1    /*
     2     * Copyright (c) 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
     3     * All rights reserved.
     4     *
     5     * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
     6     * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
     7     * are met:
     8     *
     9     * *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
    10     *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    11     *
    12     * *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
    13     *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
    14     *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    15     *
    16     * *  Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
    17     *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
    18     *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
    19     *
    31     */
    32    /*
    33     *  ======== BIOS.xdc ========
    34     *
    35     */
    37    package ti.sysbios;
    39    import xdc.rov.ViewInfo;
    41    import xdc.runtime.Error;
    42    import xdc.runtime.Types;
    44    /*! ======== BIOS ========
    45     *  SYS/BIOS Top-Level Manager
    46     *
    47     *  This module is responsible for setting up global parameters
    48     *  pertaining to SYS/BIOS and for performing the SYS/BIOS startup
    49     *  sequence.
    50     *
    51     *  SYS/BIOS configures the
    52     *  {@link xdc.runtime.Memory#defaultHeapInstance Memory.defaultHeapInstance}
    53     *  using a {@link ti.sysbios.heaps.HeapMem HeapMem} instance of size
    54     *  {@link #heapSize}.
    55     *
    56     *  The SYS/BIOS startup sequence is logically divided into two phases: those
    57     *  operations that occur prior to the application's "main()" function being
    58     *  called, and those operations that are performed after the application's
    59     *  "main()" function is invoked.
    60     *
    61     *  The "before main()" startup sequence is governed completely by the RTSC
    62     *  runtime package's {@link xdc.runtime.Startup Startup} module.
    63     *
    64     *  The "after main()" startup sequence is governed by SYS/BIOS and is
    65     *  initiated by an explicit call to the {@link #start BIOS_start()} function
    66     *  at the end of the application's main() function.
    67     *
    68     *  Control points are provided at various places in each of the two startup
    69     *  sequences for user startup operations to be inserted.
    70     *
    71     *  The RTSC runtime startup sequence is as follows:
    72     *
    73     *  @p(nlist)
    74     *  - Immediately after CPU reset, perform target-specific CPU
    75     *  initialization (beginning at c_int00).
    76     *  - Prior to cinit(), run the user-supplied "reset functions"
    77     *  (see {@link xdc.runtime.Reset#fxns Reset.fxns}).
    78     *  - Run cinit() to initialize C runtime environment.
    79     *  - Run the user-supplied "first functions"
    80     *  (see {@link xdc.runtime.Startup#firstFxns Startup.firstFxns}).
    81     *  - Run all the module initialization functions.
    82     *  - Run pinit().
    83     *  - Run the user-supplied "last functions"
    84     *  (see {@link xdc.runtime.Startup#lastFxns Startup.lastFxns}).
    85     *  - Run main().
    86     *  @p
    87     *
    88     *  The SYS/BIOS startup sequence begins at the end of main() when
    89     *  BIOS_start() is called:
    90     *
    91     *  @p(nlist)
    92     *  - Run the user-supplied "startup functions"
    93     *  (see {@link #startupFxns BIOS.startupFxns}).
    94     *  - Enable Hardware Interrupts.
    95     *  - Enable Software Interrupts. If the system supports Software Interrupts
    96     *  (Swis) (see {@link #swiEnabled BIOS.swiEnabled}), then the SYS/BIOS
    97     *  startup sequence enables Swis at this point.
    98     *  - Timer Startup. If the system supports Timers, then at this point all
    99     *  statically configured timers are initialized per their
   100     *  user-configuration.
   101     *  If a timer was configured to start "automatically", it is started here.
   102     *  - Task Startup. If the system supports Tasks
   103     *  (see {@link #taskEnabled BIOS.taskEnabled}),
   104     *  then task scheduling begins here. If there are no statically or
   105     *  dynamically created Tasks in the system, then execution proceeds
   106     *  directly to the Idle loop.
   107     *  @p
   108     *
   109     *  @a(Note)
   110     *  Local variables defined in main() no longer exist once BIOS_start() is
   111     *  called. The RAM where main's local variables reside is reassigned for
   112     *  use as the interrupt stack during the execution of BIOS_start().
