1    /*
     2     * Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
     3     * All rights reserved.
     4     *
     5     * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
     6     * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
     7     * are met:
     8     *
     9     * *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
    10     *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    11     *
    12     * *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
    13     *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
    14     *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    15     *
    16     * *  Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
    17     *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
    18     *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
    19     *
    31     */
    32    /*
    33     *  ======== Power.xdc ========
    34     *
    35     *
    36     */
    38    package ti.sysbios.family.arm.cc26xx;
    40    import xdc.rov.ViewInfo;
    42    import xdc.runtime.Assert;
    43    import ti.sysbios.knl.Queue;
    44    import ti.sysbios.knl.Clock;
    46    /*!
    47     *  ======== Power ========
    48     *  CC26xx Power Manager
    49     *
    50     *  @p(html)
    51     *  <h3> Calling Context </h3>
    52     *  <table border="1" cellpadding="3">
    53     *    <colgroup span="1"></colgroup> <colgroup span="5" align="center"></colgroup>
    54     *
    55     *    <tr><th> Function                 </th><th>  Hwi   </th><th>  Swi   </th><th>  Task  </th><th>  Main  </th><th>  Startup  </th></tr>
    56     *    <!-- -->
    57     *    <tr><td> {@link #getConstraintInfo}  </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
    58     *    <tr><td> {@link #getDependencyCount}  </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
    59     *    <tr><td> {@link #getTicksUntilWakeup}  </td><td>   N    </td><td>   N    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   N    </td><td>   N    </td></tr>
    60     *    <tr><td> {@link #getTransitionLatency}  </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
    61     *    <tr><td> {@link #getTransitionState}  </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
    62     *    <tr><td> {@link #getXoscStartupTime}  </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
    63     *    <tr><td> {@link #registerNotify}  </td><td>   N    </td><td>   N    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   N    </td></tr>
    64     *    <tr><td> {@link #releaseConstraint}  </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
    65     *    <tr><td> {@link #releaseDependency}  </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
    66     *    <tr><td> {@link #setConstraint}  </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
    67     *    <tr><td> {@link #setDependency}  </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   Y    </td></tr>
    68     *    <tr><td> {@link #shutdown}  </td><td>   N    </td><td>   N    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   N    </td></tr>
    69     *    <tr><td> {@link #sleep}  </td><td>   N    </td><td>   N    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   N    </td><td>   N    </td></tr>
    70     *    <tr><td> {@link #unregisterNotify}  </td><td>   N    </td><td>   N    </td><td>   Y   </td><td>   Y    </td><td>   N    </td></tr>
    71     *    <tr><td colspan="6"> Definitions: <br />
    72     *       <ul>
    73     *         <li> <b>Hwi</b>: API is callable from a Hwi thread </li>
    74     *         <li> <b>Swi</b>: API is callable from a Swi thread </li>
    75     *         <li> <b>Task</b>: API is callable from a Task thread </li>
    76     *         <li> <b>Main</b>: API is callable from main() </li>
    77     *         <li> <b>Startup</b>: API is callable during any module startup </li>
    78     *         <li> <b>Y</b>: Yes </li>
    79     *         <li> <b>Y*</b>: Yes, but see API description for restrictions </li>
    80     *         <li> <b>N</b>: No </li>
    81     *       </ul>
    82     *    </td></tr>
    83     *
    84     *  </table>
    85     *  @p
    86     */
    88    @ModuleStartup            /* Initialize Power */
    90    module Power inherits ti.sysbios.interfaces.IPower
    91    {
    92        /*! @_nodoc Idle function prototype */
    93        typedef Void (*FuncPtr)();
    95        /*!
    96         *  ======== Constraint ========
    97         *  Constraints that can be registered with Power
    98         */
    99        enum Constraint {
   100            SB_VIMS_CACHE_RETAIN      = 0x1, /*! disallow loss of cache context during Power_STANDBY (i.e., retain the cache) */
   101            SD_DISALLOW               = 0x2, /*! disallow transition to SHUTDOWN */
   102            SB_DISALLOW               = 0x4,/*! disallow transition to Power_STANDBY */
   103            IDLE_PD_DISALLOW          = 0x8,/*! disallow power down of the CPU domain during idle time (IDLE_PD) */
   104            NEED_FLASH_IN_IDLE        = 0x10,/*! need to keep Flash powered in IDLE_PD */
   105            NUMCONSTRAINTS = 5
   106        };
   108        /*!
   109         *  ======== LatencyType ========
   110         *  Type of transition latency to query
   111         */
   112        enum LatencyType {
   113            TOTAL,   /*! the total latency, to enter the sleep state, and to wake and resume */
   114            RESUME   /*! the latency to wake the device and resume execution */
   115        };
   117        /*!
   118         *  ======== SleepState ========
   119         *  Sleep states
   120         */
   121        enum SleepState {
   122            STANDBY = 0x1   /*! STANDBY state */
   123        };
   125        /*!
