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ires.h File Reference

Detailed Description

IRES Interface Definitions - Allows algorithms to request and receive handles representing private logical resources.

#include "ires_common.h"
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Data Structures

struct  IRES_YieldContext
 Specifies the algorithm specific handles and context save & restore function pointers and arguments that the framework will call during a context switch. More...
struct  IRES_Fxns
 These fxns are used to query/grant the resources requested by the algorithm at initialization time, and to change these resources at runtime. All these fxns are implemented by the algorithm, and called by the client of the algorithm. More...


typedef enum IRES_YieldResourceType IRES_YieldResourceType
typedef Void(* IRES_ContextSaveFxn )(IALG_Handle algHandle, Void *contextArgs)
typedef Void(* IRES_ContextRestoreFxn )(IALG_Handle algHandle, Void *contextArgs)
typedef struct IRES_YieldContext IRES_YieldContext
 Specifies the algorithm specific handles and context save & restore function pointers and arguments that the framework will call during a context switch.
typedef IRES_YieldContextIRES_YieldContextHandle
typedef Void * IRES_YieldArgs
typedef Void(* IRES_YieldFxn )(IRES_YieldResourceType resourceType, IRES_YieldContextHandle algYieldContext, IRES_YieldArgs yieldArgs)
 The 'yield function' pointer and 'yield arguments' are supplied to an algorithm during its IRES interface 'initialization'. The algorithm optionally calls the yield function during its 'process' stages for co-operative multi-tasking and pre-emption by a higher priority algorithm.
typedef struct IRES_Fxns IRES_Fxns
 These fxns are used to query/grant the resources requested by the algorithm at initialization time, and to change these resources at runtime. All these fxns are implemented by the algorithm, and called by the client of the algorithm.


enum  IRES_YieldResourceType {
  IRES_ALL = 0,
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