   113     *
   114     *  Below is a configuration script excerpt that installs a user-supplied
   115     *  startup function at every possible control point in the RTSC and
   116     *  SYS/BIOS startup
   117     *  sequence:
   118     *
   119     *  @p(code)
   120     *  // get handle to xdc Startup module
   121     *  var Startup = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Startup');
   122     *
   123     *  // install "reset function"
   124     *  Startup.resetFxn = '&myReset';
   125     *
   126     *  // install a "first function"
   127     *  var len = Startup.firstFxns.length
   128     *  Startup.firstFxns.length++;
   129     *  Startup.firstFxns[len] = '&myFirst';
   130     *
   131     *  // install a "last function"
   132     *  var len = Startup.lastFxns.length
   133     *  Startup.lastFxns.length++;
   134     *  Startup.lastFxns[len] = '&myLast';
   135     *
   136     *  // get handle to SYS/BIOS module
   137     *  var BIOS = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.BIOS');
   138     *
   139     *  // install a SYS/BIOS startup function
   140     *  BIOS.addUserStartupFunction('&myBiosStartup');
   141     *  @p
   142     *
   143     *  @p(html)
   144     *  <h3> Calling Context </h3>
   145     *  <table border="1" cellpadding="3">
   146     *    <colgroup span="1"></colgroup> <colgroup span="5" align="center">
   147     *    </colgroup>
   148     *
   149     *    <tr><th> Function                 </th><th>  Hwi   </th><th>  Swi   </th>
   150     *    <th>  Task  </th><th>  Main  </th><th>  Startup  </th></tr>
   151     *    <!--                                        -->
   152     *    <tr><td> {@link #getCpuFreq}      </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td>
   153     *    <td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
   154     *    <tr><td> {@link #getThreadType}   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td>
   155     *    <td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   N    </td></tr>
   156     *    <tr><td> {@link #setCpuFreq}      </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td>
   157     *    <td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
   158     *    <tr><td> {@link #start}      </td><td>   N    </td><td>   N    </td>
   159     *    <td>   N    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   N    </td></tr>
   160     *    <tr><td colspan="6"> Definitions: <br />
   161     *       <ul>
   162     *         <li> <b>Hwi</b>: API is callable from a Hwi thread. </li>
   163     *         <li> <b>Swi</b>: API is callable from a Swi thread. </li>
   164     *         <li> <b>Task</b>: API is callable from a Task thread. </li>
   165     *         <li> <b>Main</b>: API is callable during any of these phases: </li>
   166     *           <ul>
   167     *             <li> In your module startup after this module is started
   168     *                  (e.g. BIOS_Module_startupDone() returns TRUE). </li>
   169     *             <li> During xdc.runtime.Startup.lastFxns. </li>
   170     *             <li> During main().</li>
   171     *             <li> During BIOS.startupFxns.</li>
   172     *           </ul>
   173     *         <li> <b>Startup</b>: API is callable during any of these phases:</li>
   174     *           <ul>
   175     *             <li> During xdc.runtime.Startup.firstFxns.</li>
   176     *             <li> In your module startup before this module is started
   177     *                  (e.g. BIOS_Module_startupDone() returns FALSE).</li>
   178     *           </ul>
   179     *       </ul>
   180     *    </td></tr>
   181     *
   182     *  </table>
   183     *  @p
   184     */
   186    @CustomHeader   /* to check for codegen compatibility */
   187    @Template("./BIOS.xdt")
   189    @DirectCall
   190    module BIOS
   191    {
   192        /*!
   193         *  ======== ThreadType ========
   194         *  Current thread type definitions
   195         *
   196         *  These values are returned by {@link #getThreadType BIOS_getThreadType}.
   197         *
   198         *  @see #getThreadType
   199         */
   200        enum ThreadType {
   201            ThreadType_Hwi,         /*! Current thread is a Hwi */
   202            ThreadType_Swi,         /*! Current thread is a Swi */
   203            ThreadType_Task,        /*! Current thread is a Task */
   204            ThreadType_Main         /*! Current thread is Boot/Main */
   205        };
   207        /*!
   208         *  ======== RtsLockType ========
   209         *  Type of Gate to use in the TI RTS library
   210         *
   211         *  @field(NoLocking) no gate is added to the RTS library.  In this case,
   212         *  the application needs to be careful to always serialize access to the
   213         *  inherently  non-reentrant ANSI C functions (such as `malloc()`,
   214         *  `printf()`, etc.).
   215         *
   216         *  @field(GateHwi) Interrupts are disabled and restored to maintain
   217         *  re-entrancy.  This is a very efficient lock but will also result in
   218         *  unbounded interrupt latency times.  If real-time response to interrupts
   219         *  is important, you should not use this gate to lock the RTS library.
   220         *
   221         *  @field(GateSwi) Swis are disabled and restored to maintain
   222         *  re-entrancy.
   223         *
   224         *  @field(GateMutex) A single mutex is used to maintain re-entrancy.
   225         *
   226         *  @field(GateMutexPri) A single priority inheriting mutex is used to
   227         *  maintain re-entrancy.
   228         *
   229         *  @see #rtsGateType
   230         */
   231        enum RtsLockType {
   232            NoLocking,
   233            GateHwi,
   234            GateSwi,
   235            GateMutex,
   236            GateMutexPri
   237        };
   239        /*!
   240         *  ======== LibType ========
   241         *  SYS/BIOS library selection options
   242         *
   243         *  This enumeration defines all the SYS/BIOS library types
   244         *  provided by the product.  You can select the library type by setting
   245         *  the {@link #libType BIOS.libType} configuration parameter.
   246         *
   247         *  @field(LibType_Instrumented) The library supplied is prebuilt with
   248         *  logging and assertions enabled.
   249         *
   250         *  @field(LibType_NonInstrumented) The library supplied is prebuilt
   251         *  with logging and assertions disabled.
