
Power management support for C6748 and OMAP-L138 devices

The SYS/BIOS Power Manager, (Power module) provides APIs that allow you to reduce power consumption of C6748 and OMAP-L138 applications. It provides the following core functionality: [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/sysbios/family/c674/Power.xdc
#include <ti/sysbios/family/c674/Power.h>
Power_getSetpointInfo// Get the frequency and core voltage for a setpoint(Power_Domain domain, UInt setpoint, UInt *frequency, UInt *voltage);
Power_getTransitionLatency// Get the latency to scale from one setpoint to another setpoint(Power_Domain domain, UInt initialSetpoint, UInt finalSetpoint, UInt *frequencyLatency, UInt *voltageLatency);
Power_registerNotify// Register a function to be called on a specific power event(Power_Event eventType, UInt eventMask, Fxn notifyFxn, UArg clientArg, Power_NotifyHandle *notifyHandle, Fxn *delayedCompletionFxn);
Power_signalEvent// Signal a Power event to registered clients(Power_Event eventType, UArg eventArg1, UArg eventArg2, UInt notifyTimeout);
Power_sleepDSP// Put the DSP into a sleep state(UInt sleepCode, UInt sleepArg, UInt notifyTimeout);
Functions common to all target modules
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef UArg *
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef Void 
typedef Void *
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef enum
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const UInt 
extern const UInt 
extern const Bool 
The SYS/BIOS Power Manager, (Power module) provides APIs that allow you to reduce power consumption of C6748 and OMAP-L138 applications. It provides the following core functionality:
Resource tracking. You can set and release program dependencies upon power manageable resources. For example, when a dependency is set on a UART, if it is the first dependency upon the UART, then Power will automatically enable the clock to the UART module. And when the last dependency on the UART is released, Power will automatically disable the clock to the UART.
Voltage and frequency scaling. You can dynamically change the voltage and frequency for the CPU domain, or the peripheral domain. Since power consumption is linearly proportional to frequency and quadratically proportional to voltage, this can significantly reduce power consumption of the device.
CPU idling. You can configure Power to automatically idle (i.e., clock gate) the CPU while waiting for the next interrupt, at which time new processing is required. This is a "lightweight" sleep mechanism and has negligible CPU wakeup latency.
Activate sleep modes. You can dynamically activate processor sleep modes that will perform clock gating and in some cases voltage reduction. These sleep modes are "heavier weight" compared to idling, with longer wakeup latency, but provide significant savings during application standby times.
Coordinate scaling and sleep modes. You can register application functions to be called upon specific power events, for example, before activating a particular sleep mode. The Power module will call these functions at the appropriate times, allowing coordination between affected software components, and power saving actions of the Power module.
For further overview of the Power module, please see:

Calling Context

Function Hwi Swi Task Main Startup
changeSetpoint N Y* Y N N
configure Y Y Y Y Y
getCapabilities Y Y Y Y Y
getConstraintInfo Y Y Y Y Y
getCurrentSetpoint Y Y Y Y Y
getDependencyCount Y Y Y Y Y
getNumSetpoints Y Y Y Y Y
getSepointInfo Y Y Y Y Y
getTransitionLatency Y Y Y Y Y
registerConstraint N N Y Y Y
registerNotify N N Y Y Y
releaseDependency Y Y Y Y Y
setDependency Y Y Y Y Y
signalEvent Y* Y* Y N N
sleepDSP N Y* Y N N
unregisterConstraint Y Y Y Y Y
unregisterNotify Y Y Y Y Y
  • Hwi: API is callable from a Hwi thread
  • Swi: API is callable from a Swi thread
  • Task: API is callable from a Task thread
  • Main: API is callable from main()
  • Startup: API is callable during any module startup
  • Y: Yes
  • Y*: Yes, but see API description for restrictions
  • N: No

Bitmask for resource tracking capability

C synopsis target-domain
#define Power_CRESOURCETRACKING (UInt)0x200
const Power_CVFSCALING

Bitmask for V/F scaling capability

C synopsis target-domain
#define Power_CVFSCALING (UInt)0x8
const Power_EXTERNAL

Used to specify external controller wakeup source for Power_DEEPSLEEP

C synopsis target-domain
#define Power_EXTERNAL (UInt)0x8
const Power_PLL0

Used to specify bypass PLL0 during Power_SLEEP

C synopsis target-domain
#define Power_PLL0 (UInt)0x1
const Power_PLL1

Used to specify bypass PLL1 during Power_SLEEP

C synopsis target-domain
#define Power_PLL1 (UInt)0x2
const Power_RTC_ALARM

Used to specify an RTC alarm wakeup source for Power_DEEPSLEEP

C synopsis target-domain
#define Power_RTC_ALARM (UInt)0x10
enum Power_Constraint

Constraints that can be registered with Power

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_Constraint {
    // Disallowed CPU domain setpoints
    // Disallowed peripheral domain setpoints
    // Disallowed sleep states
} Power_Constraint;
enum Power_Domain

Scaling domains

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_Domain {
    // CPU domain
    // Peripheral domain
} Power_Domain;
enum Power_Event

Power Event enumerations

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_Event {
    // Going to Power_STANDBY
    // Awake from Power_STANDBY
    // Going to Power_SLEEP
    // Awake from Power_SLEEP
    // Going to Power_DEEPSLEEP
    // Awake from Power_DEEPSLEEP
    // A CPU setpoint change is about to occur
    // A peripheral setpoint change is about to occur
    // A CPU setpoint change has just completed
    // A peripheral setpoint change has just completed
} Power_Event;
enum Power_NotifyResponse

Return values from a notify function

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_NotifyResponse {
    // Client has finished processing the notification
    // Client needs to wait (delayed completion) to finish processing the notification
    // An error occurred while processing the notification
} Power_NotifyResponse;
enum Power_Resource

Resource enumerations. Some of these are not applicable for C6746 and C6742 derivative devices

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_Resource {
    // EDMA3_0 Channel Controller 0
    // EDMA3_0 Transfer Controller 0
    // EDMA3_0 Transfer Controller 1
    // EMIFA
    // SPI0
    // MMC/SD0
    // ARM Interrupt Controller
    // UART0
    // EDMA3_1 Channel Controller 0
    // USB0
    // USB1
    // GPIO
    // HPI
    // EMAC
    // DDR2/mDDR
    // McASP0
    // SATA
    // VPIF
    // SPI1
    // I2C1
    // UART1
    // UART2
    // McBSP0
    // McBSP1
    // LCDC
    // eHRPWM0/1
    // MMC/SD1
    // uPP
    // eCAP0/1/2
    // EDMA3_1 Transfer Controller 0
} Power_Resource;
enum Power_SleepCode

