) from BVLC caffe training framework. Not applicable for TensorFlow, TFLite and ONNX
outputNetFile MUST SET Path to neural network file produced from TIDL-RT importer having network structure and parameters
outputParamsFile MUST SET Path to neural network input and output buffer descriptor file produced from TIDL-RT importer. Refer TIDL-RT: Input and Output Tensors Format for more details
numParamBits 8: 8-bit Bit depth for model parameters like kernel coefficients, bias etc. Following values are currently supported
8 : 8-bit fixed-point
16 : 16-bit fixed-point
32 : 32-bit floating-point
If this value is set to 32 bit then TIDL-RT will run inference in floating point. This feature is only supported in host emulation mode, and one cannot run the models which are imported with numParamBits = 32 on development board.
numFeatureBits 8: 8-bit Bit depth for feature maps of DNN, following values are currently supported
8 : 8-bit fixed-point
16 : 16-bit fixed-point
quantizationStyle 2: TIDL_QuantStyleNP2Fixed Quantization method used by quantization module of TIDL importer. Following values are currently supported
0: TIDL_QuantStyleFixed
1: TIDL_QuantStyleDynamic
2: TIDL_QuantStyleNP2Fixed
3: TIDL_QuantStyleP2Dynamic
Refer TIDL-RT API Guide for more details
inQuantFactor 1 List to hold scale factor for each input tensor. If the input range used in training is [0:1] and the same is passed as tensor range of [0:255] to TIDL-RT then this parameters shall be 255. This shall not be set in config file when inDataNorm is 1
inElementType 0 (if numFeatureBits == 8), 2 (if numFeatureBits > 8) List to hold element type for each input tensor. Refer TIDL Element Type in TIDL-RT API Guide for more details. Supported values are 0 : 8bit Unsigned, 1 : 8bit Signed, 2 : 16bit Unsigned, 3 : 16bit Signed, 6 : Single Precision Float
inWidth List to hold width of each input tensor. If set, this value will overwrite the width from the neural net. If not set, the importer will use the original size in neural network.
Note:It is expected that neural net can support different resolution other than what its trained for reliable behavior
inHeight List to hold height of each input tensor. If set, this value will overwrite the height from the neural net. If not set, the importer will use the original size in neural network.
Note:It is expected that neural net can support different resolution other than what its trained for reliable behavior
inNumChannels List to hold "number of channels" of each input tensor. If set, this value will overwrite the number of channels from the neural net. If not set, the importer will use the original size in neural network. Note: It is expected that neural net can support different resolution other than what its trained for reliable behavior
numBatches 1 Number of batches to be processed together, it can take values >= 1. By using this parameter, one can improve the throughput at cost of higher latency.
Note: Please use this parameter carefully as it is not always necessary to have higher throughput with higher number of batches
inDataNamesList List of input tensor names in network to be imported(use space/comma/tab to split). It is useful to import portion of network. If not set, importer will search the input net file for default inputs. If set, the order in which this variable is set all the inputs to the network are expected to be provided in the same order during both import and inference.
outDataNamesList List of output tensor names in network to be imported(use space/comma/tab to split). It is useful to import portion of network. If not set, importer will search the input net file for default outputs. If set, the order in which this variable is set all the outputs of the network are expected to be generated in the same order during inference.
Note: In case of OD models having multiple output heads, outDataNamesList need to be populated with the name of all output heads.

Note: [Experimental ] TF-Lite PTQ models can be inferred with quantizationStyle = 5 in conjunction with deviceName = 257 to utilize asymmetric quantization provided by TIDL-RT in J721S2

Configuration Parameters for Input Pre-Processing

In most cases, the input to the network gets processed using some image transform function. For example, mean subtraction, scaling or standard deviation, cropping etc. The parameters mentioned below, gets embedded in TIDL-RT's model file and are used during inference.

