8.1. Run a Application from DDR on R5 Cores

8.1.1. Overview

Once the R5 core is out of reset, the R5 defaults to no execute permissions for the DDR memory space. The side effect of this is, that all code, from entry point till the code that sets up the MPU (Memory Protection Unit), has to be run from internal memory.

8.1.2. Run FreeRTOS Applications from DDR on R5

Application sets up the MPU as per the memory configuration set for gCslR5MpuCfg. The default weak structure is present in csl/arch/r5/startup.c, and applications can override this if required. Once the MPU is setup by the startUpCode (__mpu_init function), the rest of the code can run from DDR.

To ensure that all code from entry point to MPU setup is run from internal memory, following sections must be placed in internal memory using the application’s linker command file.

.freertosrstvectors      : {} palign(8)      > R5F_TCMA
.bootCode                : {} palign(8)      > OCMC_RAM
.startupCode             : {} palign(8)      > OCMC_RAM
.startupData             : {} palign(8)      > OCMC_RAM, type = NOINIT

You also need to make sure that the DDR has execute privileges in the gCslR5MpuCfg structure. Refer the default structure in csl/arch/r5/startup.c

8.1.3. Run Baremetal Applications from DDR on R5

Baremetal applications have similar restrictions on running code from internal memory till the MPU is configured. For best comaptibility, however, make sure that the entry point is always the reset vector, and that the code that sets up the DDR access permissions in the MPU resides completely within 0x100 bytes of the entry point.

For applications that find the default R5 configuration setup by the CSL sufficient, there is another method that can be used to execute an application from DDR. If the bootloader (SBL) is re-built using the SBL_SKIP_MCU_RESET compile option (by enabling the corresponding line in sbl_component.mk, then SBL will branch to the application entry point without resetting the R5 core.

In this scenario, as the R5 core was already setup when the SBL invoked CSL init, the app can execute directly from DDR, right from its entry point. However, the app must take care not to redo the R5 initialization using CSL init, as the CSL initialization code assumes that the R5 registers are at their reset default values. This can be done by simply defining an empty __mpu_init function in the baremetal application. Refer sbl_smp_r5.asm for an example.