
Native Windows SYS/BIOS Support

This package supports SYS/BIOS programs which are built and run as native Windows executables. This enables applications to be developed and tested on Windows using native Windows development tools. [ more ... ]
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/sysbios/family/windows/package.xdc
package [2, 0, 0, 0] {
    module Hwi;
    // Windows emulation Hardware Interrupt Support Module
    module Settings;
    // Device/Family-specific delegate assignment module for Windows emulation targets
    module TaskSupport;
    // Windows Task Support Module
    module Timer;
    // Timer Peripherals Manager for Windows family
    module TimestampProvider;
    // TimestampProvider implementation for Windows
This package supports SYS/BIOS programs which are built and run as native Windows executables. This enables applications to be developed and tested on Windows using native Windows development tools.
Although this package emulates timers and interrupts, special consideration must be given to the fact that Windows is not a real-time operating system. A program will not run in real-time nor is it cycle equivalent to a target program.
On Windows, the timer period may be programmed to as little as one millisecond, however, the actual minimum timer period is 10 - 15 milliseconds. This latency results from the Windows clock ticking at 10 milliseconds with additional delays in the Windows kernel. See below for more details on clock rate considerations.
This package emulates the C64+ DSP core with respect to hardware interrupt handling and dispatching. Currently, the only supported platform is host.platform.PC.
You can use SYS/BIOS emulation on Windows to model your application on a high-level operating system before moving to simulators or hardware.
When developing a software module, such as a codec, a common practice is to first write a "Golden C" version. Once the software is stable, the Golden C version is used as a baseline for porting to specific target platforms.
When developing the Golden C version, it is often preferable to do this work on a High-Level Operating System (HLOS), such as Windows. This allows the use of HLOS tool-chains for code profiling and validation. Providing a SYS/BIOS Emulation layer that runs on Windows makes this effort more efficient. It allows a native SYS/BIOS application to be built and run as a native Windows executable.
SYS/BIOS emulation is supported by implementing the platform proxy modules for Windows. These modules are contained in the package. These proxy modules provide interfaces for the following:
  • hardware interrupts
  • thread context switching
  • general purpose timers
  • system clock tick counter
To implement these interfaces, some hardware functionality is emulated in the proxy modules because Windows does not allow direct access to the hardware.
The following figure shows a block diagram of both a C64x+ implementation and a Windows implementation.
Application code written in C that makes only SYS/BIOS API calls should not require any changes. However, any code written for peripheral control will need to be replaced. Peripherals are not modeled in the emulation package.
The SYS/BIOS Kernel does not require any changes. Through XDC configuration, the kernel binds with the appropriate proxy modules relevant to the target platform (that is, for the Windows platform or a hardware platform).
When building the application, XDC configuration is used to select the run-time platform. Through configuration options, the application can bind with the appropriate modules that are hardware or emulation specific. This will most likely pertain to peripheral and/or test framework code.
On hardware platforms, peripheral devices typically raise interrupts to the CPU which then invokes the Hwi dispatcher to service it. To emulate this behavior, the SYS/BIOS emulation package simulates an interrupt that preempts the currently running task and invokes the Hwi dispatcher. This is done asynchronously with respect to SYS/BIOS tasks.
The Windows emulation package faithfully emulates the SYS/BIOS scheduler behavior. That is to say that task scheduling will occur in the same order on Windows as on hardware. However, interrupts are not real-time. Therefore, interrupt preemption will differ, and this may invoke the scheduler in a different sequence than observed when running on hardware.
Windows Win32 API functions may be invoked alongside SYS/BIOS API functions. This should be kept to a minimum in order to encourage code encapsulation and to maximize code reuse between hardware and the Windows platform.
When running on Windows Emulation, the SYS/BIOS clock is configured to tick much slower. This is necessary because the Windows clock ticks slower than a typical hardware clock. Thus, any code that depends on clock ticks, instead of wall clock duration, should take this into account during the configuration phase.
For example, if Task_sleep(500) is called on a hardware platform where the SYS/BIOS clock ticks every one millisecond (resulting in a 500 millisecond sleep period), then the sleep period should be normalized for the Windows platform using the following formula:
  windowsTicks = 500 / (Clock_tickPeriod / 1000)
where the Clock_tickPeriod is the SYS/BIOS clock tick period on Windows.
generated on Thu, 01 Mar 2012 16:57:53 GMT