1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    package xdc.tools.product;
    14    /*!
    15     *  ======== IProductTemplate ========
    16     *  Interface to provide examples for a product
    17     *  
    18     *  This interface allows products to contribute examples to
    19     *  development environments like IDE's. This is an experimental 
    20     *  interface and is subject to change.
    21     */
    22    metaonly interface IProductTemplate
    23    {
    25        /*!
    26         *  ======== FileDesc ========
    27         *  Structure defining properties of a file included in an example
    28         *
    29         *  @field(path)                    Path to file relative to the package
    30         *                                  containing the implementation of 
    31         *                                  `IProductTemplate`
    32         *  @field(excludeFromBuild)        Flag indicating whether file
    33         *                                  should be excluded from build inside
    34         *                                  an IDE project 
    35         *  @field(openOnCreation)          Flag indicating whether the file
    36         *                                  should be opened when a project
    37         *                                  containing the example file is created
    38         *                                  by the IDE. 
    39         *  @field(copyIntoConfiguration)   Flag indicating whether the file
    40         *                                  should be copied into RTSC 
    41         *                                  configuration. This flag 
    42         *                                  applies only when the `isHybrid`
    43         *                                  flag of the {@link #TemplateInfo template} is set to
    44         *                                  `false`.
    45         *
    46         */ 
    47        struct FileDesc {
    48            String path;             /*! Path to file */
    49            Bool   excludeFromBuild; /*! Indicates whether file should be
    50                                         excluded from build 
    51                                      */
    52            Bool   openOnCreation;   /*! Indicates whether file should be
    53                                         opened on project creation
    54                                      */
    55            Bool   copyIntoConfiguration; /*! Indicates whether file should be
    56                                           *   copied into RTSC configuration 
    57                                           */
    58        };
    60        /*!
    61         *  ======== Filter ========
    62         *  Structure defining filter properties for an example
    63         *
    64         *  This structure allows example providers to define
    65         *  constraints for their examples. 
    66         *  IDEs may use the `Filter` properties of an example
    67         *  to decide whether the example should be presented to the user.
    68         *  
    69         *  The filter is evaluated by performing an 'AND' operation
    70         *  on its individual elements. In other words all the defined
    71         *  elements must evaluate to `true` for the filter to evaluate
    72         *  to `true`.
    73         *
    74         *  Example {@link #TemplateInfo providers} typically define an 
    75         *  array of filters. The filter array is evaluated using the 'OR' operation.
    76         *
    77         *  The filter allows the user to define the NOT property by
    78         *  inserting a "~" character at the start of the string. For
    79         *  example if the deviceFamily field is set to "~MSP430" the example
    80         *  will be displayed for all device families except MSP430.
    81         *
    82         *  @field(deviceFamily)   String indicating the device family 
    83         *                         eg. "MSP430","C6000"
    84         *  @field(deviceVariant)  String indicating device variant
    85         *                         eg. "C674X", "CortexA8"
    86         *  @field(deviceId)       String indicating the device part number
    87         *                         eg. "TMS320C6747"
    88         *  @field(endianness)     String indicating the device endianness
    89         *                         eg. "little", "big"
    90         *  @field(toolChain)      String indicating the tool chain
    91         *                         eg. "TI", "GNU"
    92         *  @field(outputFormat)   String indicating the object file format
    93         *                         eg. "COFF", "ELF"
    94         */ 
    95        struct Filter {
    96            String deviceFamily; 
    97            String deviceVariant;
    98            String deviceId;    
    99            String endianness;
   100            String toolChain;
   101            String outputFormat;
   102        }; 
   104        /*!
   105         *  ======== TemplateInfo ========
   106         *  TemplateInfo structure 
   107         *
   108         *  @field(title)             String containing the title of the template
   109         *  @field(fileList)          Array of {@link #FileDesc} defining the
   110         *                            properties of the files contributed by this example.
   111         *  @field(description)       String containing  description of example
   112         *  @field(target)            String containing RTSC target
   113         *  @field(platform)          String containing RTSC platform
   114         *  @field(buildProfile)      String containing RTSC build profile
   115         *  @field(linkerCommandFile) Linker command file for the example. If
   116         *                            this is set to the empty string then no
   117         *                            linker command file is added by the IDE
   118         *                            to the example. If this is not defined 
   119         *                            then the wizard picks the default
   120         *                            linker command file for the selected device. 
