4.1.1. CAN to ethernet Gateway demo Overview

Gateway is one of the major use cases in modern cars. Performance requirements for gateway applications are ever increasing due to the advanced connected car architecture having multiple domain controllers.

The CAN-Ethernet gateway demo showcases P2P (Protocol to Protocol) translation i.e. translating data and control information between incompatible networks like Ethernet and CAN for communication on the J721E device through the IEEE-1722 protocol.

The demo application enables full duplex routing between: CAN-to-Ethernet, Ethernet-to-CAN and CAN-to-CAN. The demo uses MCAL drivers running on MCU R5F. Changes over previous release

  • Previous gateway demo used CPSW 9G Ethernet switch and used PDK components. Current demo uses CPSW 2G Ethernet port and MCAL components.
  • Support for Ethernet-to-Ethernet routing has been deprecated since only one port of CPSW 2G is available on the EVM.
  • Application has moved from Main domain R5F to MCU domain R5F.
  • Instead of TCP/IP, this demo uses IEEE 1722 protocol. A very basic 1722 parser has been implemented in the application.
  • Since raw sockets are used, Windows PC cannot be used to run PC tools. Sudo access is also required for the same reason.
  • Support for CPSW 9G and Main domain R5F will be enabled in future releases.
  • Important - Support for Maxwell has been deprecated. Assumptions and Prerequisities

Before getting into more details, readers should familiarize themselves with the assumptions made in this document and general demo requirements. Assumptions

  • Basic familiarity with operating any CAN device capable of sending and receiving CAN-FD messages. This includes knowledge of wiring and signals. In this demo, the PCAN tool is used to show the same.
  • Basic familiarity with Ethernet interface and IEEE 1722 protocol
  • Knowledge of raw sockets is helpful, but not essential
  • Operation of a PC/System running Linux. Since raw sockets are used, Windows is not supported.
  • Basic familiarity with Jacinto 7 Architecture
  • For details on individual parts of the Jacinto 7, such as MCAN, MCU island, and other parts, readers are asked to read SoC documentation first (if they haven’t done so already). Hardware

  • J721E EVM Board (SOM Board and Common Board)
  • CAN Receiver/Transmitter with minimum of 2x ports and a GUI to display messages. This demo shows this with 2x PCAN tools, but it can be ideally be any tool. Refer to PCAN tool setup section for further details.
  • 1x LAN Cables (preferably CAT6)
  • 2x Micro USB cable (for UART and JTAG)
  • SD card (This is the recommended boot option.)
  • Linux PC with minimum of 1x Gigabit port and root access


Root access is required because the demo uses raw sockets, and raw sockets are only accessible with root privileges.

  • Windows PC to run PCAN-View software. PCAN-View is also available on Linux but not used in this demo. It’s also possible that user may choose to use a different PCAN device, in which case this is optional. Software

  • Code Composer Studio (CCS) version (Optional if SD card is not available)

  • PC Ethernet tools - Required for receiving and transmitting data over Ethernet

    • Use/run recv_1722.out, send_1722.out and control_gateway_app.out utilities on host PC. These utilities are available at:

  • CAN tool software (PCAN drivers and PCAN View if using PCAN-USB tool) Architecture Overview

The following block diagram shows the various functional blocks and the data flow used in the gateway demo application. As shown in the diagram, PC Ethernet applications are used for transmitting and receiving Ethernet frames between PC and the J721E EVM. Similarly, any compatible CAN tool can be used for CAN message reception and transmission.

J721E Demo setup graphic

The routing is done based on a queue-based architecture, where the gateway task periodically polls the CAN and Ethernet queues, which are, in turn, populated by the respective drivers in the interrupt context. This architecture allows full packet inspection of packet and allows matching two asynchronous interfaces like Ethernet and CAN.