Parameter Default Description
inDataNorm 0: Disable Enable / Disable Normalization on input tensor. Scale and mean values are applicable only if this is enabled. Please refer Input Normalization page to understand its usage.
Note: This parameter adds a batchnorm layer to the TIDL network which can potentially be merged to following convolution layer if foldPreBnConv2D = 1. If this batchnorm layer is merged to convolution layer then this operation happens at no impact on processing time
inMean List: Mean value needs to be subtracted for each channel of all input tensors. Only applicable when inDataNorm = 1. Please refer Input Normalization page to understand its usage
inScale List: Scale value needs to be multiplied after mean subtraction for each channel of all input tensors. Only applicable when inDataNorm = 1. Please refer Input Normalization page to understand its usage
inDataPadInTIDL 0: Disable This parameter controls enable/disable of padding to be performed on input tensor in TIDL-RT inference.
On enable, pad layer gets inserted in beginning of neural net if required.
inDataFormat 1: RGB planar List: Input tensor color format. 0: BGR planar, 1: RGB planar. Refer TIDL API guide for supported list of formats
inResizeType 0: Normal Image resize type . 0: normal resize, 1: keep aspect ratio. Refer TIDL API guide for supported formats list.
Note: This resize is not part of TIDL-RT inference, instead its done in the test bench code. User is expected to take care of this resize in their final application before giving the input to TIDL-RT.
resizeWidth If resizeWidth is set and resizeWidth >= inWidth, then first input image is resized to resizeWidth and center cropping of inWidth is done on this resized image to get data for inference.
resizeWidth < inWidth is not a valid configuration.
Note: This resize is not part of TIDL-RT inference, instead its done in the test bench code. User is expected to take care of this resize in their final application before giving the input to TIDL-RT.
resizeHeight If resizeHeight is set and resizeHeight >= inHeight, then first input image is resized to resizeHeight and center cropping of inHeight is done on this resized image to get data for inference.
resizeHeight < inHeight is not a valid configuration.
Note: This resize is not part of TIDL-RT inference, instead its done in the test bench code. User is expected to take care of this resize in their final application before giving the input to TIDL-RT.
outputFeature16bitNamesListThis parameter is useful for mixed-precision inference of neural net.
It is a list of names of the output layers (separated by comma) as in the original model whose feature/activation output user wants to be in 16 bit.
Note: If for a given layer feature/activations is in 16 bit then parameters will automatically become 16 bit and user need not specify them as part of params16bitNamesList.
Since TIDL-RT importer merges certain layers, this list should correspond to the last layer after merging. User can find this mapping by executing the importer once without this parameter which generates <outputNetFile>.layer_info.txt where outputNetFile is same as given by the user in the import config file. This *.layer_info.txt file contains three columns the first one is the layer number, second one is unique data id and last one is the name as given in the original network's model format. This third column gives the name which will be present in the TIDL imported network after merging any layer. User should use this value for outputFeature16bitNamesList.
params16bitNamesList This parameter is useful for mixed-precision inference of neural net.
It is a list of names of the output layers (separated by comma) as in the original model whose parameters user wants to be in 16 bit. This is not the name of the parameter of the layer but is expected to be the output name of the layer.
Note:If a given layers feature/activations is in 16 bit then parameters will automatically become 16 bit even if its not part of this list.
Since TIDL-RT importer merges certain layers, this list should correspond to the last layer in the merged output. User can find this mapping by running the import tool once without this parameter which generates <outputNetFile>.layer_info.txt where outputNetFile is same as given by the user in the import config file. This *.layer_info.txt file contains three columns the first one is the layer number, second one is unique data id and last one is the name as given in the original network's model format. This third column gives the name which will be present in the TIDL imported network after merging any layer. User should use this value for params16bitNamesList.
mixedPrecisionFactor -1 : Default(no automated mixed precision) This parameter is used to enable the automated mixed precision feature - automatically decide which layers to set to 16 bit for improving accuracy based on acceptable performance degradation. This parameter is defined as mixedPrecisionFactor = (Acceptable latency with mixed precision / Latency with 8 bit inference), e.g. if acceptable latency for accuracy improvement is 1.2 times the 8 bit inference latency, the automated mixed precision algorithm finds the most optimal layers to set to 16 bits to gain accuracy improvement while making sure performance constraint set by mixedPrecisionFactor is satisfied. This parameter can be set to any float value > 1 for effective accuracy improvement
inYuvFormat -1: Not used This parameter is useful when network is trained with RGB input but the input available during inference is in YUV format. Following values are currently supported
-1: No format conversion is performed and the input is directly used for neural net inference
0 (TIDL_inYuvFormatYuv420_NV12): YUV to RGB conversion performed considering input in YUV 4:2:0 NV12 format
foldPreBnConv2D 1: Enable This parameter controls folding batch norm layer with following convolution layer. Following values are currently supported
0: Disable
1: Enable, this will improve run time performance but may result in slight accuracy drop
metaArchType -1: Not used This parameter is applicable for neural networks of object detection task and is used to inform the underneath architecture used for post processing of object detection. Please refer TIDL-RT API Guide for supported meta architectures. If metaArch is not used, please leave it default. Please refer Meta Architectures Support for more details.
metaLayersNamesList Configuration files describing the details of meta architecture, example pipeline.config for TF SSD. Please refer Meta Architectures Support for more details.