Sleep modes

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_SleepCode {
} Power_SleepCode;
enum Power_Status

Function return codes

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_Status {
} Power_Status;
enum Power_pmiLib

Power Management Interface (PMI) control library options

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_pmiLib {
    // evm6748 with dedicated I2C control of PMIC
    // evm6748 with shared I2C control of PMIC
    // LCDK with no voltage scaling
    // evm6748 with no voltage scaling
    // user will provide custom PMI library
} Power_pmiLib;
enum Power_psclLib

Power Scaling Library (PSCL) configuration library options

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Power_psclLib {
    // evm6748 with 300MHz device
    // evm6748 with 372MHz device
    // evm6748 with 408MHz device
    // evm6748 with 456MHz device
    // LCDK with 456MHz device
    // evm6748 with 300MHz device, no scaling
    // user will provide custom PSCL library
} Power_psclLib;
typedef Power_ConstraintHandle

Handle for a registered constraint

C synopsis target-domain
typedef UArg *Power_ConstraintHandle;
typedef Power_FuncPtr

Idle function prototype

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Void (*Power_FuncPtr)();
typedef Power_NotifyHandle

Handle for a registered notification

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Void *Power_NotifyHandle;
struct Power_Attrs

Power attributes structure

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Power_Attrs {
    Bool scaleVoltage;
    // Scale voltage along with frequency
    Bool waitForVoltageScale;
    // Wait during down voltage ramp
} Power_Attrs;
struct Power_Config

Scaling configuration structure

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Power_Config {
    Bool scaleVoltage;
    // Scale voltage with frequency?
    Bool waitForVoltageScale;
    // Wait for down ramp?
} Power_Config;
struct Power_SetpointInfo

Setpoint info structure

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Power_SetpointInfo {
    UInt frequency;
    // Clock frequency
    UInt voltage;
    // Voltage
} Power_SetpointInfo;
struct Power_SleepOverride

Sleep attributes override structure

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Power_SleepOverride {
    UInt sleepVoltage;
    // override sleep voltage (millivolts) for Power_SLEEP
    UInt bypassedPLLs;
    // override PLLs to bypass for Power_SLEEP
} Power_SleepOverride;
config Power_enableScaling  // module-wide

Enable voltage and frequency (V/F) scaling? Default is false

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Power_enableScaling;
config Power_idle  // module-wide

Idle the CPU during idle time?

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Power_idle;
config Power_initialSetpointCPU  // module-wide

Initial CPU domain setpoint. Default is 2

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Power_initialSetpointCPU;
config Power_initialSetpointPER  // module-wide

Initial peripheral (PER) domain setpoint. Default is 0

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Power_initialSetpointPER;
config Power_trackResources  // module-wide

Enable resource tracking? Default is false

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Power_trackResources;
Power_changeSetpoint()  // module-wide

Initiate a change to the V/F setpoint of the CPU, or the peripheral domain

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_changeSetpoint(Power_Domain domain, UInt newSetpoint, UInt notifyTimeout);
domain — The relevant scaling domain (Power_CPU or Power_PER)
newSetpoint — The new V/F setpoint to be scaled to
notifyTimeout — The maximum time (in Clock ticks) to wait for client notifications to complete
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded and the new setpoint is in effect
Power_EFAIL if a general failure occurred; the requested transition did not occur
Power_ENOTIMPLEMENTED if V/F scaling is not implemented on this platform
Power_ENOTSUPPORTED if the operation failed because a client registered a constraint with Power indicating that it cannot support the requested setpoint
Power_EOUTOFRANGE if the operation failed because the domain or newSetpoint parameter is not a valid value for the platform
Power_ETIMEOUT if the operation failed because a registered notification function did not complete its processing within the specified notifyTimeout
Power_EBUSY if the operation failed because the operation cannot be performed at this time; Power is busy processing a previous request
Power_EINITFAILURE if there was a previous failure when V/F scaling support was being initialized; V/F scaling is unavailable
Power_changeSetpoint() changes the voltage and frequency of a scalable domain.
The domain parameter indicates the relevant scaling domain. The domains that can be scaled vary by platform, and are enumerated as Power_Domain. For example, for the TMS320C6748, there are two scalable domains: the CPU domain (Power_CPU) and the peripheral domain (Power_PER).
The newSetpoint parameter is a numeric value that indexes into a table of frequency/voltage pairs, as defined by the underlying scaling configuration library.
The notifyTimeout parameter is the maximum amount of time (in system Clock ticks) to wait for registered notification functions (set by Power_registerNotify()) to respond to a delayed completion, before declaring failure and returning Power_ETIMEOUT.
For example, if notifyTimeout is set to 200, Power_changeSetpoint() waits up to 200 ticks (typically 200 milliseconds) before declaring that function has failed to respond. Power uses notifyTimeout for each type of notification. For example, if notification functions are registered for both before and after setpoint changes, Power_changeSetpoint() waits up to notifyTimeout on each type of notification.
All registered notification functions are called from the context of Power_changeSetpoint().
The application should treat return values of Power_ETIMEOUT or Power_EFAIL as critical system failures. These values indicate the notification client is taking too long or is unresponsive, and the system is in an unknown state.
Power_changeSetpoint() disables Swi and Task scheduling when it begins making a change. However, Hwis may run during the notification process. After the setpoint has been changed, Swi and Task scheduling are re-enabled, and a context switch occurs only if some other thread has since been made ready to run.
Power_changeSetpoint() cannot be called from a Hwi or main()
Power_changeSetpoint() can be called from a Swi only if notifyTimeout is zero
Power_configure()  // module-wide