The CAN/Ethernet demo application is supported only on the mcu1_0 core of the J721E device. Software Features

  • Routing at L2 within application, through IEEE 1722 protocol for CAN-to-Ethernet and Ethernet-to-CAN
  • CAN-to-CAN routing through application
  • PC-based raw socket applications for sending/receiving 1722 frames and controlling gateway app
  • Weighted average bridge delay computation for all routed packets Directory Structure

The CAN_ETH Gateway demo is located in the Processor SDK RTOS release under the following directory path:


User must issue make command from <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/gateway-demos location. Detailed description of the directory structure is given below:

  • binary - directory where gateway app and other compiled binaries are generated
  • pctools - directory containing Ethernet PC tools sources and executables
  • src - Source files for gateway application and utils
  • docs - Contains User Guide PDF
  • mcuss_demos - Contains MCUSW components which are specific to gateway app
  • build - Contains the makefile infrastructure


Pre-built binary tools are provided for Linux only. Components

RTOS components:

  • XDC

Processor SDK RTOS drivers:

  • MCUSW components like CAN, Eth
  • UART
  • Board
  • OSAL
  • CSL
  • udma
  • sciclient Building the Demo

The demo application is built using makefile.


Refer to PDK rules.mk for setting tools paths. Run following commands after this has been done.

Type the following in <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/gateway-demos to see makefile options:

make help

The following are steps to clean the demo:

cd <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/gateway-demos
make allclean

The following are steps to compile the demo with all dependencies:

cd <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/gateway-demos
make all -s -j Host Applications

The PC tools for Ethernet reception, transmission and control are located under pctools directory. These tools can be built for Linux only through:

cd <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/gateway-demos/pctools
make all Running the Demo

This demo uses MCAN0, MCAN1 and CPSW2G’s port on the board. They are connected to two PCAN-USB tools and PC’s Ethernet gigabit port respectively. See below: J721E Board Setup

Conceptually the wiring should be done as shown below:

Graphical representation of J721E demo setup showing all connections

When actual connections are made it looks like below:

Picture of J721E Demo setup on ESD mat with all wires connected Ethernet Setup

As shown in the figure above, connect the CPSW 2G Ethernet port to PC’s 1G Ethernet port and assign a fixed local IP to the interface to avoid unnecessary ARP traffic. MCAN Setup

As shown in the picture, connect the two USB-CAN analyzers to MCAN0 and MCAN1 instances, which are labeled as J30 and J32 respectively on the J721E base EVM board. The MCAN pin connection is as follows:

  • Pin 1 (CAN_H)
  • Pin 2 (GRD)
  • Pin 3 (CAN_L)

The following diagram shows the MCAN0 and MCAN1 connections on base EVM.

CAN connections on base board

If using PCAN tool, the DB-9 connection is as follows:

PCAN tool pinout

Use below image as reference to connect the wires.

PCAN tool pinout PCAN Tool Setup

The PCAN-USB FD tool has been used to validate this demo. This tool provides a connection of CAN FD and CAN networks to a computer through USB.

For further information on the PCAN-USB product, please visit the manufacturer’s website: https://www.peak-system.com/PCAN-USB-FD.365.0.html?&L=1


Please check licensing information & terms of usage of PCAN-USB product and make sure it adheres to your organization’s policy before downloading the drivers.

  1. Prerequisite (PC setup):

  2. PCAN Setup:

    • PCAN-View is a GUI-based tool used to configure bit-rate of the PCAN tool. It provides a convenient way to see sent and received messages. It also provides an option to enable tracing of CAN messages along with timestamp. Please refer to PCAN-USB FD manual for more details.

    • Once driver is installed, connect the PCAN device to PC. It should be auto detected as PCAN-USB FD in Windows’ Device Manager. If it is not auto detected, try re-installing the PCAN driver.

    • Open PCAN-View and follow below steps:

      • Click on Connect from CAN menu (as shown in below figure)

        • Pop-up window shall show connected PCAN hardware. Select the desired device.

        • Enable the Data Bit rate checkbox. This will enable Bit rate selection from a drop down menu.

        • Select Nominal Bit Rate as 1 MBits/s.

        • Select Data Bit Rate as 5 MBits/s. If this bit-rate is not listed in your menu, refer to ‘Creating Bit Rate Configurations’ step below for creating custom bit rate.

          • Note: Bit rates may vary from use case to use case based on MCAN configuration on the J721E side.
        • Click on OK button.

