Release Notes

Table of Contents


This is a GA release of the Core SDK for CC32xx devices.


Open the documentation overview web page file in the SDK’s Doc folder for a full list of documentation.

What’s New

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Host Support

See the SDK release notes for a description of which host operating systems are supported in this release.


See the SDK release notes for a description of which components and tools are required to work with this product.

Device Support

See the SDK release notes for a list of TI devices that are supported in this product.

Validation Information

The Core SDK was validated with the following components:

Known Issues

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-3636 I2C_transfer() occasionally fails when called from an interrupt context
TIDRIVERS-1806 CC32xx SD driver does not work reliability on some SD cards
TIDRIVERS-1642 NVSSPI25x driver does not work when using internal SPI CS


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

Prior Release Changes

A summary of changes made in previous releases of this product can be found in the product Change Log