package xdc.platform

Interfaces and modules necessary for the XDC Platform Model

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/platform/package.xdc
package xdc.platform [1, 0, 1, 0] {
    interface ICpuDataSheet;
    // CPU information provided by the HW model
    interface IExeContext;
    // Execution environment interface between a platform and an executable
    interface IPeripheral;
    // Configuration-time representation of a peripheral
    interface IPlatform;
    // Configuration-time interface to all platforms
    module ExeContext;
    // Stock implementation of xdc.platform.IExeContext
    module Utils;
    // Misc platform utilities
If a custom memory map is specified for a platform, through the configuration parameter xdc.platform.IPlatform.customMemoryMap, the custom map is checked against the default memory map to verify if the custom map fits within the default map. The environment variable xdc.platform.custom.check controls this check.
By default, the check is enabled. It can be disabled by passing -Dxdc.platform.custom.check="false" to the XDCscript shell (xs), which is used to run the configuro command line configuration tool. If, on the other hand, you are using xdc to run the configuration step you can set this variable by setting the xsopts attribute of an xdc.bld.Executable within a build script.
generated on Tue, 01 May 2012 02:39:27 GMT