Configuration Parameters for path of different modules

As explained earlier, importer is front end utility for users to perform all processing which happens during compile stage. Internal to importer, it makes call to other modules which are independent executables. Parser, optimizer and quantizer are part of the importer whereas graph compiler, graph visualizer are independent modules being used by importer. Quantizer module of the importer also makes use of TIDL-RT inference engine for statistics collection and hence it needs path of it.

Parameter Default Description
tidlStatsTool ../../test/PC_dsp_test_dl_algo.out(.exe) Host emulation executable file path of TIDL-RT inference. It is used by quantizer module for range collection. If not specified, uses from default location
perfSimTool ../../utils/perfsim/ti_cnnperfsim.out(.exe) Graph Compiler executable file path. If not specified, uses from default location
graphVizTool ../../utils/tidlModelGraphviz/out/tidl_graphVisualiser.out(.exe) Path of the tool to generate graphical visual output . If not specified, uses from default location
modelDumpTool ../../utils/tidlModelDump/out/tidl_dump.out(.exe) Similar to graphViz tool which provides the complete information about neural net after complete operation of importer. Only difference is that it is textual information instead of visual. It is optional parameter

Configuration Parameters related to TIDL-RT inference for quantization

As explained in previous section, quantization module in importer makes use of host emulation mode of TIDL-RT. So importer also accepts the parameters related to TIDL-RT inference and prepares the configuration file for TIDL-RT host emulation inference. These parameters are described in this section

Parameter Default Description
inData Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
inFileFormat Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
numFrames Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
postProcType Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
postProcDataId Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
quantRangeUpdateFactor Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
debugTraceLevel 0 Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
writeTraceLevel 0 Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc
rawDataInElementType same as inElementType Please refer the TIDL Sample Application doc

Configuration Parameters for quantization

Quantizer is one of the critical module in importer and a dedicated page is provided for better explanation of it. Users are recommended to read the page to get a better idea of different control parameters related to quantization

Parameter Default Description
calibrationOption 0 Refer Quantizer
activationRangeMethod 0 : TIDL_ActivationRangeMethodHistogram [Optional parameter]
Various Activation range methods supported by TIDL. The following types are currently supported
0 : TIDL_ActivationRangeMethodHistogram
This parameter accepts an integer indicating which activation range method to be used.
This option is only applicable if calibrationOption is set to TIDL_CalibOptionActivationRange.
The default value is "0" (Fixed)
weightRangeMethod 1 : TIDL_WeightRangeMethodMedian Various Weight range methods supported by TIDL. The following types are currently supported
0 : TIDL_WeightRangeMethodHistogram
1 : TIDL_WeightRangeMethodMedian
This parameter accepts an integer indicating which weight range method to be used.
This option is only applicable if calibrationOption is set to TIDL_CalibOptionWeightRange.
percentileActRangeShrink 0.01 Refer Quantizer
percentileWtRangeShrink 0.01 [Optional parameter]
This parameter is only applicable when weightRangeMethod is TIDL_WeightRangeMethodHistogram. This is percentile of the total number of elements in a weight filter which needs to be discarded from both side of weight distribution. If input is unsigned then this is applied to only one side of weight distribution.
For example percentileRangeShrink = 0.01, means to discard 1/10000 elements from both or one side of weight distribution.
biasCalibrationFactor 0.05 Refer Quantizer
biasCalibrationIterationsRefer Quantizer
numFramesBiasCalibration Refer Quantizer
quantRangeExpansionFactor 1.0 Margin that needs to be applied on feature map Range.
Example 1.2 would apply 20% margin to range values

Configuration Parameters for Graph Compiler

Parameter Default Description
executeNetworkCompiler 1 Enable(1)/Disable(0) execution of graph compiler, graph compiler can only be disabled for host emulation reference flow to speed up execution but it is mandatory to keep this flag enabled for execution on hardware
compileConstraintsFlag This is a control flag used to control internal behavior of graph compiler and created to apply workarounds in case user faces any issue. It is not expected for users to change it without guidance from TI
perfSimConfig ../../test/testvecs/config/import/device_config.cfg Graph Compiler configuration file to provide device specific information, this file has description of the additional control parameters which are not described here and not accepted by importer
msmcSize -1 Size of the L3 (MSMC) memory in KB which can be used by TIDL-RT: -1 (default), in default case the size will be picked from the size given in perfSimConfig file. Any other value overrides the value mentioned in perfSimConfig file