   252         *
   253         *  @field(LibType_Custom) This option builds the
   254         *  SYS/BIOS library from sources using the options specified by
   255         *  {@link #customCCOpts}. Only the modules and APIs that your application
   256         *  needs to access are contained in the resulting executable. Program
   257         *  optimization is performed to reduce the size of the executable and improve
   258         *  its performance. Enough debug information is retained to allow you to
   259         *  step through the application code in CCS and locate global variables.
   260         *
   261         *  @field(LibType_Debug) This option is similar to the LibType_Custom option
   262         *  in that it builds the SYS/BIOS library from sources and omits modules and
   263         *  APIs that your code does not use. However, no program
   264         *  optimization is performed. The resulting executable is fully debuggable,
   265         *  and you can step into SYS/BIOS code. The tradeoff is that the executable
   266         *  is larger and runs slower than builds that use the LibType_Custom option.
   267         *
   268         *  @see #libType
   269         */
   270        enum LibType {
   271            LibType_Instrumented,           /*! Instrumented (Asserts and Logs enabled) */
   272            LibType_NonInstrumented,        /*! Non-instrumented (Asserts and Logs disabled) */
   273            LibType_Custom,                 /*! Custom (Fully configurable) */
   274            LibType_Debug                   /*! Debug (Fully configurable) */
   275        };
   277        /*! Used in APIs that take a timeout to specify wait forever */
   278        const UInt WAIT_FOREVER = ~(0);
   280        /*! Used in APIs that take a timeout to specify no waiting */
   281        const UInt NO_WAIT = 0;
   283        /*! User startup function type definition. */
   284        typedef Void (*StartupFuncPtr)(Void);
   286        /*!
   287         *  ======== ModuleView ========
   288         *  @_nodoc
   289         */
   290        metaonly struct ModuleView {
   291            String       currentThreadType[];
   292            String       rtsGateType;
   293            Int          cpuFreqLow;
   294            Int          cpuFreqHigh;
   295            Bool         clockEnabled;
   296            Bool         swiEnabled;
   297            Bool         taskEnabled;
   298            String       startFunc;
   299        }
   301        /*!
   302         *  ======== ErrorView ========
   303         *  @_nodoc
   304         */
   305        metaonly struct ErrorView {
   306            String mod;
   307            String tab;
   308            String inst;
   309            String field;
   310            String message;
   311        }
   313        /*!
   314         *  ======== rovViewInfo ========
   315         *  @_nodoc
   316         */
   317        @Facet
   318        metaonly config ViewInfo.Instance rovViewInfo =
   319            ViewInfo.create({
   320                viewMap: [
   321                [
   322                    'Module',
   323                    {
   324                        type: ViewInfo.MODULE,
   325                        viewInitFxn: 'viewInitModule',
   326                        structName: 'ModuleView'
   327                    }
   328                ],
   329                [
   330                    'Scan for errors...',
   331                    {
   332                        type: ViewInfo.MODULE_DATA,
   333                        viewInitFxn: 'viewInitErrorScan',
   334                        structName: 'ErrorView'
   335                    }
   336                ],
   337                ]
   338            });
   340        /*!
   341         *  ======== libType ========
   342         *  SYS/BIOS Library type
   343         *
   344         *  The SYS/BIOS runtime is provided in the form of a library that is
   345         *  linked with your application.  Several forms of this library are
   346         *  provided with the SYS/BIOS product.  In addition, there is an
   347         *  option to build the library from source.  This configuration parameter
   348         *  allows you to select the form of the SYS/BIOS library to use.
   349         *
   350         *  The default value of libType is
   351         *  {@link #LibType_Instrumented BIOS_LibType_Instrumented}.  For a
   352         *  complete list of options and what they offer see {@link #LibType}.
   353         */
   354        metaonly config LibType libType = LibType_Instrumented;
   356        /*!
   357         *  ======== customCCOpts ========
   358         *  Compiler options used when building a custom SYS/BIOS library
   359         *
   360         *  When {@link #libType BIOS.libType} is set to
   361         *  {@link #LibType_Custom BIOS_LibType_Custom} or
   362         *  {@link #LibType_Debug BIOS_LibType_Debug},
   363         *  this string contains the options passed to the compiler during any
   364         *  re-build of the SYS/BIOS sources.
   365         *
   366         *  In addition to the options
   367         *  specified by `BIOS.customCCOpts`, several `-D` and `-I` options are also
   368         *  passed to the compiler.  The options specified by `BIOS.customCCOpts` are,
   369         *  however, the first options passed to the compiler on the command line.
   370         *
   371         *  To view the custom compiler options, add the following line to your
   372         *  config script:
   373         *
   374         *  @p(code)
   375         *  print(BIOS.customCCOpts);
   376         *  @p
   377         *
   378         *  When {@link #libType BIOS.libType} is set to
   379         *  {@link #LibType_Custom BIOS_LibType_Custom},
   380         *  `BIOS.customCCOpts` is initialized to settings that create a highly
   381         *  optimized SYS/BIOS library.
