1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    /*!
    13     *  ======== Trace ========
    14     *  Trace support
    15     *
    16     *  This module allows system integrators to selectively enable trace
    17     *  statements, from within XDCscripts. Trace statements can be selected
    18     *  based on the file (capsule) and the package in which they are located.
    19     *  For example, trace statements from file `Mod.xs` in package `myPkgs.pkgA'
    20     *  can be enabled either with `Trace.capsuleEnable(["myPkgs/pkgA/Mod"])` or
    21     *  with `Trace.packageEnable(["myPkgs.pkgA"])`.
    22     *
    23     *  Trace statements can also belong to groups, strings defined by package
    24     *  producers when they need to group related trace statements, distributed
    25     *  across different modules and packages, into trace units that can be
    26     *  disabled or enabled as a whole. If some of the trace statements from file
    27     *  `Mod.xs` are tagged to belong to a group "init", the following will
    28     *  activate them:
    29     *  @p(code)
    30     *  Trace.groupEnable(["init"]);
    31     *  @p
    32     *
    33     *  Each trace statement by default belongs to the group "all". To activate
    34     *  all trace statements:
    35     *  @p(code)
    36     *  Trace.setLevel(2);
    37     *  Trace.groupEnable(["all"]);
    38     *  @p
    39     * 
    40     */
    41    metaonly module Trace {
    43        typedef String StringArray[];
    45        /*!
    46         *  ======== level ========
    47         *  @_nodoc
    48         *  Select the amount of printed messages
    49         */
    50        config Int level = 0;
    52        /*!
    53         *  ======== capsules ========
    54         *  @_nodoc
    55         *  Array of regular expressions enabling trace in capsules 
    56         */
    57        config StringArray capsules = [];
    59        /*!
    60         *  ======== packages ========
    61         *  @_nodoc
    62         *  Array of regular expressions enabling trace in packages 
    63         */
    64        config StringArray packages = [];
    66        /*!
    67         *  ======== groups ========
    68         *  @_nodoc
    69         *  Array of regular expressions enabling trace in groups 
    70         */
    71        config StringArray groups = [];
    73        /*!
    74         *  ======== packageLoad ========
    75         *  Enable trace of loaded packages
    76         *
    77         *  This setting enables the messages related to loading packages.
    78         *  If `true`, whenever a package is loaded, the following info is
    79         *  displayed:
    80         *  @p(blist)
    81         *  - name of a package loading another package
    82         *  - name of the loaded package
    83         *  - repository from which the package is being loaded 
    84         *  @p 
    85         */
    86        config Bool packageLoad = false;
    88        /*!
    89         *  ======== useModule ========
    90         *  Enable trace of used modules
    91         *
    92         *  This setting enables the messages that inform when the function
    93         *  `xdc.useModule()` is invoked on a module, and when a module's
    94         *  `module$use` function is invoked.
    95         */
    96        config Bool useModule = false;
    98        /*!
    99         *  ======== addSupergroup ========
   100         *  Add a group that contains other groups
   101         *
   102         *  This function allows giving a name to an array of existing 
   103         *  trace groups.
   104         *
   105         *  @param supergroup       name of the new group
   106         *
   107         *  @param subgroups        array of the existing trace groups
   108         */
   109        Void addSupergroup(String supergroup, StringArray subgroups);
   111        /*!
   112         *  ======== capsuleEnable ========
   113         *  Enable trace output from selected capsules
   114         *
   115         *  Capsules are either XDCscript files or Java source files. The
   116         *  function parameter is treated as an array of JavaScript
   117         *  regular expressions, therefore it can contain partial capsule
   118         *  names.
   119         *
   120         *  If this function is invoked repeatedly, each new call replaces
   121         *  the array of currently enabled capsules with the array supplied
   122         *  as the parameter. The array of the currently enabled capsules is
   123         *  returned. If the function is invoked with a zero-length array, it
   124         *  returns the currently enabled capsules, but it also leaves them
   125         *  active. Therefore, the sequence of calls that would add new 
   126         *  capsules instead of replacing the current ones is:
   127         *  @p(code)
   128         *  var current = Trace.capsuleEnable([]);
   129         *  current[current.length++] = "pkg/ModA.xs";
   130         *  current[current.length++] = "pkg/ModB.xs";
   131         *  Trace.capsuleEnable(current);
   132         *  @p
   133         *
   134         *  To disable trace for all capsules, the function must be invoked
   135         *  with an empty string as the only element of the array.
