1    /* --COPYRIGHT--,EPL
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * --/COPYRIGHT--*/
    13    /*!
    14     *  ======== BSCplus ========
    15     *  MSP430 Basic Clock System
    16     */
    17    metaonly module BCSplus inherits IClock
    18    {
    19        /*! MOD0 Bit */
    20        enum MOD0_t {
    21            MOD0_OFF = 0x00,    /*! Disable MOD0 bit */
    22            MOD0 = 0x01         /*! Enable MOD0 bit */
    23        };
    25        /*! MOD1 Bit */
    26        enum MOD1_t {
    27            MOD1_OFF = 0x00,    /*! Disable MOD1 bit */
    28            MOD1 = 0x02         /*! Enable MOD1 bit */
    29        };
    31        /*! MOD2 Bit */
    32        enum MOD2_t {
    33            MOD2_OFF = 0x00,    /*! Disable MOD2 bit */
    34            MOD2 = 0x04         /*! Enable MOD2 bit */
    35        };
    37        /*! MOD3 Bit */
    38        enum MOD3_t {
    39            MOD3_OFF = 0x00,    /*! Disable MOD3 bit */
    40            MOD3 = 0x08         /*! Enable MOD3 bit */
    41        };
    43        /*! MOD4 Bit */
    44        enum MOD4_t {
    45            MOD4_OFF = 0x00,    /*! Disable MOD4 bit */
    46            MOD4 = 0x10         /*! Enable MOD4 bit */
    47        };
    49        /*! DCO0 Bit */
    50        enum DCO0_t {
    51            DCO0_OFF = 0x00,    /*! Disable DCO0 bit */
    52            DCO0 = 0x20         /*! Enable DCO0 bit */
    53        };
    55        /*! DCO1 Bit */
    56        enum DCO1_t {
    57            DCO1_OFF = 0x00,    /*! Disable DCO1 bit */
    58            DCO1 = 0x40         /*! Enable DCO1 bit */
    59        };
    61        /*! DCO2 Bit */
    62        enum DCO2_t {
    63            DCO2_OFF = 0x00,    /*! Disable DCO2 bit */
    64            DCO2 = 0x80         /*! Enable DCO2 bit */
    65        };
    67        enum XT2OFF_t {
    68            XT2OFF_OFF = 0x00,  /*! Enable XT2CLK */
    69            XT2OFF = 0x80       /*! Disable XT2CLK */
    70        };
    72        enum XTS_t {
    73            XTS_OFF = 0x00,     /*! Low Frequency */
    74            XTS = 0x40          /*! High Frequency */
    75        };
    77        enum RSEL0_t {
    78            RSEL0_OFF = 0x00,   /*! Disable RSEL0 bit */
    79            RSEL0 = 0x01        /*! Enable RSEL0 bit */
    80        };
    82        enum RSEL1_t {
    83            RSEL1_OFF = 0x00,   /*! Disable RSEL1 bit */
    84            RSEL1 = 0x02        /*! Enable RSEL1 bit */
    85        };
    87        enum RSEL2_t {
    88            RSEL2_OFF = 0x00,   /*! Disable RSEL2 bit */
    89            RSEL2 = 0x04        /*! Enable RSEL2 bit */
    90        };
    92        enum RSEL3_t {
    93            RSEL3_OFF = 0x00,   /*! Disable RSEL3 bit */
    94            RSEL3 = 0x08        /*! Enable RSEL3 bit */
    95        };
    97        /*! MCLK Source Select */
    98        enum SELM_t {
    99            SELM_0 = 0x00,      /*! DCOCLK */
   100    /*        SELM_1 = 0x40,       DCOCLK */
   101            SELM_2 = 0x80,      /*! XT2CLK/LFXTCLK */
   102            SELM_3 = 0xC0       /*! LFXTCLK */
   103        };
   105        /*! ACLK Divider values */
   106        enum DIVA_t {
   107            DIVA_0 = 0x00,      /*! Divide by 1 */