   382         *
   383         *  When {@link #libType BIOS.libType} is set to
   384         *  {@link #LibType_Debug BIOS_LibType_Debug},
   385         *  `BIOS.customCCOpts` is initialized to settings that create a non-optimized
   386         *  SYS/BIOS library that can be used to single-step through the APIs with
   387         *  the CCS debugger.
   388         *
   389         *  More information about using `BIOS.customCCOpts` is provided in the
   390         *  {@link https://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/SYS/BIOS_FAQs SYS/BIOS FAQs}.
   391         *
   392         *  @a(Warning)
   393         *  The default value of `BIOS.customCCOpts`, which is derived from the target
   394         *  specified by your configuration, includes runtime model options
   395         *  (such as endianess) that must be the same for all sources built and
   396         *  linked into your application.  You must not change or add any options
   397         *  that can alter the runtime model specified by the default value of
   398         *  `BIOS.customCCOpts`.
   399         */
   400        metaonly config String customCCOpts;
   402        /*!
   403         *  ======== includeXdcRuntime ========
   404         *  Include xdc.runtime sources in custom built library 
   405         *
   406         *  By default, the xdc.runtime library sources are not included in the
   407         *  custom SYS/BIOS library created for the application. Instead,
   408         *  the pre-built xdc.runtime library is provided by the respective target
   409         *  used to build the application.
   410         *
   411         *  Setting this parameter to true will cause the xdc.runtime library
   412         *  sources to be included in the custom SYS/BIOS library. This setting
   413         *  yields the most efficient library in both code size and runtime
   414         *  performance.
   415         */
   416        metaonly config Bool includeXdcRuntime = false;
   418        /*!
   419         *  ======== smpEnabled ========
   420         *  Enables multi core SMP task scheduling
   421         *
   422         *  This functionality is available on only select multi-core devices.
   423         *
   424         *  More information about SMP/BIOS is provided here:
   425         *  {@link https://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/SMP/BIOS SMP/BIOS}.
   426         */
   427        config Bool smpEnabled = false;
   429        /*!
   430         *  ======== cpuFreq ========
   431         *  CPU frequency in Hz
   432         *
   433         *  This configuration parameter allow SYS/BIOS to convert various
   434         *  periods between timer ticks (or instruction cycles) and real-time
   435         *  units.  For example, timer periods expressed in micro-seconds need
   436         *  to be converted into timer ticks in order to properly program the
   437         *  timers.
   438         *
   439         *  The default value of this parameter is obtained from the platform
   440         *  (the clockRate property of {@link xdc.cfg.Program#cpu Program.cpu})
   441         *  which is the CPU clock rate when the processor is reset.
   442         *
   443         *  @a(Example)
   444         *  If CPU frequency is 720MHz, the following configuration script
   445         *  configures SYS/BIOS with the proper clock frequency:
   446         *  @p(code)
   447         *     var BIOS = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.BIOS');
   448         *     BIOS.cpuFreq.hi = 0;
   449         *     BIOS.cpuFreq.lo = 720000000;
   450         *  @p
   451         */
   452        config Types.FreqHz cpuFreq;
   454        /*!
   455         *  ======== runtimeCreatesEnabled ========
   456         *  Runtime instance creation enable flag.
   457         *
   458         *  true = Mod_create() & Mod_delete() callable at runtime
   459         *  false = Mod_create() & Mod_delete() not callable at runtime
   460         */
   461        config Bool runtimeCreatesEnabled = true;
   463        /*!
   464         *  ======== taskEnabled ========
   465         *  SYS/BIOS Task services enable flag
   466         *
   467         *  The following behaviors occur when {@link #taskEnabled} is
   468         *  set to false:
   469         *
   470         *  @p(blist)
   471         *  - Static {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Task Task} creation will
   472         *    result in a fatal build error.
   473         *  - The Idle task object is not created.
   474         *    (The Idle functions are invoked within the {@link #start()}
   475         *    thread.)
   476         *  - Runtime calls to Task_create will trigger an assertion violation
   477         *    via {@link xdc.runtime.Assert#isTrue}.
   478         *  @p
   479         */
   480        config Bool taskEnabled = true;
   482        /*!
   483         *  ======== swiEnabled ========
   484         *  SYS/BIOS Swi services enable flag
   485         *
   486         *  The following behaviors occur when {@link #swiEnabled} is
   487         *  set to false:
   488         *
   489         *  @p(blist)
   490         *  - Static {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Swi Swi} creation will
   491         *    result in a fatal build error.
   492         *  - See other effects as noted for {@link #clockEnabled} = false;
   493         *  - Runtime calls to Swi_create will trigger an assertion violation
   494         *    via {@link xdc.runtime.Assert#isTrue}.
   495         *  @p
   496         */
   497        config Bool swiEnabled = true;
   499        /*!
   500         *  ======== clockEnabled ========
   501         *  SYS/BIOS Clock services enable flag
   502         *
   503         *  The following behaviors occur when {@link #clockEnabled} is
   504         *  set to false:
   505         *
   506         *  @p(blist)
   507         *  - Static Clock creation will result in a fatal build error.