Set new configuration parameters for Power

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_configure(Power_Attrs attrs);
attrs — An Attrs structure defining new configuration parameters
Power_SOK if the configuration was changed
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the change failed because one of the attributes is invalid
Power_configure() specifies new configuration properties for the Power module. It overrides those specified in the static configuration.
Configuration parameters are specified via a Power_Attrs structure. In this structure, 'scaleVoltage' indicates whether Power should scale voltages during setpoint changes, and when switching to sleep modes that support voltage reduction. It corresponds to the scaleVoltage configuration property. If 'scaleVoltage' is TRUE, the voltage is scaled down if possible when going to a lower frequency or activating sleep modes. If 'scaleVoltage' is FALSE, the voltage is not scaled lower. The voltage is always scaled up if the new (destination) setpoint frequency is higher than that supported at the current voltage.
In the Power_attrs structure, the 'waitForVoltageScale' flag indicates whether Power should wait for a down-voltage transition to complete before returning from Power_changeSetpoint(). It corresponds to the waitVoltage configuration property. (Such transition times can be long, and they typically depend upon power supply load.) Currently, it is recommended that this property always be TRUE. Note that the Power module always waits during up-voltage transitions; this is required to avoid overclocking the device.
Power_getCapabilities()  // module-wide

Get info on Power's capabilities on the current platform

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_getCapabilities(UInt *capsMask);
capsMask — Location of a bitmask to be written with capabilities flags
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if the operation failed because capsMask was NULL
The capsMask parameter should point to the location where Power_getCapabilities() should write a bitmask that defines the capabilities.
You can use the following constants to check for capabilities in the bitmask:
Power_CRESOURCETRACKING - Power supports dynamic resource tracking
Power_CVFSCALING - Power supports voltage and frequency scaling
Power_getConstraintInfo()  // module-wide

Get info on the aggregate of constraints that have been registered with Power

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_getConstraintInfo(Power_Constraint type, UArg *value);
type — Type of constraint
value — Location to be written with aggregate of constraints
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the operation failed because type does not correspond to a supported constraint type
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if the operation failed because the value parameter was NULL
Power_getConstraintInfo() returns information about constraints that are currently registered with the Power module, via previous calls to Power_registerConstraint().
The type parameter identifies the type of constraint being queried. The constraint types vary by platform, and are enumerated as Power_Constraint. Currently the following are supported:
Power_DISALLOWEDSLEEPSTATE_MASK - Sleep states that should not be activated.
Power_DISALLOWED_CPU_SETPOINT_MASK - CPU setpoints that should not be activated.
Power_DISALLOWED_PER_SETPOINT_MASK - Peripheral setpoints that should not be activated.
Power_getContraintInfo() returns a value that is the aggregate of all constraints that are currently registered. For example, if one Power client disallowed the sleep state Power_SLEEP, and a different client disallowed the sleep state Power_DEEPSLEEP, the returned value will be (Power_SLEEP | Power_DEEPSLEEP).
Power_getCurrentSetpoint()  // module-wide

Get the current setpoint in effect

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_getCurrentSetpoint(Power_Domain domain, UInt *setpoint);
domain — The scaling domain being queried (Power_CPU or Power_PER)
setpoint — Location to write the current setpoint
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if the operation failed because the setpoint parameter was NULL
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the operation failed because the domain parameter was invalid
Power_EINITFAILURE if there was a previous failure when V/F scaling support was being initialized; V/F scaling is unavailable
Power_ENOTSUPPORTED if the operation failed because V/F scaling support is not enabled
Power_getCurrentSetpoint() returns the V/F scaling setpoint currently in use for the specified scaling domain.
The domain parameter indicates the relevant scaling domain. The domains that can be scaled vary by platform, and are enumerated as Power_Domain.
The setpoint parameter should point to the location where Power_getCurrentSetpoint() should write the current setpoint.
If a call to Power_getCurrentSetpoint() is made during a change to the current setpoint, the value Power_getCurrentSetpoint() returns may be the old setpoint and not the new setpoint
Power_getDependencyCount()  // module-wide

Get the count of dependencies that are currently declared on a resource

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_getDependencyCount(Power_Resource resourceID, UInt *count);
resourceID — The resource identifier
count — Location to write the resource's dependency count
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if the operation failed because the count parameter was NULL
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the operation failed because Power cannot control this resource
Power_ENOTSUPPORTED if the operation failed because resource tracking is not enabled
Power_EOUTOFRANGE if the specified resourceID is outside the range of valid resource IDs
Power_getDependencyCount() returns the number of dependencies that are currently declared on a resource. Normally this corresponds to the number of times Power_setDependency() has been called for the resource, minus the number of times Power_releaseDependency() has been called for the same resource.
On some platforms, early boot code may enable individual resources before Power initializes. To ensure proper state synchronization in this case, Power queries individual resource states as the Power module initializes. So, it is possible for the returned "count" value to be 1, even if Power_setDependency() has not been called by the application.
Resources are enumerated as Power_Resource.
Power_getNumSetpoints()  // module-wide

Get the number of setpoints supported on the platform

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_getNumSetpoints(Power_Domain domain, UInt *numberSetpoints);
domain — The scaling domain being queried (Power_CPU or Power_PER)
numberSetpoints — Location to write the number of supported setpoints
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if the operation failed because the numberSetpoints parameter was NULL
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the operation failed because the domain parameter was invalid
Power_EINITFAILURE if there was a previous failure when V/F scaling support was being initialized; V/F scaling is unavailable
Power_ENOTSUPPORTED if the operation failed because V/F scaling support is not enabled
Power_getNumSetpoints() returns the number of setpoints supported for a specified domain.
The domain parameter indicates the relevant scaling domain. The domains that can be scaled vary by platform, and are enumerated as Power_Domain.
Power_getSetpointInfo()  // module-wide

Get the frequency and core voltage for a setpoint

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_getSetpointInfo(Power_Domain domain, UInt setpoint, UInt *frequency, UInt *voltage);
domain — The scaling domain being queried (Power_CPU or Power_PER)
setpoint — The setpoint to be queried
frequency — Location to write the frequency (in kHz) of the specified setpoint
voltage — Location to write the voltage (in millivolts) of the specified setpoint
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if the operation failed because the frequency or votage parameter was NULL
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the operation failed because the domain parameter was invalid
Power_EINITFAILURE if there was a previous failure when V/F scaling support was being initialized; V/F scaling is unavailable
Power_ENOTSUPPORTED if the operation failed because V/F scaling support is not enabled
Power_EOUTOFRANGE if the operation failed because the setpoint parameter is out of range of valid setpoints for the specified domain
Power_getSetpointInfo() returns the frequency and voltage for a given setpoint.
The domain parameter indicates the relevant scaling domain for which the setpoint information is to be retrieved. The domains that can be scaled vary by platform, and are enumerated as Power_Domain.
Power_getTransitionLatency()  // module-wide

