lwIP User’s Guide

This lwIP User’s Guide document is organized as follows:

  1. Section 1 “lwIP Introduction and SDK Introduction” provides an overview of the lwIP stack and how it has been integrated into TI SDK.
  2. Section 2 “lwIP Porting” covers the porting steps.
  3. And finally, section 3 “Migration Guide” provides a comparison of lwIP with respect to NDK for customers that are migrating from NDK stack supported in previous SDK releases. lwIP Introduction and SDK Integration

LwIP is a free TCP/IP stack developed by Adam Dunkels at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) and licensed under a modified BSD license (completely open-source).

lwIP enables full-fledge TCP/IP stack implementation on embedded systems while consuming minimal system resources, including overall memory footprint for the stack.

Core part of the lwIP stack is the IP (dual stack implementation for IPv4/IPv6) layer along with configurable user selection of TCP, UDP, DHCP, and many other protocols.

The list below summarizes some of the key feaures supported by lwIP stack.

  • IPv4 and IPv6 (Internet Protocol v4 and v6)
  • ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) for network maintenance and debugging
  • IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) for multicast traffic management
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
  • DNS (Domain Name Server)
  • SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
  • PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
  • ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

The latest release versions of lwIP and lwIP contrib at the time of this writing have been integrated into PDK, that is, lwip v2.1.2 and lwIP-contrib v2.1.0. Core portions of the lwIP stack are reused as is without any modifications. Main additions from TI include driver for CPSW, ICSS-G peripherals built on Enet LLD API. Enet LLD-based lwIP Network Interface Driver

Enet LLD based lwIP network interface driver has been integrated into PDK starting in Processor SDK 8.0 release. This driver enables lwIP TCP/IP stack on FreeRTOS for CPSW peripherals (such as CPSW_2G, CPSW_5G and CPSW_9G) and ICSSG MAC peripheral.

lwIP network interface driver plays an equivalent role to the NIMU adaptation layer in TI NDK stack, so often times in this document, lwIP network interface driver will be referred to as lwIP adaptation layer to convey that similarity, as readers may be familiar with TI NDK stack supported in previous SDK releases.

The diagram below shows a layered view of the relevant components in the lwIP integration. The lwIP network interface driver (shown as lwipif in the digram) sits on top of Enet LLD, using Enet’s DMA APIs to build a lwIP network driver layer that acts as a glue between Enet LLD and stack, which seamlessly supports the Ethernet peripherals natively supported by Enet LLD.


As shown in the diagram, an Enet LLD example application is provided as part of the SDK. This example application is based on lwIP contrib’s example located at lwip-contrib/examples/example_app/test.c, so it enables lwIP contrib’s applications such as TCP echo, UDP echo and lwIP iperf apps. The Enet LLD lwip example can be found at: <pdk>/packages/ti/drv/enet/examples/enet_lwip_example. Directory Structure lwIP stack and contrib

lwIP stack and contrib are integrated into PDK as is from the lwIP public repository, refer to lwIP Git repository page for more information.

lwIP and lwIP contrib are placed into PDK’s transport directory, along with makefiles to integrate them into PDK build system. The directory structure is shown below:

├── lwip_component.mk       <= Component makefile needed for PDK build system
├── lwip-contrib            <= lwip/lwip-contrib git project
│   ├── addons
│   ├── apps
│   ├── Coverity
│   ├── examples
│   ├── Filelists.cmake
│   ├── Filelists.mk
│   ├── lib
│   └── ports
├── lwip-stack              <= lwip git project
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── COPYING
│   ├── doc
│   ├── FEATURES
│   ├── FILES
│   ├── lib
│   ├── README
│   ├── src
│   ├── test
├── makefile_contrib        <= Makefile to compile lwip-contrib in PDK
└── makefile_stack          <= Makefile to compile lwip in PDK Enet-based lwIP Ethernet Interface Driver

The Enet lwIP Ethernet driver, shown in the directory tree below as lwipif directory, provides the adaptation layer between lwIP stack and Enet LLD. This adaptation layer implements the operations needed by lwIP network interface (netif) to send and receive packets using public Enet LLD APIs.