Additional parameters for J721S2:

Parameter Default Description
deviceName -1 Device for which the model needs to be imported for, in default case the deviceName will be picked from the perfSimConfig file. Setting this to 257 enables hardware memory optimizations (on-the-fly padding) and setting this to 513 enables weight compression.

Configuration Parameters for format conversion

TIDL-RT natively supports only NCHW layout and fixed point inference, but in order to allow integration with other runtimes, it allows accepting input tensor in floating point and as well in NWHC layout. Similarly on output side, TIDL-RT can produce floating point tensor and NWHC layout. This is achieved by inserting a format conversion layer at appropriate end. Below table describes the configuration parameters

Parameter Default Description
addDataConvertToNet 0 This is a bit field parameter, bit 0 would add for data convert layer at input and bit 1 would add in output
inZeroPoint 0 List to indicate zero point of each fixed point input tensor
inLayout 0: TIDL_LT_NCHW List to indicate data Layout of each input tensor. Following types are currently supported:
inTensorScale 1.0 List to indicate scale of each input tensor in float, This is alias for inQuantFactor
outElementType 0: 8bit unsigned List to indicate element type for each output tensor. Refer TIDL Element Type in TIDL-RT API Guide for more details. Supported values are 0 : 8bit Unsigned, 1 : 8bit Signed, 2 : 16bit Unsigned, 3 : 16bit Signed, 6 : Single Precision Float
outZeroPoint 0 List to indicate zero point of each fixed point output tensor
outLayout 0: TIDL_LT_NCHW List to indicate data Layout of each output tensor. Following types are currently supported:
outTensorScale 1.0 List to indicate scale of each output tensor in float.


Configuration files used for validation of models are provided in the "ti_dl/test/testvecs/config/import/" folder for reference. A few example configuration files are given below:

Caffe Trained SSD Based Object Detection Net

  • [modelType] This is a caffe model(prototxt + caffemodel).
  • [inDataFormat] Input data format is BGR planar. The input size will get from original prototxt(no overwrite). By default, import tool will load image file using OpenCV and resize it and convert it to BGR planar as input.
  • [inData] Images for range collection are listed in "detection_list.txt" text file. By default, the list contains JPEG/PNG compressed file list.
  • [postProcType] The result is bounding box list, post process is to draw bounding box on original image.
modelType = 0
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/jdetNet512x512/deploy.prototxt"
inputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/jdetNet512x512/voc0712_ssdJacintoNetV2_iter_106000.caffemodel"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_jdetNet_512x512.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_io_jdetNet_512x512_"
inDataFormat = 0
inData = "../../test/testvecs/config/detection_list.txt"
postProcType = 2

Caffe Trained Squeeze Net

  • [modelType] This is a caffe model(prototxt + caffemodel).
  • [inDataNorm] Input data need to be normalized, since the model is trained based on a specified range.
  • [inMean & inScale] The import tool should use following value for input data normalization.
  • [inDataFormat] Input data format is BGR planar. The input size will be set to resize width & height. By default, import tool will load image file using OpenCV, resize it and convert it to BGR planar as input.
  • [inData] Images for range collection are listed in "detection_list.txt" text file. By default, the list contains JPEG/PNG compressed file list.
  • [postProcType] The result is classification. The post process is to tell me the top-1 class name(by default, ImageNet is used).
modelType = 0
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/squeezeNet1.1/deploy.prototxt"
inputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/caffe/squeezeNet1.1/squeezenet_v1.1.caffemodel"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_net_suqeezenet_1_1.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/caffe/tidl_io_suqeezenet_1_1_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 104 117 123
inScale = 1 1 1
inDataFormat = 0
resizeWidth = 256
resizeHeight = 256
inData = ../../test/testvecs/config/imageNet_sample_val.txt
postProcType = 1

