1    /* 
     2     * Copyright (c) 2009
     3     * Texas Instruments
     4     *
     5     *  All rights reserved.  Property of Texas Instruments
     6     *  Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
     7     *  granted through contract.
     8     * 
     9     * */
    10    /*
    11     *  ======== Idle.xdc ========
    12     *
    13     */
    14    package ti.sysbios.knl;
    16    import xdc.rov.ViewInfo;
    18    /*!
    19     *  ======== Idle ========
    20     *  Idle Thread Manager.
    21     *
    22     *  The Idle module is used to specify the list of functions to be called
    23     *  when no other tasks are running in the system. 
    24     *  
    25     *  If tasking is enabled, then the Task module will create an "Idle task" 
    26     *  with the lowest possible priority. When no other tasks are running, this
    27     *  idle task runs in an infinite loop, calling the list of functions 
    28     *  specified by the Idle module. 
    29     *
    30     *  If tasking is disabled, then the idle functions are called in an infinite
    31     *  loop after main and any Module startup functions.
    32     *
    33     *  The list of idle functions is only statically configurable; it cannot be
    34     *  modified at runtime.
    35     */
    37    module Idle
    38    {
    39        /*! Idle function type definition. */
    40        typedef Void (*FuncPtr)();
    42        metaonly struct ModuleView {
    43            String    IdleFunctions[];
    44        }
    46        /*! @_nodoc */
    47        @Facet
    48        metaonly config ViewInfo.Instance rovViewInfo = 
    49            xdc.rov.ViewInfo.create({
    50                viewMap: [
    51                    ['Module',   {type: ViewInfo.MODULE, viewInitFxn: 'viewInitModule', structName: 'ModuleView'}]
    52                ]
    53            });
    55        /*!
    56         *  ======== funcList ========
    57         *  The array of functions to be called when no other Tasks are running.
    58         */
    59        config FuncPtr funcList[length] = [];
    61        /*!
    62         *  ======== addFunc ========
    63         *  Statically add a function to the Idle function list.
    64         */
    65        metaonly Void addFunc(FuncPtr func);
    67        /*!
    68         *  ======== loop ========
    69         *  @_nodoc
    70         *  Idle loop which calls the idle functions in an infinite loop.
    71         *
    72         *  This function is called internally and is not normally intended
    73         *  to be called by the client.
    74         *
    75         *  When tasking is enabled, the Task module creates an Idle task which
    76         *  simply calls this function. If tasking is disabled, then this function
    77         *  is called after main and any module startup functions.
    78         *
    79         *  The body of this function is an infinite loop that calls the "run" 
    80         *  function.
    81         */
    82        Void loop(UArg arg1, UArg arg2);
    84        /*!
    85         *  ======== run ========
    86         *  @_nodoc
    87         *  Make one pass through idle functions
    88         *
    89         *  This function is called internally by Idle_loop and is not normally
    90         *  intended to be called by the client.
    91         *
    92         *  This function makes one pass through the array of functions from
    93         *  idleFunc array calling one function after the next. This function
    94         *  returns after all functions have been executed one time.
    95         */
    96        Void run();
    98    }
    99    /*
   100     *  @(#) ti.sysbios.knl; 2, 0, 0, 0,349; 12-18-2009 15:13:05; /db/vtree/library/trees/avala/avala-m19x/src/
   101     */