package xdc.bld

The XDC Build Model

This package contains the XDC Build Model and the interfaces necessary to extend the Build Model to handle new compiler tool chains. The modules in this package (and the instances managed by these modules) form the Build Object Model (BOM). [ more ... ]
XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/bld/package.xdc
package xdc.bld [1, 0, 2] {
    interface ITarget;
    // The interface between code generation tool-chains and the XDC Build Engine
    interface ITarget2;
    // Extension of the interface xdc.bld.ITarget
    interface ITargetFilter;
    // User-supplied filter of a target's command set
    module BuildEnvironment;
    // Global build environment
    module Executable;
    // Model of a file that can be loaded and executed on a platform
    module Library;
    // Model of a searchable collection of object files
    module Manifest;
    // The manifest object for the release file post-processing model
    module Object;
    // Model of a compiled (or assembled) form of a source file
    module PackageContents;
    // Package container populated by a build script
    module Release;
    // Model of an archive of all files that are part of a release
    module Repository;
    // Model of a package repository
    module Script;
    // Model of a script
    module Test;
    // Model of a test
    module Utils;
    // Utility functions to simplify creation of targets and platforms
This package contains the XDC Build Model and the interfaces necessary to extend the Build Model to handle new compiler tool chains. The modules in this package (and the instances managed by these modules) form the Build Object Model (BOM).
This model enables build scripts to declare the contents of each release of a package. Based on these manifests, the Build Engine generates makefiles that build the specified object files, libraries, and executables, and archive these files into specified release files. In addition, the generated makefiles are also capable of running collections of executables with command line arguments (provided that the platforms support this); e.g., regression tests.
User supplied file names of source files, generated libraries and executables must be limited to portable POSIX file names. That means that only alphanumeric charaters, and '_', '.', and '-' are allowed.
XDCException exceptions are thrown for fatal errors. The following error codes are reported in the exception message:
This error is reported whenever there is an error in the target configuration file. Check the configuration script for errors.
This error is reported when the rootDir property for a target has not been set in the target configuration script. Ensure that this property is set correctly in the configuration script.
This error is reported when either 1) the platform property for a target has not been set in the target specification or the target configuration script (config.bld) or 2) the build script (package.bld) is setting the platform for a program to an invalid value.
This error is reported when a same target is listed twice in Bld.targets. Check xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment.targets to find out how Bld.targets is constructed.
generated on Tue, 16 Oct 2012 23:14:55 GMT