Get the latency to scale from one setpoint to another setpoint

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_getTransitionLatency(Power_Domain domain, UInt initialSetpoint, UInt finalSetpoint, UInt *frequencyLatency, UInt *voltageLatency);
domain — The relevant scaling domain (Power_CPU or Power_PER)
initialSetpoint — The setpoint to be scaled from
finalSetpoint — The setpoint to be scaled to
frequencyLatency — Location to write the frequency transition latency (in microseconds) from that of the initialSetpoint to that of the finalSetpoint
voltageLatency — Location to write the voltage transition latency (in microseconds) from that of the initialSetpoint to that of the finalSetpoint
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EFAIL if a general failure occurred
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if the operation failed because the frequencyLatency or votageLatency parameter was NULL
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the operation failed because the domain, initialSetpoint, or finalSetpoint value was invalid
Power_EINITFAILURE if there was a previous failure when V/F scaling support was being initialized; V/F scaling is unavailable
Power_ENOTIMPLEMENTED if the operation failed because V/F scaling is not supported
Power_getTransitionLatency() retrieves the latencies (times required) in microseconds to scale from a specific setpoint to another specific setpoint.
The domain parameter should indicate the relevant scaling domain. The initialSetpoint parameter should specify the setpoint from which the transition would start. The finalSetpoint parameter should specify the setpoint at which the transition would end.
The frequencyLatency parameter should point to the location where Power_getTransitionLatency() should write the time required to change the frequency from that of the initialSetpoint to that of the finalSetpoint, in microseconds.
Similarly, the voltageLatency should point to the location where Power_getTransitionLatency() should write the time required to change the voltage from that of the initialSetpoint to that of the finalSetpoint, in microseconds.
When frequency and voltage are scaled together, the total latency is the sum of the frequency scaling latency and the voltage scaling latency.
Note that the time required to change a setpoint may not be deterministic (depending upon the hardware characteristics, the underlying software implementation, and the specific V/F swing), but it is bounded by the value returned by Power_getTransitionLatency().
Power_registerConstraint()  // module-wide

Register an operational constraint with Power

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_registerConstraint(Power_Constraint type, UArg value, Power_ConstraintHandle *handle);
type — Type of constraint
value — A constraint type-specific mask
handle — Location to write the resulting constraint handle (which is used for unregistering the constraint)
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EFAIL if the registration failed due to a memory allocation failure
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the operation failed because type does not correspond to a supported constraint type
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if the operation failed because the handle parameter was NULL
Before taking certain actions, Power checks to see if the requested action would conflict with a client-registered constraint. If the action does conflict, Power will not proceed with the request. Power_registerConstraint() is the API that allows clients to register their constraints with Power.
The type parameter identifies the type of constraint being registered. The constraint types vary by platform, and are enumerated as Power_Constraint. Currently the following are supported:
Power_DISALLOWEDSLEEPSTATE_MASK - Sleep states that should not be activated.
Power_DISALLOWED_CPU_SETPOINT_MASK - CPU setpoints that should not be activated.
Power_DISALLOWED_PER_SETPOINT_MASK - Peripheral setpoints that should not be activated.
The Power_DISALLOWEDSLEEPSTATE_MASK is a bitmask of the sleep states that can be activated via Power_sleepDSP(). For the TMS320C6748, the states are identified via a combination of the following bitmask values: Power_STANDBY, Power_SLEEP, and Power_DEEPSLEEP.
The Power_DISALLOWED_CPU_SETPOINT_MASK is a bitmask of setpoints that the CPU should not be transitioned to. For example, if a driver won't operate properly below a specific CPU performance level, it can register the lower performance levels via the setpoint mask. Setpoint IDs are zero-based, with a lower index representing a lower performance level. They are represented right-justified in the bitmask.
For example, to disallow setpoint "0", the mask is "0x1". To disallow the lowest five setpoints the mask value is "0x1F".
The Power_DISALLOWED_PER_SETPOINT_MASK performs the same function as the Power_DISALLOWED_CPU_SETPOINT_MASK, but corresponds to scaling of the peripheral domain. The bitmask follows the same format; setpoints are zero-based and have right-justified bit positions, starting with "0x1".
It is important that clients call Power_unregisterConstraint() when the operational constraint no longer exists. Otherwise, Power may be left unnecessarily restricted from activating power savings.
Power_registerConstraint() cannot be called from a Swi or Hwi, because it allocates memory, and this may incur a context switch.
Power_registerNotify()  // module-wide

