Table of Contents


The Idle Profile example enables the user to measure current values, power consumption and other parameters when the CC3200 is essentially idle (both NWP and application subsystems are in low power deep sleep conditions). This application also introduces the user to the easily configurable Power Management Framework.

Application details

Power Management Framework

The CC3200 has multiple power modes which can be set from the application. The Power Management Framework makes it easier to specify this power policy. The user should configure the lowest power mode for the device based on their application, and the framework will decide when to reach this mode. The framework hides intricacies of the underlying settings and helps the developer experience low power mode capabilities in a simple manner. For more information regarding the Power Management Framework, please refer to CC3200 Power Management Framework documentation.

Current Measurement

This application specifies Low Power Deep Sleep (LPDS) as the lowest power mode. At times, both the NWP and application subsystem will be in LPDS. Current values can be as low as on the order of hundreds of micro amps. The procedure for measuring current can be found in Power Management Optimizations and Measurements documentation.

Program Flow

Most the parameters user will need to modify are specified as MACROs, located in main.c

    #define SSID_NAME               "cc3200demo"
    #define GPIO_13                 13
    #define GPIO_SRC_WKUP           GPIO_13
    #define APP_UDP_PORT            5001
    #define LPDS_DUR_SEC            60
    #define LPDS_DUR_NSEC           0

Security parameters for the AP can be configure inside the WlanConnect function in main.c.
Whatever GPIO is used as wake up source must be added to the gpio_list array in user_app_config.h and pinmux for the same GPIO must be added in pinmux.c.

Task 1: UDPServerTask

  1. Block on a message from the TimerGPIO task (waiting for the NWP to start and connect to AP).
  2. Create a UDP server and wait for UDP packet in a while loop. When the NWP subsystem receives any UDP packet, it will bring the application MCU out of LPDS, if not already.

Task 2: TimerGPIOTask

  1. Start NWP, switch to Station mode, set NWP power policy and connect to the AP.
  2. Upon successful connection, unblock UDPServerTask.
  3. Set timer and GPIO as wake sources from low power modes.
  4. Set Power policy for the application MCU.

Source Files briefly explained


  1. Setup a serial communication application. Open a serial terminal on a PC with the following settings:
    • Port: Enumerated COM port
    • Baud rate: 115200
    • Data: 8 bit
    • Parity: None
    • Stop: 1 bit
    • Flow control: None
  2. Edit the macros in main.c as specified above to connect to your AP. Modify any other configurations as desired.
  3. Run the reference application. Build the application and flash the binary using UniFlash.
    • The debugger will disconnect when the device enters LPDS.
  4. The red LED will turn off whenever the device enters LPDS. Upon wake, the serial terminal will print the cause.

Limitations/Known Issues

Refer to CC3200 Power Management Framework documentation for limitations and known issues.