The relevant files of the Enet LLD based lwIP Ethernet driver are shown below:

├── inc                            <= Enet lwIP header files
│   ├── default_netif.h            <= Default interface header file
│   ├── lwip2enet.h
│   ├── lwip2lwipif.h
│   ├── lwipif2enet_appif.h        <= Application interface header file
│   └── pbufQ.h
├── makefile                       <= lwIP driver makefile
├── ports
│   ├── freertos                   <= FreeRTOS port directory
│   │   ├── include
│   │   │   ├── arch
│   │   │   │   ├── cc.h
│   │   │   │   ├── perf.h
│   │   │   │   └── sys_arch.h
│   │   │   ├── lwipopts.h         <= lwIP configuration file
│   │   │   └── lwippools.h        <= lwIP buffer pool configuration file
│   │   └── sys_arch.c
│   └── tirtos                     <= TI-RTOS port directory (not applicable for J721E/J7200/AM65xx)
│       ├── include
│       │   ├── arch
│       │   │   ├── cc.h
│       │   │   ├── perf.h
│       │   │   └── sys_arch.h
│       │   ├── lwipopts.h
│       │   └── lwippools.h
│       └── sys_arch.c
└── src                            <= lwIP driver source files
    ├── default_netif.c            <= lwIP default interface
    ├── lwip2enet.c                <= lwIP to Enet adaptation
    ├── lwip2lwipif.c              <= lwIP netif base functions
    ├── lwip2lwipif_priv.h
    └── pbufQ.c PHY Management

Enet LLD supports independent PHY drivers, which gives the ability to enable different PHY models in the same system and/or configure them with different parameters (i.e. auto-negotiation or manual mode, auto-negotiation advertise capabilities, etc).

Each PHY has its own state machine in the driver in order to handle the lifecycle of each Ethernet PHY independently. The state machine runs every time that the application calls Enet_periodicTick() function. Application can query the link status of any PHY using ENET_PER_IOCTL_IS_PORT_LINK_UP IOCTL command. Please refer to the Ethernet PHY Integration Guide in PDK API Guide for further information about Enet LLD PHY.

The PHY configuration is not in the scope of the lwIP driver, but the link status query is. Enet LLD provides a hook for application to register the function that lwIP-to-Enet layer should call periodically to query for link status: LwipifEnetAppIf_IsPhyLinkedCbFxn. This allows Enet lwIP driver to remain agnostic of PHY specific status query mechanism. lwIP Porting FreeRTOS Port

TI SDK FreeRTOS port includes implementation of OS services abstraction layer (OSAL) which is used by most drivers.

lwIP needs basic OS services as outlined in the table below. For these, we leverage the lwIP contrib’s FreeRTOS binding for required OS services.

Enet LLD’s FreeRTOS port can be located at <pdk>/packages/ti/drv/enet/lwipif/ports/freertos/sys_arch.c.

The following table summarizes the mapping of lwIP port functions to FreeRTOS.

lwIP OSAL Function FreeRTOS Mapping
‘Fast’ protect Recursive semaphore
Mutex Recursive mutex
Semaphore Binary semaphore
Mailbox Queue
Thread Task

Note that lwIP is supported only on FreeRTOS. Initialization Sequence

The sequence diagram below shows the most important functions involved during the initialization of the lwIP stack of an application that enables DHCP client.

