5.3. Chromium Browser - User Guide
5.3.1. Overview
On TI devices with IMG Rogue class GPU’s. The Chromium browser (available from https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/) is accelerated using OpenGLES.
The version of Chromium that is build can be obtained with this command:
$ chromium --version
Chromium 123.0.6312.122 stable
The version of Chromium shown here is the one that GPU acceleration is verified to work with.
5.3.2. Launching Chromium Browser
For security reasons it is suggested never to run Chromium as the root user.
To launch the Chromium browser:
Assuming you are logged in as the root user.
Switch to the weston user:
$ su weston
And then run the chromium binary:
$ /usr/bin/chromium [url] [options]
$ chromium https://www.ti.com
Will open www.ti.com in a windowed browser on the Weston desktop.
$ chromium https://webglsamples.org/aquarium/aquarium.html --start-fullscreen
Will open the aquarium 3d benchmark in a fullscreen window on the Weston desktop.
The --start-fullscreen
switch will make the chromium browser consume the entire screen including overwriting the Weston menu bar.
This will start chromium and provided you have network connectivity to the internet from the TI platform it will connect to an example application that uses WebGL/Javascript and renders fish swimming in a fish bowl using the 3D GPU.
5.3.3. Graphics Feature Status
To see the GPU features that are in use, enter chrome://gpu
into the Chromium URL/Navigation bar. A web page will be
rendered with this information. The below example shows what is enabled/disabled when GPU acceleration is working correctly
* Canvas: Hardware accelerated
* Canvas out-of-process rasterization: Disabled
* Direct Rendering Display Compositor: Disabled
* Compositing: Hardware accelerated
* Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
* OpenGL: Enabled
* Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
* Raw Draw: Disabled
* Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
* Video Encode: Software Only. Hardware acceleration disabled
* Vulkan: Disabled
* WebGL: Hardware accelerated
* WebGL2: Hardware accelerated
* WebGPU: Disabled
If for some reason you suspect the GPU is rending something incorrectly, you can run chromium with GPU disabled
using the --disable-gpu
$ chromium https://webglsamples.org/aquarium/aquarium.html --start-fullscreen --disable-gpu
To get raw performance numbers from the GPU, you may want to disable frame sync locking in Chromium. This will tell Chromium never to wait for VSYNC and render as fast as the GPU can achieve.
$ chromium https://webglsamples.org/aquarium/aquarium.html --start-fullscreen --disable-gpu-vsync --disable-frame-rate-limit
5.3.4. Running Chromium as the root user
This is absolutely not recommended, as to do so gives a web page too much access to your system.
To run in this mode you also have to provide the --no-sandbox
switch, which disables all sandboxing
of the browser from the base system and could leave you open for a malicious webpage to do something
5.3.5. How to build Chromuim under Yocto
Pull in the meta-browser and meta-clang layer into a Scarthgap Yocto build.
meta-browser should be pinned to commit:
commit 1ed2254d72a4c25879014c98be287a7e3e22904c
Author: Max Ihlenfeldt <max@igalia.com>
Date: Wed May 22 14:54:02 2024 +0200
chromium: Backport missing dependency in NewTabPage (#816)
meta-clang needs to be pinned to HEAD commit of branch “scarthgap”, as of the time of writing that equates to this commit:
commit e7dceb1c92caf7f21ef1d7b49c85328c30cffd90 (HEAD -> scarthgap, origin/scarthgap)
Author: Etienne Cordonnier <ecordonnier@snap.com>
Date: Fri May 3 17:47:46 2024 +0200
clang: use release tarball instead of git
With these layers pinned to the correct commit, you need to make sure they are referenced in build/conf/bblayers.conf
This is done automatically if you use the oe-layersetup tool.
$ cd yocto_dir
$ ./oe-layersetup -f config/arago-scarthgap-chromium-config.txt
Once this is done, use bitbake to create the tisdk-default-image. This will detect the meta-browser and meta-clang layers, automatically building and adding Chromium to the root filesystem image.
Build times of Chromium can be very long depending on the size of your build machine. It has been found that you need at least 64Gigs of RAM, and on a 28 thread Intel Core-I9 with an SSD for the build driver it will still take upwards of 2 hours just to build Chromium. A full Yocto Scarthgap build that includes Chromium can easily take 400GBytes of SSD.
The following will initiate a full tisdk-default-image build that would include Chromium if the meta-browser and meta-clang layers are present:
$ MACHINE=<machine> bitbake tisdk-default-image
If you want to significantly reduced image size, the IPKs can be built directly using the following:
$ MACHINE=<machine> bitbake core-image-weston
$ MACHINE=<machine> bitbake chromium-ozone-wayland
Where <machine> is defined in the Build Options section of “Building the SDK with Yocto”
is the only image that chromium will get built
into by default. If you want to build it into another image, then you would need to modify the .bb recipe for the image. Or alternatively
add the line:
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " chromium-ozone-wayland"
Somewhere into your build/conf/local.conf
5.3.6. Limitations
Audio/video within the browser is not supported.
Hardware acceleration of video either decode or encode is not supported.
5.3.7. Performance
Performance of WebGL Aquarium
Standard WebGL benchmarks available at these URLS: https://webglsamples.org/aquarium/aquarium.html
Run as the weston user with the command line chromium https://webglsamples.org/aquarium/aquarium.html --start-fullscreen
Platform |
Performance FPS |
AM68 |
53 @ 1080p60 |
Performance of MotionMarkv1.3
Standard Javascript benchmarks available at these URLS: https://browserbench.org/MotionMark/
Run as the weston user with the command line chromium https://browserbench.org/MotionMark/ --start-fullscreen
use the mouse to click the “Run Benchmark” button.
Platform |
MotionMark v1.3 |
AM68 |
67.88 @ 1080p60 |