1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
3 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7 *
8 * Contributors:
9 * Texas Instruments - initial implementation
10 *
11 * */
12 /*!
13 * ======== gnu.targets.ITarget ========
14 * Interface to GCC compatible compilers
15 */
16 @TargetHeader("xdc/bld/stddefs.xdt")
17 metaonlyinterface ITarget inherits xdc.bld.ITarget2 {
19 overridereadonlyconfig string stdInclude = "gnu/targets/std.h";
20 overrideconfig string dllExt = ".so";
22 /*!
23 * ======== GCCVERS ========
24 * Version number of the GCC compiler; e.g., "3.2".
25 *
26 * This string can be supplied by the user, otherwise it is obtained
27 * by running "gcc -dumpversion".
28 */
29 config string GCCVERS = null;
31 /*!
32 * ======== BINVERS ========
33 * Version number of binutils used with the compiler; e.g., "2.19".
34 *
35 * This string can be supplied by the user, otherwise it is obtained
36 * by running "ld -v".
37 */
38 config string BINVERS = null;
40 /*!
41 * ======== version ========
42 * The Compatibility Key associated with this target.
43 *
44 * The first two components of this target's Compatibility Key are '1,0'.
45 * The rest of the Key represents the compiler version. The third
46 * component combines the major and the minor version number in the format
47 * Major.Minor. The fourth component is the patch number.
48 *
49 * @a(Example) 50 * If this target's `rootDir` points to the compiler version 3.4.6, the
51 * Compatibility Key is [1,0,3.4,6].
52 *
53 */
54 overridemetaonlyconfig String version;
56 /*!
57 * ======== GCCTARG ========
58 * The name of the platform executing programs produced by this target
59 *
60 * This string can be supplied by the user, otherwise is is obtained
61 * from the compiler and follows the GNU standard format
62 * (<cpu>-<manufacturer>-<os> or <cpu>-<manufacturer>-<kernel>-<os>);
63 * e.g., "sparc-sun-solaris2.6" or "i586-pc-linux-gnu".
64 *
65 * When building a GCC compiler, there are three different execution
66 * platforms to consider: the platform used to "build" the compiler, the
67 * "host" platform that runs the compiler, and the "target" platform
68 * that runs the executables produced by the compiler. All three
69 * platforms are identified using a
70 * {@link http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/autobook/autobook_17.html configuration name}
71 * defined by GNU Autotools. `GCCTARG` is the name of the "target"
72 * platform.
73 */
74 config string GCCTARG = null;
76 /*!
77 * ======== LONGNAME ========
78 * The "long name" of the gcc compiler
79 *
80 * This name is used (in conjunction with rootDir) to find the compiler
81 * and linker for this target. The format of `LONGNAME` is always
82 * "/bin/<machine>-gcc". For majority of the targets, the default value
83 * for `LONGNAME` does not ever need to be changed. But, there are
84 * targets where the different but compatible compilers may have
85 * different `LONGNAME` parameters. For such targets and compilers,
86 * `LONGNAME` can be set in `config.bld`.
87 *
88 * @a(Example) 89 * If a version 2010q1 of the CodeSourcery GNU toolchain for Arm is
90 * installed in C:/CodeSourcery/arm-2010q1, the following settings in
91 * `config.bld` configure `gnu.targets.arm.GCArmv6` target to use that
92 * toolchain:
93 * @p(code) 94 * var GCArmv6 = xdc.module("gnu.targets.arm.GCArmv6");
95 * GCArmv6.rootDir = "C:/CodeSourcery/arm-2010q1";
96 * GCArmv6.LONGNAME = "bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc";
97 * @p 98 *
99 */
100 config string LONGNAME = "/bin/gcc";
102 /*!
103 * ======== CYGWIN ========
104 * Is the target's compiler a cygwin executable
105 *
106 * Since file names produced by cygwin-based tools differ from the
107 * names understood by other Windows executables, it is important
108 * to avoid using the names output by cygwin tools as input to
109 * non-cygwin programs. This property tells the target whether
110 * or not it's possible to use the output from `gcc -MD -MF`, for
111 * example.
112 */
113 readonlyconfig Bool CYGWIN = false;
115 /*!