   126         *  ======== Event ========
   127         *  Power Event enumerations
   128         */
   129        enum Event {
   130            ENTERING_STANDBY          = 0x1, /*! device is transitioning into Power_STANDBY */
   131            ENTERING_SHUTDOWN         = 0x2, /*! device is transitioning into SHUTDOWN */
   132            AWAKE_STANDBY             = 0x4, /*! device has awoken from Power_STANDBY, I/O latches are still frozen */
   133            AWAKE_STANDBY_LATE        = 0x8, /*! device has awoken from Power_STANDBY, I/O latches are open again */
   134            XOSC_HF_SWITCHED          = 0x10, /*! the high frequency (HF) crystal oscillator has stabilized, and is now the HF clock source */
   135            NUMEVENTS = 5
   136        };
   138        /*!
   139         *  ======== NotifyResponse ========
   140         *  Return values from a notify function.
   141         */
   142        enum NotifyResponse {
   143            NOTIFYDONE = 0,/*! success, done processing the notification */
   144            NOTIFYERROR   /*! an error occurred while processing the notification */
   145        };
   147        /*! @_nodoc ResourceRecord structure */
   148        struct ResourceRecord {
   149            UInt8 flags;          /* resource type : first parent */
   150            UInt8 flags2;         /* second parent */
   151            UInt16 driverlibID;   /* driverlib ID for the resource */
   152        };
   154        /*!
   155         *  ======== Status ========
   156         *  Function return codes
   157         */
   158        enum Status {
   159            SOK = 0,                /*! success */
   160            SOK_STATE_RESTORED = 1, /*! success, context has been restored */
   161            EFAIL = 2,              /*! error, the operation failed */
   162            EINVALIDPOINTER = 3,    /*! error, an invalid pointer was specified */
   163            ECHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED = 4,/*! error, the requested change is not allowed */
   164            ETIMEOUT = 5,           /*! error, a timeout occurred */
   165            EBUSY = 6               /*! error, the operation is not allowed; another transition is not completed yet */
   166        };
   168        /*!
   169         *  ======== TransitionState ========
   170         *  Sleep transition states
   171         */
   172        enum TransitionState {
   173            ACTIVE = 0x1,        /*! device is active; no transition in progress */
   174            ENTERING_SLEEP = 0x2,/*! device is entering into a sleep state */
   175            EXITING_SLEEP = 0x3, /*! device is exiting a sleep state */
   176            SHUTDOWN = 0x4 /*! device is transitioning to the SHUTDOWN state */
   177        };
   179        /*! @_nodoc Notification object structure. */
   180        struct NotifyObj {
   181            Queue.Elem link;
   182            UInt32 eventTypes;
   183            Fxn notifyFxn;
   184            UArg clientArg;
   185        };
   187        // Asserts
   189        /*! Assert when Power_releaseConstraint is called too many times */
   190        config Assert.Id A_tooManyCallsReleaseConstraint = {
   191            msg: "A_tooManyCallsReleaseConstraint: Power_releaseConstraint() called too many times for this constraint."
   192        };
   194        /*! Assert when Power_releaseDependency is called too many times */
   195        config Assert.Id A_tooManyCallsReleaseDependency = {
   196            msg: "A_tooManyCallsReleaseDependency: Power_releaseDependency() called too many times for this resource."
   197        };
   199        // configs
   201        /*!
   202         *  ======== idle ========
   203         *  Idle the CPU during idle time?
   204         *
   205         *  When this configuration parameter is set to true, the Power module will
   206         *  insert a power policy function into the list of {@link
   207         *  ti.sysbios.knl.Idle Idle} loop functions.
   208         *  When the policy function executes, it will take action to save power
   209         *  until the next CPU interrupt occurs.  The default power policy will
   210         *  simply invoke a wait for interrupt (WFI) instruction.
   211         *
   212         *  @see #policyFunc
   213         *  @see #doWFI
   214         *  @see #standbyPolicy
   215         */
   216        override config Bool idle = false;
   218        /*!
   219         *  @_nodoc
   220         *  ======== resumeSTANDBY ========
   221         *  Latency to resume from STANDBY (in microseconds).
   222         *  NB: this is a temporary value pending further characterization.
   223         */
   224        metaonly config UInt resumeSTANDBY = 750;
   226        /*!
   227         *  @_nodoc
   228         *  ======== resumeTicksSTANDBY ========
   229         *  Latency to resume from STANDBY (in units of Clock ticks).
   230         */
   231        config UInt resumeTicksSTANDBY;
   233        /*!
   234         *  @_nodoc
   235         *  ======== totalSTANDBY ========
   236         *  Total latency to enter and resume from STANDBY (in microseconds).
   237         *  NB: this is a temporary value pending further characterization.
   238         */
   239        metaonly config UInt totalSTANDBY = 1000;
   241        /*!