        PCAN View - Device Selection
      • Create and send message at period of 1 ms

        • Click on New Message under Transmit menu

        • Enable the CAN FD checkbox

        • Enable the Bit Rate Switch checkbox

        • Set the following parameters in the New Transmit Message window:

          • ID as hex 000000C0 for MCAN0 and 000000B0 for MCAN1
          • Length as 64
          • Cycle Time as 1
          • Data can be selected randomly
        PCAN View - Transmit Mesage Config
  3. Creating Bit Rate Configurations

    • Create a 5 Mbps bit rate configuration for Data Bit Rate (shown in below diagram)

      • Click on Connect under CAN menu

      • Enable the Data Bit rate checkbox

      • Click on the Play button below Data Bit rate and then Manage Bit rates. This will open a pop-up window.

      • Click on Data in the Manage Bit Rates window

      • Select Clock Frequency as 80 MHz

      • Click on Add button

      • Set the new bit rate parameters as follows:

        • Caption to 5 MBits/s
        • Prescalar to 1
        • tseg1 to 12
        • tseg2 to 3
        • Sync Jump Width to 1
      • Bit Rate textbox shall show 5 Mbit/s after programming above values.

      • Click on OK and then again on OK

    PCAN View - Bit Rate Config
  4. CAN Bus Connections - Please refer to the PCAN-USB FD manual for more details about connections.

  5. CAN Bus Connections (applies if single PCAN device is used for 2 CAN’s using breadboard):

    • CAN_H of all the nodes on the bus shall be connected together
    • Similarly, CAN_L of all the nodes on the bus shall be connected together Load and Run the Demo CCS Boot

For more details about installation of CCS and J721E target creation, refer to the Processor SDK RTOS
Automotive User’s Guide inside “psdk_rtos_auto/docs/user_guide” folder, which can be found in SDK installation.
  1. Connect a micro USB cable to JTAG port of J721E_EVM. The XDS110 JTAG connector is labeled XDS110 (J3).

  2. Connect a micro USB cable to MCU Domain UART port on J721E_EVM. It’s labeled MCU UART (J43).

  3. Set EVM’s DIP switches SW8 and SW9 for no-boot mode:

    • SW8 = 10001000
    • SW9 = 01110000
  4. Power on the J721E EVM board. Ensure that SD card is not present or QSPI flashed.

  5. Open up a serial terminal to ttyUSB1 for UART communication. This will show logs from MCU1_0 core where the demo application runs.

    • Set serial parameters to: 115200 8N1.
    • Set hardware and software flow control to “No”.
    • Below figure shows serial parameters set in Minicom.
    Serial Port Settings in Minicom
  6. Open CCS and launch target config file for J721E_EVM.

  7. Load the System firmware using launch script provided with this package.

  8. Wait for initialization and then connect to MCU domain R5F_0_1.

  9. Load and launch the demo executable:

  10. The application should boot up with the console log shown below. Note that the Ethernet interface takes a few seconds to come up.

Bootup console log SD Card Boot

  1. Create a bootable SD card with SBL bootloader and System Firmware. For details about SD card creation, refer to the Processor SDK RTOS Automotive User’s Guide inside “psdk_rtos_auto/docs/user_guide” folder, which can be found in SDK installation.

  2. Copy the CAN/Eth gateway demo application to the /boot folder in SD Card and rename it to “app”.

  3. Connect a micro USB cable to MCU Domain UART port on J721E_EVM. It’s labeled MCU UART (J43).

  4. Set EVM’s DIP switches SW8 and SW9 for SD card boot:

    • SW8 = 10000010
    • SW9 = 00000000
  5. Open up a serial terminal to port ttyUSB0 for UART1 communication. This terminal will show logs from system firmware.

    • Set serial parameters to: 115200 8N1.
  6. Open up a serial terminal to port ttyUSB1 for UART2 communication. This terminal will show logs from MCU1_0 core where the demo application runs.

    • Set serial parameters to: 115200 8N1.
    • Set hardware and software flow control to “No”.
    • Below figure shows serial parameters set in Minicom.
    Serial Port Settings in Minicom
  7. Insert SD card into slot labeled MICRO SD and power-on the J721E EVM board.

