1    /* --COPYRIGHT--,EPL
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * --/COPYRIGHT--*/
    12    /*!
    13     *  ======== IUSCI ========
    14     *  Universal Serial Communication Interface
    15     */
    16    metaonly interface IUSCI inherits xdc.platform.IPeripheral {
    17        /*****************************************************************
    18         * REGISTER BIT DEFINITIONS                                      *
    19         *****************************************************************/
    21        /*! MSB first select. Controls the direction of the receive and transmit shift register. */
    22        enum UCMSB_t {
    23            UCMSB_OFF = 0x00,       /*! LSB first */
    24            UCMSB = 0x02            /*! MSB first */
    25        };
    27        /*! Character length. Selects 7-bit or 8-bit character length. */
    28        enum UC7BIT_t {
    29            UC7BIT_OFF = 0x00,      /*! 8-bit */
    30            UC7BIT = 0x02           /*! 7-bit */
    31        };
    33        /*! Synchronous mode enable */
    34        enum UCSYNC_t {
    35            UCSYNC_OFF = 0x00,      /*! Asynchronous mode */
    36            UCSYNC = 0x02           /*! Synchronous Mode */
    37        };
    39        /*! Receive erroneous-character interrupt-enable */
    40        enum UCRXEIE_t {
    41            UCRXEIE_OFF = 0x00,     /*! Erroneous characters rejected and UCAxRXIFG is not set */
    42            UCRXEIE = 0x02          /*! Erroneous characters received will set UCAxRXIFG */
    43        };
    45        /*! Receive break character interrupt-enable */
    46        enum UCBRKIE_t {
    47            UCBRKIE_OFF = 0x00,     /*! Received break characters do not set UCAxRXIFG. */
    48            UCBRKIE = 0x02          /*! Received break characters set UCAxRXIFG. */
    49        };
    51        /*! Dormant. Puts USCI into sleep mode. */
    52        enum UCDORM_t {
    53            UCDORM_OFF = 0x00,      /*! Not dormant. All received characters will set UCAxRXIFG. */
    54            UCDORM = 0x02           /*! Dormant. Only characters that are preceded by an idle-line or with
    55                                     * address bit set will set UCAxRXIFG. In UART mode with automatic baud
    56                                     * rate detection only the combination of a break and synch field will set
    57                                     * UCAxRXIFG. */
    58        };
    60        /*! Transmit address. Next frame to be transmitted will be marked as address depending on the selected multiprocessor mode. */
    61        enum UCTXADDR_t {
    62            UCTXADDR_OFF = 0x00,    /*! Next frame transmitted is data */
    63            UCTXADDR = 0x02         /*! Next frame transmitted is an address */
    64        };
    66        /*! Transmit break. Transmits a break with the next write to the transmit buffer.
    67         * In UART mode with automatic baud rate detection 055h must be written
    68         * into UCAxTXBUF to generate the required break/synch fields. Otherwise
    69         * 0h must be written into the transmit buffer. */
    70        enum UCTXBRK_t {
    71            UCTXBRK_OFF = 0x00,     /*! Next frame transmitted is not a break */
    72            UCTXBRK = 0x02          /*! Next frame transmitted is a break or a break/synch */
    73        };
    75        /*! Software reset enable */
    76        enum UCSWRST_t {
    77            UCSWRST_OFF = 0x00,     /*! Disabled. USCI reset released for operation. */
    78            UCSWRST = 0x02          /*! Enabled. USCI logic held in reset state. */
    79        };
    81        /*! Listen enable. The UCLISTEN bit selects loopback mode. */
    82        enum UCLISTEN_t {
    83            UCLISTEN_OFF = 0x00,   /*! Disabled. */
    84            UCLISTEN = 0x02        /*! Enabled. UCAxTXD is internally fed back to the receiver. */
    85        };
    87        /*! Framing error flag */
    88        enum UCFE_t { 
    89            UCFE_OFF = 0x00,        /*! 0 No error */
    90            UCFE = 0x02             /*! Character received with low stop bit */
    91        };
    93        /*! Overrun error flag. */
    94        enum UCOE_t {
    95            UCOE_OFF = 0x00,        /*! No error. */
    96            UCOE = 0x02             /*! Overrun error occurred. */
    97        };
    99        /*! Parity error flag. When UCPEN = 0, UCPE is read as 0. */
   100        enum UCPE_t {
   101            UCPE_OFF = 0x00,        /*! No error. */
   102            UCPE = 0x02             /*! Character received with parity error. */
   103        };
   105        /*! Break detect flag */
   106        enum UCBRK_t {
   107            UCBRK_OFF = 0x00,       /*! No break condition */
   108            UCBRK = 0x02            /*! Break condition occurred */
   109        };
   111        /*!  Bit 2 Receive error flag. This bit indicates a character was received with error(s).
