package ti.sysbios

SYS/BIOS Scalable/Extensible Real-time Kernel

SYS/BIOS is a scalable real-time kernel. It is designed to be used by applications that require real-time scheduling and synchronization or real-time instrumentation. SYS/BIOS provides preemptive multi-threading, hardware abstraction, real-time analysis, and configuration tools. SYS/BIOS is designed to minimize memory and CPU requirements on the target. [ more ... ]
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/sysbios/package.xdc
package ti.sysbios [2, 0, 0, 0] {
    module BIOS;
    // SYS/BIOS Top-Level Manager
    module Build;
SYS/BIOS is a scalable real-time kernel. It is designed to be used by applications that require real-time scheduling and synchronization or real-time instrumentation. SYS/BIOS provides preemptive multi-threading, hardware abstraction, real-time analysis, and configuration tools. SYS/BIOS is designed to minimize memory and CPU requirements on the target.
This package contains the BIOS module, which serves as the "top level" configuration entry point for SYS/BIOS. The BIOS module provides basic configuration parameters necessary to use SYS/BIOS and provides links to more advanced configuration options that can be used to further optimize SYS/BIOS for your application.
SYS/BIOS is implemented as a set of RTSC packages, each of which delivers a subset of the functionality. The RTSC standard recommends a naming convention for packages to aid readability and uniqueness. If you are familiar with the Java package naming convention, you will find SYS/BIOS's packages to be quite similar.
SYS/BIOS packages conform to this convention with names that consist of a hierarchical naming pattern; each level is separated by a period ("."). Usually, the highest level of the name is the vendor ("ti"), followed by the product ("sysbios"), and then followed by sub-package names (for example, "knl").
These names have the added benefit of reflecting the physical layout of the package within the file system where SYS/BIOS has been installed. For example, the ti.sysbios.knl package files can be found at BIOS_INSTALL_DIR/bios_6_##_##/packages/ti/sysbios/knl.
For more information about SYS/BIOS, see the following:
generated on Thu, 21 Apr 2016 21:00:12 GMT