Table of Contents
This example demonstrates file operations performed in application code. This application uses the serial flash for file storage.
CC3200 LaunchPad has 1 MB serial flash.
Page, Sector, and Block size is provided below:
- Page: 256 Bytes
- Sector: 4 Kb
- Block: 64 Kb
The network processor maintains a file system iin the serial flash and the SimpleLink library exposes APIs to perform file operations in application code.
Application details
This application will:
- Open a user file for writing
- Write the “Old MacDonald” child song several times to create a ~64KB file
- Close the user file
- Open the same file for reading
- Read the data and compare it with the stored buffer
- Close the user file
- Turns on the green LED on success or the red LED on failure. The yellow LED will be on all the time.
Source Files briefly explained
- gpio_if.c - Basic GPIO interface APIs. Used to control the RED/GREEN LED.
- main.c - Initializes the device, exercises the file operation APIs supported by the SimpleLink library
- pinmux.c - Assigns the pin muxing
- startup_*.c - Initialize vector table and IDE related functions
- Run the reference application.
- Open the project in CCS/IAR. Build the application and debug to load to the device, or flash the binary using UniFlash.
- If the file operations succeed, the green LED will turn on. If there is a failure, the red LED will turn on.