Register a function to be called on a specific power event

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_registerNotify(Power_Event eventType, UInt eventMask, Fxn notifyFxn, UArg clientArg, Power_NotifyHandle *notifyHandle, Fxn *delayedCompletionFxn);
eventType — The type of Power event to be notified of
eventMask — A Power event type-specific mask
notifyFxn — The function Power should call to notify the client of the event
clientArg — A client-defined argument to pass with the notifyFxn call
notifyHandle — Location to write the resulting notification handle (which is used for unregistering for the event)
delayedCompletionFxn — Location for the pointer to the delayed completion function the client should call if it requires more time to process an event (the client calls this function once its processing is complete)
Power_SOK if the registration succeeded
Power_EFAIL if the registration failed due to a memory allocation failure
Power_EINVALIDPOINTER if the operation failed because the notifyFxn, notifyHandle, or delayedCompletionFxn parameter was NULL
Power_EINVALIDEVENT if the operation failed because eventType is invalid
Power_registerNotify() registers a function to be called when a specific Power event occurs. Registrations and the corresponding notifications are processed in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The function registered must behave as described below.
The eventType parameter identifies the type of power event for which the notify function being registered is to be called. The eventType parameter can vary by platform, and is enumerated as Power_Event. For example, on the TMS320C6748 this parameter may have one of the following values:
Power_PENDING_CPU_SETPOINTCHANGE - The CPU domain V/F setpoint is about to change
Power_DONE_CPU_SETPOINTCHANGE - The pending CPU setpoint change has now completed
Power_PENDING_PER_SETPOINTCHANGE - The peripheral domain V/F setpoint is about to change
Power_DONE_PER_SETPOINTCHANGE - The pending peripheral setpoint change has now completed
Power_GOINGTOSTANDBY - The DSP is going to STANDBY state
Power_AWAKEFROMSTANDBY - The DSP has awoken from STANDBY
Power_GOINGTOSLEEP - The DSP is going to SLEEP state
Power_AWAKEFROMSLEEP - The DSP has awoken from SLEEP
Power_GOINGTODEEPSLEEP - The DSP is going to DEEPSLEEP state
The eventMask parameter is an event-specific mask. Currently the eventMask is not used by Power.
The notifyFxn parameter specifies the function to call when the specified Power event occurs. The notifyFxn must implement the following signature:
status = notifyFxn(eventType, eventArg1, eventArg2, clientArg);
Where: eventType (of type Power_Event) is the type of Power event of the notification; eventArg1 (of type UArg) is an event-specific argument; eventArg2 (of type UArg) is a second event-specific argument; and clientArg (of type UArg) is an abitrary argument.
Currently, eventArg1 and eventArg2 are used only for V/F scaling events: for a 'pending' setpoint change, eventArg1 holds the current setpoint, and eventArg2 holds the pending setpoint; for a 'done' sepoint change event, eventArg1 holds the previous setpoint, and eventArg2 holds the new setpoint.
The notification function must return one of the following constants as a status value of type Power_NotifyResponse: Power_NOTIFYDONE if the the client processed the notification function successfully; Power_NOTIFYNOTDONE if the client must wait for interrupt processing to occur before it can proceed (the client must later call the delayedCompletionFxn specified when this function was registered); or Power_NOTIFYERROR if the notification cannot be processed (either an internal client error occurred or the client was notified of an event it could not process).
The clientArg parameter is an arbitrary argument to be passed to the client upon notification. This argument may allow one notify function to be used by multiple instances of a driver (that is, the clientArg can be used to identify the instance of the driver that is being notified).
For Power_regsiterNotify(), notifyHandle should point to the location where Power_registerNotify() should write a notification handle. If the application later needs to unregister the notification function, the application should pass this handle to Power_unregisterNotify().
The delayedCompletionFxn is a pointer to a function provided by the Power module to the client at registration time. If a client cannot act immediately upon notification, its notify function should return Power_NOTIFYNOTDONE. Later, when the action is complete, the client should call the delayedCompletionFxn to signal Power that it has finished. The delayedCompletionFxn is a void function, taking no arguments, and having no return value. If a client can and does act immediately on the notification, it should return Power_NOTIFYDONE in response to notification, and should not call the delayedCompletionFxn.
For example, if a DMA driver is to prepare for a setpoint change, it may need to wait for the current DMA transfer to complete. When the driver's DMA completes (for example, on the next hardware interrupt), it calls the delayedCompletionFxn function provided when it registered for notification. This completion function tells the Power module that the driver is finished. Meanwhile, the Power module was able to continue notifying other clients, and was waiting for all clients to signal completion.
Power_registerNotify() cannot be called from a Swi or Hwi, because it allocates memory, and this may incur a context switch.
Power_releaseDependency()  // module-wide

Release a dependency that has been previously declared by Power_setDependency

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_releaseDependency(Power_Resource resourceID);
resourceID — The resource identifier
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded and the dependency has been released
Power_EFAIL if the operation failed while attempting to release the resource
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the operation failed because Power cannot control this resource
Power_ENOTSUPPORTED if the operation failed because resource tracking is not enabled
Power_EOUTOFRANGE if the specified resourceID is outside the range of valid resource IDs
Power_ETOOMANYCALLS if a dependency was not previously set for the resource, and was therefore not released
This function is the companion to Power_setDependency(). It releases a resource dependency that was previously set. Resources are enumerated by Power_Resource.
Power_ETOOMANYCALLS is returned if you call Power_releaseDependency() when there are no dependencies currently declared for the specified resource (either because all have been released or because none were set).
Power_setDependency()  // module-wide

Declare a dependency upon a power-manageable resource

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_setDependency(Power_Resource resourceID);
resourceID — The resource identifier
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded and the dependency has been set
Power_EFAIL if the operation failed while attempting to activate the resource
Power_EINVALIDVALUE if the operation failed because Power cannot control this resource
Power_ENOTSUPPORTED if the operation failed because resource tracking is not enabled
Power_EOUTOFRANGE if the specified resourceID is outside the range of valid resource IDs
Power_setDependency() declares a dependency upon a resource. Resources are enumerated by Power_Resource.
If the resource had been inactive, it will be activated during this function call.
This function is the companion to Power_releaseDependency().
Power_signalEvent()  // module-wide

Signal a Power event to registered clients

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_signalEvent(Power_Event eventType, UArg eventArg1, UArg eventArg2, UInt notifyTimeout);
eventType — The Power event to be signaled
eventArg1 — The event-specific first argument
eventArg2 — The event-specific second argument
notifyTimeout — The maximum time (in Clock ticks) to wait for client notifications to complete
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EFAIL if a notification failure occurred
Power_EINVALIDEVENT if the operation failed because eventType is invalid
Power_ETIMEOUT if the operation failed because a registered notification client did not complete its processing within the specified notifyTimeout
Power_signalEvent() provides a mechanism for an application to signal Power events. Power_signalEvent() only signals the event occurrence; it does not implement the actual processing associated with the Power event.
For example, on a platform where V/F scaling is accomplished on a separate processor, Power_signalEvent() can be called by the DSP application before the scaling to notify registered clients on this processor of the pending setpoint change event. Similarly, after the scaling, Power_signalEvent() can be called to signal the done setpoint change event. Here Power is not orchestrating the change to the V/F setpoint, but its registration, notification, and signaling capabilities allow synchronization between scaling by the other processor and the affected software on this processor.
The parameters eventArg1 and eventArg2 should correspond to the type of event being signaled. For example, for a pending setpoint change event, the current and pending setpoints should be specified as eventArg1 and eventArg2.
The notifyTimeout parameter is the maximum amount of time (in system Clock ticks) to wait for all registered notification functions (set by Power_registerNotify()) to respond to a delayed completion, before declaring failure and returning Power_ETIMEOUT.
Power_signalEvent() is intended only for signaling power events that are outside the full control of the Power implementation on the current processor. It can be used for V/F scaling notification as described avove when Power does not implement the actual scaling. For events where Power does orchestrate the processing, for example, on platforms where Power performs the actual V/F scaling, or activates a processor sleep mode, Power handles the notifications automatically, and Power_signalEvent() must not be used for these events. In other words, Power_signalEvent() only validates that the indicated eventType is within the range of valid events for the platform; it does not validate whether it makes sense for the application to trigger the signaling of the indicated event, and it does not implement the actual power transition indicated by the event.
Power_signalEvent can be called from a Hwi or Swi only if notifyTimeout is zero
Power_sleepDSP()  // module-wide