  1. The stack initialization begins when the application calls tcpip_init() functions and passes an initialization function which lwIP will call once it’s done with the tcpip_thread initialization.
  2. The application must add the Enet LLD network interface to lwIP list of network interfaces (netifs in lwIP parlance) by calling netif_add(), which takes the interface initialization function which is called LWIPIF_LWIP_init() in Enet LLD.
  3. lwIP adaptation layer delegates the TX and RX DMA channel allocation and initialization to the application as the application is best fit to determine the intended channel and its parameters. This will be covered in the Opening DMA channels section.
  4. The application can designate one of the registered network interfaces as the default network interface, this is then used by lwIP to route packets when the right interface cannot be found.
    • Note: For the sake of simplicity, netif_add() and netif_set_default() are shown as being explicitly called by the application in the initialization sequence diagram, but application can call init_default_netif() which in turn will call those two functions internally, making Enet LLD-based interface as the default netif.
  5. The application should register a function that will be called when interface is brought up or down via netif_set_status_callback(). Application can use this callback to notify the user about the interface status change.
  6. Bring up the Enet LLD interface by calling netif_set_up() with default netif pointer.
  7. Application can call dhcp_start() to start the DHCP negotiation. Opening DMA channels

The DMA channels opening process is delegated to the application in order to keep the lwIP adaptation layer agnostic of DMA-specific paramters, such as channel number or channel parameters (i.e. descriptor count, cache configuration, etc).

Applications using Enet LLD’s lwIP network driver must implement the following functions:

void LwipifEnetAppCb_getHandle(LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleInArgs *inArgs,
                               LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs *outArgs)

void LwipifEnetAppCb_releaseHandle(LwipifEnetAppIf_ReleaseHandleInfo *releaseInfo)

lwIP adaptation layer will pass the intended number of packets to allocate, callback function to be called when packet is received or transmitted, etc., via inArgs of LwipifEnetAppCb_getHandle(). Application must open a TX and RX channel with the requested parameters and return the channel handles via outArgs.

Similarly, when the adaptation layer is being shutdown, it will call LwipifEnetAppCb_releaseHandle() which application must implement and close the DMA channels opened in LwipifEnetAppCb_getHandle(). lwIP Configuration lwIP Feature/Module Configuration

lwIP offers fully configurability of its features and modules via lwipopts.h header file, where users can override lwIP’s default configuration. In lwIP integration into Enet LLD, this file is placed under <pdk>/packages/ti/drv/enet/lwipif/ports/freertos/include/lwipopts.h. Enet LLD’s lwiptops.h enables UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, etc.

Feature Config Option Summary
Default Configuration
Enabled (Y/N)
ARP LWIP_ARP ARP support - resolves next hop MAC address when transmitting and handle ARP requests received on configured network interface. Y
IPv4 LWIP_IPV4 IPv4 support as per RFC 791, RFC 3344. Y
IPv6 LWIP_IPV6 IPv6 support as per RFC 2460, 2461, 2462, 2464 (not a full list). N
ICMP LWIP_ICMP ICMP handling of echo reply, destination reachability and TTL exceed conditions. Y
IGMP LWIP_IGMP Group Management Protocol, versions 2 and 3. Y
UDP LWIP_UDP LWIP_UDPLITE UDP (RFC 768) and UDP lite protocol support. Y
TCP LWIP_TCP TCP protocol support. Y
DHCP LWIP_DHCP DHCP client to dynamically obtain IP address from DHCP server. Y
AUTOIP LWIP_AUTOIP Automatic dynamic IP address assignment without a server. N
DNS LWIP_DNS DNS client to resolve host name to address. Y
Statistics LWIP_STATS LWIP_STATS_DISPLAY Statistics collection. Y

Users may need to enable lwIP debug infrastructure to troubleshoot lwIP application issues. This can be done by setting LWIP_DEBUG flag as follows:

#define LWIP_DEBUG               1

Also, user has to enable the debug flags of the stack features of interest by setting the correspondig flag to LWIP_DBG_ON, for example:

#define MEM_DEBUG                LWIP_DBG_ON
#define MEMP_DEBUG               LWIP_DBG_ON
#define PBUF_DEBUG               LWIP_DBG_ON
#define TCPIP_DEBUG              LWIP_DBG_ON
#define NETIF_DEBUG              LWIP_DBG_ON

