1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    package xdc.tools.cdoc;
    14    /*!
    15     *  ======== xdc.tools.cdoc.Main ========
    16     *  RTSC documentation generator
    17     *
    18     *  cdoc is a package documentation generation utility. It builds a
    19     *  directory of browsable HTML documentation using the meta-
    20     *  information stored in RTSC packages. 
    21     *
    22     *  This utility is invoked via the XDCtools `xs` command.  In the
    23     *  examples below we assume that the alias `cdoc` is defined as
    24     *  follows:
    25     *  @p(code)
    26     *      $(XDCROOT)/xs xdc.tools.cdoc
    27     *  @p
    28     *  where $(XDCROOT) is the installation directory of the XDCtools toolset.
    29     *
    30     *  @a(Examples)
    31     *  In the examples below we assume that the alias `cdoc` is defined as
    32     *  `$(XDCROOT)/xs xdc.tools.cdoc`, where `$(XDCROOT)` is the installation
    33     *  directory of the XDCtools toolset.
    34     *
    35     *  1. To generate documentation for the package in the current working
    36     *  directory:
    37     *  @p(code)
    38     *      cdoc
    39     *  @p
    40     *  Since no package is specified and no output directory is specified,
    41     *  documentation is generated for the package in the current working
    42     *  directory and the output is placed in the package's `./package/cdoc`
    43     *  sub-directory.
    44     *
    45     *  2. To generate documentation with the title "My Packages" for all
    46     *  packages installed in the `myPackages` repository:
    47     *  @p(code)
    48     *      cdoc -title "My Packages" -Pr myPackages
    49     *  @p
    50     *  Since no output directory was specified and documentation will be for
    51     *  more than one package, the generated files are placed in the directory
    52     *  `./cdoc`.
    53     *
    54     *  3. To generate documentation for the package located in `./ti/bios` and 
    55     *  put results in the directory `./html`.
    56     *  @p(code)
    57     *      cdoc -od:html -P ti/bios
    58     *  @p
    59     *
    60     *  @a(Note)
    61     *  `cdoc` processes the XML files that are generated *after* a package
    62     *  is built (actually after the `.interfaces` goal is built).  One must first
    63     *  build a package before generating its documentation.  If you change a
    64     *  `.xdc` file and re-run `cdoc` without rebuilding the package, the change 
    65     *  in the `.xdc` file will not show up in the generated docs.
    66     *
    67     *  When interatively updating a package's .xdc files and examining the
    68     *  generated documentation, it is useful to define a command alias that
    69     *  first "compiles" the package's .xdc files and then runs the cdoc tool.
    70     *  For example, if your shell is Korn shell compatible, the following
    71     *  command alias ensures that any changes in .xdc files will show up in the
    72     *  generated documents:
    73     *  @p(code)
    74     *      function cdoc {
    75     *          $XDCROOT/xdc .interfaces
    76     *          $XDCROOT/xs xdc.tools.cdoc $*
    77     *      }
    78     *  @p
    79     */
    81    metaonly module Main inherits xdc.tools.ICmd {
    82        override config String usage[] = [
    83            '[-od:dir] [-title text] [--start package] [--indexonly] [--doxytags file] [--doxybase dir] [-h] [-n] [-b] [-s] [-P pkg-dir...|-Pr repo-dir...|-A]'
    84        ];
    86    instance:
    88        /*!
    89         * Place the generated files in the named directory.
    90         */
    91        @CommandOption("-od")
    92        config String outdir = null;
    94        /*!
    95         *  Generated HTML pages will show the string in the page title
    96         */
    97        @CommandOption("-title")
    98        config String title = null;
   100        /*!
   101         *  Set start page to specified package
   102         *
   103         *  The opening page is, by default, the documentation for the
   104         *  alphabetically first package processed.  This option allows
   105         *  you to explicitly specify the package used.
   106         *
   107         *  If "" is specified, the start page will be blank.
   108         *
   109         *  If the package specified is not processed, no warning or error
   110         *  results; it is assumed that when the documentation is used the
   111         *  specified package documentation will exist.
   112         */
   113        @CommandOption("--start")
   114        config String start = null;
   116        /*!
   117         *  Include .xdc file sources
   118         *
   119         *  In the generated documentation for each .xdc file, link
   120         *  to a pretty-printed view of the .xdc file source text.
   121         */
   122        @CommandOption("s")
   123        config Bool sopt = false;
   125        /*!
   126         * The subsequent directories are package directories.
   127         *
   128         * Generates documentation for each of the specified packages.
   129         */
   130        @CommandOption("P")
   131        config Bool popt = false;
   133        /*!
   134         * The subsequent directories are repositories of packages.
   135         *
   136         * Generates documentation for all packages rooted in each of
   137         * the specified repositories.
   138         */
   139        @CommandOption("-Pr")
   140        config Bool ropt = false;
   142        /*!
   143         * Generate documentation for all packages on the package path.
   144         */
   145        @CommandOption("A")
   146        config Bool aopt = false;
   148        /*!
   149         *  Generate a single "big" output
   150         */
   151        @CommandOption("b")
   152        config Bool bopt = false;
   154        /*!
   155         *  Generate html pages only, not table of contents or index
   156         */
   157        @CommandOption("h")
   158        config Bool hopt = false;
   160        /*!
   161         *  Generate nodoc'd docs
   162         */
   163        @CommandOption("n")
   164        config Bool nopt = false;
   166        /*!
   167         *  Quiet mode
   168         */
   169        @CommandOption("--quiet")
   170        config Bool qopt = false;
   172        /*!
   173         *  Generate index and table of contents only 
   174         */
   175        @CommandOption("--indexonly")
   176        config Bool iopt = false;
   178        /*!
   179         *  Process doxygen links, using this argument
   180         *  as the tag file
   181         */
   182        @CommandOption("--doxytags")
   183        config String doxytags = null;
   185        /*!
   186         *  The directory containing doxygen html files
   187         */
   188        @CommandOption("--doxybase")
   189        config String doxybase = null;
   191        /*!
   192         *  Use specified style sheet
   193         */
   194        @CommandOption("--style")
   195        config String style = null;
   196        /*!
   197         *
   198         *  Language to document. Deprecated.
   199         */
   200        @CommandOption("l")
   201        config String language = null;
   203        /*!
   204         *  Don't include dependent packages. Deprecated.
   205         *
   206         */
   207        @CommandOption("L")
   208        config Bool lopt = false;
   210    }
   213    /*
   214     *  @(#) xdc.tools.cdoc; 1, 0, 0, 0,239; 7-14-2011 17:22:51; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc/xdc-x16x/src/packages/
   215     */