metaonly module ti.sysbios.fatfs.FatFS

Configuration and integration of the open-source FAT filesystem project, FatFs, with SYS/BIOS

The FatFs project homepage: [ more ... ]
XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in ti/sysbios/fatfs/FatFS.xdc
The FatFs project homepage:
This initial integration supports (only) a simple RAM disk. The FatFs source is included and pre-built, together with support for SYS/BIOS synchronization. Also included is an implementation of the "device I/O" model for the TI compiler C runtime support (RTS) library. This provides transparent support for using the C stdio.h library functions (fopen, fwrite, fclose) instead of the raw, project-specific, API functions provided by FatFs (f_open, f_write).
The configuration options initially defined here are subject to change as more device driver support is added, such as MMC/SD, SATA, and USB.
To incorporate the FatFs functionality into an application, simply "use" this module in a SYS/BIOS configuration. This will automatically generate a startup function to "plug in" the filesystem into the TI RTS, and provide the needed libraries for linking. xgconf users can simply right-click on the module icon and select "Use Module". Script users simply add a xdc.useModule("ti.sysbios.fatfs.FatFS") to their .cfg file.
There are currently three configuration options, one related to the C RTS stdio implementation, and two for the ramdisk support. First, the fatfsPrefix parameter is used as the namespace "prefix" for the C RTS fopen() function. See the TI C Compiler User's Guide (such as spru187) for more details. Basically, this prefix must be supplied as part of the filename when calling fopen(). For example, with the default value of "fat", an application would use:
  FILE * fp = fopen("fat:/signal.dat", "w");
Note the ":" as a separator. This must be part of the fopen() call, but is not specified as part of the fatfsPrefix configuration parameter.
The other parameters control how the RAM disk is configured into the system. The ramdiskSymbolName parameter can be used to specify an address of a pre-initialized (formatted) filesystem. This would be typically provided by linking in a (large) C data array. When using this parameter, the other configuration parameter, ramdiskSize, should be set to the size of the data array in units of bytes.
For example, assume a FAT filesystem that has been "serialized" into the file ramdisk.c that contains the following:
  unsigned int ramdiskData[32768] = {
then the values for these two configuration parameters should be:
  var FatFS = xdc.useModule("ti.sysbios.fatfs.FatFS");
  FatFS.ramdiskSymbolName = "ramdiskData";
  FatFS.ramdiskSize = 32768 * 4;
When the ramdiskSymbolName parameter is left "empty", .ie., "", then the ramdiskSize parameter is used to create an empty FAT filesystem at boot time of size ramdiskSize.
User Defined Hook For get_fattime()
The proper implementation of the get_fattime() function requires hardware for a real time clock. Since not all TI hardware platforms support a real time clock, the get_fattime() function will by default return a hard coded time value. However, it is possible to override this by defining a hook function instead that can be written to take advantage of a real time clock that's present. This function will then be called from get_fattime().
A hook function must be defined using the following format:
      Int32 <functionName>(Void)
Note if the user specifies a hook function in the RTSC configuration script, but does not define this function in their C code, a linker error will result.
config FatFS.fatfsPrefix  // module-wide

File name prefix for this filesystem for use with TI C RTS

XDCscript usage meta-domain
FatFS.fatfsPrefix = String "fat";
This prefix should be supplied as part of the filename passed when calling fopen(). For example:
  FILE * fp = fopen("fat:/signal.dat", "w");
config FatFS.getFatTimeHook  // module-wide

User defined hook function to return the time from a real time clock

XDCscript usage meta-domain
FatFS.getFatTimeHook = Int32(*)() null;
By default, a hard coded time is returned from get_fattime(). If the user's hardware supports a real time clock, then the code to read the time from that hardware component can be implemented in a user defined function hook function and set to this configuration parameter. This hook function will then be called from the get_fattime() function.
As an example, to configure a hook function called "myTimeFxn", you would first need to implement "myTimeFxn" in C to get the time from the real time clock on your hardware. Then, in your RTSC configuration script, set "getFatTimeHook" to point to "myTimeFxn":
  var FatFS = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.fatfs.FatFS");
  FatFS.getFatTimeHook = '&myTimeFxn';
Note if the user specifies a hook function in the RTSC configuration script, but does not define this function in their C code, a linker error will result.
config FatFS.ramdiskDriveId  // module-wide

Disable the ramdisk or select the drive ID for a ramdisk (-1 to disable)

XDCscript usage meta-domain
FatFS.ramdiskDriveId = Int -1;
Parameter used to specify whether to create a ramdisk or not, and if so, specify the drive ID to use for the ramdisk. Valid ID numbers are in the set [0, 1, 2, 3]. If using a ramdisk in combination with other media, the user is responsible for managing these drive IDs so that they do not conflict with one another.
By default, no ramdisk is created.
-1 : do not create a ramdisk 0 : create a ramdisk with drive ID 0 1 : create a ramdisk with drive ID 1 2 : create a ramdisk with drive ID 2 3 : create a ramdisk with drive ID 3
config FatFS.ramdiskSize  // module-wide

Size of the FAT filesystem in bytes

XDCscript usage meta-domain
FatFS.ramdiskSize = UInt 512 * 256;
config FatFS.ramdiskSymbolName  // module-wide

Symbol name or address of a pre-existing FAT File System

XDCscript usage meta-domain
FatFS.ramdiskSymbolName = String "";
The ramdisk allows for the loading of an existing file system image stored in an C array or at a particular address. The value of this parameter should be the name of this array or the address of where the file system image is located. If left empty, an empty filesystem will be created at boot time.
generated on Thu, 01 Mar 2012 16:57:54 GMT