116 * ======== noStdLinkScript ========
117 * Don't use the standard linker script
118 *
119 * If `true`, add a `-T` flag before the generated `package/cfg/*.xdl`
120 * file passed to the linker. This flag suppresses use of the
121 * standard linker script implicit in the GCC flow, which effectively
122 * says the generated `.xdl` file assumes total control for all
123 * `MEMORY` and `SECTION` directives.
124 *
125 */
126 config Bool noStdLinkScript = false;
128 /*
129 * ======== profiles ========
130 */
131 overrideconfig xdc.bld.ITarget.OptionSet profiles[string] = [
132 ["debug", {
133 compileOpts: {
134 copts: "-g",
135 defs: "-D_DEBUG_=1",
136 },
137 linkOpts: "-g",
138 }],
140 ["release", {
141 compileOpts: {
142 copts: "-O2 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections",
143 },
144 linkOpts: "-Wl,--gc-sections",
145 }],
147 ["profile", {
148 compileOpts: {
149 copts: "-g -pg",
150 },
151 linkOpts: "-pg"/* can't use -static here */
152 }],
154 ["coverage", {
155 compileOpts: {
156 copts: "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage",
157 },
158 linkOpts: "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage",
159 }],
160 ];
162 /*!
163 * ======== versionMap ========
164 * Map of GCC compiler version numbers to compatibility keys.
165 *
166 * This map translates version string information from the compiler
167 * into a compatibility key. The compatibilty key is used to
168 * validate consistency among a collection of packages used in
169 * a configuration.
170 *
171 * The compiler version string is "gcc<ver>", where <ver> is
172 * GCCVERS.
173 *
174 * If a compiler version is not found in this map the default is
175 * "1,0,<ver>", where <ver> is the compiler version number. Thus,
176 * the user only needs to extend this table when a significant
177 * incompatibility occurs or when two versions of the compiler should
178 * be treated as 100% compatible.
179 */
180 overrideconfig string versionMap[string] = [
181 ["gcc3.2", "1,0,3.2,0"],
182 ];
184 /*!
185 * ======== remoteHost ========
186 * Remote host used to run compiler, linker, and archiver tools
187 *
188 * If `remoteHost` is `null` (or `undefined`), the configured compiler
189 * is run locally; otherwise, `remoteHost` is taken to be the host name
190 * of the machine that that should be used to run the specified compiler.
191 *
192 * All target commands are prefixed with a command that uses `rsh` to run
193 * the commands on the specified host. Thus, in order to use this
194 * setting, the remote machine must be support `rsh` and the user must
195 * have permission to run commands from the local machine on the remote
196 * host named `remoteHost`. This usually involves adding a line to the
197 * user's `~/.rhosts` file on the remote machine of the form:
198 * @p(code) 199 * local-machine-name user-name
200 * @p 201 * where `local-machine-name` is the name of the local machine and
202 * `user-name` is the user's login name on the local machine.
203 */
204 config string remoteHost;
206 /*!
207 * ======== ar ========
208 * The command used to create an archive
209 */
210 overridereadonlyconfig xdc.bld.ITarget2.Command ar = {
211 cmd: "$(rootDir)/$(GCCTARG)/bin/ar",
212 opts: "cr"
213 };
215 /*!
216 * ======== lnk ========
217 * The command used to link executables.
218 */
219 overridereadonlyconfig xdc.bld.ITarget2.Command lnk = {
220 cmd: "$(rootDir)/$(LONGNAME)",
221 opts: ""
222 };
224 /*!
225 * ======== cc ========
226 * The command used to compile C/C++ source files into object files
227 */
228 overridereadonlyconfig xdc.bld.ITarget2.Command cc = {
229 cmd: "$(rootDir)/$(LONGNAME) -c -MD -MF $@.dep",
230 opts: ""
231 };
233 /*!
234 * ======== asm ========
235 * The command used to assembles assembly source files into object files
236 */
237 overridereadonlyconfig xdc.bld.ITarget2.Command asm = {
238 cmd: "$(rootDir)/$(LONGNAME) -c -x assembler",
239 opts: ""
240 };
242 /*!
243 * ======== includeOpts ========
244 * Additional user configurable target-specific include path options
245 */
246 overrideconfig string includeOpts = "";
248 overrideconfig String binaryParser = "ti.targets.omf.elf.Elf32";
249 }
250 /*
251 * @(#) gnu.targets; 1, 0, 1,598; 9-27-2012 15:05:27; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdctargets/xdctargets-f36x/src/ xlibrary
252 253 */