   112         * When UCRXERR = 1, on or more error flags (UCFE, UCPE, UCOE) is also
   113         * set. UCRXERR is cleared when UCAxRXBUF is read. */
   114        enum UCRXERR_t {
   115            UCRXERR_OFF = 0x00,     /*! No receive errors detected */
   116            UCRXERR = 0x02          /*! Receive error detected */
   117        };
   119        /*! Address received in address-bit multiprocessor mode. */
   120        enum UCADDR_t {
   121            UCADDR_OFF = 0x00,      /*! Received character is data */
   122            UCADDR = 0x02           /*! Received character is an address */
   123        };
   125        /*!  Idle line detected in idle-line multiprocessor mode. */
   126        enum UCIDLE_t {
   127            UCIDLE_OFF = 0x00,      /*! No idle line detected */
   128            UCIDLE = 0x02           /*! Idle line detected */
   129        };
   131        /*! USCI busy. This bit indicates if a transmit or receive operation is in progress. */
   132        enum UCBUSY_t {
   133            UCBUSY_OFF = 0x00,      /*! USCI inactive */
   134            UCBUSY = 0x01           /*! USCI transmitting or receiving */
   135        };
   137        /*! USCI mode. The UCMODEx bits select the synchronous mode when UCSYNC = 1. */
   138        enum UCMODE_SYNC_t {
   139            UCMODE_0 = 0x00,        /*! 3-Pin SPI */
   140            UCMODE_1 = 0x01,        /*! 4-Pin SPI with UCxSTE active high: slave enabled when UCxSTE = 1 */
   141            UCMODE_2 = 0x02,        /*! 4-Pin SPI with UCxSTE active low: slave enabled when UCxSTE = 0 */
   142            UCMODE_3 = 0x04         /*! I2C Mode */
   143        };
   145        /*!
   146        *  ======== ForceSetDefaultRegister_t ========
   147        *  Force Set Default Register
   148        *
   149        *  Type to store if each register needs to be forced initialized
   150        *  even if the register is in default state.
   151        *
   152        *  @see #ForceSetDefaultRegister_t
   153        */
   154        struct ForceSetDefaultRegister_t {
   155            String     register;
   156            Bool       regForceSet;
   157        }
   159    instance:
   160        /*!
   161         * Stores the UCLK external clock frequency in float
   162         */
   163        config float UCLKHz = 1000000;
   165        /*!
   166        *  ======== setUCxxBR0 ========
   167        *  Sets UCxxBR0 register value based on which module
   168        *
   169        *  @see #setUCxxBR0
   170        */
   171        void setUCxxBR0(Bits8 value);
   173        /*!
   174        *  ======== getUCxxBR0 ========
   175        *  Returns UCxxBR0 register value based on which module
   176        *
   177        *  @see #getUCxxBR0
   178        */
   179        Bits8 getUCxxBR0();
   181        /*!
   182        *  ======== setUCxxBR1 ========
   183        *  Sets UCxxBR1 register value based on which module
   184        *
   185        *  @see #setUCxxBR1
   186        */
   187        void setUCxxBR1(Bits8 value);
   189        /*!
   190        *  ======== getUCxxBR1 ========
   191        *  Returns UCxxBR1 register value based on which module
   192        *
   193        *  @see #getUCxxBR1
   194        */
   195        Bits8 getUCxxBR1();
   197        /*!
   198         *  ======== getUCxxTXIE ========
   199         *  Gets UCxxTXIE bit
   200         *
   201         *  @see #getUCxxTXIE
   202         */
   203        Bool    getUCxxTXIE();
   205        /*!
   206         *  ======== setUCxxTXIE ========
   207         *  Sets UCxxTXIE bit
   208         *
   209         *  @see #setUCxxTXIE
   210         */
   211        Bool    setUCxxTXIE(Bool set);
   213        /*!
   214         *  ======== getUCxxRXIE ========
   215         *  Gets UCxxRXIE bit
   216         *
   217         *  @see #getUCxxRXIE
   218         */
   219        Bool    getUCxxRXIE();
   221        /*!
   222         *  ======== setUCxxRXIE ========
   223         *  Sets UCxxRXIE bit
   224         *
   225         *  @see #setUCxxRXIE
   226         */
   227        Bool    setUCxxRXIE(Bool set);
   228    }