   108            DIVA_1 = 0x10,      /*! Divide by 2 */
   109            DIVA_2 = 0x20,      /*! Divide by 4 */
   110            DIVA_3 = 0x30       /*! Divide by 8 */
   111        };
   113        /*! MCLK Divider values */
   114        enum DIVM_t {
   115            DIVM_0 = 0x00,      /*! Divide by 1 */
   116            DIVM_1 = 0x10,      /*! Divide by 2 */
   117            DIVM_2 = 0x20,      /*! Divide by 4 */
   118            DIVM_3 = 0x30       /*! Divide by 8 */
   119        };
   121        /*! SMCLK Divider values */
   122        enum DIVS_t {
   123            DIVS_0 = 0x00,      /*! Divide by 1 */
   124            DIVS_1 = 0x02,      /*! Divide by 2 */
   125            DIVS_2 = 0x04,      /*! Divide by 4 */
   126            DIVS_3 = 0x06       /*! Divide by 8 */
   127        };
   129        enum SELS_t {
   130            SELS_OFF = 0x00,    /*! DCOCLK */
   131            SELS = 0x08         /*! XT2CLK when XT2 oscillator present. LFXT1CLK or VLOCLK when XT2 oscillator not present */
   132        };
   134        enum DCOR_t {
   135            DCOR_OFF = 0x00,    /*! DCO uses internal resistor */
   136            DCOR = 0x01         /*! DCO uses external resistor */
   137        };
   139        /*! XT2 frequency range select */
   140        enum XT2S_t {
   141            XT2S_0 = 0x00,      /*! 0.4 - 1 MHz */
   142            XT2S_1 = 0x40,      /*! 1 - 3 MHz */
   143            XT2S_2 = 0x80,      /*! 3 - 16 MHz */
   144            XT2S_3 = 0xC0       /*! Digital input signal */
   145        };
   147        enum LFXT1S_t {
   148            LFXT1S_0 = 0x00,    /*! If XTS = 0, XT1 = 32768kHz Crystal ; If XTS = 1, XT1 = 0.4 - 1-MHz crystal or resonator */
   149            LFXT1S_1 = 0x10,    /*! If XTS = 0, XT1 = Reserved ; If XTS = 1, XT1 = 1 - 3-MHz crystal or resonator */
   150            LFXT1S_2 = 0x20,    /*! If XTS = 0, XT1 = VLOCLK ; If XTS = 1, XT1 = 3 - 16-MHz crystal or resonator */
   151            LFXT1S_3 = 0x30     /*! If XTS = 0, XT1 = Digital External ; If XTS = 1, XT1 = 0.4 - 16-MHz Digital External */
   152        };
   154        enum XCAP_t {
   155            XCAP_0 = 0x00,      /*! ~1 pF */
   156            XCAP_1 = 0x04,      /*! ~6 pF */
   157            XCAP_2 = 0x08,      /*! ~10 pF */
   158            XCAP_3 = 0x0C       /*! ~12.5 pF */
   159        };
   161        enum XT2OF_t {
   162            XT2OF_OFF = 0x00,   /*! No fault condition present */
   163            XT2OF = 0x02        /*! XT2 fault condition present */
   164        };
   166        enum LFXT1OF_t {
   167            LFXT1OF_OFF = 0x00, /*! No fault condition present */
   168            LFXT1OF = 0x01      /*! LFXT1 fault condition present */
   169        };
   171        struct DCOCTL_t {
   172            MOD0_t    MOD0;     /*! Modulation Bit 0 */
   173            MOD1_t    MOD1;     /*! Modulation Bit 1 */
   174            MOD2_t    MOD2;     /*! Modulation Bit 2 */
   175            MOD3_t    MOD3;     /*! Modulation Bit 3 */
   176            MOD4_t    MOD4;     /*! Modulation Bit 4 */
   177            DCO0_t    DCO0;     /*! DCO Select Bit 0 */
   178            DCO1_t    DCO1;     /*! DCO Select Bit 1 */
   179            DCO2_t    DCO2;     /*! DCO Select Bit 2 */
   180        }
   182        /*!