   508         *  - No Clock Swi is created.
   509         *  - The {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Clock#tickSource Clock_tickSource}
   510         *    is set to
   511         *    {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Clock#TickSource_NULL Clock_TickSource_NULL}
   512         *    to prevent a Timer object from being created.
   513         *  - For APIs that take a timeout, values other than {@link #NO_WAIT}
   514         *    will be equivalent to {@link #WAIT_FOREVER}.
   515         *  @p
   516         */
   517        config Bool clockEnabled = true;
   519        /*!
   520         *  ======== assertsEnabled ========
   521         *  SYS/BIOS Assert checking in Custom SYS/BIOS library enable flag
   522         *
   523         *  When set to true, Assert checking code is compiled into
   524         *  the custom library created when {@link #libType BIOS.libType}
   525         *  is set to {@link #LibType_Custom BIOS_LibType_Custom} or
   526         *  {@link #LibType_Debug BIOS_LibType_Debug}.
   527         *
   528         *  When set to false, Assert checking code is removed from
   529         *  the custom library created when BIOS.libType is set to BIOS.LibType_Custom
   530         *  or BIOS.LibType_Debug.
   531         *  This option can considerably improve runtime performance as well
   532         *  significantly reduce the application's code size.
   533         *
   534         *  see {@link #libType BIOS.libType}.
   535         */
   536        metaonly config Bool assertsEnabled = true;
   538        /*!
   539         *  ======== logsEnabled ========
   540         *  SYS/BIOS Log support in Custom SYS/BIOS library enable flag
   541         *
   542         *  When set to true, SYS/BIOS execution Log code is compiled into
   543         *  the custom library created when {@link #libType BIOS.libType}
   544         *  is set to {@link #LibType_Custom BIOS_LibType_Custom} or
   545         *  {@link #LibType_Debug BIOS_LibType_Debug}. 
   546         *
   547         *  When set to false, all Log code is removed from
   548         *  the custom library created when BIOS.libType = BIOS.LibType_Custom
   549         *  or BIOS.LibType_Debug.
   550         *  This option can considerably improve runtime performance as well
   551         *  significantly reduce the application's code size.
   552         *
   553         *  see {@link #libType BIOS.libType}.
   554         *
   555         *  @a(Warning) Since interrupts
   556         *  are enabled when logs are generated, this setting will have the
   557         *  side effect of requiring task stacks to be sized large enough
   558         *  to absorb two interrupt contexts rather than one. 
   559         *  See the discussion on task stacks in {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Task
   560         *  Task} for more information.
   561         */
   562        metaonly config Bool logsEnabled = true;
   564        /*!
   565         *  ======== heapSize ========
   566         *  Size of system heap, units are in MAUs
   567         *
   568         *  The system heap is, by default, used to allocate instance object
   569         *  state structures, such as {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Task Task} objects
   570         *  and their stacks, {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Semaphore Semaphore} objects,
   571         *  etc.
   572         *
   573         *  If the application configuration does not set
   574         *  Memory.defaultHeapInstance, then SYS/BIOS will create a
   575         *  {@link ti.sysbios.heaps.HeapMem HeapMem} heap of this size.  This
   576         *  heap will be assigned to
   577         *  {@link xdc.runtime.Memory#defaultHeapInstance Memory.defaultHeapInstance}
   578         *  and will therefore be used as the default system heap.  This heap
   579         *  will also be used by the SYS/BIOS version of the standard C library
   580         *  functions malloc(), calloc() and free().
   581         */
   582        config SizeT heapSize = 0x1000;
   584        /*!
   585         *  ======== heapSection ========
   586         *  Section to place the system heap
   587         *
   588         *  This configuration parameter allows you to specify a named output
   589         *  section that will contain the SYS/BIOS system heap.  The system heap
   590         *  is, by default, used to allocate {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Task Task}
   591         *  stacks and instance object state structures.  So, giving this section
   592         *  a name and explicitly placing it via a linker command file can
   593         *  significantly improve system performance.
   594         *
   595         *  If heapSection is `null` (or `undefined`) the system heap is placed
   596         *  in the target's default data section.
   597         */
   598        config String heapSection = null;
   600        /*!
   601         *  ======== heapTrackEnabled ========
   602         *  Use HeapTrack with system default heap
   603         *
   604         *  This configuration parameter will add a HeapTrack instance on top of
   605         *  the system heap. HeapTrack adds a tracker packet to every allocated
   606         *  buffer and displays the information in RTOS Object Viewer (ROV).
   607         *  An assert will be raised on a free if there was a buffer overflow.
   608         */
   609        config Bool heapTrackEnabled = false;
   611        /*!
   612         *  ======== setupSecureContext ========
   613         *  @_nodoc
   614         *  Sets up a secure context when using secure version of BIOS
   615         *
   616         *  This is available for some C66 secure devices only.
   617         *  This parameter take effect only when 'useSK' is set to true.
   618         *  If set to true, a call to Hwi_setupSC() is done in a last function.