   242         *  @_nodoc
   243         *  ======== totalTicksSTANDBY ========
   244         *  Total latency to enter and resume from STANDBY (in units of Clock
   245         *  ticks).
   246         */
   247        config UInt totalTicksSTANDBY;
   249        /*!
   250         *  @_nodoc
   251         *  ======== wakeDelaySTANDBY ========
   252         *  Device initial wakeup latency from STANDBY (in units of microseconds).
   253         */
   254        config UInt wakeDelaySTANDBY = 130;
   256        /*!
   257         *  @_nodoc
   258         *  ======== initialWaitRCOSC_LF ========
   259         *  Time (in units of usec) to wait to see if RCOSC_LF is stable.
   260         */
   261        config UInt initialWaitRCOSC_LF = 1000;
   263        /*!
   264         *  @_nodoc
   265         *  ======== retryWaitRCOSC_LF ========
   266         *  Time (in units of usec) to wait when retrying to see if RCOSC_LF is
   267         *   stable.
   268         */
   269        config UInt retryWaitRCOSC_LF = 1000;
   271        /*!
   272         *  @_nodoc
   273         *  ======== initialWaitXOSC_HF ========
   274         *  Time (in units of usec) to wait to see if XOSC_HF is stable.
   275         */
   276        config UInt initialWaitXOSC_HF = 50;
   278        /*!
   279         *  @_nodoc
   280         *  ======== retryWaitXOSC_HF ========
   281         *  Time (in units of usec) to wait when retrying to see if XOSC_HF is
   282         *   stable.
   283         */
   284        config UInt retryWaitXOSC_HF = 50;
   286        /*!
   287         *  @_nodoc
   288         *  ======== initialWaitXOSC_LF ========
   289         *  Time (in units of usec) to wait to see if XOSC_LF is stable.
   290         */
   291        config UInt initialWaitXOSC_LF = 10000;
   293        /*!
   294         *  @_nodoc
   295         *  ======== retryWaitXOSC_LF ========
   296         *  Time (in units of usec) to wait when retrying to see if XOSC_LF is
   297         *   stable.
   298         */
   299        config UInt retryWaitXOSC_LF = 5000;
   301        /*!
   302         *  @_nodoc
   303         *  ======== calibrateRCOSC ========
   304         *  Enable RCOSC calibration?   Default is true.
   305         */
   306        config Bool calibrateRCOSC = true;
   308        /*!
   309         *  @_nodoc
   310         *  ======== calibrateRCOSC_LF ========
   311         *  Enable RCOSC_LF calibration?  Default is true;
   312         */
   313        config Bool calibrateRCOSC_LF = true;
   315        /*!
   316         *  @_nodoc
   317         *  ======== calibrateRCOSC_HF ========
   318         *  Enable RCOSC_HF calibration?  Default is true;
   319         */
   320        config Bool calibrateRCOSC_HF = true;
   322        /*!
   323         *  @_nodoc
   324         *   Wakeup Clock object's function.  Default is Power_defaultClockFunc.
   325         */
   326        config Clock.FuncPtr clockFunc = Power.defaultClockFunc;
   328        /*! Policy function.  Default is Power_doWFI. */
   329        metaonly config FuncPtr policyFunc = Power.doWFI;
   331        /*!
   332         * @_nodoc
   333         *  Notify trap function.  Default is Power.defaultNotifyTrapFunc.
   334         */
   335        config FuncPtr notifyTrapFunc = Power.defaultNotifyTrapFunc;
   337        // module functions
   339        /*!
   340         *  ======== standbyPolicy ========
   341         *  A power policy function that will transition the device into the
   342         *  Power_STANDBY sleep state during CPU idle time.
   343         *
   344         *  This is an agressive power policy function that will consider active
   345         *  constraints, sleep transition latencies, and the next expected wakeup,
   346         *  and automatically transition the device into the deepest sleep state
   347         *  possible.
   348         *
   349         *  The first goal is to enter Power_STANDBY; if that is not appropriate
   350         *  given current conditions (e.g., the sleep transition latency is
   351         *  greater than the time until the next scheduled Clock event), then
   352         *  the secondary goal is the IDLE_PD state; if that is disallowed (e.g.,
   353         *  if the Power_IDLE_PD_DISALLOW constraint is declared), then the policy
   354         *  will fallback and simply invoke wait-for-interrupt, to clock
   355         *  gate the CPU until the next interrupt.
   356         *
   357         *  This policy is enabled and selected via the following application
   358         *  configuration steps:
   359         *
   360         *  @p(code)
   361         *  Power.idle = true;
   362         *  Power.policyFunc = Power.standbyPolicy;
   363         *  @p
   364         */
   365        Void standbyPolicy();
   367        /*!
   368         * @_nodoc
   369         *  ======== defaultClockFunc ========
   370         *  Function for the Clock object dedicated for scheduling wakeups.