Put the DSP into a sleep state

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_sleepDSP(UInt sleepCode, UInt sleepArg, UInt notifyTimeout);
sleepCode — The sleep state for the DSP
sleepArg — A sleepCode-specific argument structure (see below)
notifyTimeout — The maximum time (in Clock ticks) to wait for client notifications to complete
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded and a successful sleep and wake occurred
Power_EFAIL if a general failure occurred and the DSP could not be put to sleep
Power_ENOTIMPLEMENTED if the requested sleep state is not implemented on this platform
Power_ETIMEOUT if the operation failed because a registered notification function did not complete its (delayed completion) processing within the specified notifyTimeout
Power_EBUSY if the operation failed because Power is still busy processing a previous request
Power_sleepDSP() transitions the DSP to a new sleep state. A successful call to Power_sleepDSP() returns when the DSP has awoken from the specified sleep state.
The sleepCode parameter indicates the new sleep state for the DSP. The sleep states supported by Power usually vary by device. For example, the following constants may be used to activate sleep states on the TMS320C6748:
Power_STANDBY - The GEM is put into a power-saving standby mode, with its clock turned off at the GEM boundary. This mode has a low latency for wakeup.
Power_SLEEP - In addition to putting the GEM into standby, the core voltage is reduced, and the PLLs are slowed down or bypassed.
Power_DEEPSLEEP - In addition to the actions for Power_SLEEP, the GEM clock is gated up-stream at the power sleep controller, memories are put into retention, and PLLs are powered down.
The sleepArg parameter is a sleepCode-specific argument. For example, for the TMS320C6748, this parameter is not used for Power_STANDBY, but is used for Power_SLEEP and Power_DEEPSLEEP (see below).
For Power_SLEEP: the sleepArg can be used to override Power's default behavior. If sleepArg is NULL, then Power reduces the core voltage to 1.0 volts during sleep, and bypasses both PLLs. If sleepArg is non-NULL, it is interpreted as a pointer to a SleepOverride structure. In this structure, the sleepVoltage is in millivolts, and must correspond to a voltage level defined by the scaling configuration library. The bypassedPLLs value is treated as a bitmask to indicate which PLLs get bypassed during sleep: Power_PLL0 and/or Power_PLL1. This override mechanism can be used to ensure operation within the TMS320C6748 device constraints. For example, if the minimum supported voltage when DDR2 is used is 1.1 volts, and no DDR2 accesses can be made when PLL1 is bypassed. These constraints could be violated in some use cases, for example, when DDR2 memory is used, and there is a possibility that the wakeup interrupt service routine triggers some off-chip code or data accesses. The override mechanism allows the sleep voltage to be increased to 1.1 volts and PLL1 to not be bypassed during sleep.
For Power_DEEPSLEEP: sleepArg defines the DEEPSLEEP signal source that Power should configure for wakeup. This must be either Power_RTC_ALARM or Power_EXTERNAL.
The notifyTimeout parameter is the maximum amount of time (in system Clock ticks) to wait for registered notification functions (set by Power_registerNotify()) to respond to a delayed completion, before declaring failure and returning Power_ETIMEOUT. If the notifyTimeout parameter is zero, then all notification functions must return Power_NOTIFYDONE-they cannot request a delayed completion. If a notification function does not return, the system will hang. The notifyTimeout is not used to abandon a notification function; rather it indicates the amount of time Power_sleepDSP waits for all delayed completion requests to complete. The wait-loop is entered after all notification functions have been invoked.
The application should treat return values of Power_ETIMEOUT or Power_EFAIL as critical system failures. These values indicate the notification client is unresponsive, and the system is in an unknown state.
Due to the critical system nature of sleep commands, clients that register for sleep notification should make every effort to respond immediately to the sleep event.
Power_sleepDSP() cannot be called from an Hwi
Power_sleepDSP() cannot be called from a program's main() function
Power_sleepDSP() can be called from a Swi only if notifyTimeout is 0
For Power_SLEEP: no DDR memory accesses (code, data, or stack) can occur while the PLL1 is bypassed, otherwise DDR corruption may occur
For Power_SLEEP: if DDR2 memories are used, then no DDR2 accesses can occur with a sleep voltage of 1.0 volts, otherwise DDR2 corruption may occur
For Power_DEEPSLEEP: this state must be invoked from an on-chip context; no code, data, or stack access can occur during Power_sleepDSP, otherwise DDR corruption may occur
Power_unregisterConstraint()  // module-wide

Unregister a constraint that was previously registered with Power

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_unregisterConstraint(Power_ConstraintHandle handle);
handle — The handle to the previously-registered constraint
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EINVALIDHANDLE if the operation failed because handle is invalid
Power_unregisterConstraint() unregisters a constraint that was registered with Power_registerConstraint(). For example, when a device driver is closed, any constraints it registered with Power must be unregistered with this function, otherwise Power may be left unnecessarily restricted from activating power savings.
The handle parameter is the handle that was provided by Power_registerConstraint() when the constraint was registered.
This function cannot be called from a program's main() function.
Power_unregisterNotify()  // module-wide