   183         *  ======== BCSCTL1_t ========
   184         *  BCS Control Register 1
   185         *
   186         *  @field(XT2OFF)  This bit turns off the XT2 oscillator: 0 - XT2 is on,
   187         *                  1 - XT2 is off if it is not used for MCLK or SMCLK
   188         *
   189         *  @field(XTS)     0 - Low frequency mode; 1 - High frequency mode
   190         */
   191        struct BCSCTL1_t {
   192            XT2OFF_t  XT2OFF;       /*! XT2 off. This bit turns off the XT2 oscillator
   193                                      *  0  XT2 is on
   194                                      *  1  XT2 is off if it is not used for MCLK or SMCLK. */
   195            XTS_t     XTS;          /*! LFXT1 mode select.
   196                                       *  0  Low frequency mode
   197                                       *  1  High frequency mode */
   198            DIVA_t    DIVA;         /*! Divider for ACLK
   199                                      *  00  /1
   200                                      *  01  /2
   201                                      *  10  /4
   202                                      *  11  /8 */
   203            RSEL0_t   RSEL0;        /*! Range select bit 0 */
   204            RSEL1_t   RSEL1;        /*! Range select bit 1 */
   205            RSEL2_t   RSEL2;        /*! Range select bit 2 */
   206            RSEL3_t   RSEL3;        /*! Range select bit 3 */
   207        }
   209        /*!
   210         *  ======== BCSCTL2_t ========
   211         *  BCS Control Register 2
   212         *
   213         *  @field(SELM) These bits select the MCLK source.
   214         *  @field(SELS) These bits select the SMCLK source. When
   215         *               XT2 oscillator present, 0 selects DCOCLK and
   216         *               1 selects XT2CLK; otherwise 0 selects LFXT1CLK and
   217         *               1 selects VLOCLK.
   218         *  @field(DCOR) 0 - Internal resistor, 1 - external resistor
   219         */
   220        struct BCSCTL2_t {
   221            SELM_t    SELM;         /*! Select MCLK. These bits select the MCLK source.
   222                                      *  00  DCOCLK
   223                                      *  01  DCOCLK
   224                                      *  10  XT2CLK when XT2 oscillator present on-chip. LFXT1CLK or VLOCLK
   225                                      *      when XT2 oscillator not present on-chip.
   226                                      *  11  LFXT1CLK or VLOCLK */
   227            DIVM_t    DIVM;         /*! Divider for MCLK
   228                                      *  00  /1
   229                                      *  01  /2
   230                                      *  10  /4
   231                                      *  11  /8 */
   232            SELS_t    SELS;         /*! Select SMCLK. This bit selects the SMCLK source.
   233                                      *  0  DCOCLK
   234                                      *  1  XT2CLK when XT2 oscillator present. LFXT1CLK or VLOCLK when
   235                                      *     XT2 oscillator not present */
   236            DIVS_t    DIVS;         /*! Divider for SMCLK
   237                                      *  00  /1
   238                                      *  01  /2
   239                                      *  10  /4
   240                                      *  11  /8 */
   241            DCOR_t    DCOR;         /*! DCO resistor select
   242                                      *  0  Internal resistor
   243                                      *  1  External resistor */
   244        }
   246        /*!
   247         *  ======== BCSCTL3_t ========
   248         *  BCS Control register 3
   249         *
   250         *  @field(LFXT1S)  These bits select between LFXT1 and VLO and XTS = 0,
   251         *                  and select the frequency range for LFXT1 when XTS = 1
   252         *  @field(XCAP)    These bits select the effective capacitance seen by
   253         *                  the LFXT1 crystal when XTS = 0. If XTS = 1 or if
   254         *                  LFCT1Sx = 11, then XCAPx should be 00.
   255         */
   256        struct BCSCTL3_t {
   257            XT2S_t    XT2S;         /*! XT2 range select. These bits select the frequency range for XT2.
   258                                      *  00  0.4 - 1-MHz crystal or resonator
   259                                      *  01  1 - 3-MHz crystal or resonator
   260                                      *  10  3 - 16-MHz crystal or resonator
   261                                      *  11  Digital external 0.4 - 16-MHz clock source */
   262            LFXT1S_t  LFXT1S;       /*! Low-frequency clock select and LFXT1 range select. These bits select
   263                                      * between LFXT1 and VLO when XTS = 0, and select the frequency range
   264                                      * for LFXT1 when XTS = 1
   265                                      *
   266                                      *  When XTS = 0:
   267                                      *  00  32768 Hz Crystal on LFXT1
   268                                      *  01  Reserved
   269                                      *  10  VLOCLK (Reserved in MSP430x21x1 devices)
   270                                      *  11  Digital external clock source
   271                                      * 
   272                                      *  When XTS = 1 (Not applicable for MSP430x20xx devices)
   273                                      *  00  0.4 - 1-MHz crystal or resonator
   274                                      *  01  1 - 3-MHz crystal or resonator
   275                                      *  10  3 - 16-MHz crystal or resonator
   276                                      *  11  Digital external 0.4 - 16-MHz clock source */
   277            XCAP_t    XCAP;         /*! Oscillator capacitor selection. These bits select the effective capacitance
   278                                      * seen by the LFXT1 crystal when XTS = 0. If XTS = 1 or if LFCT1Sx = 11
   279                                      * XCAPx should be 00.