   371         */
   372        Void defaultClockFunc(UArg arg);
   374        /*!
   375         * @_nodoc
   376         *  ======== defaultNotifyTrapFunc ========
   377         *  The default function to be called when a notification client responds
   378         *  with any value other than Power_NOTIFYDONE.
   379         *
   380         *  The default behavior of this function is to spin in an infinite loop.
   381         */
   382        Void defaultNotifyTrapFunc();
   384        /*!
   385         *  @_nodoc
   386         *  ======== startFirstMeasurement ========
   387         *  Start the first RCOSC calibration measurement
   388         */
   389        Bool injectCalibration();
   391        /*!
   392         *  @_nodoc
   393         *  ======== auxISR ========
   394         *  ISR for AUX combined interrupt for TDC (for RCOSC calibration)
   395         */
   396        Void auxISR(UArg arg);
   398        /*!
   399         *  ======== getClockHandle ========
   400         *  Get the handle of the Clock object created for scheduling wakeups.
   401         */
   402        Clock.Handle getClockHandle();
   404        /*!
   405         *  ======== doWFI ========
   406         *  A power policy function that invokes wait-for-interrupt (WFI)
   407         *  during idle time.
   408         *
   409         *  This is the most basic power policy function, which will invoke
   410         *  WFI upon entry to the Idle loop.  This is the default policy function
   411         *  that is invoked when CPU idling is enabled with the {@link #idle idle}
   412         *  configuration parameter:
   413         *
   414         *  @p(code)
   415         *  Power.idle = true;
   416         *  @p
   417         *
   418         */
   419        Void doWFI();
   421        /*!
   422         *  ======== getConstraintInfo ========
   423         *  Get a bitmask representing the aggregate of constraints that have been
   424         *  declared.
   425         *
   426         *  This function returns a bitmask indicating the constraints that are
   427         *  currently declared to the Power module (via previous calls to
   428         *  {@link #setConstraint Power_setConstraint()}).  For each constraint
   429         *  (of type {@link #Constraint Power_Constraint}) that is currently
   430         *  declared, the corresponding bit in the bitmask will be set.  For
   431         *  example, if two clients have declared Power_SB_DISALLOW, and one has
   432         *  declared Power_SB_VIMS_CACHE_RETAIN, then the returned bitmask
   433         *  will have the value: Power_SB_DISALLOW | Power_SB_VIMS_CACHE_RETAIN
   434         *
   435         *  @b(returns)     A bitmask representing all currently declared
   436         *                  constraints
   437         */
   438        UInt32 getConstraintInfo();
   440        /*!
   441         *  ======== getDependencyCount ========
   442         *  Get the count of dependencies that are currently declared upon a
   443         *  resource.
   444         *
   445         *  This function returns the number of dependencies that are currently
   446         *  declared upon a resource.
   447         *
   448         *  @param(resourceID)  The resource identifier, as specified in the
   449         *                      device-specific header file
   450         *
   451         *  @b(returns)     The number of dependencies currently declared upon this
   452         *                  resourceID
   453         */
   454        UInt32 getDependencyCount(UInt8 resourceID);
   456        /*!
   457         *  ======== getTransitionState ========
   458         *  Get the current Power module transition state.
   459         *
   460         *  @b(returns)     The current transition state, of type
   461         *                   {@link #TransitionState Power_TransitionState}
   462         */
   463        TransitionState getTransitionState();
   465        /*!
   466         *  ======== getTicksUntilWakeup ========
   467         *  Get the number of system ticks until the next scheduled wakeup event
   468         *
   469         *  @b(returns)     The number of system ticks (i.e.,
   470         *                  {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Clock Clock} module) ticks
   471         *                  until the next scheduled wakeup
   472         */
   473        UInt32 getTicksUntilWakeup();
   475        /*!
   476         *  ======== getTransitionLatency ========
   477         *  Get the minimal transition latency for a sleep state, in units of
   478         *  system Clock ticks.
   479         *
   480         *  Note that the reported latency is the device transition latency for
   481         *  the specified sleep state.  This latency value does not include any
   482         *  additional software induced latency, for example, that due to
   483         *  notifications of the power transition to drivers.
   484         *
   485         *  @param(sleepState)  The {@link #SleepState sleepState} whose transition
   486         *  latency is to be reported (e.g., Power_STANDBY)
   487         *
   488         *  @param(type)  The {@link #LatencyType type} of latency to be
   489         *  reported
   490         *
   491         *  @b(returns)     The transition latency, in units of
   492         *                  {@link ti.sysbios.knl.Clock Clock} ticks.
   493         */
   494        UInt32 getTransitionLatency(SleepState sleepState, LatencyType type);
   496        /*!
   497         *  ======== getXoscStartupTime ========
   498         *  Get the estimated crystal oscillator startup time, in units of
   499         *  microseconds.
