1    /*
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2011 by Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     *
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     *
    11     * */
    13    /*
    14     *  ======== Boot.xdc ========
    15     *
    16     */
    18    package ti.catalog.arm.cortexm3.concertoInit;
    20    import xdc.rov.ViewInfo;
    22    /*!
    23     *  ======== Boot ========
    24     *  Concerto M3 Boot Support.
    25     *
    26     *  The Boot module supports boot initialization for the Concerto M3 core.
    27     *  A special boot init function is created based on the configuration
    28     *  settings for this module.  This function is hooked into the
    29     *  xdc.runtime.Reset.fxns[] array and called very early at boot time (prior
    30     *  to cinit processing).
    31     * 
    32     *  The code to support the boot module is placed in a separate section
    33     *  named `".text:.bootCodeSection"` to allow placement of this section in
    34     *  the linker .cmd file if necessary. This section is a subsection of the
    35     *  `".text"` section so this code will be placed into the .text section unless
    36     *  explicitly placed, either through
    37     *  `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#sectMap Program.sectMap}` or through a linker
    38     *  command file.
    39     */
    40    @Template("./Boot.xdt")
    41    @NoRuntime
    42    module Boot
    43    {
    44        /*! System PLL Fractional Multiplier (SPLLFMULT) value */
    45        metaonly enum FractMult {
    46            Fract_0  = 0x000,       /*! Fractional multiplier is 0 */
    47            Fract_25 = 0x100,       /*! Fractional multiplier is 0.25 */
    48            Fract_50 = 0x200,       /*! Fractional multiplier is 0.5 */
    49            Fract_75 = 0x300        /*! Fractional multiplier is 0.75 */
    50        }
    52        /*! System Clock Divider (SYSDIVSEL) value */
    53        metaonly enum SysDiv {
    54            Div_1 = 0x0,            /*! Divide by 1 */
    55            Div_2 = 0x1,            /*! Divide by 2 */
    56            Div_4 = 0x2,            /*! Divide by 4 */
    57            Div_8 = 0x3             /*! Divide by 8 */
    58        };
    60        /*! M3 Subsystem Clock Divider (M3SSDIVSEL) value */
    61        metaonly enum M3Div {
    62            M3Div_1 = 0x0,          /*! Divide by 1 */
    63            M3Div_2 = 0x1,          /*! Divide by 2 */
    64            M3Div_4 = 0x2           /*! Divide by 4 */
    65        };
    67        metaonly struct ModuleView {
    68            Bool configureClocks;
    69            UInt OSCCLK;
    70            UInt SPLLIMULT;
    71            String SPLLFMULT;
    72            String SYSDIVSEL;
    73            String M3SSDIVSEL;
    74            Bool bootC28;
    75            UInt bootAddressC28;
    76        }
    78        @Facet
    79        metaonly config ViewInfo.Instance rovViewInfo = 
    80            ViewInfo.create({
    81                viewMap: [
    82                [
    83                    'Module',
    84                    {
    85                        type: ViewInfo.MODULE,
    86                        viewInitFxn: 'viewInitModule',
    87                        structName: 'ModuleView'
    88                    }
    89                ],
    90                ]
    91            });
    93        /*! 
    94         *  Clock configuration flag, default is false.
    95         *
    96         *  Set to true to configure the PLL and system and M3 subsystem clock 
    97         *  dividers.
    98         */
    99        config Bool configureClocks = false;
   101        /*!
   102         *  OSCCLK input frequency to PLL, in MHz. Default is 20 MHz.
   103         *
   104         *  This is the frequency of the oscillator clock (OSCCLK) input to the
   105         *  PLL.
   106         */
   107        metaonly config UInt OSCCLK = 20;
   109        /*! System PLL Integer Multiplier (SPLLIMULT) value */
   110        metaonly config UInt SPLLIMULT = 1;
   112        /*! System PLL Fractional Multiplier (SPLLFMULT) value */
   113        metaonly config FractMult SPLLFMULT = Fract_0;
   115        /*! System Clock Divider (SYSDIVSEL) value */
   116        metaonly config SysDiv SYSDIVSEL = Div_8;
   118        /*! M3 Subsystem Clock Divider (M3SSDIVSEL) value */
   119        metaonly config M3Div M3SSDIVSEL = M3Div_4;
   121        /*!
   122         *  Function to be called when Limp mode is detected.
   123         *
   124         *  This function is called when the Boot module is about to configure
   125         *  the PLL, but finds the device operating in Limp mode (i.e., the mode
   126         *  when a missing OSCCLK input has been detected).
   127         *
   128         *  If this function is not specified by the application, a default
   129         *  function will be used, which spins in an infinite loop.
   130         */
   131        metaonly config Fxn limpAbortFunction;
   133        /*!
   134         *  Boot from FLASH flag.  Default is true. 
   135         *
   136         *  Set to true to enable booting the M3 from FLASH. 
   137         */
   138        metaonly config Bool bootFromFlash = true;
   140        /*!
   141         *  Initiate booting of the C28 processor.  Default is false. 
   142         *
   143         *  Set to true to enable the M3 to initiate boot of the C28.  
   144         *
   145         *  The address the C28 should boot from is defined by 
   146         *  `{@link #bootAddressC28}`. 
   147         * 
   148         *  If enabled, this will occur after the optional clock configuration 
   149         *  step, enabled by `{@link #configureClocks}`.
   150         */
   151        metaonly config Bool bootC28 = false;
   153        /*!
   154         *  Address the C28 processor should boot from.  Default is 0x13fffe. 
   155         *
   156         *  When booting the C28 (see `{@link #bootC28}`), the M3 will send an IPC 
   157         *  command to the C28 processor to start execution at a specific address.
   158         *  This configuration parameter defines that C28 address.  
   159         *
   160         *  The default address of 0x13fffe corresponds to the "BEGIN" address 
   161         *  in the C28 memory map.  When the C28 program is configured to boot from
   162         *  Flash as well (see the ti.catalog.c2800.concertoInit.Boot module),
   163         *  then a branch to c_int00 instruction is placed at "BEGIN".  If a 
   164         *  different address is needed (e.g., if BEGIN is moved, or if a different
   165         *  customer-provided address is to be used), bootAddressC28 must be changed
   166         *  accordingly.
   167         */
   168        metaonly config UInt bootAddressC28 = 0x13fffe;
   170        /*!
   171         *  @_nodoc
   172         *  ======== getFrequency ========
   173         *  Gets the resulting M3 CPU frequency (in Hz) given the Clock 
   174         *  configuration parameters. 
   175         *
   176         */
   177        UInt32 getFrequency();
   179        /*!
   180         *  @_nodoc    
   181         *  ======== registerFreqListener ========
   182         *  Register a module to be notified whenever the frequency changes.
   183         *
   184         *  The registered module must have a function named 'fireFrequencyUpdate'
   185         *  which takes the new frequency as an argument.
   186         */
   187        function registerFreqListener();
   189    internal:
   191        /* Used to display the computed frequency value in the Grace page. */
   192        metaonly config String displayFrequency;
   194    };
   195    /*
   196     *  @(#) ti.catalog.arm.cortexm3.concertoInit; 1, 0, 0,3; 7-20-2011 07:06:56; /db/ztree/library/trees/platform/platform-m25x/src/
   197     */