Additionally, user may want to replace lwIP’s default print and assert functions with own functions, which can be done as follows:

diff --git a/lwipif/ports/freertos/include/arch/cc.h b/lwipif/ports/freertos/include/arch/cc.h
--- a/lwipif/ports/freertos/include/arch/cc.h
+++ b/lwipif/ports/freertos/include/arch/cc.h
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@

 /* std.h functions required */
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>

 /* Define byte order of the system */
 @@ -55,6 +57,21 @@
   handler;}} while(0)

+#ifdef printf
+#undef printf
+#define printf EnetAppUtils_print
+extern void EnetAppUtils_print(const char *pcString, ...);
+#define LWIP_PLATFORM_DIAG(x) do {EnetAppUtils_print x;} while(0)
+#define LWIP_PLATFORM_ASSERT(x)                                          \
+    do {                                                                 \
+        volatile static int gEnetAssertWaitInLoop = 1;                   \
+        EnetAppUtils_print("Assertion \"%s\" failed at line %d in %s\n", \
+                           x, __LINE__, __FILE__);                       \
+        while (gEnetAssertWaitInLoop);                                   \
+    } while(0)
 struct sio_status_s;
 typedef struct sio_status_s sio_status_t;
 #define sio_fd_t sio_status_t* Buffer Pools

Enet lwIP pool configuration defines 320 pbufs of MTU size, which is computed as follows:


Considering 64 packets per channel and 2 RX channels (i.e. j721e):

PBUF_POOL_SIZE = 64 + ((2 * 64) * 2)

Developers can change the buffer pool size by setting PBUF_POOL_SIZE in <pdk>/packages/ti/drv/enet/lwipif/ports/freertos/include/lwipopts.h and fine tuning the static pool allocation in <pdk>/packages/ti/drv/enet/lwipif/ports/freertos/include/lwippools.h. TX

The total packet buffer allocation for TX is LWIP2ENET_TX_PACKETS.

When the stack is ready to transmit an Ethernet frame via linkoutput(), the lwIP-to-Enet layer increases the pbuf reference counter to prevent the pbuf from being recycled and releases pbuf only when the hardware transmission is complete. LWIP2ENET_TX_PACKETS should be large enough to account for holding the pbuf longer while waiting for hardware transmission to complete in order to prevent lwIP stack from running out of free buffers for transmission. RX

The total packet buffer utilization for RX is 2 x LWIP2ENET_RX_PACKETS. At any given time, the Ethernet hardware will have LWIP2ENET_RX_PACKETS free buffers while the other LWIP2ENET_RX_PACKETS buffers will be either with the lwIP stack or the lwIP-to-Enet layer.

At init time, each RX channel (or flow) is primed with LWIP2ENET_RX_PACKETS buffers so that the driver and hardware have free buffers to place incoming Ethernet frames. lwIP-to-Enet layer maintains a local free buffer queue which is initialized with LWIP2ENET_RX_PACKETS buffers which will be used to replenish the driver with new buffers.

At runtime, lwIP-to-Enet layer will retrieve from the Enet driver the new packets when they arrive, and will feed the driver with the same amount of free buffers from its local free buffer queue. This ensures that the hardware doesn’t run out of free buffers for new packets. Tasking Model

TI SDK implementation will support running lwIP in a multi-thread OS environment. This implies that the core stack will be run in an independent task context and other application threads interact with it through the stack API (Netconn, Socket API - refer details below).

With core part of the stack not being re-entrant, application should stick to using Netconn/Socket API. Mixed usage with RAW API though possible, would require carefully constructed protection mechanism and is best avoided for common usage.

As part of the stack initialization, a separate thread “tcp_ip_thread” is created and all stack handling of the packets is managed from this context.

In the final system, ensure that the priority of the tcp_ip_thread, application thread and driver thread for packet handling are set in accordance with use case requirements.

