Texas Instruments Technology for Innovators(tm)

XDCtools Release Notes

June 25, 2010

Introduction, Documentation, License, What's New, Upgrade & Compatibility Information, Host Support, Dependencies, Device Support, Validation Info, Known Issues, Version Information, Technical Support.


RTSC / XDC (eXpanDed C) is a standard for reusable software components, optimized for real-time embedded systems. RTSC components have hardware-neutral formal interfaces, are configurable offline to optimize memory and performance, and support custom automation in the development environment via a scripting language.

The XDCtools product includes the following components:

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The product documentation for this release is available in two formats:

Both formats are delivered with the product in the docs subdirectory. The most up-to-date docs can also be viewed in the RTSC-pedia

Release notes from previous product releases are available in the relnotes_archive directory.

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XDCtools contains elements released under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and a number of other open-source licenses, detailed here.

What's New

The following significant changes are included in

Data Memory Footprint Reduction

Release  implements optimizations in the generated target code that result in data memory footprint reduction. Refer to ECL278643
for more details.

 Tool Performance Improvements

Refer to this link for details on performance improvements in RTSC configuration.


Enhanced Logging Capabilities

The logging capabilities of the xdc.runtime package has been enhanced with the following new functionality

 Platform Wizard Enhancements

An improved  platform wizard is available with this release 

 Support for Peripherals in RTSC Platform Model

The RTSC platform model has been extended to support peripherals.

Defect history for (This Release)

Bugs against the XDCtools product maybe filed in the eclipse bugzilla.

The following defects were resolved in this release:

ECL314886xgconf: javascript var gets confused with config param and causes NPE
Closing the Path app (launched from CCS) with File|Exit crashes CCS
Path tool does not scan all the packages on the package path
ECL315822Errant xdc.runtime dependency during config
ECL316841Platform wizard does not support setting cache modes for custom memory maps
ECL317192gnu.targets.arm fails if xdc.runtime not loaded

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Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This release contains some compatibility breaks in order to introduce new features. The following section describes those compatibility breaks, and workarounds where available

Package Compatibility Keys

The packages comprising the XDCtools release are uniquely identified by a compatibility key defined in the package.xdc file of a package. Please note that the package compatibility keys are independent of XDC product release numbers.

Package compatibility keys are intended to:

  1. Enable tooling to identify incompatibilities between components, and
  2. Convey a level of compatibility between different releases to set end user expectations.

Package compatibility keys are composed of 4 comma-delimited numbers - M, S, R, P - where:

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Host Support

This release supports the following hosts:

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This release requires the following other software components and tools versions to successfully function:

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Device Support

This release supports the following device families:

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Validation Information

This release was built and validated against using the following components:

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Known Issues

The following issues are known to affect this release:

ECL314790Default JVM memory not enough for cdoc

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Version Information

All releases have 4 digits (M.mm.pp.bb). This includes GA and pre-releases (engineering, EA, beta, etc.). Pre-releases are denoted with a suffix (e.g. or

This product's version follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded in the top level directory, ex. xdctools_3_15_00_50.

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. XDCtools with directory xdctools_3_15_01_67. Typically, these patches only include critical bug fixes.

Please note that version numbers and compatibility keys are NOT the same. For an explanation of compatibility keys, please refer to the 'Upgrade and Compatibility Information' section.

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Technical Support

Support questions on the product should be posted to the RTSC newsgroup.   Check the XDCtools download site  for the latest releases.

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Last updated: June 25, 2010 Build Ver: Rev: m51