Unregister for a Power event notification

C synopsis target-domain
Power_Status Power_unregisterNotify(Power_NotifyHandle notifyHandle);
notifyHandle — The event notification handle
Power_SOK if the operation succeeded
Power_EINVALIDHANDLE if the operation failed because notifyHandle is invalid
Power_unregisterNotify() unregisters an event notification that was registered with Power_registerNotify(). For example, when an audio codec device is closed, and it no longer needs event notifications, it must unregister by calling this function.
The notifyHandle parameter is the handle that was provided by Power_registerNotify() when registering for an event notification.
This function cannot be called from a program's main() function.
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Power_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool Power_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle Power_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool Power_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 Power_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void Power_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Configuration settings sourced in ti/sysbios/family/c674/Power.xdc
var Power = xdc.useModule('');
module-wide constants & types
    values of type Power.Domain// Scaling domains
        const Power.CPU// CPU domain;
        const Power.PER// Peripheral domain;
        const Power.INVALIDEVENT;
        const Power.RSRC_EMIFA// EMIFA;
        const Power.RSRC_SPI_0// SPI0;
        const Power.RSRC_MMCSD_0// MMC/SD0;
        const Power.RSRC_RSVD1// RESERVED;
        const Power.RSRC_UART_0// UART0;
        const Power.RSRC_RSVD2// RESERVED;
        const Power.RSRC_USB0// USB0;
        const Power.RSRC_USB1// USB1;
        const Power.RSRC_GPIO// GPIO;
        const Power.RSRC_UHPI// HPI;
        const Power.RSRC_EMAC// EMAC;
        const Power.RSRC_DDR2// DDR2/mDDR;
        const Power.RSRC_MCASP_0// McASP0;
        const Power.RSRC_SATA// SATA;
        const Power.RSRC_VPIF// VPIF;
        const Power.RSRC_SPI_1// SPI1;
        const Power.RSRC_I2C_1// I2C1;
        const Power.RSRC_UART_1// UART1;
        const Power.RSRC_UART_2// UART2;
        const Power.RSRC_MCBSP_0// McBSP0;
        const Power.RSRC_MCBSP_1// McBSP1;
        const Power.RSRC_LCDC// LCDC;
        const Power.RSRC_EHRPWM// eHRPWM0/1;
        const Power.RSRC_MMCSD_1// MMC/SD1;
        const Power.RSRC_UPP// uPP;
        const Power.RSRC_ECAP// eCAP0/1/2;
        const Power.RSRC_END;
    values of type Power.SleepCode// Sleep modes
        const Power.STANDBY;
        const Power.SLEEP;
        const Power.DEEPSLEEP;
    values of type Power.Status// Function return codes
        const Power.SOK;
        const Power.EFAIL;
        const Power.EINVALIDEVENT;
        const Power.EINVALIDHANDLE;
        const Power.EINVALIDPOINTER;
        const Power.EINVALIDVALUE;
        const Power.ENOTIMPLEMENTED;
        const Power.ENOTSUPPORTED;
        const Power.EOUTOFRANGE;
        const Power.ETIMEOUT;
        const Power.EBUSY;
        const Power.EINITFAILURE;
        const Power.ETOOMANYCALLS;
        obj.scaleVoltage// Scale voltage along with frequency = Bool  ...
        obj.waitForVoltageScale// Wait during down voltage ramp = Bool  ...
        obj.scaleVoltage// Scale voltage with frequency? = Bool  ...
        obj.waitForVoltageScale// Wait for down ramp? = Bool  ...
        obj.frequency// Clock frequency = UInt  ...
        obj.voltage// Voltage = UInt  ...
module-wide config parameters

Bitmask for resource tracking capability

Configuration settings
const Power.CRESOURCETRACKING = 0x200;
const Power.CVFSCALING

Bitmask for V/F scaling capability

Configuration settings
const Power.CVFSCALING = 0x8;
const Power.EXTERNAL

Used to specify external controller wakeup source for Power_DEEPSLEEP

Configuration settings
const Power.EXTERNAL = 0x8;
const Power.PLL0

Used to specify bypass PLL0 during Power_SLEEP

Configuration settings
const Power.PLL0 = 0x1;
const Power.PLL1

Used to specify bypass PLL1 during Power_SLEEP

Configuration settings
const Power.PLL1 = 0x2;
const Power.RTC_ALARM

Used to specify an RTC alarm wakeup source for Power_DEEPSLEEP

Configuration settings
const Power.RTC_ALARM = 0x10;
enum Power.Constraint

Constraints that can be registered with Power

Configuration settings
values of type Power.Constraint
    // Disallowed CPU domain setpoints
    // Disallowed peripheral domain setpoints
    // Disallowed sleep states
enum Power.Domain

Scaling domains

Configuration settings
values of type Power.Domain
    const Power.CPU;
    // CPU domain
    const Power.PER;
    // Peripheral domain
enum Power.Event

Power Event enumerations

Configuration settings
values of type Power.Event
    const Power.GOINGTOSTANDBY;
    // Going to Power_STANDBY
    // Awake from Power_STANDBY
    const Power.GOINGTOSLEEP;
    // Going to Power_SLEEP
    const Power.AWAKEFROMSLEEP;
    // Awake from Power_SLEEP
    // Going to Power_DEEPSLEEP
    // Awake from Power_DEEPSLEEP
    // A CPU setpoint change is about to occur
    // A peripheral setpoint change is about to occur
    // A CPU setpoint change has just completed
    // A peripheral setpoint change has just completed
    const Power.INVALIDEVENT;
enum Power.NotifyResponse

Return values from a notify function

Configuration settings
values of type Power.NotifyResponse
    const Power.NOTIFYDONE;
    // Client has finished processing the notification
    const Power.NOTIFYNOTDONE;
    // Client needs to wait (delayed completion) to finish processing the notification
    const Power.NOTIFYERROR;
    // An error occurred while processing the notification
enum Power.Resource

Resource enumerations. Some of these are not applicable for C6746 and C6742 derivative devices

Configuration settings
values of type Power.Resource
    const Power.RSRC_EDMA3_CC_0;
    // EDMA3_0 Channel Controller 0
    const Power.RSRC_EDMA3_TC_0;
    // EDMA3_0 Transfer Controller 0
    const Power.RSRC_EDMA3_TC_1;
    // EDMA3_0 Transfer Controller 1
    const Power.RSRC_EMIFA;
    // EMIFA
    const Power.RSRC_SPI_0;
    // SPI0
    const Power.RSRC_MMCSD_0;
    // MMC/SD0
    const Power.RSRC_AINTC;
    // ARM Interrupt Controller
    const Power.RSRC_RSVD1;
    const Power.RSRC_UART_0;
    // UART0
    const Power.RSRC_RSVD2;
    const Power.RSRC_EDMA3_CC_1;
    // EDMA3_1 Channel Controller 0
    const Power.RSRC_USB0;
    // USB0
    const Power.RSRC_USB1;
    // USB1
    const Power.RSRC_GPIO;
    // GPIO
    const Power.RSRC_UHPI;
    // HPI
    const Power.RSRC_EMAC;
    // EMAC
    const Power.RSRC_DDR2;
    // DDR2/mDDR
    const Power.RSRC_MCASP_0;
    // McASP0
    const Power.RSRC_SATA;
    // SATA
    const Power.RSRC_VPIF;
    // VPIF
    const Power.RSRC_SPI_1;
    // SPI1
    const Power.RSRC_I2C_1;
    // I2C1
    const Power.RSRC_UART_1;
    // UART1
    const Power.RSRC_UART_2;
    // UART2
    const Power.RSRC_MCBSP_0;
    // McBSP0
    const Power.RSRC_MCBSP_1;
    // McBSP1
    const Power.RSRC_LCDC;
    // LCDC
    const Power.RSRC_EHRPWM;
    // eHRPWM0/1
    const Power.RSRC_MMCSD_1;
    // MMC/SD1
    const Power.RSRC_UPP;
    // uPP
    const Power.RSRC_ECAP;
    // eCAP0/1/2
    const Power.RSRC_EDMA3_TC_2;
    // EDMA3_1 Transfer Controller 0
    const Power.RSRC_END;
enum Power.SleepCode

