1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    /*
    13     *  ======== Script.xdc ========
    14     */
    15    package xdc.bld;
    17    /*!
    18     *  ======== Script ========
    19     *  Model of a script
    20     */
    21    metaonly module Script {
    22        /*!
    23         *  ======== Attrs ========
    24         *  Optional attributes for a script instance.
    25         *
    26         *  @field(releases)  This array contains releases that will contain the
    27         *          script.  Thus, a single script can be part of any set of
    28         *          releases.  Each script is always added to the package's
    29         *          "default release" in addition to any releases specified in
    30         *          the releases array.
    31         *
    32         *  @field(hasMain)  This script defines a `main()` function.  This
    33         *          function is called after the capsule is loaded.  If the
    34         *          script does not define `main()`, it must contain statements
    35         *          that will run script as part of loading the script.
    36         *
    37         *  @field(exportSrc) Scripts are added to the default release
    38         *          unless this flag is set to `false`.
    39         *
    40         *  @see #attrs
    41         */
    42        struct Attrs {
    43            Bool hasMain;       /*! if true, this script defines main()  */
    44            Bool exportSrc;     /*! if false, don't add to default release */
    45            Release.Instance releases[];  /*! releases this script is a part of */
    46        };
    48    instance:
    49        /*!
    50         *  ======== create ========
    51         *  @_nodoc
    52         *  Instances should only be created via PackageContents.addScript()
    53         */
    54        create();
    56        config String name;
    58        /*!
    59         *  ======== attrs ========
    60         *  Optional attributes for this test instance.
    61         *
    62         */
    63        config Script.Attrs attrs;
    65        /*!
    66         *  ======== addTest ========
    67         *  Add specified test to script
    68         *
    69         *  A test encapsulates a script and a set of arguments passed to
    70         *  the script when it is run.
    71         *
    72         *  Tests are run by naming the goal "<test_name>.test" on the xdc
    73         *  command line; <test_name> is the test's name.
    74         *
    75         *  Multiple tests may have the same name; in this case, it is possible
    76         *  to run all tests using the single goal "<test_name>.test" 
    77         *
    78         *  @param(testAttrs)   optional test attrs object
    79         *                      (`{@link xdc.bld.Test#Attrs}`)
    80         *
    81         *  @a(returns)         Returns the `{@link xdc.bld.Test}` instance object
    82         *                      created.
    83         *
    84         *  @a(throws)          `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
    85         *
    86         *  @see xdc.bld.Test
    87         *  @see xdc.bld.Test#Attrs
    88         */
    89        Test.Instance addTest(Test.Attrs testAttrs = {});
    90    }
    91    /*
    92     *  @(#) xdc.bld; 1, 0, 2,389; 9-20-2012 15:01:53; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc/xdc-y36x/src/packages/
    93     */