   619         */
   620        config Bool setupSecureContext = false;
   622        /*!
   623         *  ======== useSK ========
   624         *  @_nodoc
   625         *  use the secure version of BIOS
   626         *
   627         *  This is available for some C66 secure devices only.
   628         *  This parameter can only be used with the custom build.
   629         */
   630        config Bool useSK = false;
   632        /*!
   633         *  ======== rtsGateType ========
   634         *  Gate to make sure TI RTS library APIs are re-entrant
   635         *
   636         *  The application gets to determine the type of gate (lock) that is used
   637         *  in the TI RTS library. The gate will be used to guarantee re-entrancy
   638         *  of the RTS APIs.
   639         *
   640         *  The type of gate depends on the type of threads that are going to
   641         *  be calling into the RTS library.  For example, if both Swi and Task
   642         *  threads are going to be calling the RTS library's printf, GateSwi
   643         *  should be used. In this case, Hwi threads are not impacted (i.e.
   644         *  disabled) during the printf calls from the Swi or Task threads.
   645         *
   646         *  If NoLocking is used, the RTS lock is not plugged and re-entrancy for
   647         *  the TI RTS library calls are not guaranteed. The application can plug
   648         *  the RTS locks directly if it wants.
   649         *
   650         *  Numerous gate types are provided by SYS/BIOS.  Each has its advantages
   651         *  and disadvantages.  The following list summarizes when each type is
   652         *  appropriate for protecting an underlying non-reentrant RTS library.
   653         *  @p(dlist)
   654         *      - {@link #GateHwi}:
   655         *        Interrupts are disabled and restored to maintain re-entrancy.
   656         *        Use if only making RTS calls from a Hwi, Swi and/or Task.
   657         *
   658         *      - {@link #GateSwi}:
   659         *        Swis are disabled and restored to maintain re-entrancy. Use if
   660         *        only making RTS calls from a Swi and/or Task.
   661         *
   662         *      - {@link #GateMutex}:
   663         *        A single mutex is used to maintain re-entrancy.  Use if only
   664         *        making RTS calls from a Task.  Blocks only Tasks that are
   665         *        also trying to execute critical regions of RTS library.
   666         *
   667         *      - {@link #GateMutexPri}:
   668         *        A priority inheriting mutex is used to maintain re-entrancy.
   669         *        Blocks only Tasks that are also trying to execute critical
   670         *        regions of RTS library.  Raises the priority of the Task that
   671         *        is executing the critical region in the RTS library to the
   672         *        level of the highest priority Task that is block by the mutex.
   673         *  @p
   674         *
   675         *  The default value of rtsGateType depends on the type of threading
   676         *  model enabled by other configuration parameters.
   677         *  If {@link #taskEnabled} is true, {@link #GateMutex} is used.
   678         *  If {@link #swiEnabled} is true and {@link #taskEnabled} is false:
   679         *  {@link #GateSwi} is used.
   680         *  If both {@link #swiEnabled} and {@link #taskEnabled} are false:
   681         *  {@link xdc.runtime#GateNull} is used.
   682         *
   683         *  If {@link #taskEnabled} is false, the user should not select
   684         *  {@link #GateMutex} (or other Task level gates). Similarly, if
   685         *  {@link #taskEnabled} and {@link #swiEnabled}are false, the user
   686         *  should not select {@link #GateSwi} or the Task level gates.
   687         */
   688        metaonly config RtsLockType rtsGateType;
   690        /*!
   691         *  ======== startupFxns ========
   692         *  Functions to be executed at the beginning of BIOS_start()
   693         *
   694         *  These user (or middleware) functions are executed before Hwis,
   695         *  Swis, and Tasks are started.
   696         */
   697        metaonly config StartupFuncPtr startupFxns[] = [];
   699        /*!
   700         *  ======== version ========
   701         *  SYS/BIOS version number macro
   702         *
   703         *  This macro has a hex value that represents the SYS/BIOS version
   704         *  number. The hex value has the version format 0xMmmpp, where
   705         *  M is a single digit Major number, mm is a 2 digit minor number
   706         *  and pp is a 2 digit patch number.
   707         *
   708         *  Example: A macro hex value of 0x64501 implies that the SYS/BIOS
   709         *  product version number is 6.45.01
   710         */
   711        const UInt32 version = 0x64500;
   713        /*!
   714         *  ======== addUserStartupFunction ========
   715         *  @_nodoc
   716         *  Statically add a function to the startupFxns table.
   717         */
   718        metaonly Void addUserStartupFunction(StartupFuncPtr func);
   721        /*!
   722         *  ======== start ========
   723         *  Start SYS/BIOS
   724         *
   725         *  The user's main() function is required to call this function
   726         *  after all other user initializations have been performed.
   727         *
   728         *  This function does not return.
   729         *
   730         *  This function performs any remaining SYS/BIOS initializations
   731         *  and then transfers control to the highest priority ready
   732         *  task if {@link #taskEnabled} is true. If {@link #taskEnabled}
   733         *  is false, control is transferred directly to the Idle Loop.
