package ti.sysbios.knl

Contains core threading modules for the SYS/BIOS kernel

Many real-time applications must perform a number of functions at the same time, often in response to external events such as the availability of data or the presence of a control signal. Both the functions and when they are performed are important. [ more ... ]
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/sysbios/knl/package.xdc
package ti.sysbios.knl [2, 0, 0, 0] {
    module Clock;
    // System Clock Manager
    module Event;
    // Event Manager
    module Idle;
    // Idle Thread Manager
    module Mailbox;
    // Mailbox Manager
    module Queue;
    // Queue manager
    module Semaphore;
    // Semaphore Manager
    module Swi;
    // Software Interrupt Manager
    module Task;
    // Task Manager
Many real-time applications must perform a number of functions at the same time, often in response to external events such as the availability of data or the presence of a control signal. Both the functions and when they are performed are important.
Such functions are called "threads". Within SYS/BIOS, the term is defined broadly to include any independent stream of instructions executed by the processor. A thread is a single point of control that can activate a function call or an interrupt service routine (ISR).
SYS/BIOS enables your applications to be structured as a collection of threads. Multithreaded programs allow higher-priority threads to preempt lower-priority threads and allow various types of interaction between threads, including blocking, communication, and synchronization.
SYS/BIOS provides support for several types of threads with different priorities. Each thread type has different execution and preemption characteristics. The thread types (from highest to lowest priority) are:
The ti.sysbios.knl package also provides several modules for synchronizing threads.
  • Semaphores (ti.sysbios.knl.Semaphore) are often used to coordinate access to a shared resource among a set of competing tasks. Semaphores can be used for task synchronization and mutual exclusion. Semaphore objects can be declared as either counting or binary semaphores. The same APIs are used for both counting and binary semaphores.
  • Events (ti.sysbios.knl.Event) provide a means for communicating between and synchronizing threads. They are similar to Semaphores, except that they allow you to specify multiple conditions ("events") that must occur before the waiting thread returns.
  • Mailboxes (ti.sysbios.knl.Mailbox) can be used to pass buffers from one thread to another. A Mailbox instance can be used by multiple readers and writers.
In addition to Semaphores, Events, and Mailboxes, you can use Gates to prevent concurrent accesses to critical regions of code. The xdc.runtime.Gate module is provided by XDCtools, but SYS/BIOS provides some additional implementations in ti.sysbios.gates.
generated on Mon, 19 Sep 2016 18:31:27 GMT