1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    /*!
    13     *  ======== SourceDir ========
    14     *  Manage config generated source directories
    15     *
    16     *  Every "product" can generate a collection of source files that
    17     *  must be compiled into a single library and linked with the
    18     *  application.  Each collection of source files is placed in a
    19     *  subdirectory of a top-level directory and contains a GNU make file,
    20     *  named makefile, which builds the library.
    21     *
    22     *  This module generates a top-level makefile that builds all "product"
    23     *  libraries, the top-level directory that houses the "product"
    24     *  sub-directories, and any files necessary for integration with eclipse/CDT
    25     *  managed make.  The generated "product" files need only ensure their
    26     *  sources can be built via their generated makefile (from their
    27     *  sub-directory).
    28     */
    29    @Template("./SourceDir.xdt")
    30    metaonly module SourceDir
    31    {
    32        /*!
    33         *  ======== outputDir ========
    34         *  Top-level directory for config generated sources and makefiles
    35         *
    36         *  This directory path can be either an absolute path or a path
    37         *  relative to the build working directory at the time source files
    38         *  are generated (this is NOT necessarily the same as the build
    39         *  directory at the time the generated sources are built!)
    40         *
    41         *  If `outputDir` is not set, files will be output to the `./src`
    42         *  sub-directory of the directory containing the configuration script.
    43         */
    44        config String outputDir;
    46        /*
    47         *  ======== toBuildDir ========
    48         *  Top-level build working directory
    49         *
    50         *  This config parameter is the build working directory for the
    51         *  sources generated into `{@link #outputDir}` and is used to determine
    52         *  a relative path from the build directory to the output directory.
    53         *
    54         *  The directory path can be either an absolute path, a path
    55         *  relative from the build working directory at the time source files
    56         *  are generated, or `undefined`.
    57         *
    58         *  If `toBuildDir` and `outputDir` are `undefined`
    59         *  `toBuildDir` is set to be the parent of the build working directory
    60         *  at the time source files are generated; i.e., `"../"`
    61         *
    62         *  If `toBuildDir` is `undefined` and `outputDir` is defined,
    63         *  `toBuildDir` is set to be the build working directory at the time
    64         *  source files are generated; i.e., `"./"`.
    65         */
    66        config String toBuildDir;
    68        /*!
    69         *  ======== makefileName ========
    70         *  Top-level makfile name
    71         *
    72         *  This name is the base name of the makefile which is created in 
    73         *  `outputDir`.
    74         */
    75        config String makefileName = "makefile.libs";
    77        /*!
    78         *  ======== verbose ========
    79         *  Output progress messages during a build
    80         *
    81         *  Positive values cause additional progress messages to be displayed.
    82         *  The greater the value, the more information is displayed.
    83         */
    84        config Int verbose = 0;
    86        /*!
    87         *  ======== getRelativePath ========
    88         */
    89        metaonly String getRelativePath(String fm, String to);
    91        /*!
    92         *  ======== build ========
    93         *  Run make using the generated makefiles
    94         */
    95        metaonly Int build();
    97    instance:
    98        /*
    99         *  ======== create ========
   100         */
   101        create(String name);
   103        /*!
   104         *  ======== getName ========
   105         */
   106        metaonly String getName();
   108        /*!
   109         *  ======== getGenSourceDir ========
   110         *  Get name of the output directory for this set of source files
   111         *
   112         *  The name is either an absolute path or a path relative to the 
   113         *  build directory at the time configuration is run.
   114         */
   115        metaonly String getGenSourceDir();
   117        /*!
   118         *  ======== getGenLibraryName ========
   119         *  Get name of the output library for this set of source files
   120         *
   121         *  The name is either an absolute path or a path relative to the 
   122         *  build directory at the time configuration is run.
   123         */
   124        metaonly String getGenLibraryName();
   126        /*!
   127         *  ======== sourceDir ========
   128         *  Source directory for a specific "product's" generated sources
   129         *
   130         *  This path must be relative to `outputDir`.
   131         */
   132        config String sourceDir;
   134        /*!
   135         *  ======== libraryName ========
   136         *  Name of library of compiled sources in `sourceDir`
   137         *
   138         *  This path must be relative to `outputDir`.
   139         */
   140        config String libraryName;
   141    }
   142    /*
   143     *  @(#) xdc.cfg; 1, 0, 2, 0,324; 4-29-2011 10:51:39; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc/xdc-x03x/src/packages/
   144     */