Tensorflow Trained InceptionNet V1

  • [modelType] This is a tensorflow pb file.
  • [inDataNorm] Input data need to be normalized, since the model is trained based on specified range.
  • [inMean & inScale] The import tool should use following value for input data normalization.
  • [resize] By default, input data format is RGB planar. The input size will be set to inWidth & inHeight. By default, import tool will load image file using OpenCV, resize it, crop it and convert it to RGB planar as input.
  • [inData] Images for range collection are listed in "detection_list.txt" text file. By default, the list contains JPEG/PNG compressed file list.
  • [postProcType] The result is classification. The post process is to tell me the top-1 class name(by default, ImageNet is used).
modelType = 1
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/tensorflow/inceptionNetv1/inception_v1_fbn.pb"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tensorflow/tidl_net_inception_v1.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tensorflow/tidl_io_inception_v1_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 128 128 128
inScale = 0.0078125 0.0078125 0.0078125
resizeWidth = 256
resizeHeight = 256
inWidth = 224
inHeight = 224
inNumChannels = 3
inData = ../../test/testvecs/config/imageNet_sample_val_bg.txt
postProcType = 1

ONNX Squeeze Net

  • [modelType] This is a ONNX file.
  • [inDataNorm] Input data need to be normalized, since the model is trained based on specified range.
  • [inMean & inScale] The import tool should use following value for input data normalization.
  • [resize] By default, input data format is RGB planar. The input size will be set to inWidth & inHeight. By default, import tool will load image file using OpenCV, resize it, crop it and convert it to RGB planar as input.
  • [inData] Images for range collection are listed in "detection_list.txt" text file. By default, the list contains JPEG/PNG compressed file list.
  • [postProcType] The result is classification. The post process is to tell me the top-1 class name(by default, ImageNet is used).
modelType = 2
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/onnx/squeezenet1.1.onnx"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/onnx/tidl_net_squeezenet1.1.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/onnx/tidl_io_squeezenet1.1_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 123.675 116.28 103.53
inScale = 0.017125 0.017507 0.017429
resizeWidth = 256
resizeHeight = 256
inWidth = 224
inHeight = 224
inNumChannels = 3
inData = ../../test/testvecs/config/imageNet_sample_val.txt
postProcType = 1

ONNX with metaArch Import Example

  • [metaLayersNamesList] add SSD metaArch to the backbone.
modelType = 2
numParamBits = 8
numFeatureBits = 8
quantizationStyle = 2
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/internal/onnx/tiad_ssd/softmax/ssd_lite_mobilenet_v1_tiod_epoch_6.onnx"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/onnx/tidl_net_tiad_ssd.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/onnx/tidl_io_tiad_ssd_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 104 117 123
inScale = 1 1 1
inDataFormat = 1
inWidth = 768
inHeight = 384
inNumChannels = 3
metaArchType = 3
numFrames = 3
metaLayersNamesList = ../../test/testvecs/models/internal/onnx/tiad_ssd/softmax/tidl_meta_arch.prototxt
inData = "../../test/testvecs/config/tiad_bmp_list.txt"
postProcType = 2
perfSimConfig = ../../test/testvecs/config/import/perfsim_base.cfg

tfLite Import Example

modelType = 3
numParamBits = 15
quantizationStyle = 2
inputNetFile = ../../test/testvecs/models/public/tflite/mobilenet_v1_1.0_224.tflite
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tflite/tidl_net_tflite_mobilenet_v1_1.0_224.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tflite/tidl_io_tflite_mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 128 128 128
inScale = 0.0078125 0.0078125 0.0078125
resizeWidth = 256
resizeHeight = 256
inWidth = 224
inHeight = 224
inNumChannels = 3
inData = ../../test/testvecs/config/imageNet_sample_val_bg.txt
postProcType = 1

YUV Import Example

modelType = 1
numParamBits = 8
quantizationStyle = 2
inputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/models/public/tensorflow/mobileNet_v2/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_final.pb"
outputNetFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tensorflow/tidl_net_mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_yuv.bin"
outputParamsFile = "../../test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tensorflow/tidl_net_mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_yuv_"
inDataNorm = 1
inMean = 128 128 128
inScale = 0.0078125 0.0078125 0.0078125
inWidth = 224
inHeight = 224
inNumChannels = 1
inData = "../../test/testvecs/input/airshow_yuv420_224x224_224x112.yuv"
perfSimConfig = "../../test/testvecs/config/import/device_config.cfg"
postProcType = 1
inFileFormat = 1
rawDataInElementType = 0
foldPreBnConv2D = 1
inYuvFormat = 0
numFrames = 1
compileConstraintsFlag = 579