
Command-line tool for generating projectspec files for RTSC content

The trexgen tool allows RTSC content producers to create projectspec files that allows their content to be integrated in the CCS Resource Explorer environment. As input, the tool requires [ more ... ]
XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/tools/product/trexgen/package.xdc
package [1, 0, 0] {
    module Main;
    // Command implementation
xs [--help]
    [-p product_root_directory]
     -m module
    [-o outdir]
Product root directory

This option names the product root directory that is used by the tool to generate the projectspec files. For example, it's declared repositories are added to the package path and are searched for contributed platforms.

If the '-o' option is not specified, the tool generates the resources directory in the product root directory.

If this option is not specified, the product root directory is assumed to be ./.

Input description of the plug-in to be specified

This required option names a module that implements

Output directory in which the plugin will be generated

This option names the directory in which the project spec will be generated in a sub-directory named eclipse. If this option is not specified the tool will generate the plugin in the product root directory specified with the '-p' option.

Plugin generation format
The trexgen tool allows RTSC content producers to create projectspec files that allows their content to be integrated in the CCS Resource Explorer environment. As input, the tool requires
Refer to ExampleProduct for an implementation of IProduct.
The tool generates starter examples that will showup in the Resource explorer. This is accomplished by implementing IProductTemplate and setting the templateModule configuration parameter of the IProduct implementation to the name of the implementation module. Refer to Examples for a sample implementation of IProductTemplate.
The tool operates on a product that is either specified by the -p option or is present in the folder from which the tool is executed. The tool will create the resources sub-folder in the output directory specified with -o option. If the -o option is not specified the resources is created in the product root directory.
The tool will search the repositories specified in the module implementing for RTSC platforms. This search can be disabled by specifying the--disable_repo_search option. The user needs to ensure that the repositories are installed in the product root directory before using the tool.
                      -p exampleprod_1_0_0_00
generated on Tue, 16 Oct 2012 23:14:48 GMT