   500         *
   501         *  @param(timeUntilWakeupInMs)  The estimated time until the next wakeup
   502         *                  event, in units of milliseconds
   503         *
   504         *  @b(returns)     The estimated crystal oscillator startup latency, in
   505         *                  units of microseconds.
   506         *
   507         *  @a(Note)  The estimated time until wakeup is in units of milliseconds,
   508         *            but the the estimate crystal startup time is in microseconds.
   509         */
   510        UInt32 getXoscStartupTime(UInt32 timeUntilWakeupInMs);
   512        /*!
   513         *  @_nodoc
   514         *  ======== isStableXOSC_HF ========
   515         *  Check if XOSC_HF has stabilized.
   516         *
   517         *  @b(returns)     TRUE if XOSC_HF has stabilized, FALSE if hasn't
   518         *                  stabilized yet
   519         */
   520        Bool isStableXOSC_HF();
   522        /*!
   523         *  ======== releaseConstraint ========
   524         *  Release a constraint that was previously declared with {@link
   525         *  #setConstraint Power_setConstraint()}.
   526         *
   527         *  This function releases a constraint that was previously declared with
   528         *  {@link #setConstraint Power_setConstraint()}.  For example, if a device
   529         *  driver is starting a transaction and wants to prohibit activation of
   530         *  the Power_STANDBY sleep mode, it uses {@link #setConstraint
   531         *  Power_setConstraint} to declare the constraint, before starting
   532         *  the transaction.  When the transaction completes, the driver calls
   533         *  this function to release the constraint, and allow the power manager
   534         *  to once again transition into the Power_STANDBY sleep mode, if
   535         *  appropriate.
   536         *
   537         *  @param(constraint)  The constraint being released, of type {@link
   538         *                  #Constraint Power_Constraint}
   539         *
   540         *  @a(constraints)
   541         *  Power_releaseConstraint() must not be called more than
   542         *  Power_setConstraint() has been called for the same constraint.  If
   543         *  asserts are enabled, one will be generated in this case.
   544         */
   545        Void releaseConstraint(Constraint constraint);
   547        /*!
   548         *  ======== releaseDependency ========
   549         *  Release a dependency that had been previously declared with {@link
   550         *  #setDependency Power_setDependency()}.
   551         *
   552         *  This function is the companion to {@link #setDependency
   553         *  Power_setDependency()}.  If this release is for the last outstanding
   554         *  dependency upon the resource, the resource will be de-activated as part
   555         *  of this function call.
   556         *
   557         *  @param(resourceID)  The resource identifier, as specified in the
   558         *                      device-specific header file
   559         *
   560         *  @a(constraints)
   561         *  Power_releaseDependency() must not be called more than
   562         *  Power_setDependency() has been called for the same resource.  If
   563         *  asserts are enabled, one will be generated in this case.
   564         */
   565        Void releaseDependency(UInt8 resourceID);
   567        /*!
   568         *  ======== registerNotify ========
   569         *  Register a function to be called upon a specific power event.
   570         *
   571         *  This function registers a function to be called when a
   572         *  Power event occurs. Registrations and the corresponding notifications
   573         *  are processed in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The function
   574         *  registered must behave as described below.
   575         *
   576         *  The pNotifyObj parameter is a pointer to a pre-allocated, opaque
   577         *  object that will be used by Power to support the notification.  This
   578         *  object could be dynamically allocated, or declared as a global object.
   579         *  Power_registerNotify() will properly initialized the object's fields as
   580         *  appropriate; the caller just needs to provide a pointer to this
   581         *  pre-existing object.
   582         *
   583         *  The eventType parameter identifies the type of power event for which
   584         *  the notify function being registered is to be called.  This parameter
   585         *  is treated as a bitmask, so multiple event types can be registered for
   586         *  a common function.  The event types are enumerated as {@link #Event
   587         *  Power_Event}.  For example, to call the specified function when
   588         *  both the entering standby and the awake from standby events occur,
   589         *  eventType should be specified as:
   590         *  (Power_ENTERING_STANDBY | Power_AWAKE_STANDBY)
   591         *
   592         *  The clientArg parameter is an arbitrary argument to be passed to the
   593         *  client upon notification. This argument may allow one notify function
   594         *  to be used by multiple instances of a driver (that is, the clientArg
   595         *  can be used to identify the instance of the driver that is being
   596         *  notified).
   597         *
   598         *  The notifyFxn parameter specifies the function to call when the
   599         *  specified Power event occurs. The notifyFxn must implement
   600         *  the following signature:
   601         *
   602         *      status = notifyFxn(eventType, clientArg);
   603         *
   604         *  Where: eventType (type of {@link #Event Power_Event}) is the event
   605         *  being signalled, and clientArg is the abitrary argument specified
   606         *  by the client at registration.  Note that multipe types of events
   607         *  can be specified when registering the notification callback function,
   608         *  but when the callback function is actually called by Power, only a
   609         *  single eventType will be specified for the callback (i.e., the current
   610         *  event).
