1    /* --COPYRIGHT--,EPL
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     *
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     *
    11     * --/COPYRIGHT--*/
    12    /*!
    13     *  ======== DAC12 ========
    14     *  MSP430 12-bit Digital to Analog Converter
    15     */
    16    metaonly module DAC12 inherits IDAC {
    18        struct DAC12_xCTL_t {
    19            DAC12OPS_t DAC12OPS;       /*! DAC12 output select
    20                                        * 0 DAC12_0 output on P6.6, DAC12_1 output on P6.7
    21                                        * 1 DAC12_0 output on VeREF+, DAC12_1 output on P6.5 */
    22            DAC12SREF_t DAC12SREF;     /*! DAC12 select reference voltage
    23                                        * 00 VREF+
    24                                        * 01 VREF+
    25                                        * 10 VeREF+
    26                                        * 11 VeREF+ */
    27            DAC12RES_t DAC12RES;       /*! DAC12 resolution select
    28                                        * 0 12-bit resolution
    29                                        * 1 8-bit resolution */
    30            DAC12LSEL_t DAC12LSEL;     /*! DAC12 load select. Selects the load trigger for the DAC12 latch. DAC12ENC
    31                                        * must be set for the DAC to update, except when DAC12LSELx = 0.
    32                                        * 00 DAC12 latch loads when DAC12_xDATwritten (DAC12ENCis ignored)
    33                                        * 01 DAC12 latch loads when DAC12_xDAT written, or, when grouped,
    34                                        * when all DAC12_xDAT registers in the group have been written.
    35                                        * 10 Rising edge of Timer_A.OUT1 (TA1)
    36                                        * 11 Rising edge of Timer_B.OUT2 (TB2) */
    37            DAC12CALON_t DAC12CALON;   /*! DAC12 calibration on. This bit initiates the DAC12 offset calibration sequence
    38                                        * and is automatically reset when the calibration completes.
    39                                        * 0 Calibration is not active
    40                                        * 1 Initiate calibration/calibration in progress */
    41            DAC12IR_t DAC12IR;         /*! DAC12 input range. This bit sets the reference input and voltage output range.
    42                                        * 0 DAC12 full-scale output = 3x reference voltage
    43                                        * 1 DAC12 full-scale output = 1x reference voltage */
    44            DAC12AMP_t DAC12AMP;       /*! DAC12 amplifier setting. These bits select settling time vs current
    45                                        * consumption for the DAC12 input and output amplifiers.
    46                                        * DAC12AMPx        Input Buffer        Output Buffer
    47                                        *    000       Off                    DAC12 off, output high Z
    48                                        *    001       Off                    DAC12 off, output 0 V
    49                                        *    010       Low speed/current      Low speed/current
    50                                        *    011       Low speed/current      Medium speed/current
    51                                        *    100       Low speed/current      High speed/current
    52                                        *    101       Medium speed/current   Medium speed/current
    53                                        *    110       Medium speed/current   High speed/current
    54                                        *    111       High speed/current     High speed/current */
    55            DAC12DF_t DAC12DF;         /*! DAC12 data format
    56                                        * 0 Straight binary
    57                                        * 1 2s complement */
    58            DAC12IE_t DAC12IE;         /*! DAC12 interrupt enable
    59                                        * 0 Disabled
    60                                        * 1 Enabled */
    61            DAC12IFG_t DAC12IFG;       /*! DAC12 Interrupt flag
    62                                        * 0 No interrupt pending
    63                                        * 1 Interrupt pending */
    64            DAC12ENC_t DAC12ENC;       /*! DAC12 enable conversion. This bit enables the DAC12 module when
    65                                        * DAC12LSELx > 0. when DAC12LSELx = 0, DAC12ENC is ignored.
    66                                        * 0 DAC12 disabled
    67                                        * 1 DAC12 enabled */
    68            DAC12GRP_t DAC12GRP;       /*! DAC12 group. Groups DAC12_x with the next higher DAC12_x.
    69                                        * 0 Not grouped
    70                                        * 1 Grouped */
    71        };
    73        /*!
    74         *  ======== create ========
    75         *  Create an instance of this peripheral.
    76         */
    77        create();
    79      instance:
    81        /*! DAC12_0CTL Register */
    82        config DAC12_xCTL_t DAC12_0CTL = {
    83            DAC12OPS    : DAC12OPS_OFF,
    84            DAC12SREF   : DAC12SREF_0,
    85            DAC12RES    : DAC12RES_OFF,
    86            DAC12LSEL   : DAC12LSEL_0,
    87            DAC12CALON  : DAC12CALON_OFF,
    88            DAC12IR     : DAC12IR_OFF,
    89            DAC12AMP    : DAC12AMP_0,
    90            DAC12DF     : DAC12DF_OFF,
    91            DAC12IE     : DAC12IE_OFF,
    92            DAC12IFG    : DAC12IFG_OFF,
    93            DAC12ENC    : DAC12ENC_OFF,
    94            DAC12GRP    : DAC12GRP_OFF
    95        };
    97        /*! DAC12_1CTL Register */
    98        config DAC12_xCTL_t DAC12_1CTL = {
    99            DAC12OPS    : DAC12OPS_OFF,
   100            DAC12SREF   : DAC12SREF_0,
   101            DAC12RES    : DAC12RES_OFF,
   102            DAC12LSEL   : DAC12LSEL_0,
   103            DAC12CALON  : DAC12CALON_OFF,
   104            DAC12IR     : DAC12IR_OFF,
   105            DAC12AMP    : DAC12AMP_0,
   106            DAC12DF     : DAC12DF_OFF,
   107            DAC12IE     : DAC12IE_OFF,
   108            DAC12IFG    : DAC12IFG_OFF,
   109            DAC12ENC    : DAC12ENC_OFF,
   110            DAC12GRP    : DAC12GRP_OFF
   111        };
   113        /*! DAC12_0DAT Register */
   114        config Bits16 DAC12_0DAT = 0;
   116        /*! DAC12_1DAT Register */
   117        config Bits16 DAC12_1DAT = 0;
   119        /*! DAC12 has 2 interrupt enables */
   120        config regIntVect_t interruptSource[2];
   122        /*! Determine if each Register needs to be forced set or not */
   123        readonly config ForceSetDefaultRegister_t forceSetDefaultRegister[] =
   124        [
   125            { register : "DAC12_0CTL" , regForceSet : false },
   126            { register : "DAC12_1CTL" , regForceSet : false },
   127            { register : "DAC12_0DAT" , regForceSet : false },
   128            { register : "DAC12_1DAT" , regForceSet : false }
   129        ];
   130    }