package xdc.platform.generic

Platform package for the generic platform

This package implements the interfaces (xdc.platform.IPlatform) necessary to build and run executables on a "generic" platform; a platform specified by: [ more ... ]
XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/platform/generic/package.xdc
requires xdc.platform[1, 0, 1];
package xdc.platform.generic [1, 0, 0] {
    module Platform;
    // A generic platform that supports any HW platform
This package implements the interfaces (xdc.platform.IPlatform) necessary to build and run executables on a "generic" platform; a platform specified by:
  • device name; e.g., "TMS320C2812"
  • catalog name; the name of a package containing the device named above
  • clock rate; the clock rate in MHz of the CPU
  • external memory map; an array of memory blocks external to the device
For a complate list of parameters that can be specified when creating a platform instance see the instance configuration parameters specified by xdc.platform.generic.Platform. This list, of course, includes all the instance config parameters specified by the xdc.platform.IPlatform interface.
XDCException exceptions are thrown for fatal errors. The following error codes are reported in the exception message:
This error is raised when this platform cannot found the default linker command template linkcmd.xdt in the build target's package. When a target does not contain this file, the config parameter xdc.cfg.Program.linkTemplate must be set.
Example 1: Suppose you need to create an application for a HW platform that uses the TMS320C2812 running at 150 MHz. You can use this package (in lieu of one specifically created for the HW platform) by defining a named instance of this package's Platform module. Add the following statements to your config.bld file to add the platform instance named "xdc.platform.generic:C28".
      Build.platformTable["xdc.platform.generic:C28"] = {
          clockRate:   150,
          catalogName: "ti.catalog.c2800",
          deviceName:  "TMS320C2812"
With this name defined, it is now possible to configure an application using the platform instance name "xdc.platform.generic:C28". For example, if you are using to configure your application, the string "xdc.platform.generic:C28" can now be used to identify your platform:
      xs -b config.bld -p xdc.platform.generic:C28 ...

Example 2: The following example illustrates how to specify a platform instance with memory regions external to the specified device. In this case, we define a platform using a TMS320C6416 running at 600 MHz on a board with two external SDRAM memory blocks.
      Build.platformTable["xdc.platform.generic:C64"] = {
          clockRate:          600,
          catalogName:        "ti.catalog.c6000",
          deviceName:         "TMS320C6416",
          externalMemoryMap : [
              ["SDRAM1", {
                  name: "SDRAM1",
                  base: 0x80000000, len: 0x1000000, space: "code/data"
              ["SDRAM2", {
                  name: "SDRAM2",
                  base: 0x90000000, len: 0x1000000, space: "code/data"
The externalMemoryMap attribute is a map of string names to xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory structures.
generated on Mon, 10 Oct 2011 16:53:04 GMT