   611         *
   612         *  The client notification function being registered must return one of the
   613         *  following constants as a status value, of type {@link #NotifyResponse
   614         *  Power_NotifyResponse}: Power_NOTIFYDONE if the client processed the
   615         *  notification function successfully, or Power_NOTIFYERROR if the
   616         *  notification cannot be processed (e.g., if an internal client error
   617         *  occurs).
   618         *
   619         *  @param(pNotifyObj)  The notify object to be used for queuing
   620         *                      of the notification callback function
   621         *
   622         *  @param(eventTypes)  The type or types of {@link #Event Power_Event} to
   623         *                      be notified of
   624         *
   625         *  @param(notifyFxn)  The callback function Power should call to notify
   626         *                     the client of the event
   627         *
   628         *  @param(clientArg)  A client-defined argument to pass with the notifyFxn
   629         *                     call
   630         *
   631         *  @param(arg)        For future use, should be specified as:
   632         *                     NULL
   633         *
   634         *  @b(returns)     Power_SOK if the registration succeeded
   635         *
   636         *  @b(returns)     Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if either pNotifyObj or notifyFxn
   637         *                  were NULL
   638         *
   639         */
   640        Status registerNotify(NotifyObj * pNotifyObj, UInt32 eventTypes,
   641            Fxn notifyFxn, UArg clientArg, UArg arg);
   643        /*!
   644         *  ======== setConstraint ========
   645         *  Declare an operational constraint.
   646         *
   647         *  Before taking certain actions, Power checks to see if the requested
   648         *  action would conflict with a client-declared constraint. If the
   649         *  action does conflict, Power will not proceed with the request.
   650         *  This is the function that allows clients to declare their constraints
   651         *  with Power.
   652         *
   653         *  It is critical that clients call {@link #releaseConstraint
   654         *  Power_releaseConstraint()} when operational constraints no longer
   655         *  exists. Otherwise, Power may be left unnecessarily restricted from
   656         *  activating power savings.
   657         *
   658         *  @param(constraint)  The constraint being declared, of type {@link
   659         *                  #Constraint Power_Constraint}
   660         */
   661        Void setConstraint(Constraint constraint);
   663        /*!
   664         *  ======== setDependency ========
   665         *  Declare a dependency upon a power-manageable resource.
   666         *
   667         *  This function declares a dependency upon a resource.  If the resource
   668         *  had been inactive, it will be activated during this function call.
   669         *
   670         *  This function is the companion to {@link #releaseDependency
   671         *  Power_releaseDependency()}.
   672         *
   673         *  @param(resourceID)  The resource identifier, as specified in the
   674         *                      device-specific header file (for example,
   675         *                      PERIPH_UART0, as defined in PowerCC2650.h)
   676         *  @a(Note)
   677         *  When a dependency is declared upon a resource for the first time, the
   678         *  resource will be activated before the call to Power_setDependency()
   679         *  returns to the caller.  There is only one exception to this rule:
   680         *  the XOSC_HF resource for CC26xx.  The latency to startup the crystal
   681         *  is much longer than that for other resources. To avoid blocking in
   682         *  Power_setDependency() for this duration, for the XOSC_HF resource
   683         *  only, Power_setDependency() will return quickly, after initiating the
   684         *  activation of XOSC_HF.  Once the switchover to the XOSC_HF
   685         *  happens, notifications will be sent to clients registered for the
   686         *  Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED event.
   687         *
   688         *  Power_setDependency() will return a Boolean status to indicate if
   689         *  the resource is active as the function is initiating a return to the
   690         *  caller.  For all resources other than XOSC_HF, the return status will
   691         *  always be TRUE, because the resource will be active before the return
   692         *  to the caller.  For XOSC_HF, the return status may be TRUE if the
   693         *  XOSC_HF is already active.  For example, if XOSC_HF was already
   694         *  activated with an earlier call to Power_setDependency(XOSC_HF).
   695         *  If the return status is FALSE, this indicates to the caller that
   696         *  XOSC_HF hadn't been switched by the time the function initiated a
   697         *  return, and that the caller should wait for the Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED
   698         *  event notification before proceeding to the work that requires XOSC_HF
   699         *  to be active.
   700         *
   701         *  The recommended sequence for a caller to activate XOSC_HF is:
   702         *
   703         *
   704         *      1) Caller registers for a Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED notification.
   705         *         For example, the specified callback function might set a global
   706         *         flag, which the caller can check to see if the notification
   707         *         occurred.
   708         *
   709         *      2) Caller invokes: status = Power_setDependency(XOSC_HF);
   710         *
   711         *
   712         *      3) Caller checks status to see if XOSC_HF is active yet
   713         *
   714         *
   715         *          - If status is TRUE, XOSC_HF is active, caller should proceed,
   716         *            and NOT wait for a Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED notification
   717         *
   718         *          - Else, XOSC_HF wasn't activated yet, caller needs to wait
   719         *            until the Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED event has been signaled.