   280                                      *  00  ~1 pF
   281                                      *  01  ~6 pF
   282                                      *  10  ~10 pF
   283                                      *  11  ~12.5 pF */
   284            XT2OF_t   XT2OF;        /*! XT2 oscillator fault
   285                                      *  0  No fault condition present
   286                                      *  1  Fault condition present */
   287            LFXT1OF_t LFXT1OF;      /*! LFXT1 oscillator fault
   288                                      *  0  No fault condition present
   289                                      *  1  Fault condition present */
   290        }
   292    instance:
   294        /*! DCO Clock Frequency Control */
   295        config DCOCTL_t DCOCTL = {
   296            MOD0        : MOD0_OFF,
   297            MOD1        : MOD1_OFF,
   298            MOD2        : MOD2_OFF,
   299            MOD3        : MOD3_OFF,
   300            MOD4        : MOD4_OFF,
   301            DCO0        : DCO0,
   302            DCO1        : DCO1,
   303            DCO2        : DCO2_OFF,
   304        };
   306        /*! Basic Clock System Control 1 */
   307        config BCSCTL1_t  BCSCTL1 = {
   308            XT2OFF      : XT2OFF,
   309            XTS         : XTS_OFF,
   310            DIVA        : DIVA_0,
   311            RSEL0       : RSEL0,
   312            RSEL1       : RSEL1,
   313            RSEL2       : RSEL2,
   314            RSEL3       : RSEL3_OFF
   315        };
   317        /*! Basic Clock System Control 2 */
   318        config BCSCTL2_t  BCSCTL2 = {
   319            SELM        : SELM_0,
   320            DIVM        : DIVM_0,
   321            SELS        : SELS_OFF,
   322            DIVS        : DIVS_0,
   323            DCOR        : DCOR_OFF
   324        };
   326        /*! Basic Clock System Control 3 */
   327        config BCSCTL3_t  BCSCTL3 = {
   328            XT2S        : XT2S_0,
   329            LFXT1S      : LFXT1S_0,
   330            XCAP        : XCAP_1
   331        };
   333        /*! Determine if each Register needs to be forced set or not */
   334        readonly config ForceSetDefaultRegister_t forceSetDefaultRegister[] =
   335        [
   336            { register : "DCOCTL"  , regForceSet : false },
   337            { register : "BCSCTL1" , regForceSet : false },
   338            { register : "BCSCTL2" , regForceSet : false },
   339            { register : "BCSCTL3" , regForceSet : false }
   340        ];
   342        /*! Basic Clock System + pre-calibrated system frequency */
   343        config UInt preCalibratedValues = 0;
   345        /*!
   346         *  ======== preCalibratedValues truth table ========
   347         *
   348         *  hasAllCal = false
   349         *    UInt - Description
   350         *       0 - 1 MHz
   351         *       1 - Custom
   352         *
   353         *  hasAllCal = true
   354         *    UInt - Description
   355         *       0 - 1 MHz
   356         *       1 - 8 MHz
   357         *       2 - 12 MHz
   358         *       3 - 16 MHz
   359         *       4 - Custom
   360         */
   361        config String preCalibratedValuesItems[length];
   363        config float VLOCLKHz = 12000;
   364        config float WATCHCRYSTALCLKHz = 32768;
   365        config float LFXT1CLKHz = 0;
   366        config float XT2CLKHz = 0;
   368        /*!
   369         *  ======== enableXT2 ========
   370         *  Set whether XT2 is used on the device. This is different than hasXT2
   371         *  variable.
   372         */
   373        config Bool enableXT2 = false;
   374    }