package ti.mcu.msp430.runtime

Local extensions to the xdc.runtime modules

This package illustrates how to extend the xdc.runtime runtime for a particular platform. In this case, the modules in this package enable full use of the xdc.runtime for the EZ430-RF2500 hardare. [ more ... ]
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/mcu/msp430/runtime/package.xdc
package ti.mcu.msp430.runtime [1, 0, 0] {
    module GateGIE;
    // Global interrupt disable/enable implementation of IGateProvider
    module HeapNull;
    // Empty heap
    module LoggerCallback;
    // A logger that passes events to a user supplied call back function
    module LoggerUart;
    // A logger that writes events to a UART
    module SysBuf;
    // Minimal implementation of functions required by System
    module SysCallback;
    // ISystemSupport provider that "calls back" to application defined functions
    module SysUart;
    // Implementation of ISystemSupport that sends output to a UART
This package illustrates how to extend the xdc.runtime runtime for a particular platform. In this case, the modules in this package enable full use of the xdc.runtime for the EZ430-RF2500 hardare.
Although the modules in this package are designed to support the EZ430-RF2500, large parts of the implementations are portable to many similar platforms.
generated on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 21:28:30 GMT