   720         *            Note that depending upon timing, the event may have been
   721         *            signaled between the time the return status was determined
   722         *            within Power_setDependency() and the time the caller
   723         *            checks the return status.  The key point is that, when
   724         *            the return status is FALSE, the Power_XOSC_HF_SWITCHED
   725         *            notification WILL be sent (once the XOSC_HF is switched),
   726         *            and the caller should wait for this notification before
   727         *            proceeding with any work that requires XOSC_HF to be active.
   728         *
   729         *  @b(returns)     TRUE if resource is active
   730         *
   731         *  @b(returns)     FALSE if resource was not yet active when the function
   732         *                  return was initiated
   733         *
   734         *  @a(constraints)
   735         *  For the XOSC_HF resource (described above), the caller MUST wait for
   736         *  XOSC_HF activation to complete before calling
   737         *  Power_releaseDependency(XOSC_HF).
   738         */
   739        Bool setDependency(UInt8 resourceID);
   741        /*!
   742         *  ======== shutdown ========
   743         *  Put the device into the SHUTDOWN state.
   744         *
   745         *  This function will transition the device into the SHUTDOWN state.
   746         *  Before the actual device transtion is initiated, notifications will
   747         *  be sent to any clients who've registered for the
   748         *  Power_ENTERING_SHUTDOWN event (via {@link #registerNotify
   749         *  Power_registerNotify()}).  Once notifications have been completed, the
   750         *  device shutdown will commence.
   751         *
   752         *  If the device is successfully transitioned to SHUTDOWN, this function
   753         *  call will never return.  Upon wakeup, the device and application will
   754         *  be rebooted.  If the transition to SHUTDOWN is not successful, one of
   755         *  the error codes listed above will be returned.
   756         *
   757         *  @param(arg)     Reserved for future use; currently unused
   758         *
   759         *  @b(returns)     Power_EBUSY if Power is currently busy with another
   760         *                  transition
   761         *
   762         *  @b(returns)     Power_ECHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED   if SHUTDOWN is disallowed
   763         *                  due to the Power_SD_DISALLOW constraint having been
   764         *                  declared
   765         *
   766         *  @b(returns)     Power_EFAIL   if a notification error occurred
   767         *
   768         *  @a(Note)
   769         *  This function will not prepare I/O pins for the device
   770         *  shutdown state.  The application needs to do the appropriate
   771         *  I/O preparation before calling this API.
   772         */
   773        Status shutdown(UArg arg);
   775        /*!
   776         *  ======== sleep ========
   777         *  Put the CPU into a sleep state.
   778         *
   779         *  This function transitions the device into and out of a sleep state.
   780         *  The function returns to the caller when the device is awake again.
   781         *
   782         *  @param(sleepState)  The sleep state to be entered, of type
   783         *                      {@link #sleepState Power_sleepState}
   784         *
   785         *  @param(arg0)    Reserved for future use; currently unused
   786         *
   787         *  @param(arg1)    Reserved for future use; currently unused
   788         *
   789         *  @b(returns)     Power_SOK upon success, the device is awake
   790         *
   791         *  @b(returns)     Power_EBUSY if Power is currently busy with another
   792         *                  transition
   793         *
   794         *  @b(returns)     Power_EFAIL if a general failure occurred and the
   795         *                  device was not transitioned into sleep
   796         *
   797         *  @a(Note)
   798         *  Power_sleep() is intended to be called from a Power Policy
   799         *  implementation function.  This API is not normally called directly
   800         *  by an application.
   801         *
   802         *  @a(constraints)
   803         *  Power_sleep() does not check the constraints that might prohibit a
   804         *  sleep transition.  The caller of Power_sleep() must validate the
   805         *  transition versus active constraints, prior to calling Power_sleep().
   806         */
   807        Status sleep(SleepState sleepState, UArg arg0, UArg arg1);
   809        /*!
   810         *  @_nodoc
   811         *  ======== switchXOSC_HF ========
   812         *  Switch to enable XOSC_HF.
   813         */
   814        Void switchXOSC_HF();
   816        /*!
   817         *  ======== unregisterNotify ========
   818         *  Unregister for Power event notifications.
   819         *
   820         *  This function unregisters for event notifications that were previously
   821         *  registered with {@link #registerNotify Power_registerNotify()}.