   734         *
   735         *  The SYS/BIOS start sequence is as follows:
   736         *  @p(blist)
   737         *  - Invoke all the functions in the {@link #startupFxns} array.
   738         *  - call {@link ti.sysbios.hal.Hwi#enable Hwi_startup()}
   739         *    to enable interrupts.
   740         *  - if {@link #swiEnabled} is true, call
   741         *    {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Swi#enable Swi_startup()} to enable
   742         *    the Swi scheduler.
   743         *  - Start any statically created or constructed Timers
   744         *    in the {@link ti.sysbios.hal.Timer#StartMode Timer_StartMode_AUTO}
   745         *    mode.
   746         *  - if {@link #taskEnabled} is true, enable the Task scheduler
   747         *    and transfer the execution thread to the highest priority
   748         *    task in the {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Task#Mode Task_Mode_READY}
   749         *    mode.
   750         *  - Otherwise, fall directly into the Idle Loop.
   751         *  @p
   752         *
   753         */
   754        Void start();
   756        /*!
   757         *  ======== exit ========
   758         *  Exit currently running SYS/BIOS executable
   759         *
   760         *  This function is called when a SYS/BIOS executable needs to terminate
   761         *  normally.  This function sets the internal SYS/BIOS threadType to
   762         *  {@link #ThreadType_Main} and then calls
   763         *  {@link xdc.runtime.System#exit System_exit}(stat), passing along
   764         *  the 'stat' argument.
   765         *
   766         *  All functions bound via
   767         * `{@link xdc.runtime.System#atexit System_atexit}` or the ANSI C
   768         *  Standard Library `atexit` function are then executed.
   769         *
   770         *  @param(stat)    exit status to return to calling environment.
   771         */
   772        Void exit(Int stat);
   774        /*!
   775         *  ======== getThreadType ========
   776         *  Get the current thread type
   777         *
   778         *  @b(returns)     Current thread type
   779         */
   780        ThreadType getThreadType();
   782        /*!
   783         *  @_nodoc
   784         *  ======== setThreadType ========
   785         *  Set the current thread type
   786         *
   787         *  Called by the various threadType owners.
   788         *
   789         *  @param(ttype)   New thread type value
   790         *  @b(returns)     Previous thread type
   791         */
   792        ThreadType setThreadType(ThreadType ttype);
   794        /*!
   795         *  ======== setCpuFreq ========
   796         *  Set CPU Frequency in Hz
   797         *
   798         *  This API is not thread safe. Please use appropriate locks.
   799         */
   800        Void setCpuFreq(Types.FreqHz *freq);
   802        /*!
   803         *  ======== getCpuFreq ========
   804         *  Get CPU frequency in Hz
   805         *
   806         *  This API is not thread safe. Please use appropriate locks.
   807         */
   808        Void getCpuFreq(Types.FreqHz *freq);
   810        /*!
   811         *  @_nodoc
   812         *  ======== getCpuFrequency ========
   813         *  Get CPU frequency in Hz.
   814         *
   815         *  This function is currently used by UIA and is called in the
   816         *  UIAMetaData validate() function.
   817         *  NOTE: Javascript does not support UInt64, so this only works
   818         *  if the frequency is less than 4GHz.  Keep this function for
   819         *  backwards compatibility (for awhile).
   820         */
   821        metaonly UInt64 getCpuFrequency();
   823        /*!
   824         *  @_nodoc
   825         *  ======== getCpuFreqMeta ========
   826         *  Get CPU frequency in Hz.
   827         *
   828         *  This function is currently used by UIA and is called in the
   829         *  UIAMetaData validate() function.
   830         */
   831        metaonly Types.FreqHz getCpuFreqMeta();
   833        /*!
   834         *  @_nodoc
   835         *  ======== getTimestampFrequency ========
   836         *  Get timestamp frequency in Hz.  If we don't know the timestamp
   837         *  frequency of the device, return 0.
   838         *
   839         *  This function is currently used by UIA and is called in the
   840         *  UIAMetaData validate() function.
   841         *  NOTE: Javascript does not support UInt64, so this only works
   842         *  if the frequency is less than 4GHz.  Keep this function for
   843         *  backwards compatability (for awhile).
   844         */
   845        metaonly UInt64 getTimestampFrequency();
   847        /*!
   848         *  @_nodoc
   849         *  ======== getTimestampFreqMeta ========
   850         *  Get timestamp frequency in Hz.  If we don't know the timestamp
   851         *  frequency of the device, return 0.
   852         *
   853         *  This function is currently used by UIA and is called in the
   854         *  UIAMetaData validate() function.
   855         */
   856        metaonly Types.FreqHz getTimestampFreqMeta();
   858        /*!
   859         *  @_nodoc
   860         *  ======== getDefaultTimestampProvider ========
   861         *  Returns the name of the TimestampProvider module BIOS will set
   862         *  xdc.runtime.Timestamp.SupportProxy to if it hasn't been configured
   863         *  in the user's config script.