   121         *  @field(requiredProducts)  Products required to build this
   122         *                            example. Products are  identified by
   123         *                            their globally unique 
   124         *                            {@link xdc.tools.product.IProduct#id} 
   125         *                            eg. 'com.ti.bios'. Dependency on a 
   126         *                            minimum version of a product maybe
   127         *                            defined in the following manner
   128         *                            : <product-id>:<min-version>
   129         *  @field(groups)            Array of strings referring example groups
   130         *                            that a particular example may
   131         *                            belong. Example providers may want to
   132         *                            provide examples that are part of an
   133         *                            existing example group eg."Empty Projects" 
   134         *                            that are defined elsewhere. The
   135         *                            groups are identified by an unique id.
   136         *  @field(configOnly)        Flag indicating to the IDE
   137         *                            whether example contributes only
   138         *                            to a RTSC configuration project.
   139         *  @field(isHybrid)          Flag indicating to the IDE 
   140         *                            whether example contains RTSC 
   141         *                            configuration  and target 
   142         *                            content files in one project.
   143         *                            If this field is set to `true` 
   144         *                            then the IDE consuming this example will 
   145         *                            create one project with all the
   146         *                            files. Otherwise multiple projects will 
   147         *                            be created - one containing the
   148         *                            target content and the other containing 
   149         *                            the RTSC configuration files. This flag
   150         *                            is applies only when `configOnly`
   151         *                            flag is set to `false`.
   152         *  @field(filterArr)         Array of {@link #Filter}. Used to specify
   153         *                            the constraints for a particular
   154         *                            example. The filter array is evaluated using
   155         *                            an OR operation on the individual array
   156         *                            elements. Note that individual elements 
   157         *                            within a {@link #Filter filter} is evaluated with the 
   158         *                            'AND' operation. 
   159         *                          
   160         */ 
   161        struct TemplateInfo {
   162            String   title;              /*! Title of example */
   163            FileDesc fileList[];         /*! List of files along with properties 
   164                                          * for example
   165                                          */
   166            String   description;        /*! Description of example */
   167            String   target;             /*! RTSC target */
   168            String   platform;           /*! RTSC platform */
   169            String   buildProfile;       /*! RTSC build profile */
   170            String   linkerCommandFile;  /*! Linker command file for the example */
   171            String   requiredProducts[]; /*! List of products required to build
   172                                          *  this example
   173                                          */
   174            String   groups[];           /*! Array of group ids */ 
   175            Bool     legacyTcf;          
   176            Bool     configOnly;         /*! Indicates whether only a RTSC
   177                                          *  configuration project should
   178                                          *  be created for this example.
   179                                          */
   180            Bool     isHybrid;           /*! Indicates whether application and
   181                                          * configuration content exists in
   182                                          * one project
   183                                          */ 
   184            Filter   filterArr[];        /*! Array of filters for example */
   185        };
   188        /*!
   189         *  ======== TemplateGroup ========
   190         *  TemplateGroup structure
   191         *
   192         *  This structure maybe used to define a hierarchy of examples
   193         *  for the product. Examples maybe logically organized into groups 
   194         *  with an unique `id` and may specify membership of other groups  
   195         *  by referring to their ids in the `groups` array. In this manner 
   196         *  the example producer can define a tree topology of examples for 
   197         *  their product.  Once the template groups are defined the  
   198         *  individual examples may specify their membership of a template 
   199         *  group in the `groups` array of {@link #TemplateInfo}. The example
   200         *  provider may specify all the defined groups for their product in 
   201         *  {@link #templateGroupArr}.
   202         *
   203         *  @field(id) Unique id for the template group
   204         *  @field(name) Name of the group
   205         *  @field(description) Description of the group
   206         *  @field(groups) Array of group ids used to specify
   207         *                 membership of other groups.
   208         * 
   209         */ 
   211       struct TemplateGroup {
   212            String id;
   213            String name;
   214            String description;
   215            String groups[];
   216       }; 
   219        /*!
   220         *  ======== templateArr ========
   221         *  Examples contained in the product
   222         *
   223         */ 
   224        config TemplateInfo templateArr[];
   227        /*!
   228         *  ======== templateGroupArr ========
   229         *  Array fo template group ids
   230         *
   231         *  This maybe optionally specified by example providers who want to
   232         *  organize their examples in groups. 
   233         */
   235        config TemplateGroup templateGroupArr[] = [];
   237    }
   238    /*
   239     *  @(#) xdc.tools.product; 1, 0, 0,40; 10-15-2010 11:41:34; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdctools/xdctools-d45x/src/
   240     */