   822         *
   823         *  @param(pNotifyObj)  The notification object that was previously
   824         *                      used with {@link #registerNotify
   825         *                      Power_registerNotify()} to register for
   826         *                      event notifications
   827         */
   828        Void unregisterNotify(NotifyObj * pNotifyObj);
   831        /*! @_nodoc */
   832        @XmlDtd
   833        metaonly struct ModuleView {
   834            String    ConstraintsMask;
   835        };
   837        /*! @_nodoc */
   838        @Facet
   839        metaonly config ViewInfo.Instance rovViewInfo =
   840            ViewInfo.create({
   841                viewMap: [
   842                [
   843                    'Module',
   844                    {
   845                        type: ViewInfo.MODULE,
   846                        viewInitFxn: 'viewInitModule',
   847                        structName: 'ModuleView'
   848                    }
   849                ],
   850                ]
   851            });
   853        /*!
   854         *  @_nodoc
   855         *  ======== idleCPU ========
   856         *  Function used to automatically idle the CPU in the Idle loop.
   857         *
   858         *  When the 'idle' configuration parameter is set, this function will
   859         *  be added to the list of Idle loop functions.  When called from the
   860         *  Idle loop, it will invoke the wait for interrupt (WFI) instruction,
   861         *  to idle the CPU until the next interrupt occurs.
   862         */
   863        Void idleCPU();
   865    internal:
   867        /*
   868         *  ======== abs ========
   869         */
   870        Int abs(Int i);
   872        /*
   873         *  ======== calibrateRcoscHf1 ========
   874         */
   875        Void calibrateRcoscHf1(Int32 tdcResult);
   877        /*
   878         *  ======== calibrateRcoscHf2 ========
   879         */
   880        Void calibrateRcoscHf2(Int32 tdcResult);
   882        /*
   883         *  ======== doCalibrate ========
   884         */
   885        Void doCalibrate();
   887        /*
   888         *  ======== getTdcSemaphore ========
   889         */
   890        Bool getTdcSemaphore();
   892        /*
   893         *  ======== initateCalibration ========
   894         */
   895        Bool initiateCalibration();
   897        /*
   898         *  ======== isDependencyActive ========
   899         */
   900        Bool isDependencyActive(UInt8 resourceID);
   902        /*
   903         *  ======== LF_clockFunc ========
   904         */
   905        Void LF_clockFunc(UArg arg);
   907        /*
   908         *  ======== NOP ========
   909         */
   910        UInt NOP(UInt action);
   912        /*
   913         *  ======== notify ========
   914         */
   915        Status notify(Event eventType);
   917        /*
   918         *  ======== RCOSC_clockFunc ========
   919         */
   920        Void RCOSC_clockFunc(UArg arg);
   922        /*
   923         *  ======== RFCORECLKS ========
   924         */
   925        UInt RFCORECLKS(UInt action);
   927        /*
   928         *  ======== scaleRndInf ========
   929         */
   930        Int32 scaleRndInf(Int32 x);
   932        /*
   933         *  ======== serviceNotifyQ ========
   934         */
   935        NotifyResponse serviceNotifyQ(Event eventType);
   937        /*
   938         *  ======== updateSubSecInc ========
   939         */
   940        Void updateSubSecInc(UInt32 tdcResult);
   942        /*
   943         *  ======== XOSC_HF ========
   944         */
   945        UInt XOSC_HF(UInt action);
   947        /*
   948         *  ======== XOSC_HF_xoscClockFunc ========
   949         */
   950        Void XOSC_HF_clockFunc(UArg arg);
   952        /*
   953         *  ======== Module_State ========
   954         */
   955        struct Module_State {
   956            UInt32 constraintsMask;
   957            Queue.Object notifyQ;        /* event notification queue */
   958            Clock.Object clockObj;       /* Clock object for scheduling wakeups */
   959            Clock.Object xoscClockObj;   /* Clock object for XOSC_HF switching */
   960            Clock.Object lfClockObj;     /* Clock object for LF clock check */
   961            Clock.Handle calClockHandle; /* Clock object for RCOSC calibration */
   962            Int32 nDeltaFreqCurr;        /* RCOSC calibration variable */
   963            Int32 nCtrimCurr;            /* RCOSC calibration variable */
   964            Int32 nCtrimFractCurr;       /* RCOSC calibration variable */
   965            Int32 nCtrimNew;             /* RCOSC calibration variable */
   966            Int32 nCtrimFractNew;        /* RCOSC calibration variable */
   967            TransitionState state;       /* current transition state */
   968            Bool xoscPending;            /* is XOSC_HF activation in progress? */
   969            Bool calLF;                  /* calibrate RCOSC_LF? */
   970            UInt8 hwiState;              /* calibration AUX ISR state */
   971            Bool busyCal;                /* already busy calibrating */
   972            UInt8 calStep;               /* current calibration step */
   973            Bool firstLF;                /* is this first LF calibration? */
   974            volatile UInt8 * constraintCounts; /* constraint counts array */
   975            volatile UInt8 * resourceCounts;   /* to resource ref counts array */
   976            ResourceRecord * resourceDB;/* resource database */
   977            Fxn * resourceHandlers;     /* resource special handler functions */
   978        }
   979    }