  8. The application should boot up with a console log as shown below:

Bootup console log Routing

The demo performs three kinds of routing: CAN-to-CAN, CAN-to-Eth and Eth-to-CAN. The behavior can be controlled by PCAN tool and PC tools provided along with the demo sources. Eth to CAN

Eth-to-CAN direction involves the following routes:

Route Source Destination Message ID
Eth -> Gateway -> MCAN0 -> PCAN1 Eth PCAN 1 0xD0
Eth -> Gateway -> MCAN1 -> PCAN2 Eth PCAN 2 0xE0
Eth -> Gateway -> MCAN0+1-> PCAN1+2 Eth PCAN 1+2 0xF0

Follow the next steps to test Eth-to-CAN routes:

  1. In Linux PC, open console and run:

    cd <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/gateway-demos/pctools
    sudo ./send_1722.out <eth_interface> 1 MCAN0

Where <eth_interface> is the name of ethernet interface on the Linux PC. On most PC’s, it’s either eth0 or eth1, but it can be anything and thus no standard convention. 1 is the number of messages to be sent and MCAN0 indicates that a CAN ID of 0xD0 should be embedded inside the 1722 message.

This will send one 1722 message with CAN ID of 0xD0. When gateway demo sees this message, it will route it to MCAN0 interface.

  1. Now try the same command with MCAN1 option:

    sudo ./send_1722.out <eth_interface> 1 MCAN1
  2. Finally, route the packet to both interfaces with the command:

    sudo ./send_1722.out <eth_interface> 1 BOTH
  3. A screenshot of send_1722.out console application is shown below:

Bootup console log CAN to Eth and CAN to CAN

CAN-to-Eth and CAN-to-CAN routing are bundled together in the demo application. When a CAN message is received by the gateway demo, it forwards it without any modification to the other CAN port and also forwards it as a formatted 1722 ethernet message to the Ethernet port.


MCAN0 is configured to receive only messages with CAN ID of 0xC0, and MCAN1 is configured for 0xB0.

CAN-to-Eth and CAN-to-CAN direction involves the following routes:

Route Source Destination Message ID
PCAN1 -> MCAN0 -> Gateway -> Eth + MCAN1 -> PCAN2 PCAN1 Eth + MCAN1 0xC0
PCAN2 -> MCAN1 -> Gateway -> Eth + MCAN0 -> PCAN1 PCAN2 Eth + MCAN0 0xB0

Follow the next steps to test CAN-to-Eth and CAN-to-CAN routes:

  1. In Linux PC, open console and run:

    cd <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/gateway-demos/pctools
    sudo ./a.out <eth_interface> non-verbose

    In this case, non-verbose indicates that console application should not print too many details from the 1722 frame. If verbose mode is chosen, then details of the 1722 packet are printed.

    This allows reception of 1722 frames on Linux PC’s ethernet interface where the console application parses them and displays a continuous count.

  2. Send a message with CAN ID of 0xC0 on PCAN1. The message will be routed to both PCAN2 and the Ethernet port where it will be shown by the application. See figures below:

    1722 Receive App
  3. Now repeat same process with PCAN2. This time, send a message with CAN ID of 0xB0. See figure below:

    PCAN Tool view Statistics

Since gateway demo is an application which runs in a forever loop waiting for frames, it’s not possible to show stats periodically, as it would impact performance. To workaround this problem, a separate console application called control_gateway_app.out is provided which sends a signal to the application to print statistics. To run the app use the command below:

cd <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/gateway-demos/pctools
sudo ./control_gateway_app.out <eth_interface> stat

control_gateway_app.out provides two options to the user: kill and stat (both are documented inside the application). When stat is used, the demo application prints performance and statistics including CPU Load.

kill terminates the application (it’s reserved for future use)

See figure below:

PCAN Tool view Known issues & limitations

  1. Polling mode is not supported in Gateway application.

  2. Due to simultaneous Rx and Tx, the CAN-USB Tool might go into an error state. When this happens, the CAN-USB Tool blinks red constantly, and no CAN messages are seen on the bus. To recover, first Disconnect (Ctrl + D) and then Connect (Ctrl + B) the device. See below:

    PCAN Tool view