   136         *  @p(code)
   137         *  Trace.capsuleEnable([""]);
   138         *  @p
   139         *
   140         *  @params capsules        array of capsule names
   141         *
   142         *  @a(return)              array of currently enabled capsule names
   143         */
   144        StringArray capsuleEnable(StringArray capsules);
   146        /*!
   147         *  ======== groupEnable ========
   148         *  Enable trace output from selected groups
   149         *
   150         *  A group is a string defined by package producers when they need to
   151         *  group related trace statements, distributed across different
   152         *  modules and packages, into trace units that can be disabled or
   153         *  enabled as a whole. The function parameter is treated as an array
   154         *  of JavaScript regular expressions, therefore it can contain partial
   155         *  group names.
   156         *
   157         *  If this function is invoked repeatedly, each new call replaces
   158         *  the array of currently enabled groups with the array supplied
   159         *  as the parameter. The array of the currently enabled groups is
   160         *  returned. If the function is invoked with a zero-length array, it
   161         *  returns the currently enabled groups, but it also leaves them
   162         *  active. Therefore, the sequence of calls that would add new groups 
   163         *  instead of replacing the current ones is:
   164         *  @p(code)
   165         *  var current = Trace.groupEnable([]);
   166         *  current[current.length++] = "libPkgs";
   167         *  Trace.groupEnable(current);
   168         *  @p
   169         *
   170         *  To disable trace for all groups, the function must be invoked
   171         *  with an empty string as the only element of the array.
   172         *  @p(code)
   173         *  Trace.groupEnable([""]);
   174         *  @p
   175         *
   176         *  @params groups  array of groups
   177         *
   178         *  @a(return)      array of currently enabled groups
   179         */
   180        StringArray groupEnable(StringArray groups);
   182        /*!
   183         *  ======== packageEnable ========
   184         *  Enable trace output from selected packages
   185         *
   186         *  Packages that can be enabled through this function are RTSC
   187         *  packages and Java packages. The function parameter is treated as
   188         *  an array of JavaScript regular expressions, therefore it can
   189         *  contain partial package names.
   190         *
   191         *  If this function is invoked repeatedly, each new call replaces
   192         *  the array of currently enabled packages with the array supplied
   193         *  as the parameter. The array of the currently enabled packages is
   194         *  returned. If the function is invoked with a zero-length array, it
   195         *  returns the currently enabled packages, but it also leaves them
   196         *  active. Therefore, the sequence of calls that would add new 
   197         *  packages instead of replacing the current ones is:
   198         *  @p(code)
   199         *  var current = Trace.packageEnable([]);
   200         *  current[current.length++] = "ti.targets";
   201         *  Trace.packageEnable(current);
   202         *  @p
   203         *
   204         *  To disable trace for all packages, the function must be invoked
   205         *  with an empty string as the only element of the array.
   206         *  @p(code)
   207         *  Trace.packageEnable([""]);
   208         *  @p
   209         *
   210         *  @params capsules        array of package names
   211         *
   212         *  @a(return)              array of currently enabled package names
   213         */
   214        StringArray packageEnable(StringArray packages);
   216        /*!
   217         *  ======== setLevel ========
   218         *  Set the verbosity level
   219         *
   220         *  This function limits trace output to trace statement tagged with
   221         *  level equal or lower than this function's parameter. By default,
   222         *  the verbosity level is set to 0, which is the least verbose level.
   223         *  The most verbose level is 2.
   224         */
   225        Int setLevel(Int level);
   227        /*!
   228         *  ======== start ========
   229         *  @_nodoc
   230         *  Activate trace
   231         */
   232        Void start();
   233    }
   234    /*
   235     *  @(#) xdc.services.global; 1, 0, 0,298; 1-12-2011 10:12:32; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc/xdc-v55x/src/packages/
   236     */