3.3. Filesystem

The Processor SDK Linux AM69A provides a filesystem tarball that contains programs, scripts, Linux user-space components that abstract various hardware accelerators available in the SoC. The filesystem can be built via Yocto, following the instructions Processor SDK - Building the SDK with Yocto

There are different filesystem tarballs provided in the SDK. You’ll find them at $PSDK_PATH/filesystem/


This is the complete filesystem image, that contains standard Linux commands and features. This also contains the TI component libraries, binaries and TI Apps Launcher OOB Demo

Following is a list of all filesystem images provided by TI which can be built via Yocto

Common targets are:

From meta-arago[recommended]:
    tisdk-bootstrap-base-image:  Arago TI SDK bootstrap base image for initramfs
    tisdk-jailhouse-image:  Arago TI SDK image for Jailhouse Hypervisor
    tisdk-bootstrap-image:  Arago TI SDK bootstrap image usable for board bringup
    tisdk-tiny-initramfs:  Arago TI SDK super minimal base image for initramfs
    tisdk-core-bundle:  Installer package for TI SDK - NOT for direct use on target
    tisdk-base-image:  Arago TI SDK base image with test tools
    tisdk-thinlinux-image:  Arago TI SDK Thin Linux image
    tisdk-jailhouse-inmate:  Arago TI SDK super minimal base image for jailhouse linux demo
    tisdk-default-image:  Arago TI SDK full filesystem image
    tisdk-tiny-image:  Arago TI SDK super minimal base image for initramfs

From meta-tisdk:
    tisdk-display-cluster-image:  Arago TI SDK full filesystem image showcasing display sharing in AM62P


Watchout for console logs while running oe-layersetup to get an exhaustive list of target filesystem images that can be built using Yocto.