On possible approach is to assign priority as networking_app_thread > tcp_ip_thread > driver_thread, with the intent that if we are not able to keep with the packet rate, the packets are dropped in the HW/driver itself. Migration Guide

TI SDK releases in the past have included support for NDK as the TCP/IP network stack. SDK releases starting SDK 8.0 release will be migrated to use lwIP as the networking stack.

This helps leverage the strong, mature, highly configurable feature set of lwIP - allowing completely scalability.

Applications written on top of NDK native API will require porting to run on top of lwIP stack.

Sections below provide quick comparison of the feature compatibility between the two network stack and also indicative mapping of Application API when migrating from NDK to lwIP. lwIP vs NDK Feature Comparison

Feature NDK lwIP
BSD socket interface Yes Yes
Multiple select support Yes Yes
Configurable activity timeout per socket Yes No
Dual mode support (IPv4 / IPv6) Yes Yes
Support IPv4 per RFC791 Yes Yes
IP acquiring - DHCPv4 client, server Yes Yes
IP acquiring - Static IP configuration Yes Yes
IP fragmentation support Yes Yes
Multicast addressing, IGMPv2 Yes Yes
Support IPv6 per RFC 2460 Yes Yes
DHCPv6 Yes Yes
DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) Yes Yes
MLDv1 Yes Yes
NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol) Yes Yes
ICMP Ping v4, v6 Yes Yes
Bridge between 2 NIs Yes Yes
Layer 3 routing Yes Yes
Internal ARP management Yes Yes
ARP result caching Yes Yes
L3 Raw socket support Yes Yes
L4 Raw socket support No Yes
TCP support Yes Yes
UDP support Yes Yes
SSL3.0, TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, TLS1.3 Yes (mbedTLS) Yes (mbedTLS)
DNS: IPV4, IPv6 address resolution Yes Yes
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) Yes Yes


lwIP features listed are made available as is from public lwIP project. SDK configuration may only enable and exercise a subset of these features. lwIP Application Interface

lwIP provides multiple Application Programming Interfaces as described in the table below.

Feature Config Option Summary Comments
Raw API   Realized through callback functions. Ideally suited for non-threaded application execution.
  • Not used with TI SDK.
Netconn API LWIP_NETCONN Sequential (blocking) model, can be used in multi-thread environment.
  • Supported in TI SDK.
  • lwIP custom API - makes application not portable
Socket API LWIP_SOCKET BSD sockets like, POSIX compatible.
  • Supported in TI SDK. Preferred.
  • Application portable, at the cost of performance

For most part, applications are run in multi-threaded OS environment and are written to make use of BSD Socket like API.

NDK also includes support for BSD socket API and applications written for BSD socket API should be easily portable to lwIP.

lwIP supports BSD socket API (defined under posix/sys/socket.h), and socket API mapping is summarized in the table below. In this section we will look specifically at mapping for NDK native socket API to lwIP BSD socket interface.

Functionality NDK Socket API lwIP Socket API
Accept a connection on a socket NDK_accept() accept()
Bind a name to a socket NDK_bind() bind()
Initiate a connection on a socket NDK_connect() connect()
Return name (address) of connected peer NDK_getpeername() getpeername()
Return the local name (address) of the socket NDK_getsockname() getsockname()
Get the value of a socket option NDK_getsockopt() getsockopt()
Listen for connection requests on a socket NDK_listen() listen()
Receive data from a socket NDK_recv() recv()
Receive data from a socket with the senders name (address) NDK_recvfrom() recvfrom()
Receive Message API   recvmsg()
Send data to a connected socket NDK_send() send()
Send data to a specified destination on an unconnected socket NDK_sendto() sendto()
Set the value of a socket option NDK_setsockopt() setsockopt()
Close one half of a socket connection NDK_shutdown() shutdown()
Create a socket NDK_socket() socket()
Select interface to concurrently poll on readiness of multiple sockets   select()
Poll interface to concurrently poll on readiness of multiple sockets   poll()