1    /*!
     2     *  ======== Main ========
     3     *  Tool for reading and decoding RTA data from a file.
     4     */
     5    metaonly module Main inherits xdc.tools.ICmd {
     7        override config String usage[] = [
     8            ' ',
     9            'Usage',
    10            '[-p] [-h] [-m] [-e executable] [-x RTA XML file] [-d data input file] [-o output text file] [-c delimter character]', 
    11            '[--help]',
    12            ' ',
    13        ];
    15    instance:
    17        /*!
    18         *  ======== printToScreen ========
    19         *  Whether to print the decoded records to the console.
    20         *
    21         *  You may use this tool to simply print the decoded records, or you
    22         *  may have them redirected to a file to be processed elsewhere.
    23         */
    24        @CommandOption('p')
    25        config Bool printToScreen = false;
    27        /*!
    28         *  ======== suppressHeader ========
    29         *  Don't print the header when printing the decoded records.
    30         */
    31        @CommandOption('h')
    32        config Bool suppressHeader = false;
    34        /*!
    35         *  ======== more ========
    36         *  Wait for the user to press enter before displaying the next packet.
    37         *
    38         *  Without this flag, the tool will simply print all of the records in the
    39         *  data file to the screen. If this flag is set, then the tool will wait
    40         *  the user to press enter in between displaying each packet.
    41         */
    42        @CommandOption('m')
    43        config Bool more = false;
    45        /*!
    46         *  ======== executable ========
    47         *  Path to the executable which was used to generate the data file.
    48         */
    49        @CommandOption('e')
    50        config String executable = "";
    52        /*!
    53         *  ======== rtaXml ========
    54         *  Optional path to the RTA XML file.
    55         */
    56        @CommandOption('x')
    57        config String rtaXml = "";
    59        /*!
    60         *  ======== dataFile ========
    61         *  Path to the file containing the RTA log data.
    62         */
    63        @CommandOption('d')
    64        config String dataFile = "";
    66        /*!
    67         *  ======== outputFile ========
    68         *  Optional path to an output file to write the decoded records to.
    69         *
    70         *  The tool will write the decoded records out as text to the specified
    71         *  out file. The record properties will be separated with a delimeter 
    72         *  character so that they can be imported into a spreadsheet such as 
    73         *  Excel.
    74         */
    75        @CommandOption('o')
    76        config String outputFile = "";
    78        /*!
    79         *  ======== loadFile ========
    80         *  // TODO
    81         *  [-l output file for load data]
    82         */
    84        /*!
    85         *  ======== delimiter ========
    86         *  Delimiter character to use when writing out the file.
    87         *
    88         *  The character specified here will be inserted between each of the
    89         *  record fields so that the file can be imported into a spreadsheet
    90         *  such as excel.
    91         */
    92        @CommandOption('c')
    93        config String delimiter = "|";
    95    }