Sleep modes

Configuration settings
values of type Power.SleepCode
    const Power.STANDBY;
    const Power.SLEEP;
    const Power.DEEPSLEEP;
enum Power.Status

Function return codes

Configuration settings
values of type Power.Status
    const Power.SOK;
    const Power.EFAIL;
    const Power.EINVALIDEVENT;
    const Power.EINVALIDHANDLE;
    const Power.EINVALIDPOINTER;
    const Power.EINVALIDVALUE;
    const Power.ENOTIMPLEMENTED;
    const Power.ENOTSUPPORTED;
    const Power.EOUTOFRANGE;
    const Power.ETIMEOUT;
    const Power.EBUSY;
    const Power.EINITFAILURE;
    const Power.ETOOMANYCALLS;
enum Power.pmiLib

Power Management Interface (PMI) control library options

Configuration settings
values of type Power.pmiLib
    const Power.pmiLib_evm6748;
    // evm6748 with dedicated I2C control of PMIC
    const Power.pmiLib_shared_evm6748;
    // evm6748 with shared I2C control of PMIC
    const Power.pmiLib_lcdk;
    // LCDK with no voltage scaling
    const Power.pmiLib_null;
    // evm6748 with no voltage scaling
    const Power.pmiLib_user;
    // user will provide custom PMI library
enum Power.psclLib

Power Scaling Library (PSCL) configuration library options

Configuration settings
values of type Power.psclLib
    const Power.psclLib_evm6748;
    // evm6748 with 300MHz device
    const Power.psclLib_evm6748_372;
    // evm6748 with 372MHz device
    const Power.psclLib_evm6748_408;
    // evm6748 with 408MHz device
    const Power.psclLib_evm6748_456;
    // evm6748 with 456MHz device
    const Power.psclLib_lcdk;
    // LCDK with 456MHz device
    const Power.psclLib_null;
    // evm6748 with 300MHz device, no scaling
    const Power.psclLib_user;
    // user will provide custom PSCL library
struct Power.Attrs

Power attributes structure

Configuration settings
var obj = new Power.Attrs;
    obj.scaleVoltage = Bool  ...
    // Scale voltage along with frequency
    obj.waitForVoltageScale = Bool  ...
    // Wait during down voltage ramp
struct Power.Config

Scaling configuration structure

Configuration settings
var obj = new Power.Config;
    obj.scaleVoltage = Bool  ...
    // Scale voltage with frequency?
    obj.waitForVoltageScale = Bool  ...
    // Wait for down ramp?
struct Power.SetpointInfo

Setpoint info structure

Configuration settings
var obj = new Power.SetpointInfo;
    obj.frequency = UInt  ...
    // Clock frequency
    obj.voltage = UInt  ...
    // Voltage
struct Power.SleepOverride

Sleep attributes override structure

Configuration settings
var obj = new Power.SleepOverride;
    obj.sleepVoltage = UInt  ...
    // override sleep voltage (millivolts) for Power_SLEEP
    obj.bypassedPLLs = UInt  ...
    // override PLLs to bypass for Power_SLEEP
config Power.enableScaling  // module-wide

Enable voltage and frequency (V/F) scaling? Default is false

Configuration settings
Power.enableScaling = Bool false;
config Power.idle  // module-wide

Idle the CPU during idle time?

Configuration settings
Power.idle = Bool false;
config Power.initialSetpointCPU  // module-wide

Initial CPU domain setpoint. Default is 2

Configuration settings
Power.initialSetpointCPU = UInt 2;
config Power.initialSetpointPER  // module-wide

Initial peripheral (PER) domain setpoint. Default is 0

Configuration settings
Power.initialSetpointPER = UInt 0;
config Power.trackResources  // module-wide

Enable resource tracking? Default is false

Configuration settings
Power.trackResources = Bool false;
metaonly config Power.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

Configuration settings
Power.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly config Power.idleCpu  // module-wide

This configuration parameter has been deprecated. Use idle instead

Configuration settings
Power.idleCpu = Bool false;
Idle the CPU during idle time? Default is false.
metaonly config Power.idleFunc  // module-wide

Idle function. Default is Power_idleStopClock

Configuration settings
Power.idleFunc = Void(*)() Power.idleStopClock;
metaonly config Power.moveToSetpoints  // module-wide

Move to initial setpoints during program initialization? Default is false

Configuration settings
Power.moveToSetpoints = Bool false;
metaonly config Power.onChipRegion  // module-wide

On-chip memory region. The memory region for placing Power's code and data that must reside on-chip. Default is IRAM

Configuration settings
Power.onChipRegion = String "IRAM";
metaonly config Power.pmiControlLib  // module-wide

Select the PMI control library

Configuration settings
Power.pmiControlLib = Power.pmiLib Power.pmiLib_evm6748;
metaonly config Power.psclConfigLib  // module-wide

Select the PSCL configuration library

Configuration settings
Power.psclConfigLib = Power.psclLib Power.psclLib_evm6748;
metaonly config Power.scaleVoltage  // module-wide

Scale voltage along with frequency? Default is true

Configuration settings
Power.scaleVoltage = Bool true;
metaonly config Power.waitVoltage  // module-wide

Wait while voltage is scaling downward? Default is true

Configuration settings
Power.waitVoltage = Bool true;
generated on Fri, 10 Jun 2016 23:29:02 GMT