   864         *
   865         *  This function is meant to be used by modules that have their own
   866         *  TimestampProvider proxies if they want to initialize them to the
   867         *  default xdc.runtime.Timestamp.SupportProxy binding selected by BIOS:
   868         *
   869         *  if (!this.$written("TimestampProxy")) {
   870         *      if (xdc.runtime.$written("Timestamp.SupportProxy") {
   871         *          this.TimestampProxy = xdc.runtime.Timestamp.SupportProxy;
   872         *      }
   873         *      else {
   874         *          this.TimestampProxy = xdc.module(BIOS.getDefaultTimestampProvider());
   875         *      }
   876         *  }
   877         */
   878        metaonly String getDefaultTimestampProvider();
   880    internal:
   882        /*
   883         *  ======== buildingAppLib ========
   884         *  Enable custom build of SYS/BIOS from source
   885         *
   886         *  true = building application-specific custom lib
   887         *  false = building internal instrumented/nonInstrumented lib
   888         */
   889        metaonly config Bool buildingAppLib = true;
   891        /*
   892         *  ======== libDir ========
   893         *  Specify output library directory
   894         */
   895        metaonly config String libDir = null;
   897        /*
   898         *  ======== getCCOpts ========
   899         *  Get the compiler options necessary to build
   900         */
   901        metaonly String getCCOpts(String target);
   903        /*
   904         *  ======== intSize ========
   905         *  Used to determine number of bits in an Int
   906         */
   907        struct intSize {
   908            Int intSize;
   909        }
   911        /*
   912         *  ======== bitsPerInt ========
   913         *  Number of bits in an integer
   914         *
   915         *  Used for error checking
   916         */
   917        metaonly config Char bitsPerInt;
   919        /*
   920         *  ======== installedErrorHook ========
   921         *  User/default Error.raiseHook
   922         *
   923         *  BIOS_errorRaiseHook() calls this after setting threadType
   924         *  to Main so that GateMutex's threadType check will
   925         *  pass.
   926         */
   927        config Void (*installedErrorHook)(Error.Block *);
   929        /*
   930         *  ======== errorRaiseHook ========
   931         *  Error.raiseHook that sets threadType to Main so
   932         *  threadType checking Asserts will pass.
   933         */
   934        Void errorRaiseHook(Error.Block *eb);
   936        /*
   937         *  ======== startFunc ========
   938         *  Generated BIOS_start function
   939         */
   940        Void startFunc();
   942        /*
   943         *  ======== atExitFunc ========
   944         *  Generated BIOS_atExitFunc function
   945         */
   946        Void atExitFunc(Int stat);
   948        /*
   949         *  ======== exitFunc ========
   950         *  Generated BIOS_exitFunc function
   951         */
   952        Void exitFunc(Int stat);
   954        /*
   955         *  ======== registerRTSLock ========
   956         *  Register the RTS lock
   957         *
   958         *  Added as a startup function in BIOS.xs.
   959         */
   960        Void registerRTSLock();
   962        /*
   963         *  ======== removeRTSLock ========
   964         *  Remove the RTS locks
   965         *
   966         *  This function is called by BIOS_exit().
   967         */
   968        Void removeRTSLock();
   970        /*
   971         *  ======== rtsLock ========
   972         *  Called by rts _lock() function
   973         */
   974        Void rtsLock();
   976        /*
   977         *  ======== rtsUnLock ========
   978         *  Called by rts _unlock() function
   979         */
   980        Void rtsUnlock();
   982        /*
   983         *  ======== nullFunc ========
   984         */
   985        Void nullFunc();
   987        /*
   988         *  ======== fireFrequencyUpdate ========
   989         */
   990        function fireFrequencyUpdate(newFreq);
   992        /*
   993         *  ======== RtsGateProxy ========
   994         *  Gate proxy to be used for the rts gate
   995         */
   996        proxy RtsGateProxy inherits xdc.runtime.IGateProvider;
   998        /*
   999         *  ======== StartFuncPtr ========
  1000         *  Function prototype for the generated BIOS_start
  1001         */
  1002        typedef Void (*StartFuncPtr)(void);
  1004        /*
  1005         *  ======== ExitFuncPtr ========
  1006         *  Function prototype for the generated BIOS_exit
  1007         */
  1008        typedef Void (*ExitFuncPtr)(Int);
  1010        /*
  1011         *  ======== Module_State ========
  1012         */
  1013        struct Module_State {
  1014            Types.FreqHz        cpuFreq;            /* in KHz */
  1015            UInt                rtsGateCount;       /* count for nesting */
  1016            IArg                rtsGateKey;         /* key for unlocking */
  1017            RtsGateProxy.Handle rtsGate;            /* gate for RTS calls */
  1018            ThreadType          threadType;         /* Curr Thread Type */
  1019                                                    /* (Hwi, Swi, Task) */
  1020            ThreadType          smpThreadType[];    /* SMP Core specific */
  1021                                                    /* Thread Type */
  1022            volatile StartFuncPtr startFunc;
  1023            volatile ExitFuncPtr  exitFunc;
  1024        };
  1025    }